Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 269: The situation is down

Ye Qingxuan had no choice but to obey.

At this moment, the situation just turned a little bit, and everyone in the spectator group had a bit of suspicion about the murder. How much personally he had a slight tendency to like Ye Qingxuan, but now he is out of such a gear. This matter undoubtedly ruined this goodwill, and at the same time offended Nanlong Mountain Villa. Without Wei Xiaotian's support, I am afraid that it will not be so smooth in the future ...

When the people returned to the gate of the small courtyard where the Qingyunguan peoples lived, the situation in front of them made both sides stunned. I saw that the people at Nanlong Village even supported the shield wall. The number was five or six hundred. Surrounding the resident groups of Qingyunguan, fully equipped with strong bows and crossbows, it turned out to be a forcible siege situation.

Wei Xiaotian's face wasn't right at the time, and he roared: "Who is this tmd's order, and even the elite soldiers of the sword shield have been transferred? Do you want to rebel? Yu Changhai, Cui Zezhong, these two **** are there ? "

Wei Xiaotian received more than a dozen apprentices. In addition to the war dead, there are nine alive. This is his second apprentice in Changhai, and Cui Zezhong is his sixteenth apprentice, only fifteen years old.

After a while, a gauze wrapped around his head, the blood was still dry, and a 30-year-old man with blood flowing out rushed over. When he saw Wei Xiaotian, he immediately stepped forward to kneel and said, "Master, Chang Hai is at this……"

As soon as Wei Xiaotian saw him, his original anger turned into anxiety, and he hurriedly asked, "What's going on with your dog? How did you get hurt?" Then his face sank again and asked: "Did you mobilize the elite soldiers of this sword shield? How come you are so brave!"

With a look of grief and indignation, Yu Changhai arched and said, "Master. It's not arrogant. It's an urgent situation ..." Then he saw Ye Qingxuan behind Wei Xiaotian. Immediately changed his expression of anger: "It's him, the people in their division. They have to go outside. We'd like to discourage them. They suddenly made a hidden weapon to hurt people, and the disciples were fortunate enough to escape, and only got a slight injury. But other disciples. Six or seven people were killed on the spot, Ze Zhong, and he also ... "

"Ah? What's wrong with Zezhong? You say it quickly!" Wei Xiaotian's face became abnormally haggard.

"Zezhong he was ... he was hit at the point, I'm afraid it won't survive!"

Ye Qingxuan and others sank suddenly in their hearts, and said secretly that it was not good.

"Ah-!" Wei Xiaotian's eyes turned red immediately, and he suddenly turned and yelled at Ye Qingxuan: "Is this how you Qingyunguan is doing things? Don't agree with each other, set a killer! Do you have a little bit? Rules of the river and lake! You said that if you bear the consequences alone, I see how you bear it! If my apprentice is dead, all of you in Qingyunguan will give me fate! "

Wei Xiaotian said everything, and the disciples in Nanlong Mountain Village immediately hurled around. The sword came out of the chamber and the sword came out of the sheath. Bow on the string ... a gesture to kill Ye Qingxuan and other personalities on the spot.

Chu Tianjian was overjoyed, and Nanlong Villa and Qingyun watched each other. This is really a happy thing. I have to add fire here. "What hesitant about Wei Zhuang, it must be this Qingyunguan man who participated in the plot to assassinate the Little Sword God. Now that he sees the plot unveiled, he dares not stay, and wants to kill the siege, so he hurt his disciples in Guishanzhuang Life. If it weren't for the Changhai brother Ji Ling, these people would have been gone for a long time ... "

The situation reversed, and Ye Qingxuan and others were in danger.

At this moment, even Qiu Yiping is complaining in his heart, blaming the iron clear stone for acting too hastily, and I don't know what it means. At this time, the matter has not been checked, even if you feel that Ye Qingxuan has been wronged and angry, but Can't do it?

Ye Qingxuan was so angry, he said in his heart: What happened to these people in Shimen? Although Brother Five is hot-tempered and trouble is possible, he will not attack the people of Nanlong Mountain Villa, let alone our brothers are still in the hands of Nanlong Mountain Villa. Doesn't he want to put us to death?

Brother Five, isn't he so mindless? No, things are not so simple,

Ye Qingxuan said firmly to Wei Xiaotian: "The owner of Wei Zhuang is temporarily outraged. I believe there must be a hidden feeling in it, it is not so simple as it is ..."

"Fart!" Yu Changhai yelled, "What's the secret, shit's secret, isn't what I said is false? My brother's injury is false? We saw it with hundreds of brothers in Nanlong Village. Will it be false? Ye, this time you have a lot to say, I will pick you up and light the sky lanterns, and take revenge for my dead brother! Suffer— "

Yu Changhai slammed sharply, and suddenly his body exploded. He rushed towards Ye Qingxuan. Wei Xiaotian was upset by the apprentice's situation and was suppressing the anger. He didn't check for a moment, but he didn't stop in Changhai. It directly attacked Ye Qingxuan.

"Changhai, stop—" Wei Xiaotian yelled out loud.

However, regardless of whether or not Yu Changhai came up, he fisted three fists in accordance with Ye Qingxuan, his fists were like thunder, and he was shocked and went straight to his chest ...

