Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 260: Qing Xuan wins

[Eighteen serial silver flowers bloom] Eighteen moves in one style, one step at a time, pressing step by step, one move is better than one move, one move is more important than one move, and one move is like one move. In the last move, the eighteenth move, it will be the strongest and most severe blow of this type.

This [eighteen serial silver flower blooms] can improve the function and potential of the human body. In these eighteen strokes, it is better than any method of warming up from being unprepared to the full prosperity directly. If his opponent is a slow-heating opponent and needs to improve his status little by little, then he will fall into a bad mold under this move, and be caught off guard. Lost to the Halberd.

When Ceng Peng shot, he killed. The crowd around them screamed in astonishment, and then they did not expect that the two were just talking with laughter, and suddenly they were so fiercely fighting without any excess, which was directly the most fierce shock!

In the face of Cen Peng's attack, Ye Qingxuan smiled, his right hand made a move, and the "blue sword" behind him fell into his hands. The sword spit slightly and did not dodge. The purple awns complement each other, and it is also a step-by-step attack. The sword awns that Cen Peng chopped out are either picked up or bounced back ...

Ye Qingxuan went up to Cen Peng, who was soaring in momentum, and the momentum of "though millions of people go to me" also made a sense of grandeur.

Ceng Peng took eighteen steps forward, issued eighteen blows, and cut eighteen swordsmanship, and the momentum and anger gradually rose. By the time of the seventeenth attack, the bright silver halberd in Cen Peng's hand had already Like a fierce silver dragon, a roaring sound entangled in front of Cen Peng. Choose others to eat ...

Ye Qingxuan welcomed Cen Peng's growing momentum. Resolutely took eighteen steps. He also waved eighteen swords. Under the sword, Cen Peng's slashed swordsman flew without any fuss. His momentum was bland from beginning to end. Compared with Cen Peng's momentum, he seemed so bland. .

The two kept under their feet and kept their hands, approaching from the beginning of the battle, but when Cen Peng's fierce eighteenth attack was formed. Even the masters on the viewing platform sighed together and shouted for Ye Qingxuan's boldness. This little priest, ignorant of the depths, attacked the world's fastest cohesive force [eighteen serial silver flowers] to attack, when It's really short for oneself, and long for attacking one another.

When Ye Qingxuan stepped into the eighteenth step, Cen Peng also happened to fall in the eighteenth step, and the two were killed with a sword. At this eighteenth step, they stabbed at the same time ...

A dragon yelled. The bright silver halberd in Cen Peng's hand struck forward with an unparalleled momentum, while Ye Qingxuan's "Blue Sword" only carried a little shimmer. Just before ...

The sword sharply collided with "Silver Dragon" in the air!

铮 ——

A ball of light lit up where the two fought ...

When everyone thought Ye Qingxuan was bound to suffer a big loss, the changes on the field surprised everyone.

Ye Qingxuan maintained the posture of holding the sword before the stab!

"Yinlong" wailed, flying up into the air, Cen Peng couldn't hold back, dropped on his back, and flew straight for more than ten meters ...

The martial arts stunned and silent all around ...

A white silver eagle flew out and caught the "Silver Dragon" winding in the air. It suddenly recovered into Ye Qingxuan's hands and re-formed into a bright silver halberd of two and four meters, but it turned out that Ye Qingxuan was caught by the "dangling magic". Highlight the silver halberd and remove it.

As soon as Ji Lang said, "Blue sword" returned to the sheath.

At this time, the warriors yelled at the same time, some clamored, and some complained that the results appeared too fast, which varied, but no one dared to say that the two had not played fiercely enough and did not enjoy themselves enough ...

That instant offensive and defensive change has already turned the two

Ye Qingxuan held Liang Yinbi in his hands and approached Cen Peng who stood up again, respecting the frontier, and apologized, "I didn't expect Brother Cen to be so fierce as soon as he shot, Ye went all out to stop it, and he was rude, Hope forgive me ... "

Cen Peng shook his head with a bitter smile and took over Liang Yinji and said, "I wanted to defeat you with a single blow, but I didn't expect to make myself a big ugly ... Brother Ye not only has excellent sword skills, deep internal strength, but also physical fitness It's so good. This mighty strength is the only thing Cen has seen in his life and it is admirable. "

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said generously: "I just shot it suddenly. I didn't want to come to Brother Cen to show what he had learned. He ate Ye Mo's great loss for a while, but we continued to come and stay longer!"

Cen Peng blushed and hurriedly resigned: "Brother Ye laughed and laughed, winning is winning, losing is losing. Just now Cen's move [eighteen serial silver blossoms] has already been regarded as Cen's highest deep killing move. This move has been defeated, and it is no more than a loss. Instead of being shameful again, it is better to admit defeat now. Brother Brother, please-"

Ye Qingxuan heard a smile and heard a smirk.

"At the end of the third game, Qingyunguan Ye Qingxuansheng——"

it is good--

There was an applause all around.

