"You!" Chu Tianjian was furious. I didn't expect this boy to give himself so little face, and his words were so sharp. With his face flushed, he couldn't wait to break the river into pieces.

"Little brother, don't bother with others, please continue to talk ..." This time it was Yang Bozhan who spoke, not Wei Xiaotian or Qiu Yiping. This suddenly made Chu Tianjian feel isolated and shut up and stopped talking. .

Jiang Shuihan bowed his thanks and continued to say faintly: "This is only the first guess. The second guess is that after the arrival of the second real killer, he used some method to make Li Daozong lose the ability to fight back and struggle. Li Daozong is equal to It was just holding hands and being stabbed by the opponent with a sword. After falling to the ground, it was impossible to dying to death ... The most effective method of this method may be ... using poison ... "

The color of surprise exploded.

Jiang Shuihan and others fixed their eyes on Wei Xiaotian. Jiang Shuihan said calmly, "Senior Wei, we want to see Li Daozong ..."

At this time, even Chu Tianjian did not speak against it. Since people said that Li Daozong was poisoned, the best way was to go for a drug test. When the drug test was performed, Ye Qingxuan's people could not be supervised. Otherwise, the results will not be recognized.

Wei Xiaotian was a little silent and said slowly: "Li Daozong was secretly protected by the old man at the villa. Now that he has to find out the truth, naturally he can let everyone see Li Daozong ... but this candidate for drug testing, But it is the old man who waits for someone to choose ... "

"Be so ..."

The crowd then moved to "Nanlong Mountain Villa" again. Naturally, there were people left to take care of it, and the original innate master here. Including the two **** monks of Shenjian and Miaoxiu. Turn the villa together.

Chu Tianjian in the crowd was a few steps behind. Yin said: "Several people are better off playing tricks, even if it proves that Li Daozong is indeed poisoned, it does not mean that you are not suspect, maybe the poisoner is one of you."

This person is really annoying.

Ye Qingxuan said coldly, "Our brother didn't think about relying on this to clean up the suspicion. Perhaps Mr. Chu was trying to convict us, but our brother was trying to find out the truth, not just return me innocent. Revenge Li Daozong ... This person designed to frame me, Ye Qingxuan, who is our brother's deadly enemy. If you don't find this person, do you think our brothers will give up?

"Huh, clever words!" Chu Tianjian finished, sneered a few times, and moved on again.

The brothers were firmly surrounded by the disciples of Nanlong Mountain Village, and they were accompanied by innate masters around them. They did take care of them as suspects, even if a few people wanted to run. Can't escape.

Jiang Feiran, who has not spoken in many masters, is also a few steps behind at this time. Came to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan, Meng Yuanzhang, and Jiang Shuihan all set their sights on Jiang Feiran at the same time. Before Jiang Feiran spoke, Meng Yuanzhang took the lead in asking: "What's the matter, Jiang Xianzi, but is there anything to explain?"

Jiang Feiran froze, his face under the veil inexplicably tense, and asked, "Why do you ask !?"

The three looked at each other, Ye Qingxuan sighed quietly, and said, "When my eighth brother said the first inference and said that the first person to have met Li Daozong, the first one was someone familiar with him, Jiang Xianzi's heartbeat and Breathing became abnormally fast. In the ears of those who have seriously practiced [listening to the heavens and the heavens], the sound is no different from the drum of war ... "

"Yes, although I really want to deny it, but this incident involves the innocence of Brother Ye, so the little girl came to clarify. The first person to see Li Daozong was indeed a little girl. But I never harmed Li Daozong. the meaning of……"

"We know ..." Ye Qingxuan sighed and said gently: "We already guessed that person was Jiang Xianzi ..."

"Then why don't you question and expose to me in public?" Jiang Feiran asked softly, staring at Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

Jiang Shui said coldly, "I was going to expose it, but I was stopped by Brother Seven. Since Jiang Xianzi didn't come forward to explain the matter at that time, there must be any scruples ... Rest assured, knowing that Jiang Xianzi is that person, we are I won't believe that Jiang Xianzi will kill Li Daozong ... We are waiting for Jiang Xianzi to take the initiative to explain and want to find out the truth of the time. "

Jiang Feiran sighed and said, "I also believe that Brother Ye was not the murderer who assassinated Li Daozong, and that day I followed Li Daozong all the way to the small temple. The reason why I didn't say that was because I told him This incident that Li Daozong knows involves a more important secret, which cannot be said for the time being, especially not to let the people of Fengyi Pavilion know what our Lingyun Palace has to do with Li Daozong ... "

Fengyi Pavilion and Lingyun Palace! ?

This incident actually involves such two peerless martial arts, so one has to be cautious.

Ling Yungong secretly contacted Li Daozong and did not let Feng Yige know that the reason behind it was a more important event than the one at hand.

