Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 273: Hunting plan

Ye Qingxuan's words fluttered loudly, and more than ten members of the ceremonial group all showed a thoughtful look.

At this time, Duan Sanshi returned under the guidance of his disciples in the village. Although his face was tired, his expression was still excited, and he nodded toward Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan's heart was immediately relaxed.

Needless to say, the escape of Wei Xiaotian's apprentice undoubtedly made the current relationship between the two parties take a step in a better direction.

Sure enough, after Wei Xiaotian listened to his disciples' explanations, his solemn look immediately opened up with a smile on his face, and his untied smile gave Duan Sanshi a kind smile.

After a little groaning, Wei Xiaotian said slowly: "Since it has been proven that this young man is not the real killer, it means that the killer has another person. Zheng Dao may wish to return to his home and wait for the news. Ye Xiaoyou said is very reasonable, but he ca n’t So he got rid of the suspicion, so Ye Xiaoyou also asked the old man and others to continue to go and go to the Little Sword God to find out. "

"It should be so." Ye Qingxuan naturally knew that it was impossible to scapegoat based on this suspicion, but a seed of suspicion had been buried in the hearts of the people. The more skeptical these masters were, the more secure he was.

Zong Xuan whistled and combed the items on his hands, looking like a wig.

On the desk beside him, several woodcarved masks were laid out horizontally, all of which were covered with thin skins like human faces. This is the legendary "human skin mask" in Wulin. Two of them are Ye Qingxuan and Zheng Yunbiao. Among others, there is Kitty King Zhan Yu and Duan Sanshi. Xia Junning and others.

Luo Jing sat in a seat not far behind him. Drinking tea quietly.

Zong Xuan hummed for a while. Obviously, the mood was extremely comfortable. He glanced at Luo Jingli without saying a word, and couldn't help but laugh softly and asked, "Is there something to say straight? It's rare that you come to me and take the initiative, but you don't say a word. Would you like to have tea with me? "

Luo Jing stopped from the tea cup in his hand, and then drank it. He asked coldly, "Since you have attacked the prey, this set of [Liyun Piercing Heart Sword Technique] is probably your most proud martial art. Why not kill Li Daozong with one sword, I do n’t believe in your skill Can't even pierce the heart. "

Zong Xuan sneered and compared the fake on his head, saying: "Since it is playing, naturally I want to play happily ... don't you think that Li Daozong is alive. Is it more fun than he died?"

"How would you like to play?"

"Human, only the higher you stand. The harder you fall ... If your playing books are unknown, what fun is there for such an opponent?"

Luo Jingli looked at Zong Xuan coldly and asked, "So, your prey must be the little Taoist priest named Ye Qingxuan?"

"Don't make fun, haven't you seen such a fun prey?" Zong Xuan put down his wig and said cheerfully: "My gift is their eight brothers, and all the people and everything they approach, theirs. Relatives, their friends, their disciples ... all are my prey. "

Luo Jing looked away suddenly and said, "So much? Are you eye-catching?"

"Hehe, the prey I selected this time is really exciting. There are too many objects to look at. I all hate myself. Why didn't you see these prey earlier? It wasted on Fang Rongze. A lot of time, and his final height is just a local master, he ca n’t be ranked on the entire Shenwu continent. The martial arts people here know very few people who know this Fang Rongze. The law is advancing rapidly, so it should be a genius. I did not expect that it was played by [Jin Jing Liu Li Ju], which is abominable. "

Zong Xuan's look was followed by a joy, and he slowly said, "But this time I will definitely not look away, these people, these eight righteous brothers, er, except the older brother who is more wasteful, everyone else is all It's a momentary talent. If I don't pull them off in the most glorious time and let them die in despair, how can I stand up to my hard work? "

Luo Jing snorted and said slowly, "Is it still your old way? Become their friend first, then stab in the back?"

"It's not necessary to play this way, but one thing is right, I must be their friend. Now they are a piece of iron, it is difficult for outsiders to insert into it, so I have to face them to the test of life and death, so that I can find the opportunity to perform some, Accepted by them ... "

"So you assassinate the Little Sword God and let them conflict with Yijianshanzhuang? But now it seems that you are going to fail. The masters of the ceremonial group are not rice buckets. They have already produced this assassination. I suspect that it may have been inclined to Ye Qingxuan. I have to say that you are disguising Qingyunguan disciples and creating a conflict between Qingyunguan and Nanlong Mountain Villa. This action is too redundant, not only does it not threaten them, but it is also against each other. Anti-utilization, so that everyone in the spectator group had doubts about this matter ... Brother Zong, it seems that you are losing your heart because of small things this time ... "

Zong Xuan looked at Luo Jingli with amusement and asked, "Do you think so?"

