Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 288: Save one's life

The face of Li Yanlong's dog changed, and the men immediately looked at each other, and at the same time they looked back at Ye Qingxuan, who had a stray face. .

Ye Qingxuan's teeth were almost biting and bleeding, and his heart said: Li Yanlong, this old man, is so shameless! Obviously he was thinking of taking his own name with a sword, but pretending to have an innocent expression.

At this moment, he couldn't help but secretly agree with what Zhan Yu said a while ago, Li Yanlong, an old bastard, really is a smiling tiger, with a kind heart, and his face is like a book ...

At this time, he gathered everyone's eyes, and Ye Qingxuan's words would even determine Li Yanlong's life and death.

But Ye Qingxuan knew that at this time, although he was a full victim, no one hoped that Li Yanlong would die here, and everyone was entangled in this matter. On the one hand, he could not offend Lingyun Palace, on the other hand, he could not offend a sword. Villa, not only others, but even Ye Qingxuan, he can't afford to offend Yijian Villa, at least now.

Ye Qingxuan knew this, and Li Yanlong also knew it.

The best way is for Ye Qingxuan to swallow this breath, as everyone hopes, and he can't bear it.

The eyes of the crowd are almost so expected, Wei Xiaotian is so, Jiang Fei is so, so are the innate masters ...

"Predecessor Li is right, haha ​​..." Ye Qingxuan calmed down, and gently twirled his front placket, smiling with no thought: "Predecessor Li just tried my martial arts and had no intention. Senior Li It is clear that the younger generation and others are not accounted for, and the younger brothers and others are just a misunderstanding with Yijian Shanzhuang. Senior Li is a true hero who promises nothing, how can he do what he promises to do? "

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, while walking towards Li Yanlong, he opened his arms in a hug.

Ye Qingxuan chose to compromise, not to be afraid or to win contacts. It was simply thinking that Dao could not get you right now, but you are waiting. Today ’s account, Xiao Dao will one day and night count with you personally. Others' kind!

Li Yanlong also greeted with a smile, and said with a smile: "Ye Xiaoyou's martial arts are really deep and unexpected. There are so few young handsome men in Wulin. No wonder so many martial arts seniors love it, it really makes the old man envious. Say To tell the truth, in the face of the rising stars like Xiaoyou, the old is also very much loved ... "

An old man and a young man, two people who talked about each other were embracing in the eyes of everyone.

The old man scolded "little slipper", and the small heart scolded "old fox".

They patted each other's backs arrogantly, and the two laughed apart.

"Which is the case, but I waited for the misunderstanding of Li Tanyue! I believe Li Tanyue should not blame the poor monk. There is no Amitabha Buddha in the south-" The monk Miao Xiu smiled, his hands were as a courtesy, and he gently looked at Ye Qingxuan. One glance revealed a look of appreciation. This young man is able to bend and stretch, but it is rare among young people. Yijianzhuangzhuang is better off with him. If he hates it, he may have a headache afterwards.

The heroes all laughed at the same time, laughing and saying that the actions of Ye Li and the two of them surprised everyone.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's brothers were also very relaxed. At this time, they also came to Ye Qingxuan. They just looked at Li Yanlong with a vigilant look. It was amazing. The people who were just preparing to do something with Li Yanlong except for In addition to the brothers of Yiyi, there is an additional Zong Xuan.

Wei Xiaotian was very pleased to see a conflict with a significant impact become invisible, and after a big laugh, he roared loudly: "Hahaha, the two actions have teased everyone, and Wei is also frightened. It's not too light, if we have a large bowl of wine, we will be overwhelmed, but we can't justify it! Come, bring wine, use a large bowl-"

Wei Xiaotian yelled, holding the wine jars under his own door, and put the wine bowls on the table. This is a reassurance bowl prepared to prevent martial arts people from worrying about drinking problems.

Wei Xiaotian pours the wine himself, fills the wine, and delivers the wine bowls one by one to everyone.

The heroes were holding the wine bowl and were extremely happy. At this time, there were two peerless martial arts on the viewing platform, as well as the deacon of Jianjianzhuang, plus two monks of the Great Zen Temple, and many martial arts heroes ... Such an opportunity is really extremely rare. It is a rare opportunity to get acquainted with the representatives of the first forces in the world and to form a friendship.

