Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 253: Top 8 produced

Ye Qingxuan looked at Wan Guotai, who was extremely excited on the field, and glanced at Zhan Yu who hurriedly walked towards the brothers of the Liang family. He smiled slightly. With this alert second brother, there is no need to worry too much about human affairs. The older brother shot a bit harder, and there was the "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu's appearance. This is enough. Don't worry about the other party's revenge. .

Here, Zhan Yu went to restore Liang Xinglie's lost emotions, and apologized for the overwhelming shot of his brother Wan Guotai. Ye Qingxuan followed the crowd and accompanied the inexplicable Wan Guotai to the contest.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Congratulations on your victory and return-"

Wan Guotai flushed with excitement and said shamefully, "Where, where, thanks to the winning trick that my eldest nephew passed to me, it was really neat to defeat! The eldest brother thanked the seventh brother and the nephew!"

My name is Xun Shengzhuan's trick! ?

Ye Qingxuan turned back to give Gui Guisheng a stern glance, and knew in his heart that the goods would not hold his own name, and the elder brother would not listen to anything, but the dog is good at making claims, playing these little smarts, sooner or later Something went wrong.

It seems to look back and learn the lesson.

IWC's competition ended, even if the first four games were all over, after a few people went back, prepare a little, the second round of four games began.

Within a day, all sixteen games were successfully completed. Qingyunguan eliminated most of this time. Only Lu Yundong and Yunzhu remained in the sixteenth place. The rest were defeated by opponents. Xie Yunan lost in After Bei Mingyuzhuo's men, Yun Chong was defeated by Liang Jia's old sword, Lu Yundong was defeated by his brother Ruhua ...

Soon after everyone returned to the small courtyard, Xuan Xuan went to the door to apologize. This person looks better than Pan An, and he is extremely suitable for receiving people. It gives people a feeling of spring, but Ye Qingxuan is more or less wary of him. Not only because of the doubts Jiang Shuihan told him, but also because Ye Qingxuan had an insecure mysterious feeling about this person. The most direct reason was that Zong Xuan was injured in the Crested House of Yihong. When he was qi, he couldn't see what the other person's body was like. This was the feeling that Ye Qingxuan had never returned.

The opponent's kung fu feels very familiar, but the "Langya Lingbi Pavilion" cannot be detected. It seems that the other party has a special type, which is covered with a layer of black gauze, so that it is unknown to outsiders. This is mysterious enough for others, but for Ye Qingxuan, it seems that this person wants to make a difference.

If there is no misconduct, why cover up?

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan was a little uneasy about this always active approach to Zong Xuan, quietly alerting, but on the surface, it was just as enthusiastic as everyone else.

This day is over.

When everyone returned to the room, they found that Xie Yunan, who ended the contest at the earliest, was gone. Everyone remembered that they did n’t see anyone for a whole day. They thought they had gone to watch the game, so they did n’t care. Seeing that it was almost late at night, everyone was a little anxious before this one had returned.

Ye Qingxuan thought about it and told everyone not to worry, after all, such an adult, nothing will happen to him, you should be a bit stimulated by the loss of competition. It is estimated that you can drink in a short time, and you can come back later.

Everyone was slightly relieved in their hearts. After waiting until late at night, Xie Yunan came back from the outside, still holding a hip flask in his hand. Ye Qingxuan never slept, waiting for him in the courtyard. When the buddy saw him, Ye Qingxuan, crying directly on the knees.

Although his opponent is Shaoyin Jianbei Mingyuzhu, but he is also a human, how can he be so much better than himself? In one move, I did n’t even have a mobile phone, and I was directly sent to the family, and I fell into a halo under the beating platform ... Xie Yunan felt that he had lost his adult, listening to the cold words of the surrounding crowd, especially It is for this reason that the slander of Qing Yunguan made him even more ashamed. He felt that when everyone else glorified Shi Men, he lost face to Shi Men, and he was extremely regretful. I especially regret why I did n’t know how to fight and practice when I was young. It was only when I was so old that I started to practice martial arts and then I started to know how to live.

"Uncle Xiao, I have lost face with TMD now, and now TMD knows that I regret it ... Are you saying that I'm too late? Is there no way in my life to win that Beiming Yuzhuo? That **** I did n’t pinch my eyelids, even if it was a fart, I could frown. No, I ’m a real TMD. I ’m ignored. Little Master, give me a way to win that bastard! ”

When Ye Qingxuan heard it, he had a consoling expression on his face, and at the same time he laughed and said, "Yeah, Yun An, it seems that this defeat is not a loss, you have grown a bit, you know what you want to do ... … I promised to thank you for accepting you into the teacher's door. I mainly watched you as an inspiring person with a sense of mind. If you can bring down martial arts, you may be a little bit better. But you have been working hard enough, but in your heart There has been no goal, I do n’t know what to do, no sense of urgency. Now, Bei Mingyu has become the goal you want. Finally, you want to know what to do ... Rest assured, go back and work hard, you are now 'Peiyuan Realm' is a great success, breaking through 'True Realm Reality' is just around the corner. Your [Zixia Magic Gong] I will help you plant the 'Lagerstroemia Ring' and push it to the fastest speed, guaranteeing you three You will enter the peak of the “Diyuan Realm” during the year, but you will at least spend more than ten years to consolidate and appreciate this stage. As long as you are willing to work hard, I will try my best to ensure that you enter the innate, do you understand? ”

In a word, Ye Qingxuan promised to help him enter the innate. If there were other warriors here, in the face of a person who has not entered the innate, it is undoubtedly ridiculous to ensure that others enter the innate, but Xie Yunan is not. It is ridiculous, because he believes that the words of this little uncle absolutely did not lie, he can certainly say and do, he is only excited, excited about the future promise situation.

Uncle Xiaobao keeps me alive! ?

This is so exciting ...

The next three days' rest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ During this period, everyone analyzed the remaining opponents to see how far they could go if they were lucky.

When the game of entering the quarter-finals came again, everyone suddenly realized that despite studying many opponents, they did not think what would happen when they met their own brothers ...

Ye Qingxuan met Meng Yuanzhang, Zhan Yu played against Wan Guotai, Ruhua played against Lu Yundong, and Huang Fu Taiming faced a piece of loose stone ...

After a battle, Ye Qingxuan, Zhan Yu, Ru Hua, and Huang Fu Taiming were successfully promoted, while the other four were defeated.

As for the others, Jiang Shuihan met Li Daozong, and the results were self-evident.

However, Yun Zhu encountered another master, who has been obscured until now. Only then did he shine, the "silver halberd" Cen Peng, the first master of Yangzhou Wulin Baidao, and the apprentice of "A halberd" Xun Aotian.

After the selection of the top eight candidates, the master finally became the last obstacle for Ye Qingxuan to enter the top four. (To be continued.)

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