Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Daozong injury

The **** seeing the monk slowly explained: "This is the" bone-bone ablation rebirth decision "of Yijianshanzhuang. By squeezing and consuming nutrients in flesh and blood, it maintains the life of the body and repairs the injured body. Although the sword **** now seems to be in a bad state, in fact, the vitality in his body is extremely strong, and the internal injuries have been healed. Now only the sword injury in the chest is left ... "

[Shaped bone ablation rebirth]?

It turned out to be this set of exercises. It is said that with the protection of this set of exercises, the parties will not die even if they do n’t eat or drink for three or four months, and the powerful vitality can help people repair the injuries and hidden diseases in the body and operate. One month of this exercise, even the severe injuries before Ji Guanglan can be completely recovered. The damage is only the nutrients contained in the body. After conditioning for a period of time, it can be cured, which is a life-saving supreme skill.

No wonder then that Lingyun Palace chose Li Muchan to participate in that competition. This super blood bottle magic skill that can restore itself to full value at any time is really enviable and envious.

Chu Tianjian glanced at Ye Qingxuan and others with a playful expression and said coldly: "Now just wait for the Little Sword God to wake up, you will know who is really fierce ... At that time, see if someone is still like this So clever words? "

Qiu Yiping intervened and said, "We now know that the killer is a man who is good at transfiguration. How can you judge the facts lightly? How do you know that the little sword **** will not be blinded?"

Chu Tianjian sneered: "Well, are you guilty now? According to you, it is possible for anyone to kill this murderer, but it is impossible for him to be a young Taoist?"

"That was not what I meant!"

"That's what you mean!"


"Alright. Alright! Don't argue with each other. The blood test is fruitful ..." Jia Jun, who had been standing beside Li Daozong, said. The change of events attracted the two's attention and prevented the two from arguing again.

Because Duan Sanshi rescued Wei Xiaotian's young apprentice Cui Zezhong and was trusted by Wei Xiaotian, Lang Zhong, who was originally selected by Nanlong Village to check whether Li Daozong was poisoned, has now become a consultation that Duan Sanshi can also participate in.

Now two hours have passed, Duan Sanshi and Mu'an City Wu and Zhang, two old men from the villa, have returned together. Among the two old men who were quite dissatisfied with the young Duan Sanshi before, this time Returning has become a lot of respect. Repeatedly asked, let Duan Sanshi rate advanced Mingtang.

"There is a result!" Duan Sanshi smiled and bowed to the crowd.

Everyone was excitedly waiting for the news.

Wu and Zhang Lianglang, who were invited by Mu'an City, arched their hands at Wei Xiaotian and said, "I did n’t pay for the owner's trust. This time, the results were really monitored. Let me give you a demonstration. The two of us testified. They absolutely made false statements and did not hide anything. "

Everyone glanced at each other. They all agreed. In the face of everyone's attention, I believe that the duan Sanshi can't do anything.

Duan Sanshi on the side nodded and said, "Since the seniors agreed, then the younger ones will show you the seniors."

Behind him, a disciple presented a small table with three small silver basins on it. Duan Sanshi took a porcelain bottle from his arms and said, "This is the juice of Yinxing grass. The test result is better than ours. The silver needle test is thousands of times stronger ... "

Having said that, Duan Sanshi poured the juice of this silver star grass into three silver basins on average, and then took out a silver needle and said, "Please follow me ..."

Since someone was carrying three silver basins, and everyone came to Li Daozong's bed again, Duan Sanshi said, "I don't know who is willing to be an experimenter and contribute a drop of blood?"

"I'm coming," Ye Qingxuan said.

"Well," Chu Tianjian reached out, and said lightly, "I'm coming ..." and stretched out his hand.

The other party's apparent distrust acted only in exchange for Ye Qingxuan's slight smile.

Duan Sanshi held Chu Tianjian's right hand. The silver needle was lightly pressed, and a drop of blood was squeezed out into the first silver basin. The blood was like a bead, separated from the water of Yinxing grass like oil and water, and was incompatible with each other.

Duan Sanshi said: "Please see, the blood of this normal person, especially the non-poisonous blood, is incompatible with this herb liquid, to prove that this dear's blood is extremely healthy."

Everyone nodded to understand.

Then Duan Sanshi took out a small bottle and said, "Because there is no way for people to take poisons for testing, this bottle contains a drop of toxic chicken blood, and the poison used is arsenic, until I drip the juice of Yinxing grass. See what's changed ... "

After that, Duan Sanshi poured a drop of chicken blood from the vial into the second silver basin.

After seeing the blood fall into the juice like oil, it spread immediately, and the liquid in the entire silver basin became a ball of blood, and after a few seconds, it started to bubbling like boiling water. , Exuding a weird smell like smelly eggs.

The crowds retreated.

"Do you see clearly?"

Everyone nodded.

Duan Sanshi immediately waved his hand, and the disciples of his own villa quickly carried the silver basin out.

Wei Xiaotian luck waved his sleeves, a strong wind rolled all the strange smell here, and other disciples even pushed open the windows and brought in fresh air.

