Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 289: Budo Shrine

At this time, everyone was commenting on the flying disaster, guessing the origin of the assassin, and at the same time, they reexamined their attitude towards Zong Xuan and began to reposition him. .

Undoubtedly, Zong Xuan's dedication to rescue Ye Qingxuan moved the brothers. They had taken precautionary measures against them. They didn't say it, but they felt a little bit guilty.

Duan Sanshi pointed out the injuries on Zong Xuan, and Meng Yuanxi nodded and said, "It's not the first time that this boy has given his life to save people. Fang Zongze of Qizhou was rescued by Zong Xuan several times, including one time. I was almost hacked to death by the five ghosts of Liyang ... "


Everyone realized the general exclamation.

The Liyang Five Ghosts have always been cruel and fierce, and it is extremely difficult to escape the surname in their hands.

"It seems that this kid is still worthy of dealing with ..." Wan Guotai hugged his shoulders, holding the blue dragon and moon knife in his arms, said Shen Sheng. Now IWC is basically a knife.

Everyone nodded and said that only Jiang Shuihan kept silent and didn't argue with everyone. It was just because of his feelings that it was difficult to have a good opinion of Zong Xuan, and he still regarded Zong Xuan with a critical attitude.

"Well, that assassin died too quickly, and I don't know what his origin was." Meng Yuan muttered.

Ruhua the monk said innocently: "Don't blame me, I was discouraged at the time, just a punch, who knows that guy is so innocent ..."

Everyone silently glared at this rammed goods. The great monk always walked with his fist in front of his head, expecting him to think about the consequences before he started, which is harder than going to heaven. It was the kid's life that Li Daozong wasn't smashed by his Zen stick.

Several brothers were talking in a few words, the door was pushed away, and Zhan Yu and Huangfu Taiming who came to investigate the assassin's body walked in with a gloomy face. The crowd was preparing to consult, but Zhan Yu took one from her arms. The things that were covered by the white silk were still on the table when the bang was heard, and everyone looked at the two questioningly, and Zhan Yu smiled and said, "Lao Qi, look at it, is it familiar ..."

Ye Qingxuan froze, then quickly opened the white silk, and at the first sight, his face darkened.

That thing was nothing else, just a wristband, but what made Ye Qingxuan's brows frown, it was this wristband that gave him a very familiar feeling, looked up at Huang Fu Taiming, saw him nodded, his heart was even more Shen, disassembled the wristband three times, and the structure was exactly the same.

Gently unloaded a date-sized grasping head in the wrist guard, and Ye Qingxuan pulled out a slightly damaged scratching head from his arms.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and said, "This kind of thing really shot from this wristband ..."

Wan Guotai looked at Ye Qingxuan's little scratching head and asked in confusion: "Hey? Lao Qi, this one in your hand is ..."

Ye Qingxuan shook the head of that date-sized cold iron in front of everyone and slowly said, "Remember the ruined temple we went to when Li Daozong was attacked? Right above the temple door, I found that I had shot into I scratched this head, and before everyone noticed, I pulled it out ... "

"Oh? So, this assassin is the same as the murderer who assassinated Li Daozong and framed Lao Qi?" Duan Sanshi asked.

"Dare to say that they are the same person, but there must be a great correlation between the two, and there is a great chance that they are the same group." Ye Qingxuan said indifferently, and then frowned. "But these are not my second and fourth brothers. Where to worry ... "

"That is……?"

Ye Qingxuan pursed his lips, pulled up his sleeves, and exposed the wristbands on his arms. Everyone's breathing was short. Then, Ye Qingxuan pulled from the wristbands and took out a date-sized piece. Han Tie scratched his head and gently placed the third one next to the other two.

Huang Fu Taiming did the same, took one scratch from his wristband, and put four scratches together.

Now anyone can see the similarities between these four scratch heads.

Not similar, but identical.

The assassins who framed Ye Qingxuan and others used the same equipment as Ye Qingxuan and Huangfu Taiming.

"Here, isn't this the brace Mr. Lu gave you both? How is it exactly the same as the assassin?" Wan Guotai said sharply.

Zhan Yu's face was ironed, and Shen Sheng said, "Everyone is brainstorming, but I remind you that Senior Lu Botong Lu is our ally. He has nothing to do with this. It is certain. But he How does the design of the enemy appear in the hands of the enemy? This is what we have to figure out. "

Huangfu Taiming took the lead to say, "The master teacher served in the Ministry of Industry that year, and many of the institutional objects designed have original drawings in the court, but they must be the original original version. The version of the assassin you see before you is the original version. So there is a great chance that this thing comes out of the court ... "

Huangfu Taiming took a deep breath and slowly said, "This is also the thing I am most worried about. Is it that the court has rotted to the point where some core secrets cannot be guarded? Or is this assassin organization somehow as big as the court? Have close ties? "

A cloud covered their faces.

Duan Sanshi on the side suddenly said, "Mr. Lu's design may not have been transmitted from the court ..."

Everyone looked at Duan Sanshi in wonder.

Duan Sanshi fixedly looked at Huang Fu Taiming and said, "I don't know if the fourth brother has heard Mr. Lu talk about it, but the best of his life, but sorry for his friend?"

