Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 267: Investigation

"Wei Zhuang, you don't want to do anything about the" Little Sword God ". Although this is your" Nanlong Mountain Villa ", this incident involves more than one person and one person. You and I can't escape responsibility. If you do this, you will obviously favor the suspect. If something goes wrong in the future, you can blame me for waiting to turn your face and don't recognize people ... "Chu Tianjian scolded sharply, but obviously wanted to pull everyone to pressure Wei Xiaotian .

Similar to "Arms Saint" Yang Bozhan and "Iron Feet Fairy" Liu Daozhen, although he does not like Chu Tianjian as a person, but he said this to him, but it is not unreasonable. See, everyone here will be hated by "Yijianshanzhuang" because it is a certain thing to settle accounts after the fall.

"Iron Feet Fairy" Liu Daozhen said, "Brother Wei, it is not unreasonable for Brother Chu to say this. If the suspect is let go, we will all be unable to escape the relationship ..."

Wei Xiaotian has no opinion of Chu Tianjian, a guy who only wants to mess things up. On the contrary, because he easily fought with Qing Yunguan, he chose to believe in Ye Qingxuan's words more. If it weren't for seeing a man who looked like a priest leaving the ruined temple, it wouldn't matter if he immediately let go of the priest. But now Chu Tianjian has won the support of other innate masters. Even if he is willing to help the Taoist priests, he is powerless ...

Qiu Yiping said in a timely manner: "You guys should not consider Ye Xiaoyou as a criminal first. I believe this matter has nothing to do with Ye Xiaoyou and is willing to guarantee it and let him act freely. If there is a problem, don't count this account. Good old man! "

Several people were at a loss at the time. I never expected that Qiu Yiping believed this little priest so much. Even he bears such heavy guilt.

Yang Bozhan, Liu Daozhen and others had no words. Since they have lost their lives. What can they say again? Chu Tianjian snorted coldly and stopped speaking.

The brothers all expressed gratitude to Qiu Yiping, and so did Ye Qingxuan. At the same time, they lamented that at this moment, I was afraid that I had no choice. I could justify myself step by step under the supervision of others.

Wei Xiaotian looked at the people around him, and finally set his sights on Jiang Feiran, respectfully said: "This matter has caused Ling Yun Palace to come forward. The old man is really sweating, I wonder if the fairy has any objection to this proposal?"

Jiang Fei slowly shook his head.

Wei Xiaotian asked in a deep voice: "Since this is the case, if you inadvertently do so ..."

"That unicorn will ..." Yang Bozhan only said a few words, but the meaning is unnecessary, and it made Wei Xiaotian's heart sink. After a long sigh of relief, he slowly said, "Three days, three days, we Make a decision in three days! "

"That's okay. We also have to wait for the people at Yijianshanzhuang to arrive before making a decision ..." Yang Bozhan, the "arm sacrifice", responded the same way, and at the same time gave Ye Qingxuan a deep look. The complex look under the eyes added a little more to Ye Qingxuan's confusion.

The next competition, which is the original final, will be three days later. These three days will be the final time given by the "Kirin Club". Once three days pass, if you can't find the real murderer, the most likely The way to do this is to cancel Ye Qingxuan's qualification and declare that Bei Mingyu Zhuo has won directly.

Similarly, three days is probably the last time Ye Qingxuan can get before the situation worsens.

The small temple in question was actually a mountain temple that Ye Qingxuan and others temporarily evaded after visiting the Mount Tianling site at night, which makes people feel a little incredible.

When Ye Qingxuan and others came to the small temple, they found that the gods of the Great Zen Temple and Miao Xiu were already waiting here, and several other members of the appearance group were also here, protecting the scene. Everyone was frowning, clueless.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan and the others arrived at the scene, they were stopped by Bai Dengao, the "white horse silver gun" at the door, and said coldly, "You all want to go in? No, the scene cannot be destroyed. At most Can enter three people, including us ... "

Ru Hua just wanted to get angry, but was stopped by Ye Qingxuan and said seriously: "Predecessor Bai is an expert. Knowing the protection scene is actually protecting the truth. We try our best to cooperate to find the clues left by the murderer ..."

"The seventh brother, who do you think is appropriate to go with?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the brothers and said, "Let the sixth brother and the eighth go with me!"

Meng Yuanzhang is good at discovering details, and Jiang Shuihan has a sharp mind. The two of them can help Ye Qingxuan to discover the secrets ...

Everyone saw Ye Qingxuan's two people and nodded in peace.

