Gui Xunsheng lamented that he had finally changed his life. Ye Qingxuan waved his hand and held up Gui Xunsheng, indicating that it was not necessary. Gui Xunsheng respectfully listened to Duan Sanshi and watched him. . .

It was over, and after another half an hour, it was finally two o'clock in the afternoon.

Alas, the first drums outside, the third round of the quarterfinals is about to begin.

The crowd outside began to stir up, the atmosphere became more and more warm, and applause continued to rise. This was a crowd that urged the new competition to start quickly. The previous two games saw the crowd enthusiastically, expecting more Appears for exciting and exciting matches.

All the people in the tent were awake from the silence, including the flower-like monk who was stunned by Ye Qingxuan's punch in the morning, and climbed up with a depressed face. After a few hours of rest, the five grandfather was also angry. Going down, I am no longer mumbled there, just have a snack and reluctantly.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated and came to persuade him, "Well, brother, wake up?"

Ruhua took a look at Ye Qingxuan, snorted, and said nothing.

Ye Qingxuan knew that he was still mad at him, and he was not in a hurry. He said, "Five brother, don't be angry. Look at that Zongxuan and you can't help but fight. Even if he doesn't give up, how much strength can you play? It ’s better to be calm and patient, for the time being, it ’s real. You can see that so far, you have n’t even revealed the strength of [Arhat Gold], what do you think they can do to make you happy? What about? "

It ’s the same thing when a big monk thinks about it, Zong Xuan ’s little white face is too lax, he ’s not an opponent at all, he thought for a moment, and said with a sullen voice: “Well, that ’s OK, this time, you ’re right. The Sajias exerted all their efforts ... Also, you will not be allowed to hit again in the future, hit my head, and now, the heads of the Sajias are still buzzing ... "

Ye Qingxuan swears to Tian quickly, and will never take the lead in the future, such as the flower monk who stood up stunned and went out to watch the competition with everyone.

As soon as I left the house, a second drum sounded outside.

Ye Qingxuan tied Fuchen and the sword to the back and said to the crowd, "Brothers, I'll go first. If this game is late, it seems that we are rude and offensive. I will take a step ..."

"Okay, go to Brother Seven ..."

Ye Qingxuan arched his hand, flicked his sleeves, rose to the air, jumped over the crowd, and galloped towards Biwutai from the top of the tent next to him.

Ye Qingxuan arrived at the arena, and from a distance, it seemed that the competition was empty. It seemed that not only was he late, but the other party was not there.

That's fine, I'll wait for you, it's better than you wait for me, we haven't lost the courtesy.

Ye Qingxuan arrived on the field, and no one left or right, pulled out the dust from the back, adjusted the whole dress, and looked at the innate masters on the podium not far away to show respect to the chief, to show respect to Wu Lin's predecessors, and then look around. Warriors on the stand and scattered outside the contest stand as courtesy.

On the podium, a charitable, 50- or 60-year-old smiled and tolerated comfortably: "Oh, I don't know who this little priest is, it seems to be quite polite ..."

Qiu Yiping immediately laughed: "Brother Shang, this is Kun Wu Yumai, the second generation of Qing Yunguan Ye Qingxuan ..."

The old man with the surname Shang flashed his eyes, "Oh? It turned out to be Kunwu? Hehe, in the same year, the Kunwu Mountain's swordsmanship was peerless, and the five magic swords shook the martial arts. How could they be killed by people? As a result, it is rare to be able to rise up again today. It is really gratifying ... "

Everyone on the stage nodded and said yes.

At the time, Zhan Yu introduced the congenital masters on the viewing platform to several brothers. Two of them were unrecognized. This one was one of them. The hermit was Zhongxiao, who was not born in Zhongzhou. There are not many people on the rivers and lakes who know about Shang Xiaozhi because he has no door and no faction, but he is just a native rich man, living a free-spirited son, just because he also went to Yunzhou lost eight counties to resist foreign invasion when he was young The friendship with Wei Xiaotian is an old comrade-in-arms. This time, Wei Xiaotian was invited to be an expert to help the scene.

The same was not recognized by another Zhan Yu. This is also the case. It is also a 50- or 60-year-old, with a serious face, a slightly purple skin, and a vertical line on the eyebrow. It doesn't look good. This is also Wei Xiao. The brother who killed together that day was Jia Junfu.

Shang Xiaozhi and Jia Junfu had the same mindset as Wei Xiaotian and the same passionate youth, but only after the situation stabilized, the two returned to their hometowns to take care of themselves, and no longer came out to fight, but this time they heard that the situation of the eight counties had suddenly changed This allowed Wei Xiaotian to come out to help and do his best for the soil and water on this side. The two had never been in the Central Plains martial arts, so it was no surprise that Zhan Yu could not recognize it.

Shang Xiaozhi boasted Ye Qingxuan in this boast, but annoyed one next to him.