The decision between the two sides to decide the winner did not make this group of fighters watching the lively feel uncomfortable. This is not to spend money to buy tickets to watch the game, but to make a fun, this game is so dramatic, it is good to look back Talking about capital, and the next game is even more interesting. It is the "Little Sword God" Li Daozong against the "King of Eagles" Zhan Yu. This competition is simply the most watched game since the start of the "Kirin Club".

In the "Thirty-six Days", the confrontation between the "sword god" Li Muchan and the "eagle king" Zhan Xiongfei's sons and nephews is directly seen as a confrontation between the two parents. Not only ordinary martial arts watchers in the surroundings, but also the older generation of congenital masters on the podium, are also looking forward with anxiety.

The end of the game between Ye Qingxuan and Cen Peng so quickly, in a sense, also fulfilled their waiting heart, and the focus of everyone's attention all focused on the later game.

The sudden blow of Ye Qingxuan and Cen Peng was attributed to calmness in the rapid heat, and higher enthusiasm was given to the next game, while Ye Qingxuan and Cen Peng were happy to be undisturbed. Talking hot, while walking down the contest.

"Brother Cen must not be pushed back, he must have seen a few brothers in my family, and then we will not be drunk tonight."

Cen Peng faced embarrassment and said, "I have seen all my friends. Cen is happy, but not drunk or returning ... but not tonight ... how about tomorrow?"

Ye Qingxuan asked in wonder: "Why is this?"

Cen Peng also didn't hide it, saying: "Don't hide Brother Ye, an elder in the family has suffered some minor injuries and is about to recuperate. I have to serve around. I came here a little later, and it was also delayed because of this."

Ye Qingxuan said "Oh" and couldn't help but laugh loudly: "This is really a coincidence. My third brother is an apprentice of" Healing Immortal ". Regardless of whether you are an internal injury, trauma, mixed injury, major illness, minor illness, gynecological disease, It ’s guaranteed to come in handy, ah no, the medicine is sick ... ”

Cen Peng was overjoyed when he heard that, "Such famous doctors are here? My aunt's injuries have fallen ..."

Aunt! ?

Ye Qingxuan moved inexplicably in her heart, and suddenly remembered that when she was exploring the residential courtyard of Motianling at night, the woman who was besieged by many masters of Motianling came ...

Did it appear that night and attracted the attention of the Motianling people? Is it equivalent to Cen Peng's aunt who helped us a lot? This is a coincidence. If so, you can't just sit back and watch!

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan looked up towards the brothers and shouted:

"Doctor Duan, you're out—"

The last quarter of the quarter-finals is about to start. Doctor Duan will naturally not go to the clinic at such a critical time, so everyone is concentrated next to Zhan Yu, rubbing his thighs, rubbing his shoulders, rubbing his shoulders, and waiting. Every detail ...

"Second Brother, this time you have to give our brother a long face and kill the pride of Li Daozong ..." Meng Yuanzhang said flatly with a light hammer behind Zhan Yu.

Sister Lu also smiled and threw Zhan Yu's thighs, showing the distress of the second child, and moaned comfortably: "Oh, oh, no, I'm going to die, I'm going to be comfortable ... I just want to have With this treatment, I will not let go of Li Daozong's kid! Use your shoulders a little harder, eh, eh, comfortable ... Waiting for me, watch me beat Li Daozong full of teeth, win Come back ... "

Gui Yesheng, who was on the side, said at this time: "The second uncle remembered to get me the big die of Li Daozong first ..."

"What are you doing?"

"I put on a rope across my neck, and held them every day under 'One Sword Villa', leaving them no one from top to bottom, from inside to outside ..."

The crowd burst out laughing.

There is no one in the eyes of "Yi Jian Shan Zhuang". It was inherited from Li Mu Chan. At that time, Li Mu Chan chased and killed the underworld giant iron fish head Tuo, and he fought in a city. Under the battle of Li Muchan, innocent people were killed and injured more than a thousand times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When being questioned by the righteous men, Li Muchan said, "Yu Zi hinders me from killing the evil, and when he commits the same crime as the evil, his sin should be miserable!" You can see it.

Therefore, although Li Muchen feared the underworld and the demonic cult as an upright person, few people really admired him, but he was quite vocal about his arrogance and treacherousness, but the "first person in the world" didn't care about it. As long as someone dares to say something disrespectful, he immediately pulls out his sword, and if he can stop his sword without dying, Li Muchan will also stop it, believing that this person has the ability to ridicule him ...

But to this day, few people have been able to block his sword. Even if it is blocked, he is afraid to say Li Muchan's bad words, who knows whether he will raise a sword and challenge his personality? When Li Muchen was young, he was decisive and always looked at his own preferences, not his opponent's origin.

At this point, Gui Yisheng immediately aroused the laugh of everyone. If so, it would definitely make "Yijianshanzhuang" extremely ugly.

Zhan Yu laughed and laughed: "Okay, big nephew, but you want to be a bit of a little family, a tooth is a ball? Watch your second uncle give you a necklace ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: add more.

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