Duan Sanshi coughed twice, hehe laughed: "You guys can see clearly? This is still very toxic to the blood. If there are different types of poisons used in rivers and lakes, this Yinxingcao can be detected It also brings this slightly detoxifying effect. Different poisons have different effects, some discoloration, some smoke, and some crackles like the pan with salt particles ... Now, let ’s take a look Is Brother Li Daozong poisonous? "

The crowd immediately gathered up and looked at Duan Sanshi's behavior carefully.

As before, Duan Sanshi held Li Daozong's weak left hand, picked a needle, and tried to squeeze out a drop of blood. At this time, under the influence of Li Daozong's [Shaping and Bone Rejuvenation], blood flow was extremely slow. Duan Sanshi still rubbed It was so deep that he successfully obtained a drop of blood.

A third silver bowl was held by someone from below, and blood fell into the silver bowl. Was brought out. On the little table. A few particularly curious characters immediately stepped forward to take a closer look. Among them, Chu Tianjian and Qiu Yiping are extremely enthusiastic.

Blood dripped into the basin, and there was no compatibility with the juice, the juice was juice, the blood beads were blood beads ...

Doesn't this mean that Li Daozong is not poisoned?

Chu Tianjian shouted and said, "Li Daozong was not poisoned, so he just waited to escape responsibility. Delay time here ..."

"Be quiet and restless!" Ye Qingxuan said lightly.

Chu Tianjian snorted and said suddenly: "Little priest is dead, what is the calmness ... huh?" Chu Tianjian said here, suddenly hesitated, because the nose suddenly asked for a strange aroma, which made people feel at ease. Want to get drunk ...

"This is ..." Wei Xiaotian and others were frightened, looking at the silver basin dripping into Li Daozong's blood together, because this weird aroma came out of it.

"South Amitabha Buddha--" Both Shen Jian and Miao Xiu announced the Buddha number together and stood up together.

From beginning to end. The two demon monks were sitting side by side without moving, neither asking questions. Don't bother, but just asked about this fragrance at this time, but suddenly stood up and awake from entering.

Duan Sanshi bowed to the two demon monks as a courtesy and apologized: "The two demon monks have been disturbed, the younger ones are sorry ..."

When God saw the monk's dull eyes appear a faint light, he said lightly: "It is such a big handwriting that the purple-grade heaven and earth treasure" incense bath through grass "was used. It is extremely extraordinary. It is really admirable and scary to be so willing to use such a baby to conceal people. "

There was a sudden uproar among the people, and it was Ye Qingxuan who had speculation in his heart, but he did not expect it to be this kind of thing.

Everyone else looked at the monk with a very curious look. Among them, the master of the underworld Hupingshan "Tieshan God" Xu Chang asked curiously: "Master God, this is really what the legend can do Immortal 'incense bath bathing grass' that allows healing of very serious internal injuries? "

After seeing the monk's announcement of the Buddhist monk, God said lightly, "This herbal knowledge should be explained by the donor ..."

Duan Sanshi bowed slowly and said slowly, "This 'incense bath bathing grass' is indeed a life-saving immortal, and this herb must be ignited like sandalwood before it can be absorbed by the body.

After the herb is ignited, it is effective only on the injured person, especially the injured person. The most effective is the bleeding object, which allows the blood to coagulate and seal the wound in an instant. I believe this is one reason why Li Daozong did not die immediately;

On the other hand, for people with internal injuries, it is necessary for the injured person to inhale the aroma generated by the burning of this herb. When the effect is exerted, it should be slightly slower. So this person who ignites the herbs and releases the aroma may talk to this Li Daozong for a while to let Li Daozong inhale the aroma and make the medicine work ... "

"Since it has such good effects, how can it hurt people?" Xu Chang asked anxiously ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Duan Sanshi smiled slightly, "Because this fairy grass has a characteristic, as long as The effect of the medicine can paralyze people's nerves, which not only makes you feel no pain, but also prevents you from directing your body and becoming a person to be slain. Therefore, this herb is not only a good medicine for saving people but also a harmful one. Once you have suffered external or internal injuries, even if you scratch a bit of skin and bleed a little blood, once the effect of the 'incense bath bathing grass' is exerted, it will guarantee that you will be arrested immediately ... "

"Iron Mountain God" Xu Chang widened his eyes and said, "My obedient, I really opened my eyes today. I can't think of this saving baby, even a person with bad intentions can make such a trick. It's really poisonous ... "(To be continued ...)

ps: After returning home, this time is really not under my control, because there are too many people in charge, seven aunts and eight aunts are all elders, good guys, and they take their degrees every day. This is no car, so If you have a car, you're almost drunk 24 hours a day.

My hometown said that the first month of the month had to be cut, otherwise it would be awkward. So I faced the cold wind, stepped on the muddy road, cut a tmd hairstyle and looked in the mirror. With my black windbreaker, it was just Kim Jong-un's visit. Fortunately, it was in a small city and a big city could not meet the United States. a's agents can stab me ...

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