Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 262: Jianao poison

Li Daozong broke out!

When he thought that relying on his family's swordsmanship to fetch the "Little Eagle King" show feathers, he was besieged by the "Little Eagle King" show feathers like a falling dog, and there was no fighting back to suppress it.

Before the anger that Li Daozong had been stirred up by Zhan Yu, he became more and more fierce as he was suppressed by the opponent. In his heart, to deal with this little eagle king, he must use the most common sword technique to let him know that even the most common You can also beat him with his sword tricks; or use the most powerful tricks to let him know that my Dao Zong is not an opponent you can challenge ...

Therefore, when Li Daozong used the self-recognized common sword technique to be suppressed by Zhan Yu, [Tian Dangming Moon 21], he could at most suppress the attack of Zhan Yu, but he could not be defeated by him. Li Daozong wanted To win, to win, and even more overwhelming victory, he wants a complete victory!

So he made a move, using a sword move that he couldn't fully master, using a sword move that he only mastered the basic methods ...

Zhan Yu and Li Daozong, the two of them have the attribute of [gold] and the attribute of [platinum], both of which are based on the five elements [gold], which are the advanced internal techniques of heart, which are harder than who is sharp.

And when the two are completely equal in quality, it is time for martial arts to exert its maximum power.

Although the skill of the "Eagle King" is enough to win the world, the sword skill of Li Muchan of the "Sword God" is further deduced by the "Lingwu God Machine Stone", so it is obviously higher than the "Eagle King".

This sword of Li Daozong has gone through all kinds of changes in swordsmanship, showing the quintessence of reaching the peak and being the most original essence. It is full of Mo's power.

No change. This is a change in this trick. Instantly release one's true energy in the most mighty and violent situation. Fully applied to the opponent, as if it were the most primitive power contest, brutal and direct, but also extremely effective.

It can be said that this is no longer a swordsmanship, it is just a fast way to release energy.

This is a sword of the "Sword God", which is different only by Li Daozong. But it's so amazing ... conceivable, if this trick is used by Li Muchan, what will it look like?

In the eyes of everyone, only a flash of light emerged, and the diffuse figure of Zhan Yu suddenly burst.

"Eagle King" really appeared, and his face was pale. He even took a few steps to stand still again. A sword mark slanted across his chest, and blood rushed out of it.

Zhan Yu was injured by the sword, but obviously not very serious. Did not hurt the internal organs at the last critical moment. Zhan Yu relied on a peerless skill and flashed a sword that opened his belly.

Li Daozong's right-hand eight-pin sword "Platinum Sword" suddenly held up. The whole person was shrouded in a dazzling white light. His clothes and hair rushed to the sky, his face was completely covered with white awns. It was like wearing a platinum mask. Without any facial expressions, it seems like an unemotional deities are coming, about to judge everything in this world ...

This is by no means [Tian Dang Ming Yue Twenty-one], because this trick is too simple and too pure ...

Li Daozong, this **** should use this sword method that he can't control himself to deal with the young master. If the young master didn't react wisely, he would be killed on the spot.

Exclaimed exclaimed frowning.

Zhan Yu's heart was darkly angry, but thinking of the "sword god" stunt must be unrivalled, and Li Daozong couldn't control it, it was normal. With that in mind, he couldn't help but smile, bowing his arms, smiling: "'Sword God' The sword method is really outstanding, Zhanmou lost ... "

"Xiaoying Wang" Zhan Yu was so guilty of injury and lost his burden so quickly that he could not help but regret it.

At the same time Zhan Yu reached this conclusion, the skyward sword light moved downwards, and a huge white beam of light suddenly hit Zhan Yu ...

Be careful--

Several figures rushed forward ...

Sudden changes made Zhan Yu's color change suddenly without any hesitation. He turned his light work to the extreme, tumbling aside, and the fierce movement caused the wound to burst immediately, and a large blood spray sprayed out. The pain caused Zhan Yu's feet to ease. A huge white beam of light passed over him, enveloping Zhan Yu's right calf and right hand in the light. The thick beam of light was entirely composed of [Platinum] sword gas, and the master did not hold his breath. Protecting her body, Zhan Yu's right hand and right calf blew into flesh and blood, and Zhan Yu screamed and turned over ...

When the young man was killed by the public, he was not afraid ...

By the way, he is the nephew of Li Muchan, the "sword god", and the only male of the generation "One Sword Villa". No one dares to punish him, and he is not afraid of anything!

tmd, he did it on purpose ...

Zhan Yu's heart burst into anger!

Li Daozong! Shameless man, I'd rather let you know how good my little master is!