Wei Xiaotian was even more excited. In this grand event, Wei Xiaotian, as the convener, really felt too shameless, raised his bowl and arched his hands to the heroes, and also congratulated the martial artists who entered the top 32: Dear old heroes and young heroes, hahaha, it's rare that everyone can get together this time, and Wei will show you the friendship of the landlords, and I would like to invite you all to do this bowl. Please— "

After speaking, take the lead in drinking water and wine.

Everyone lifted the wine bowl and said, "All the water and wine in the bowl were dried and cleaned."

Hahaha ...

The men laughed in unison, and the atmosphere became extremely warm.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a pain in her belly. With a wow, she spit out blood, and the blood sprayed Li Yanlong on the opposite side, Li Yanlong was stagnation on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qingxuan who fell to the ground was embraced by Zong Xuan next to him, and then yelled in shock: "Not good, the wine is poisonous--"

The heroes were overwhelmed, and some people were even excited and smashed the wine bowl in their hands ...

Wei Xiaotian's face changed drastically. He gathered his skills and yelled loudly, "How can this be? Who is it? Which Wang Ba ... wow ..." Wei Xiaotian was talking, and suddenly a big blood spurted out!

This scene can frighten a lot of martial arts people immediately. Ye Qingxuan's poisoning may have been targeted by someone, and Wei Xiaotian's poisoning indicates that everyone is the target of poisoning, especially Wei Xiao. God is still a congenital power, a poison that even a congenital power must be recruited. In fact, other people can resist?

Several martial artists immediately checked their exercises, and some even tried to force the drinks they drunk out, and all of them fell to the ground!

"Don't let go of the drinker!" A voice drank loudly, but it was the first Zong Xuan who found the poison. At this point he was sweating and sitting on the ground hugging Ye Qingxuan.

Duan Sanshi was sweating all over his head. He inspected the water and wine in the bowl and immediately yelled, "Don't do merit! It's one of the top ten poisonous‘ deteriorated honeydew. '”

At that moment, the men's complexion changed, and the sound of appalling exclaiming was endless.

"Dead Yuan Ganlu" is one of the top ten poisons in Wulin. This poison is very weird. It only works for people with internal strength. Ordinary people are poisoned at all. Especially if the poisoned person works, the poison gas will immediately follow the truth. The movement of qi is all over the body, and within a time of fragrant incense, the family name will be lost. The reason why this poison can be selected as one of the top ten strange poisons is that the hidden surname of this poison is very strong, colorless and tasteless. In addition to professional poison testing tools, even ordinary methods such as silver needles can not be tested. come out.

At this time, the heroes gather, and there are always those who carefully watch the 10,000-year-old ship will quietly investigate what they eat, and there is a silver wine bowl prepared by Nanlong Mountain Villa, similar to peacock gall, crane crown red This kind of highly toxic, the prototype appeared in the bowl, but in the face of this "dead Yuan manna" is completely undetectable.

This shows the cautiousness and insidiousness of the poisoner!

Ye Qingxuan is unlucky enough, because recently, he has been opening [Capricorn hood], and the qi is always working all the time, so it is almost impossible to avoid poisoning when the wine enters the throat.

And Wei Xiaotian was roaring because of arrogance, and the unfortunate poison fell to the ground.

Now that the heroes are poisonous, but they are unable to operate their internal forces, they have undoubtedly become a live target for the caring people.

Jiang Feiran and Wu Suya also cope with tragic changes. They sit cross-legged and do not dare to run their internal forces, but they both calm their breath and slow down the speed of blood flow. At the same time, they take out the elixir and stuff it into their mouths, trying to get rid of the toxins in the body.

Wei Xiaotian's face was pale, and he was supported by his doormen. Xu Dingwei, Xia Junning, Yu Changhai, and others guarded him. Some of the disciples also fell to the ground because of the use of power to force wine. Wei Xiaotian's heart was so angry that he yelled wildly: " Who? Who the **** is it? "

Qi Lang sounded a sword--

Someone answered Wei Xiaotian's question with action. A Nanlong Mountain Villa who had just been brought to the stage with a group of swordsmans, stabbed at Ye Qingxuan with a look of surprise, and the blood of several Nanlong Mountain Villas sprayed directly beside him. Throw it all around.