Li Daozong ’s father is the second owner of the “One Sword Villa”, Li Muru, the biological mother is the sister of Zhuo Qingfan, the owner of Fengyi Pavilion, and Li Muchan of “One Sword Villa” has a close relationship with Fengyi Pavilion. It can be said that Feng Yige is a natural ally. The two sides share similar ties, but Li Daozong actually carried Feng Yige to contact another peerless martial art. This incident itself reveals a little weirdness. Everyone felt that it was important, but it was really difficult to ask deeply.

"Since Jiang Xianzi voluntarily acknowledged this, we believe Jiang Xianzi's words. But this commitment can only be maintained after my seventh brother has been charged with crimes. If my seventh brother cannot be charged with crimes, he should not blame us. Shake this out. "Jiang Shui said in cold words that he persecuted Lingyun Palace. If Lingyun Palace didn't want to do anything, we would publicize this matter. It can be said that this is not a threat. .

Ye Qingxuan quickly blamed Jiang Shuihan and said, "The eighth brother Qiemu did not speak like this. Jiang Xianzi has her own difficulties. Moreover, there is still room for the world to turn around. Don't let Jiang Xianzi be embarrassed. How can you pay the sin to the fairy? courtesy……"

Jiang Shuihan bowed his hand and said "apologize."

Jiang Xianzi didn't move. Although the other side set the attitude very low, the warning words were already spoken. Everyone was smart. Afterwards, the attitude was just to leave some room between the two sides, and it wouldn't become ruthless.

"Rest assured, even if you don't say that, I will try my best to help Brother Ye get rid of the suspicion. Besides, there are extremely important things to ask Brother Ye later, will the little girl not do her utmost." Jiang Feiran said affirmatively.

"You don't suspect that I am a murderer !?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"No doubt at all." Jiang Feiran flashed his eyes like Qiushui's show, said, "In that state, Li Daozong, if Ye Xiong wanted to kill him, he would have the ability to let Li Daozong die directly, so why bother? So troublesome, what poison is used? "

The crowd watched Jiang Feiran leave, and instead of returning to the spectators, they turned around and walked away.

Jiang Shuihan watched Jiang Feiran's departure and calmly said, "It seems that Li Daozong's body is not so clean. Although Jiang Feiran said to guard against Fengyi Pavilion, the ultimate goal is Li Muchan or Fengyi Pavilion. It is not certain. ? "

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Jiang Fei should not have lied. Li Muchan is just a pure sword. The danger is only on the surface, and the threat of Feng Yige is below the surface. If there is anything in Lingyun Palace, Things that need to be investigated or actions taken must be directed at Fengyi Pavilion. "

Ye Qingxuan secretly thought: It seems that even Lingyun Palace gave birth to caution for the development of Feng Yige's forces. Li Daozong is indeed a good candidate to break into the interior of Fengyi Pavilion, but if Li Daozong can turn his elbow outward, the price paid by Lingyun Palace is not low ...

Jiang Feiran left, and Xu Dingwei and Xia Junning had already arrived here.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan thinking with his head down, the two did not come to bother, and whispered along with other brothers outside for a while. Before long, Wan Guotai walked angrily and said, "It's too much, they Now, not only did we take care of him, he even detained several of Qingyunguan in the small courtyard, and they already regarded us as murderers ... "

"What? My five brothers, they are also under guard?" Ye Qingxuan stunned, then patted his head, and sighed, "Broken!"

"What !?" everyone asked, quickly.

Ye Qingxuan sighed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "Well, this happened so suddenly, I forgot to explain to Brother Five. If my Brother and Brother Two are here, they will be bound Disciple, it ’s just my five elder brothers here. I ’m really afraid that as soon as his temper comes up, he will do something wrong and worsen the situation ... ”

As I was talking, a few students from Nanlong Mountain Villa rushed into the distance, two of them with blood stains on their faces, glaring at Ye Qingxuan fiercely, ran over and whispered to Wei Xiaotian.

After listening to his face changed, Wei Xiaotian suddenly looked at Ye Qingxuan and others with a bad look in his eyes.

Ye Qingxuan chuckled in his heart and secretly said: This bad thing came too soon ...

Wei Xiaotian and others walked towards Ye Qingxuan again. Before he could speak, Ye Qingxuan reached out and said, "Okay, Master Wei, is it not rude for me to be with Guizhuang?" And relax, Ye Yili will bear it, and will certainly give the villa a satisfactory account. Please also take me to calm down the disciples, because the misunderstanding will destroy the friendship between the two sides! "

Wei Xiaotian's face was ugly for a while, and finally he reluctantly said, "Okay, I'll take you there. As long as this thing stops immediately, I don't think it happened. However, only Ye Xiaoyou can go in alone ..." (To be continued ... )

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