The right hand and right calf swept by Jianmang have completely lost consciousness, and Zhan Yu is in the air, withstands severe pain, and his left hand is desperate to gather anger, and has not yet learned the skillful "eagle king" nirvana. [Eagle King Severe Cut] With all his strength, Jinguang took a left hand, a golden eagle claw that appeared as if it appeared out of nowhere, volley grabbed at Li Daozong, the golden talon disappeared, and Zhan Yu made a wow. Spit a lot of blood, and wounded ...

At the same moment when the golden eagle claws disappeared, the three razors were so sharp that the golden light appeared directly in front of Li Daozong as if it had crossed the space.

If the stone breaks, Li Daozong slams back, the heavenly swordman disappears, and the platinum mask on his face suddenly breaks, turning into a starry star, dissipating in the air, followed by the scarlet stars. Bloodstains and three bloodshot white teeth!

Li Daozong leaned back a few steps, and when he stood up again, his eyes were filled with strange looks of terror and fury. Three bloodstains clearly appeared on his right face, extending from the corner of his mouth to his cheek. He was handsome. His face was shattered.

Li Daozong's face was dull, his right hand lightly rubbed his cheek, a sudden pain came, and then spread out his right hand to see, his hands were covered with blood ...

Li Daozong's eyes narrowed suddenly, his heart was furious!

Zhan Yu! How dare you hurt me! ?

Just when Li Daozong was out of the sword, his heart was too full of energy. After the sword burst out, although he hurt Zhan Yu, he was only slightly injured. This made Li Daozong proud of his whole life completely unacceptable. The appearance of lightness, for a moment, did not control the fire, and directly blasted out a sword ready to go. According to Li Daozong's original intention, even if he accidentally killed the "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu, that would not be a major event.

What about his brothers? Kill yourself? Zhan Yu can't do it, can they?

What about Nanlong Mountain Villa, just say a few words without hurting, do you dare to kill me and give him a fate? It is not enough to give him a hundred guts;

What about "Eagle King"? Someone who was able to go to "One Sword Villa" went to my uncle's theory;

What about the world? What about black and white schools? When my uncle was young, there were thousands of disciples, suzerains and nephews who killed, who dared to treat my uncle?

Although Li Daozong shot with a sword because he was emotional, he would never regret it.

But what he never expected was that the stink eagle escaped from the injury, and at the same time, the Jedi counterattacked, causing him to be accidentally injured, especially his face. This makes a young man who looks at his face like life. May not be desperate?

Li Daozong, who arrogantly uses the peerless swordsmanship, ignores the sudden fatigue of his body, and slashes across the sword. The three sharp gold swords slam down in front of the exhibition feathers. If they pass by, they can guarantee that the feathers can be displayed. Swinging on the spot ...

The warriors were uproaring all around!

Seeing the sword slamming into the body, the figure finally arrived in time. Ding Ding Ding, three beeps, a little Taoist fell to the ground with his sword in his hands, and flew all three white sharp gold swords.

Whistling, the figures fell in chaos, and the brothers fell behind Ye Qingxuan, protecting the injured Zhan Yu who fell to the ground. Duan Sanshi said nothing, and the silver needles in the hands were punctured into the Zhan Yu. Right hand and right calf ...

The masks of the people were all frosty, all looking at Li Daozong with a **** face not far away!

At the same time, more than a dozen congenitals also flew to the contest, or looked seriously at everything in front of them.

At this moment Li Daozong's side, only a servant in his early twenties stood tightly beside him, looking at Ye Qingxuan and others with a look of desperation. This group of people actually guarded the thief that hurt the owner of Shao, really **** it!

Zhan Yu had already conceded, and Li Daozong actually attacked. This kind of behavior can hardly be summed up with despicableness and arrogance. This arrogant man, the so-called "Little Sword God" Li Daozong, has committed a martial arts taboo and is in full view It must pay a price to quell the matter.

Although everyone was resentful and even anxious to kill Li Daozong immediately, there are rules in the rivers and lakes. First, let ’s take a look at what the members of Nanlong Mountain Villa and the Guanli Group said. !!

But these people thought of restraining their emotions, but forgot that there was a wild monk who did not control his emotions at all--

When the air roared directly above the crowd--

"Small **** thief died--"


It's like a golden red meteor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A flower monk directly hits Li Daozong on the contest stage, and a 300-pound water-milled Zen stick with a golden red flame breaks the air, and it slams down!


Several people exclaimed with fear, accident, doubt, anger ...

But if the flower monk would care, his anger now is to let this Li Daozong who knows no shame die ...

court death--

Li Daozong didn't intend to let things go, and his appearance was destroyed. This is a lifelong shame. He never thought that he would encounter this ...

Li Daozong was so murderous that he did not wait for another shot. The surrounding area was separated from the crowd. When the anger was nowhere to be vented, he saw a monk falling from the sky. How could Li Daozong who was so murderous let him go, "Platinum "Sword" burst into the sky again, a sword stabbed at the flower-like monk ... (To be continued ...)

ps: Basic three and two.

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