Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 254: Round of 8

Eight finalists are produced.

Ye Qingxuan's party was a brilliant show. Zhan Yu, Huangfu Taiming, Ruhua Monk, and Ye Qingxuan. Of the eight brothers, these four have the strongest fighting power and can appear at the same time. The brothers are all happy.

The other four players in the quarterfinals are "Little Sword God" Li Daozong, "Shaoyin Sword" Beiming Yuzhuo, "Silver Halberd General" Cui Peng, and "Jade Face Xiaomeng Tsang" Zong Xuan.

It is worth mentioning that during the top 16 of the competition, Huo Tingzun and Huangfu Taiyu met strong opponents and were eliminated. Of course, people who are interested in finding that the two ended the competition at a very fast speed, and they ran in one direction. Go, seems to be looking for someone ...

It may be that the two have given up the game and may be chasing Su Ya.

The list of the top eight draws has been prepared two days in advance, and it has been fully announced on the public list in each garden ...

First game:

Zong Xuan of "Yu Mian Xiao Meng tastes" against a flowering monk;

Second game:

"Shaoyin Sword" Bei Mingyuzhuo against Huangfu Taiming;

Third game:

"Silver Halberd" Cui Peng vs. Ye Qingxuan;

Fourth game:

"Little Sword God" Li Daozong played against "Little Eagle King" to show off his feathers.

There is no doubt that if Hua and Ye Qingxuan were drawn to the lottery, Zong Xuan and Cui Peng who did not know where they came from are undoubtedly the weakest two of the top eight. Although they were reviewed by the jury, they were both " Diyuan Realm "peak state, but obviously cannot be compared with Bei Mingyuzhuo or Li Daozong in terms of momentum.

However, there were some concerns about Huang Futaiming from Bei Mingyu and Zhan Yu against Li Daozong.

These two people have already represented the most outstanding generation of this generation of young warriors. Although the core disciples of the Baekdo faction did not participate in this "Kirin Club." But the two were masters of the Beiming family and the generation of "One Sword Villa". It is enough to represent the level of the strongest disciples in other major schools, and even exceeds it slightly.

Therefore, although others are worried about the victory or defeat of the competition, Huang Fu Taiming and Zhan Yu who participated in the competition are very happy and even inexplicable.

"If there is an opportunity for you to be the focus of attention of the world, are you afraid of the unknown of the future or excited about meeting the challenge? I tell you. I am very excited ..." Zhan Yu's eyes radiated unprecedentedly The militant ray of light reminds the eagle who found the prey, "Li Daozong? Kung Fu is good, maybe I will lose, but I will never be afraid of challenges ... In my dictionary, there is no word 'fear of war', only 'Fighting!' "

Huangfu Taiming also shined his eyes, and his right hand flicked his fist violently, and the flash of golden lightning flashed on his fist, causing the air to buzz.

"Within a month. My [King Kong Fu Demon Magical Power] has become a little bit. This is really an overbearing exercise. I am about to compete with 'Shaoyin Sword' to let the world know me [King Kong Fu What's the power of magic? "

Emperor Taiming, who was originally angry at some books, gradually became overbearing and arrogant after he practiced [King Kong Fu magical powers]. At this time, his words of self-confidence combined with the horror of thunder and thunder. The battle of Zhuo is full of expectations.

Early in the morning of the quarter-finals, the people of Nanlong Village prepared the incense case at the competition venue and put on tributes. The pigs, cattle, and sheep were complete, and they worshiped the sky to show their grandness.

The innate masters headed by "Southern Dragon" Wei Xiaotian stepped forward and burned incense and prayed. Everything looked like a decent and well-formed rule, and they even wrote a ritual and burned the sacrifice to heaven.

This manipulation took two hours.

Everyone was waiting impatiently and chatting in the tent.

As soon as two hours passed, alas, there was a drum outside, and at ten o'clock in the morning, the first game was about to begin!

"Okay, it's me! Brothers sit for a while, then go back to the family!" Ruhua, the monk, stood up and shook his water-milled zen stick, and the copper ring on the zen stick rattled.

"No more nonsense, all the brothers will go with ..." Wan Guotai struck the moon with the blue sword in his hands, stood up and yelled.

The gui sheng who is best able to interrupt her gag also stood up and whispered, "Yeah, yeah, my uncle is right! Many brothers of our five uncles have cheered in the past, nothing else, shouting together, I can lay that little white face down! "

The crowd burst out laughing.

Since having this big nephew who is okay, everyone laughs a lot longer than usual.

The monk Ruhua just ran out two steps with the water-moulded Zen stick. Suddenly he bowed his head and drilled back again, startling everyone behind him.

"What's wrong, fifth child, why are you back?"

Ruhua looked stupid, scratched her head, and said, "Straight, straight mother thief! Sprinkle, sprinkle family hungry-"

The brothers were stupid immediately, and then burst into laughter.