Leng Buding heard a cold hum, and everyone looked surprised and laughed inwardly. It turned out that it wasn't anyone else who issued the cold hum. It was Chu Tianjian who was too old. The first person on the Motianling first arrived in Mu'an City, and he was killed by his master Wu Wushun. It's no wonder that Chu Tianjian heard the praise of Ye Qingxuan and taunted him.

"Brother Shang hasn't been in the rivers and lakes for a long time, I'm afraid it's a bit ignorant! Qingyunguan is a wild mountain view, I don't know which grave head of the senior Wulin planed, and after getting two swords, I dare to claim to be the remnant of the Kunwu faction, which is absurd. It is ridiculous. Which of the major martial arts in the martial arts has not inherited the prestigious name for many generations. This Qingyun concept is trying to climb to the position of the famous martial arts with the prestige of the 100-year-old bust.

As soon as Chu Tianjian said this, the countenances of several people on the platform could not help but sink, Shang Xiaozhi, Qiu Yiping, etc. had not spoken yet, but the silent monk Miao Xiu who could not help but spoke: "Amitabha Buddha , Chu Shizhu was wrong in saying this ... "

"Oh? I'm wrong?" Chu Tianjian's frown frowned. He couldn't think that the monk in the Dazen Temple would speak at this time, and he couldn't help but sink his heart, and his bad mood could not help but get worse.

The monk Miu Xiu smiled slightly, twisting the beads, and said lightly: "This view of Qingyun is the last thing of Kunwu but it is a true thing. The poor monk had the honor to enter the view for some time. Guanzhu's spiritual imagination is the true personal biography of Kunwu. He was lucky to escape the disaster that year, and his sword skills and internal skills are both world-renowned. The poor monks admire it ... "

Chu Tianjian smiled and said, "Since it can be proved by Master Miao Xiu, this Qingyun view is really the remnant of the Kunwu faction, haha, this time it seems that Chu is ignorant ..." Chu Tianjian said without a word, But my heart is overturned. It seems that the relationship between this big Zen temple and Qingyunguan is not ordinary. A small martial art has such a deep background. The master ’s plan to retaliate against this kid should be careful, lest Accidentally, these many forces were offended.

There was some intrigue on the viewing platform, but Ye Qingxuan on the competition platform finally waited for his opponent, "Silver Halberd" Cen Peng.

This Cen Peng is in her early thirties, with a height of 180 cm, a thin waist and wide shoulders, a face like a crown jade, an upright facial features, two sword-shaped eyebrows, a pair of big leopard eyes, and short jaws under her jaw, looking proud and upright. , A ball of Caixia.

A blue samurai suit, a silky sash with a large waist, a star-studded floral robe, a sword on the waist, and a large silver halberd in his hand.

Seeing the sound of the three links, they just came in a hurry. As soon as he stepped on the stage, he bowed his hands towards Ye Qingxuan and said sorry: "Sorry for the long way, Shicai Ceng has some important things to delay. And please forgive me ... "

Ye Qingxuanyi seemed to be very polite, and said that "Awesome Spear" Xing Aotian was a weird temper. Today, his apprentice has a good temper. Although the master is like, the apprentice may not be what it is, Even if the surnames are different, they will definitely not be the same. It seems that the rumors may not be true. This man is worth knowing anyway.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan shook the dust, Ji Shou laughed and said, "Unlimited birthdays, Brother Cen joked, and the poor way has just arrived. Brother Cen need not be polite. He has heard of Yangzhou Xing Ao Tian Xing's old martial arts world. I am fortunate to be able to test my skills with senior elders in prison. It is really a pleasure. Today I will be friends with Brother Cen, and I will have a drink together regardless of the outcome. "

Ceng Peng laughed and proudly said, "It's rare that Brother Ye can look up to him, but how can Cen be dismissed. But he has no eyes or eyes, but Cen's spear will not show mercy ..."

Ye Qingxuan's eyes brightened and he shouted, "Okay, the people who are merciless are not good guys. Letting go is the right thing. Brother Cen, please—"


The referee on the side saw the two of them salute ~ ~ After finishing the order, a gong rang "Dang" next, and the competition officially started.


The bright silver halberd in Cen Peng's hand made a stroke in front of him, bringing out a silver awn, which stood across his chest, standing still, but it was imposing, and it really has a famous style.

Cen Peng smiled and said coldly, "Brother Ye, offended ..."

As soon as the voice fell, one step before stepping, the bright silver halberd was 20 meters away from Ye Qingxuan in the hand. When splitting his head, a silvery white stalk was formed, and the halberd attacked. Then Cen Peng took a step forward, and the halberd went up. One pick, another silver awn attacked, and further, the halberd slashed, and another smash hit ...

Within a breath, Cen Peng's bright silver halberd slashed and slashed eighteen razor blades, like a blooming silver flower, rushing towards Ye Qingxuan like a storm, and Cen Peng also He stepped forward eighteen steps and quickly got close to Ye Qingxuan.

Yinmang had not yet reached the target, he was already aggressive, and the coldness of the forest immediately permeated the audience.

This trick is exactly the trick that "Xun Jiguai" Xing Aotian will kill-[eighteen serial silver blossoms]! (To be continued.)

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