"Luo Tao, are you crazy !?" Yu Changhai shouted.

"He's not Luo Tao," Xu Dingwei yelled, "it's that easy-going assassin!"

That's right! It's him--

Almost everyone instantly agreed with Xu Dingwei's judgment ...

It was Ye Qingxuan who was assassinated by this man.

What a wave of unrest!

Ye Qingxuan yelled at his unlucky luck. At this moment, he stopped the operation of Beiming Qi, and for a moment he lost the ability to fight back, and watched the sword stabbing at him.

The first person to respond was Li Yanlong next to Ye Qingxuan.

This old man just got rid of the suspicion of assassinating Ye Qingxuan. Regardless of whether the assassin was the real murderer of Li Daozong, he has to take a shot. At this time, Ye Qingxuan can be fine, otherwise they will not be able to get rid of the suspicion.

Li Yanlong did not dare to use his energy, but could barely resist by virtue of his physical strength.

Ding Ding Ding Ding ...

After a quick fight, Li Yanlong snorted, and the assassin struck the soft sword with a strong sword, and at the same time stepped on his lower abdomen. Li Yanlong dropped, suffered internal injuries, and felt a deep hatred for a moment.

Had it not been for the heroes to be highly toxic and unable to operate their internal forces, there were more than twenty people on the field who had the ability to capture them, and everyone would have been hit by this person's poisonous plan!

The assassin repelled Li Yanlong with the help of Qi, and then pointed his sword at Ye Qingxuan again.

The surrounding brothers came forward to block, but they were unable to rescue because of the distance ...

"My **** is going to die--"

At the critical moment, Zong Xuan next to Ye Qingxuan exploded and attacked, and the wind in his hand whistled.

Zong Xuan split out a few palms, spit out a spit of blood on his own, no matter how hard it was to run, he still stepped forward and rushed to the assassin.

The assassin's eyes burst into surprise, and he looked at Zong Xuan who was rushing in wonderingly, palming his body, and the sword strokes in his hand suddenly slowed down. Assassin's sword strokes were about to change, but Zong Xuan seemed like an unknown prophet. The follow-up strokes have long sealed the follow-up changes of this sword technique, making its sword strokes congealed and a short pause!

This is absolutely impossible. Isn't this person the convener of this incident? How could this happen? How do you know the changes in my sword skills? How could you deal with me?

The assassin thought of the sneer that Luo Jing left his mouth when he came ...

He felt a chilly cold all of a sudden!

It turned out that he became a clown used by others ...

The resentful assassin is about to change his moves again. In the future, people will be assassinated, and at the same time, they will roar out the plot of Luo Jingli who has framed himself. As a result, he never thought of it. The people in front of him saw a trace of his sword. At the moment of pause, I didn't want to jump over ...

Zong Xuan actually faced the assassin's sword and rushed over. The cold sword stabbed into Zong Xuan's upper abdomen, then came out through his back, and once again captured the blood from the mouth, spraying the assassin's face. hole.

The color of confusion flashed in the assassin's eyes, and the word "you ..." just said, Zong Xuan's body had hit the assassin's body, and at the same time, the secret right palm poked at the opponent's soft ribbed hole by the moment of the impact. For a while, the knife-like infuriation invaded the body, hitting all the words behind the assassin, and his body was also hit by Zong Xuan ...

That cave is just one of the assassin's internal skills and mental methods. This weakness is not the same for everyone. Only the talents in the Law Enforcement Hall know this weakness. With one blow, the whole body's vitality will stagnate for a few seconds. Pain has always been a means of organizing the betrayal, but now, it was brought out by an convener whom he didn't know, and let him step into the cold!

The assassin spit his blood violently, and his body passed uncontrollably in front of Zhan Yu, Meng Yuanzhang, and others, and fell in front of the flowery monk who followed him!

"Dog, come on—"

The monk, such as the flower monk, roared loudly. He didn't have the strength, and his strength was enough to smash people like a flower. He saw the assassin rushing towards himself, resentful, and punched with a punch ...