Ye Qingxuan just wanted to go in, and suddenly turned back again, and commanded several people: "Yinxue and some girls were strolling into the city. If you come back, please help me tell her. Don't worry, wait patiently. But don't make your own claims ... "

I'm afraid that Mei Yinxue's cold and arrogant character will directly come to grab someone with a sword ...

The three arrived at the temple door, and the temple door was wide open. The innate master looked at the three outside to prevent the three from damaging the scene.

Ye Qingxuan looked around. In fact, it was just to ease the excitement. I didn't expect to find anything, but suddenly I found an unexpected thing above the temple door. I was very familiar with it. His face became cloudy ...

At the same time, Meng Yuanzhang also found this place, could not help but stare at Ye Qingxuan, both sides were alert at the same time, this incident was really strange ...

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shuihan asked softly.

"Little discovery! Huh, I can't say now, I will tell you back ..." Ye Qingxuan said gloomily.

Jiang Shuihan nodded. Since Ye Qingxuan does not intend to speak out in front of everyone, you must be bad news.

The three then entered the temple gate together.

There were no too modern methods of criminal investigation in this era. It was all my personal guess. At this time, the ground in the small temple was covered with footprints. I don't know how many people have been here, but the location of Li Daozong's fall was still clearly visible.

Jiang Shuihan looked around and came to the place where Li Daozong once sat. He said carefully, "In addition to Li Daozong, there have been others ..."

With a cold sigh at the door, Chu Tianjian said, "Of course I've been here, otherwise why would someone assassinate 'Little Sword God' ..."

Jiang Shuihan turned around and said coldly: "The person I am talking about is someone Li Daozong knows. The two people not only knew each other, but they also knew each other. Sitting here, they talked for a long time ..."

"Oh? Why do you see it?"

Jiang Shuihan said: "Looking at the place where two people are sitting, the mark is very deep. If ordinary people sit up and immediately get up, the traces of dust will not be so obvious ..."

"So, this person who assassinated Li Daozong was a person familiar with him?"

Jiang Shuihan shook his head and said, "Not necessarily. These two marks can only show that before Li Daozong was assassinated, a person familiar with him had been here, but it did not prove that this person was the murderer, or that the two of them While chatting here, this person has not yet become a murderer ... "

Then Jiang Shuihan came to the location where Li Daozong fell to the ground again. A large trace of evidence proved that Li Daozong fell here.

Jiang Shuihan said, "Please look at the traces here. First of all, you can be sure that no hands have been used here, and there are no traces of military use. I think this point, you seniors have a clear understanding."

The people nodded together, indicating that this judgment was made. Li Daozong did not show any signs of action or counterattack when he was assassinated. This is where people are puzzled. If it is Ye Qingxuan, Li Daozong has no reason not to To prevent it, if Ye Qingxuan's martial arts is so high that there is no room for Li Daozong to fight back, it would be too high for Ye Qingxuan.

Jiang Shuihan continued: "Li Daozong did not fight back against the assassination, and after his sword fell to the ground, there was no trace of struggle. He immediately lost consciousness, fainted, and sprayed from the blood with strength, distance, and direction. Judging by the position, it should be a sword that struck the heart. "

The crowd listened and nodded again and again, who proved that Jiang Shuihan was right.

"But the problem lies in these two places ..." Jiang Shuihan frowned, saying, "First, Li Daozong was stabbed with a sword without precaution. After falling to the ground, there was no trace of struggle. Inferring from this, maybe Assassin is a person that Li Daozong knows, and he has a sword through his heart without his defense, but from the imprint after Li Daozong fell to the ground, it is not necessarily so simple, because he did not struggle, we all know, unless one sword is cut Li Daozong ’s head, otherwise anyone would dying after falling to the ground, Li Daozong was just passed through by heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is impossible to die immediately. After falling to the ground, the blood sprayed so far, indicating that at that time By no means is a dying person. The heart pulses so strongly that blood can be sprayed so far. Why would he not move? "

The crowd fell into silence together. If the murderer was Ye Qingxuan, Li Daozong would not have no defense, even if he did not have a defense, after being stabbed with a sword, he would not even be able to struggle after falling to the ground. This is indeed a doubt.

Wei Xiaotian thought for a while and asked, "What about this little brother's inference?"

Jiang Shuihan said: "Maybe after the first person came, he conspired with Li Daozong to lose his ability to fight back and struggle, such as acupoints, and then the second person's killer ..."

"Hum, this little brother said it well, but it can't prove that the second one is not Lingling!" Chu Tianjian shouted.

Jiang Shui glared at Chu Tianjian and said, "I'll talk about my guess first, but didn't say this is the conclusion. Can you not interrupt me deliberately? It's very impolite!" (To be continued ...)

ps: Send two changes first, everyone looks first, and later ...

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