"Lao Qi be careful!"

The brothers shouted in unison.

Ye Qingxuan looked coldly at Yu Changhai's fist coming, not unavoidable, banging, three fists, three fists permeated between Ye Qingxuan's chest and abdomen, Ye Qingxuan's body collapsed, his back Thrown into his brother's arms, wow a spit, spit a lot of blood.

"Old Seven!" The brothers were startled.

The people around were even taken aback. Even Chu Tianjian, who hated Ye Qingxuan's death, couldn't help but be surprised.

Qiu Yiping screamed angrily on the spot: "Master Wei, isn't it too much?"

The two great monks in the Great Zen Temple combined their hands, declared the Buddha's name, and the wonderful monk calmly said, "Amitabha, the owner of Wei Zhuang also restrains his men--"

Wei Xiaotian looked stunned, knowing that his apprentice's behavior caused a lot of anger, and he should have become furious, but because of the behavior of that little priest, he suddenly turned over and became a bully.

Yu Changhai did not expect that the other party would not even fight back. He stood on the spot for a while, and even was at a loss.

Ye Qingxuan was pale, his expression was painful, and his blood was flowing down uncontrollably. His appearance was miserable, but his heart was secretly pleased: Hey, how about, this trick of Lao Tzu is still a bit useful.

Ye Qingxuan's body was [Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong] with ninefold power. The other three fists attacked, and after passing through the membrane, it was resolved between the muscles. There was no internal injury at all. As for the blood in the mouth, it was completely Ye Qingxuan's hardness. Coming out of force, it can be said that the injury caused by Ye Qingxuan's self-harm was more severe than the opponent's punch.

I was so pretentious that I was afraid I couldn't hide the brethren who knew it. Meng Yuanzhang blinked at her, and quietly gave her thumbs up to show her admiration.

But at this moment, there was a violent drink beside him, such as the flower monk's body violently rising, a dancing zen stick, and yelling, "I tmd killed you--"

Broken, this tampering letter thought it was true!

Ye Qingxuan's heart was terrified. If this **** shots at this time, his three fists would really be in vain, and the situation would get worse ...

It isn't just Ye Qingxuan who knows the consequences. Jiang Shuihan and Meng Yuanzhang are right in front of Ruhua, and they will stop Ruhua on the spot. But how can the strength of these two people stop Ruhua?

When Wei Xiaotian and others were so frightened that they were going to rescue Changhai, the monk Ruhua looked so surprised that he stood still.

Wan Guotai and others stepped forward and smashed the flower, and the water-mill Zen stick also snatched it.

Ye Qingxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and when everyone around him focused on Ruhua, before he could react, he took back a hand that grabbed Ruhua's ankle.

Yu Changhai shot angrily, and the three fists hit the whole body. Wei Xiaotian and other people who are familiar with Changhai know that this kid is very powerful. Let alone a person, he can be killed with a punch.

At this time, the three-fist combo, Ye Qingxuan didn't dodge, he took a restful attitude, and ate three heavy punches in Changhai, fearing that he had already suffered severe internal injuries.

For a moment, most of the people in Nanlong Villa went out of their hearts.

Because Ye Qingxuan's attitude showed that this young Taoist really wanted to deal with this matter, and he was not against Nanlong Villa.

Yu Changhai's three punches all hit Ye Qingxuan, but the other side didn't even dodge, and all of them ate hard. For a moment, he felt a little guilt in his heart.

Am I really wronged him! ? Or did he not know or agree with his behavior?

Yu Changhai stood here stupidly, and Wei Xiaotian behind him was also a personal spirit. After seeing Ye Qingxuan's response, he rushed forward and gave Yu Changhai a big mouth. He angered and said: "You **** Do n’t you dare hurt people without asking? Fortunately, Ye Xiaoyou knows the meaning of righteousness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has no general knowledge with you, otherwise people want to do something, and they will be able to demand your life, and you still admit it? "

Yu Changhai's expression was dull, "I" was in his mouth for a long time, and he couldn't say a word of apology.

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly and vocally at this time, slowly said, "Senior Wei, don't be like this. Brother Yu just wanted to avenge his fellow students, and didn't do anything wrong ... But this thing is weird, my Qingyunguan and Nan Longshanzhuang is a life-changing friendship on the battlefield. How could it hurt someone because of a little thing that was still found out? The owner also asked me to give me a chance to ask for an understanding ...

As soon as Ye Qingxuan tried hard, he forced a sip of blood, and his face became paler. At the same time, my heart was secret: Wei Xiaotian, this old fox, under the miserable scheme of this reversal, immediately straightened the situation again. I wanted to pretend to be injured by myself, causing the other party's guilt, and made some important requirements. Now, Fan Xiaofei was given a fan slap by Wei Xiaotian ... Now that he has punished his apprentice's mistake in person, is he still lingering on it? (To be continued ...)

ps: It's another two-minded service, today four-minded 12,000 words. I saw some brothers worrying about the abuse of the owner, um, not abuse, maybe the atmosphere is a bit depressed, also for the needs of the plot, but some elements have been added, I hope not to let everyone look at you ...

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