"Stay alive--"

Zhan Yu and Jiang Shuihan cried out almost at the same time, but they were one step behind.

A violent punch has already hit the assassin's chest with a loud noise, and the sound of broken bones and muscles comes at the same time. The entire assaulted assassin flew out like a snoring doll. A dozen meters, the landing still rolled out seven or eight meters, the chest was already thin, and the spine connected to the back was discounted with a punch. In a single game, it was absolutely impossible to die ...

Zong Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, and before everyone rushed nervously, his eyes turned black and passed out.

Even in the end, he still used the hand of flowers to eradicate the assassins, because he knew that the flower-like burst of the surname was absolutely ruthless. And if he does it, I'm afraid he still can't get rid of the suspicion of killing people. If Yuhua takes the shot, this plan can be called perfect!

Poisoned and severely injured, Zong Xuan may die at any time ...

But at the moment that Ruhua's boxing hit the "blood evil" assassin, Zong Xuan knew that he had won!

"Lao Qi, are you okay?"

Duan Sanshi asked with concern, and at the same time diagnosed his pulse ...

Ye Qingxuan shook his hand, avoiding Duan Sanshi's hand, and said anxiously, "Don't worry about me, save Zongxuan first!"

At this moment, depending on his appearance, I'm afraid I will never doubt that this life-saving Zong Xuan was saved ...

Especially when the real murderer is already down!

The brothers nodded and said, looking at Zongxuan anxiously!

Only Jiang Shuihan exhaled softly and looked at Zong Xuan who was unconscious ...

All the people on the viewing platform were poisoned. There were forty-seven people. The poisonous wine was not in the wine, but was smeared on the silver bowl.

It turned out to be the place where everyone was most at ease. It seems that the poisoned person is very deliberate.

As one of the top ten poisonous drugs, "Xuan Yuan Ganlu" is not easy to be noticed, but because of this same characteristic, it weakens the special surname on the other hand, that is, the poisoned surname. People who are poisoned do not immediately die like He Dinghong. As long as there is an antidote to the door, they can still get rid of the poisoned surname, but this time is longer, and if they are not careful, they will still die.

Nanlong Mountain Village is heavily protected by protecting all the poisoned people.

The first people to be treated were a few people who acted violently, and as a result let the toxins invade the meridians ...

These include Ye Qingxuan, Wei Xiaotian and Zong Xuan!

Especially Zong Xuan, not only was poisoned, the sword almost pierced the internal organs ...

It was a miracle. The sword that passed through the belly was just stabbed in the middle of the liver and stomach, and it did not hurt the internal organs, which made Zong Xuan take his life.

Ye Qingxuan and others were concentrated in one place, with the care of Nanlong Mountain Villa. Several people managed to find free time and discussed the matter together ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Among several people, Ye Qingxuan recovered the fastest !!

The venomous poison that invaded his body, when he encountered Beiming Zhenqi, frantically invaded, but when he touched the jade Zhenqi produced by [Taiyi Xuanyuan Ningyu Gong], he seemed to hit a wall. Although it can still erode, it is extremely difficult to move forward.

When Ye Qingxuan moved in his heart, the characteristic of "can lock all poisons" haunted his heart, so he tried to change the surname of the "Jade" of "Tai Yi Xuan Yuan Ning Yu Gong" to lock the poisonous poison that invaded the body, with great results. With success, he easily pushed the “dead Yuan Manlu” invading the body to his fingers, and Duan Sanshi used special medicine and “Silver Needle Acupoint” to completely remove the toxins from the body, and at the same time he completely removed the remaining toxins in the body. Cleared up a few chips faster than everyone else.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and Duan Sanshi cooperated and just cleared the poisonous body in Zong Xuan's body. When they returned together, they talked about Zong Xuan's injury.

"Zong Xuan's life is not so big," Duan Sanshi pointed at the scars on Zong Xuan and said to everyone, "Several knives under the ribs are slightly above three points, and a very important blood vessel will be cut. Between a few breaths, he can be killed by blood loss; there is also a sword here, which almost cut off his meridians, making his entire right leg incapable of functioning ... "(To be continued.)

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