Zhan Yu was so angry that he pointed at the flowers and scolded: "Your dog eats six drawer buns and four bowls of congee in the morning. Why are you tmd still hungry? You have a bucket--"

"No, no wine, no, no meat, no, not full!" Ruhua said, pinching her neck.

"Hurry up and wait for you ..." Wan Guotai pleaded earnestly, "Compete with martial arts, elder brother invites you to eat meat, let you have enough, now I can't bear it ..."

"Hungry, hungry, no, no energy ..." Ruhua said sadly.

Everyone was helpless for a while. Where can I get you food at this time?

Everyone was here to persuade Ruhua, and they didn't notice that there was one less person around, but when they worked hard, they heard someone running and yelling, "The five uncles are waiting, wine and meat are coming!"

The crowd was startled, and when they looked back, they saw Gui Guisheng holding a large jar of wine in one hand and a huge ox head in the other hand. Sayazi ran towards this side, and there were several disciples of Nanlong Shanzhuang behind him. Chasing desperately, one by one flushed with blush and jumped up high: "The thief in front of me stood still, you are a man with smoke and smoke, you tmd stole the tribute to the festival, what do you make of the ceremony? get on?"

Everyone was foolish at first glance, how dare you do anything like Gui Zisheng's stuff? Is this ox head the ox head that was placed on the confession before? You are too brave, so many martial arts seniors are on the stage, you dare to grab the bull head?

The crowd has not responded yet, and the flowery monk here laughed loudly: "Hahaha, good nephew, look back at the five uncles and cover you, throw away the wine and meat!"

"Come here—"

Gui Zhengsheng lost his help, and whispered, two winds rang, and went straight to the flower-like monk.

"Laowu, don't make a fool, that is a tribute!" Zhan Yu's shout was not good for a monk like Ruhua who grew up in the old forest in the deep mountains. He flew in the air, fry with two hands, a cow head, and an old wine. It was inside, patted the mud seal of the altar, and the monk raised his head in a rage, and then grabbed the bull's head in his right hand.

Fortunately, the three sacrifices selected for this sacrifice are full-fledged offerings. If they are born, they will be troubled.

If you take a bite of wine, a bite of meat, you bite like an old man in the mountains. After two bites, Yangtian laughed wildly, and a lion roared out—

"Small white face of the surname Zong, your family is like a Buddha Buddha—"

The brothers behind him were scared.

For example, the monk in the flower creaks a zen stick in his nest, with a cow's head and a wine jar, and the fierce spirit rushes towards Biwutai ...

Zhan Yu quickly waved and yelled, "Fifth child, start tapping, that's our friend ..."

What friends are not friends, like the one who cares about you. In the first few games, the only one who kept one move to win was the flowery monk.

The 300-pound water-milling zen stick whistled as soon as it was lifted, and the body was slightly thinner, and all could be blown out directly.

The only time Ruhua had slightly lightened her hand was the last game against Lu Yundong. A zen stick was inserted between Lu Yundong's legs and then lifted. Lu Yundong became a Yunlong dragon and flew out more than forty meters. The light work was slightly better. It was not disabled.

Since participating in the competition, Ruhua has not really released her arms to fight in a match. The object of the competition is not his opponent at all, he can't even take a trick, and his strength is exhausted. Flushed.

After this meal is full, we must fight with people for 300 rounds.

If the momentum rushed out like crazy, a few brothers couldn't help but just keep up quickly.

Ye Qingxuan stood up and yelled, "I'm following the 5th and 2nd brothers, please troubleshoot the troubles at the Nanlong Villa ..."

Zhan Yu shook her head with a bitter smile: "Well, well, I have to do this **** rubbing!"

Gui Yesheng laughed and said, "Second Uncle, don't you worry, don't you have me here?"

"You get me, no bull head, I cut your head off and put it on as a tribute ..."

At this time, Zong Xuan on the battlefield was standing there with his eyes closed, his expression relaxed.

A white satin arrow sleeve tight-fitting samurai suit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Crimson satin loincloth, with a large white and red edge hero badge, a steel thick back red diamond knife leaning back, the red badger fluttered in the wind In the show, the sound of flapping is the forehead and the shoulders, which set off the whole person as a magnificent and magnificent ...

Everyone followed Ruhua to Biwutai, and in the distance, they saw Zongxuan, the “Jade Noodle Mengta” standing on the spot. At this time, Qi Xuanxuan's image of Zong Xuan was seen by everyone, and he couldn't help but scream "Good"!

At this time, the two-way drums have passed for a long time. After the third-way drums are sounded, the competition will begin. Those who have not reached the deadline will be deemed to have abandoned the game.

At this time, Zong Xuan, a flower buddhist monk, still did not see him. At the time, Zong Xuan kept the peace before the war, but the warriors watching the battle around were a little impatient ...

Everyone was talking about it, guessing whether the unknown monk Ruhua was afraid of the enemy, and when he heard a lion roar that shook the world from afar--

"Small white face of surname Zong, your family is here like Buddha Buddha"-(To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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