"Isn't it?" Luo Jing asked bizarrely.

Zong Xuan stroked a human skin mask on a wood carving and slowly responded, "In fact, the conflict between Qingyunguan and Nanlong Mountain Villa was not intended to stimulate Wei Xiaotian to kill himself. It was just a test. The response of the prey. When the prey falls into the trap, the good hunter will wait patiently, wait for the prey to exhaust itself, before starting, in order to check the vitality of the prey, always throw a few stones to see The prey responded. Otherwise, the trapped beasts fight, which is very dangerous.

And I'm doing this now, just to see to what extent my prey is so powerful. If they ca n’t even solve this little thing, or even destroy it, then they are a group of rice buckets. Such prey without IQ is not to let Hunting mood is much worse. On the contrary, if they respond quickly and have extraordinary IQs, my hunting interest will increase greatly ... It turns out that this group of people really has a few extremely intelligent people, especially this little priest, which really excites me. The whole thing is that he bears the burden of humiliation at the critical moment. He suffered the three punches in Changhai before he let the whole situation take a turn for the better. Otherwise, conflict may erupt at the time ... Well, well, only this prey, hunt Become more interesting. "

"But they are not well-known. Are you having a bad time?"

"The reputation is not enough, and the game is not good ... That's why they arranged the banner of Yijianshanzhuang. With this banner, if they live another day, their reputation will grow several times on the rivers and lakes. "When they are mature, that is, when my hunt is coming to an end, how happy is it to pick fruits at that time?"

"Oh, so it is. Then you now ..."


"Wait for them to emerge from the crisis?"

"Crisis?" Zong Xuan said coldly, and laughed: "What kind of crisis is it now? This is just a test I set for them! The crisis has not come yet ..."

Zong Xuan slowly got up, pushed the half-closing window open, and a piece of sunshine spread in. Zong Xuan stretched a lazy waist against the sun, chic and relaxed, and watered a pot of orchids by the window. Slowly said: "From the beginning to the end, I didn't think about the assassination of Li Daozong to make them defeat. The real crisis started after the people from Yijianzhuang arrived. It was ridiculous to think about it. , This group of people up and down thought that after proving that they were not assassins of Li Daozong, they could get the understanding of Yijianzhuang ... "

Luo Jingli looked at Zong Xuan and asked, "Isn't it?"

Zong Xuan put down the kettle and sneered sneerly: "No matter how they prove their innocence, but one thing they forgot, 'Yi Jian Zhuang Zhuang' was killed under their hands. In fact, whether or not Li Daozong exists, ' No one at Yijianzhuangzhuang will miss them. The matter of Li Daozong is nothing more than a blind-eye method, so that they have no time to think about these and no time to escape. It is also a means to let the people of Yijianzhuangzhuang appear in advance. ...

When all of them worked hard to get rid of Li Daozong's case, they did not know that the real danger had come ... "

"You want the people at Yijianshanzhuang to kill them?"

With a look of surprise, Zong Xuan said: "Of course not. The crisis is coming, of course it is my turn to help them resolve the crisis ... The most dangerous and most exciting way to hunt prey is of course to the prey. In the middle, seeing their despair, and finally understand their lives with their own hands ... "

"You are really a lunatic!" Luo Jingli sighed helplessly.

Zong Xuan snapped his fingers "www.wuxiaspot.com" and said, "My name is professional." Then he snapped his head and asked, "Yes, Brother Luo, are you sure of Li Yanlong's old boy? That trick, 'Back to Heaven Neon', is the attack distance three inches shorter than a normal person? "

Luo Jing lit his eyes and nodded surely, saying, "When Li Yanlong was young, he suffered serious injuries on the right side of his ribs, and other sword tricks did not interfere with the operation. No more, no less, just three inches shorter ... what do you think of? "

Zong Xuan reached into his placket and rubbed a scar that almost opened his belly, smiling lightly.

When everyone saw Li Daozong, the little sword **** had disappeared.

It was just overnight that it became so dramatic that it was unimaginable.

"Little Sword God" Li Daozong was lying on the bed at this time with gauze wrapped around his chest, and the whole man was in a coma. The breathing gas was extremely hot, and his body was like a large stove. However, Ye Qingxuan can also see that this is a strange method, not a fever caused by inflammation. (To be continued ...)

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