Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 261: Eagle Flying Sword Dance

When the brothers gathered around Zhan Yu and appeared in the contest, the crowd around them was really cheering and the atmosphere was abnormal.

This is Ye Qingxuan and the other eight people who will be there, and no one else will encounter such a situation, because no one's fame can be compared to the "Little Eagle King" exhibition feathers.

In terms of attention, this game can be said to be the most anticipated game since the start of the "Kirin Club".

When the unpredictable "Little Eagle King" exhibition feather and the cold and proud "Little Sword God" Li Daozong were standing on the competition platform at the same time, there was only a small platform of 100 meters square in the whole world. Here is The center of the world is the whole of the world.

Zhan Yu ’s black samurai robe, red edging, full of vitality, and double-breasted design make the whole person have a sense of time beyond the times. This black robe designed by Ye Qingxuan personally changed the rebelliousness and indifference in Zhan Yu ’s character. Become fascinating and favorite bad.

Zhan Yu looked at the opponent on the opposite side, smiling coldly, and said zealously, "Brother Li, have you ever thought about a battle today?"

Li Daozong said coldly: "Compete with you in a dream? You don't have this qualification yet ... But the reason that Li's" Kirin Club "was able to make a trip really did have the credit of Zhan Xiong. However, Zhan Xiong's status now Lower, in Li's mind, you are not so important ... "

The meaning of Li Daozong's remarks is just that “meeting is better known”. At first, Zhan Yu was regarded as a good opponent. Now he is disappointed. He has no such expectation for the competition between the two ...

As soon as Li Daozong said this, there was a roar of noise all around.

Before the two men competed, the more angry they became, the more they looked down on each other. After that, the intensity of the competition will be more fierce than imagined.

After Zhan Yu heard Li Daozong obviously despise his words. Not only not angry. Instead, he suddenly laughed and shook his head and smiled: "Brother Li said so well, I didn't expect you to think about it ..."

"Oh?" Li Daozong sneered coldly, with a contemptuous attitude, apparently thinking that after he made the above remarks, the taunting "Little Eagle King" would definitely retaliate against himself, and he felt that he had already guessed the show. What Yu wants to say is nothing more than "I also despise you. I look down on you and other words", but it's just a gesture of picking people's teeth and pretending to be profound, so at this time Li Daozong looked at Zhan Yu with a playful look, In his heart, he watched resolutely as he said the answer he knew.

Zhan Yu smiled and said indifferently: "Today you and I fought, originally Zhan decided to come here to Yunzhou's biggest goal. As for the other Zhan Yu, he didn't look at it ..."

Li Daozong sneered, and it really was.

Zhan Yu looked up at Li Daozong and looked at the slightest disdain in his eyes. He couldn't help but laugh at himself: "Brother Li must think that Zhanmou is going to ridicule Brother Li in words, think? Would you say something that looks down on Brother Li? "

Li Daozong's face changed. It's not too good to be thought about by being poked in public. Although you can deny it. But the discomfort in his heart is uncomfortable. Li Daozong doesn't care what other people think or think. He only cares about his feelings.

Zhan Yu shrugged chicly, his posture was extremely chic, and he laughed slowly, saying, "Oh, to be honest, now the thought of Brother Li is no longer important to Zhan. Brother Li may think Zhanmou looked down on Brother Li and despised you. In fact, this is not the case. My evaluation of Brother Li has never changed, and even the evaluation of Brother Li is higher than before. "

Li Daozong got higher evaluation from Zhan Yu, his face has not changed, but he couldn't help but feel a little proud of the "King of the Eagles" who valued himself more than ever, and said arrogantly: After meeting, I knew I was better than the rumored Even more powerful?

Zhan Yu went on to say: "Although I have a higher evaluation of Brother Li, the battle with Brother Li is no longer as expected as before, because from this moment, Zhanmou wants to be a better person. Brother Li is no longer. Brother Brother Zhan is just a small earth **** that is not high or short on the way to the martial arts peak. It is no longer a high mountain. Maybe Zhan is still not an opponent of Brother Li, but To surpass you, haha, it is not difficult ... maybe when you and I meet again, I may have forgotten Brother Li's voice and smile ... "

Arrogant, full of arrogance!

Li Daozong's words that are not disdainful but more disdainful than Zhan Yu are completely outraged ...

what? Am I Li Daozong not even worthy of being your opponent? Arrogance, extreme arrogance ...

Li Daozong's right hand clenching the sword became blue and exposed.

Zhan Yu breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "However, Zhanmou still has to thank Brother Li. If Brother Li didn't come here, how could Zhanmou come here for thousands of miles? How could he meet a like-minded brother? What about them? It is because of these brothers that Zhan has the opportunity to reexamine his life, and has the opportunity to completely surpass the opponent who was completely afraid to imagine him before, and to climb the peak of martial arts that was unattainable in the past. Opportunity ... such a great event, how do you say I can't thank Brother Li? "

Li Daozong slowly said in his unique arrogant tone: "In this case, why don't Zhan Xiong show what he has learned, and let Li see whether Zhan Xiong has obtained a clever way of ignoring Li?"

