Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 258: Intermittent gossip

Jiang Shuihan groaned a little and then said, "Although Motianling was judged to have failed by the notaries invited by both parties, and he withdrew from the Yangzhou realm in accordance with the rules, Xing Aotian was a very short-guarded person. The apprentice has been conspired, it is naturally furious, so in the past few years, he has been sending people to kill Huo Tingzun. Huo Tingzun has come here to participate in the 'Kirin Club', I am afraid that there is a certain reason to avoid the endless chase of the 'Kiguai'. kill.."

Oh I got it.

Everyone heard Jiang Shuihan's explanation and immediately realized.

Huantai competitions sound old and rustic, but this project is the most basic and commonly used way to solve problems between underworlds, or even between white gangs and underworlds. Especially when the contradiction between the two parties has reached the stage of no reconciliation.

When encountering unsolvable problems between two close-killed factions on the rivers and lakes, Huantai won the battle with the highest surname-price ratio, because once the two sides started a full-scale battle, killing one thousand enemies and self-damaging 800 In the end, both sides may be reduced to losers.

Ye Qingxuan slowly said, "Since Cen Peng is the enemy of the Motianling, the enemy of the enemy is our friend. Since this time let me run into it, you can't miss it. See how this person is, if the person is good, why not Just make friends and maybe use it later. "

When everyone heard this, they all nodded and said good things. The young people just want to make friends with the Quartet, and then they will go well.

In the afternoon when the third game was scheduled, everyone simply ate something and waited early in the tent for the afternoon game.

Taking advantage of his free time, Ye Qingxuan fiddled with the dust in his hand to "swing the demon". The original two-foot-long cloud whisker suddenly became longer, suddenly shorter, and suddenly divided into several strands as Ye Qingxuan's true urges. Suddenly, it was a bunch, it was amazing.

Ye Qingxuan unscrewed the end of the whisk handle again, revealing a small hole, reached out and pulled out two pages of yellowed paper scrolls, and unfolded them to watch. One page was a map and the other was a martial arts secret.

Ye Qingxuan didn't look at the map in detail, but just watched this intently method called [Dangdang Bafang].

This is the secret discovered by Ye Qingxuan after he brushed Dang Dang's "Swinging Demon". At the back of Fu Ding's handle is a decoration that can be unscrewed. Inside are the two pages of paper scrolls. It should be quite a long time ago. The map depicts a hidden place in Blueview, but the above is written here with a lot of organs, which is extremely dangerous. The successor must be the master of Blueview. "Magic" whisk the dust, you must also learn this trick [clean up all directions] brush method. With these two things, it is like getting a key, and you can freely enter and leave this forbidden area of ​​blue sky.

According to the map, the forbidden place hides the big secret of the blue view, which is the root of the view, and contains all the martial arts of the blue view. Only the master of the blue view is entitled to know this secret and enter Participate in Wushu.

Ye Qingxuan is very interested in this blue view, but the main reason is not because of the mighty power of Wu Qisoul, but the dusting "demon" and the sword "blue".

At a glance, these two treasures are ancient artifacts that have been passed down for hundreds of years. They are extremely precious and powerful. If you look at the "three extremists" witch abandoning the soul and showing the martial arts, they are extremely clever, but he is a monk himself and his skill is not deep Only then did they show their due level, and such a powerful view of blue sky turned out to be unknown in the world, making people doubtful and curious.

This map is just a topographic map that shows the location of this blue sky forbidden area, but there is no map inside the forbidden area. I do n’t know if this forbidden space was swept away by the witch abandoning the soul, so Ye Qingxuan was not curious about this place, but just showed full interest in the trick [Dangdang Bafang].

Within a few days, Ye Qingxuan had already practiced this martial arts skill very well, but he had never tried to use it in the enemy, so he chose to try it in this competition to see how powerful it is.

After familiarizing with that martial arts formula again, I looked carefully to see if I hadn't noticed or made any mistakes. After finally confirming that I had fully mastered this trick, Ye Qingxuanfang reassuredly put the two pages again. It was tucked back into the whisk.

I don't know when I can swim in the mountains freely, and at that time, I will definitely explore these hidden places to satisfy my curiosity in search of secret exploration.

After lunch, the individuals closed their eyes and recuperated, and the tent became extremely quiet for a while. At this moment, a snoring sound like a thunder sounded, causing everyone to frown at the same time.

In particular, Ye Qingxuan was thinking about how to match swordsmanship and brushing method during the competition, and was immediately annoyed by the snoring sound. He looked up at Gui Guisheng who was full, satiated, and sleepy. Ye Qingxuan couldn't help getting upstairs, and said in his heart: Okay, I ’m going to compete with others to win or lose. Is your turtle son still sleeping on this stuffy head? How laid back.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Qi, and his heart moved. This boy has a lot of time to be his own son. Looking at it, he is still agitated, and has spent a lot of effort for everyone. He has made a little credit for this opportunity. Check your physical fitness to see if there is anything left for this old boy to cultivate.

Ye Qingxuan thought of this, and he was so angry that he fluttered in his hands, suddenly split into eight strands, like an octopus, entangled the sound of Gui Guisheng with a thunderous sound.

Gui Xunsheng immediately woke up, and he just exited with an exclaim. He had been swept into the air by the "dangerous demon", as if entangled by the giant monsters of the North Sea, and was thrown away by Ye Qingxuan at random, thrown away Rise, then roll your legs and feet, circle in the air, make a whistling wind ...

"Godfather, spare me ..."

The scream of Gui Zhesheng screamed from the air.

When everyone heard the sound, they all came over and laughed softly.

Wan Guotai frowned, and said, "Seventh brother, what are you bullying the grandson's nephew? Hurry up and let him down ..."

Ye Qingxuan grinned and said, "If you hit a child on a rainy day, you are idle ..."

Wan Guotai was even more angry and scolded: "I think you are really busy, so let me down!"

Ye Qingxuan put out her tongue and gently put down the miserable Gui Sheng. Looking at the goods again, the braids were scattered, the flowers on the head were gone, the clothes were messy, the mouth and eyes were skewed, and drool and snot flowed across the face.

Gui Yansheng walked over and walked slowly and said with pity, "Godfather, if the child has done something wrong, you can just punish him, if you can't toss me like that."

Ye Qingxuan grinned and said, "Do n’t you yell at me here, but just wake you up with nothing and try to see where your kung fu has come ..."

Upon hearing Gui Guisheng's eyes, he immediately put out his eyes, hurriedly poured a cup of tea from the side, and said with a charming look: "Oh god, are you trying to pass me my time? Don't worry, I won't give you The old man is ashamed ... "

"Don't talk nonsense, listen to me ..." Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said slowly: "Your kid has good roots and bones, and he was born with a pair of copper skin and iron bones. Unfortunately, he didn't meet a famous teacher ..."

"Yeah, godfather, I'm delaying these mediocre people who don't know gold!"

"Less nonsense. When I speak, you listen to become ..."

"Well, well ..."

Ye Qingxuan took a glance at Gui Guisheng and continued, "It ’s not just the unrecognized teacher, your kid has also discarded himself! You do n’t use internal skills and mental methods to help you practice some external methods, especially this one. Kung Fu on your hands, what are you doing [Iron Palm], [Bronze Hammer Hand], there is no vitality, and the result of your forced practice is that you have injured all the tendons on your hands, and the injuries over the years have been increased. Injury, now your hands look strong and powerful, but in fact, nerve fibers, tendons, and meridians have been completely adhered together. There is already bone hyperplasia, muscle sclerosis, inaccessible blood vessels, tendon knots, and blocked meridians. It ’s good to have a little consciousness. If you let this practice for another year, at least one year, at least half a year, even if your hands are useless, you have to cut them down ... "

"Ah?" Gui Yesheng was startled, "Oh, father, you can save me, I don't understand it. I followed the others and worked hard, but I thought it was harmful." You ... Godfather, think of a way to save me ... "

Ye Qingxuan sighed and said, "You, you, you were too old. Are you in your thirties now? You are all in your thirties, and you haven't even reached the peak of your physical fitness. Even if you give you peerless martial arts in your life, your achievements are limited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is more difficult to build up your internal strength by yourself. But fortunately, in addition to my godfather, you also have Some uncles who distress you ... "

"Ah? What do you mean?" Gui Yansheng suddenly heard confused.

Ye Qingxuan pointed to Wan Guotai and said, "Your uncle ’s practice time is almost as late as you, but because of an exercise method, he was able to reach others for decades within a few years ..."

"And this magic method?"

"You are slow and happy, I have this exercise, but I need a painting to practice this exercise, otherwise I will enter the country too fast, and it is easy to get into the magic. And this evil method has a surname, and I will have a chance with you Describe ... But even if you have this technique, if you want to achieve something, you need to treat your hands first ... Go back to your three uncles to look at the hands, and ask him if there is any cure, etc. Your hands are cured, I will pass on your martial arts ... Do you understand me? Go ahead ... "

After Gui Shengsheng listened, he immediately knelt down, hesitated, a few rattles went down, his heart was really excited, it was difficult to calm down, and he sighed. He made a good life and met this godfather. Strength, it can make the chicken and dog rise to the sky. Being able to climb up a relationship with him is simply the greatest creation in his life ... (To be continued.)

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