Zhan Yu smiled indifferently: "It's just like this ..."

There is silence all around ...

The breeze blew across the sky and earth, and in the eyes of Zhan Yu and Li Daozong, it seemed that there was only one other in the world ...

Zhan Yu's evil smile looked at Li Daozong;

Li Daozong looked at Zhan Yu indifferently ...

A skylark flew through the air without knowing the interests, and was suddenly affected by the killing force between the two. He was so frightened that his wings were paralyzed, he could no longer fly, fell to the ground, and could no longer struggle ...

At this moment, at almost the same time, Zhan Yu and Li Daozong shot at the same time!

There is no weapon in Zhan Yu's hands, and Li Daozong needs to draw a sword before he can move. Invisibly, Zhan Yu is faster in speed ...

When Li Daozong took the sword in his hand, there was a yellow awn in front of him, and his sharp spirits struck like wings of an upright eagle, with feathers like swords and storms ...

With a dragon chant, the world changes!

The long sword in Li Daozong's hands changed like a silver sword forest, and stood upright. Huang Mang was like wind and rain, and white mang was like a reef. The wind and rain suddenly beat the reef like a rain and a banana, but the reef was resolute. The sword forest pierced every one. Knife-like sharp feathers.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhan Yu's hands suddenly changed into an illusion. A yellow mang had enveloped Li Daozong, and Li Daozong remained motionless from beginning to end. The platinum coat of sword forest that was worn on his body was like this abruptly. Appeared to him in general.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhan Yu seems to have failed in a blow, but I don't know that this is just a move that Zhan Yu attracted Li Daozong's attention and forced his defense. When a yellow mantle covered Li Daozong, Zhan Yu had already stood lightly and eagle The howling rang through the world.

Zhan Yu, like an eagle, swooped down from the air, probed with both hands, and a pair of golden giant claws sharply grasped Li Daozong, who was as stable as a reef ...

铮 ——

The sound of the golden stone clash suddenly sounded ...

A huge crack appeared immediately on the reef with a sword-like forest on the surface, and a yellow awn fell over again like a rain, and a dragon chant sounded again. The reef broke along the crack and opened on both sides, and a white light stood out from it, facing Huang Mang lifted off into a white dragon and flew behind the flying feathers.

The wings fluttered, and the show feathers rose a few meters again, avoiding Li Daozong's pursuit, grabbing with both hands, and a claw shadow flew to him. Li Daozong was also in the air at this moment. The net rushed up against the turbulent claws of the feathers, and the large net composed of sword air disappeared into the air at the same time as the shadow of the sky.

Li Daozong's sword skill is superb, but Zhan Yu's skill is even better. Under each strike, he can borrow a little Li Daozong's sword power to make himself fly higher, and the "Eagle King" skill is truly a world and it depends on the next. The speed of the charge increases the power of each hit by several chips.

As the "King of the Eagle" flies higher and higher, the speed and power of his strikes is getting stronger and stronger, and Li Daozong resists more and more hard. The whole battle stage is full of Zhan Yu's sharp strikes.

In Ye Qingxuan's eyes, it seemed as if he had seen Sha Peng's attack on Sang Tso Khenpo, one of the "Nine Mysterious Kambos," [Thousands of Break].

It's just that Zhan Yu is using the body method to imitate the effect of this lingering afterglow, instead of relying on super fast speed to produce fantasy like Sha Peng.

Xi Peng is seeking fast, while Zhan Yu is seeking chaos and fantasy ...

It was so chaotic and foolish that Li Daozong did not know which attack was true and which one was false!

Li Daozong stood on the competition stage and calmly waved his sword to resolve Zhan Yu's severe attacks from all directions one by one. It seemed more and more difficult. At this time, Li Daozong had been completely suppressed by Zhan Yu on the competition stage. Standing up and chasing Zhan Yu, and as Zhan Yu's downward trend became more and more fierce ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems that the situation of Li Daozong's defeat is becoming more and more obvious ...

The sound of applause all around became a piece.

On the scene, the "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu seems to have taken the lead for a while, but people with good eyesight know that Li Daozong has used the Li family's heirloom sword technique to fight the enemy from beginning to end, and did not use the "sword god" "Li Muchan's famous swordsmanship [Tian Dang Ming Yue 21].

It is said that this sword technique is the basic sword technique derived from [I sword light cold photo Kyushu].

The sound of the eagle howl in the sky is getting more and more harsh. When everyone is full of eyes showing the overwhelming figure, and the ears are full of magic sound and brain-like eagle howl, it is like dawn dawn, a pure white dazzling sword light passes through The overlapping figures on the competition stage made all the warriors in the surrounding area dizzy ...

Li Daozong finally made a move at the time when Zhan Yu's offensive was the most severe and also his most critical moment ... (To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

Struggling until 4:30 in the morning, Acura asked for monthly ticket support, and subscriptions, be sure to subscribe, brothers ...

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