Huang Futai showed a look of surprise and asked urgently, "You mean ... but isn't he dead?"

Duan Sanshi sighed and said, "People are not dead, but they are almost dead!"

The other brothers were confused, and Zhan Yu couldn't help asking: "Who are you talking about, please don't play the mystery at this time, okay?"

Huang Fu Taiming looked at Duan Sanshi, and Duan Sanshi sighed: "The man I said to the fourth is a character of the older generation. He has a fatal relationship with his teacher, Mr. Lu, and Ji Guanglan. Later, because of a woman who went astray, she ended miserably. Now it is just a puppet-like existence.

"Who the **** is this guy?"

Duan Sanshi said: "Unworthy Master-Mr. Canghua!"

The brothers were uproar.

"The first stranger in the world at that time, Mr. Zanghua!" Meng Yuanzhang said in a voice, "It was the one who was trapped alive by relying on the gossip array to worship the three saints for seven days and seven nights, waiting for the righteous warriors to come and kill them all at once. Mr. Tibetan Flower? "

Less than a hundred years ago, the imperialist siege of the rebel worship religion in the Western Regions. Hidden flower lay down a set of formations against a naturally formed terrain. Three saints worshipped by the fire worship who came to support them were besieged. For seven days and seven nights, the court master finally rushed in and wiped it all out, and made great contributions to the rebellion of that year.

Hidden flowers and raccoon leaves are brothers, but they are devoted to medical techniques, and they are devoted to the use of poison and strange techniques. In addition to organ surgery, they are also extremely capable of rogue and rogue. proficient. Once pretending to be the emperor, he teased that Ji Guanglan could not find it after thirty-nine or nine weeks' worship. It was extremely magical.

Tibetan flower is very interested in the mechanics of organs. After studying this organ technique with Lubotong for a long time, this bracer was the product of research by Lubotong and Tibetan flowers.

Zanghua was originally in the imperial court with Lu Botong, and worked under Ji Guanglan's hands. However, later, Zanghua met a woman, a mysterious woman, who was obsessed with it. Later she abandoned the official and did not follow the name. The woman's side lost contact with her for a time. Until one hundred years later, Hidden Flower returned from a serious injury. She failed to say a word and fell into a coma. After waking up, she became a vegetative person. Ji Guanglan and others killed his murderer. I do n’t know who it is, unfortunately ...

After Duan Sanshi finished telling this secret, everyone was groaning. It was unexpected that Mr. Canghua, who had already died in the legend, was still on earth.

Duan Sanshi said faintly: "After that, Mr. Ji Guanglan, together with his family teacher and Mr. Wan Ye, used the forces in his hand to visit him for a long time, although he could not find the woman again, and found out the murderer behind the hidden Tibetan flower master However, one thing is certain, there must have been an extremely secretive organization behind the scam of Tibetan flower masters. They abducted Mr. Tibetan flower to their side, and then dried up the use value of Tibetan flower. It is very likely that the person who dealt with the seventh brother is this mysterious organization ... "

A mysterious organization was found behind the woman. Since this guess was made by Ji Guanglan, the surname may be over 80%.

But where is this organization sacred? Why did it come to deal with Ye Qingxuan?

In the hearts of everyone, there is still no solution ...

Three days later, the poisonous poison was cleared away.

Only with precautions, this poison is not a mortal ending, especially where there are disciples in the two holy places of Wulin, and there are countless secretions on their bodies. Even if it is one of the top ten poisons in Wulin, the end is not as many people think. terrible.

According to the agreement, Ye Qingxuan came to look for Jiang Feiran.

But he did not expect that another person would arrive first at the agreed place, but at this moment she was about to leave.

As soon as she was white and snowy, Su Suya said with a tender voice of her surname: "Sister Jiang, don't forget our agreement. Although this Ye Qingxuanji man looks like he has got rid of the suspect's charges, Su Ya did not help Too busy, but our previous agreement ... "

"Appointment !? What agreement?" As if it was the other party's intention, Ye Qingxuan, who just appeared, happened to hear the words of Su Suya, and looked at the two disciple female disciples in surprise.

"Well, sister Jiang originally asked Ye Daoyou! Didn't this Ye Daoyou know?" Wu Suya gave a wonderful look and looked at Ye Qingxuan with interest. "Our **** fairy paid a lot for Daoyou. The price, she ... "

"Our agreement is just as valid!" Jiang Feiran said lightly, "How dare my little girl break her word?"

Su Suya lightened her hair and said, "That's great. Don't disturb my sister's old days ..."

Wu Suya smiled sweetly, don't wink and wink at Ye Qingxuan intently, her clothes are fluttering, the fairy is flying, but she goes away.

Jiang Feiran and Ye Qingxuan who left a very unnatural look.

Ye Qingxuan gave a cough and said softly: "Ginger fairy, I think we should talk about the" sushi "now. But I think Jiang Xianzi will also explain to me what you call-promise! Ye Qingxuan felt in his heart that it seemed that the fairy of Lingyun Palace had made a compromise for himself, a major compromise.

Jiang Feiran nodded and turned to move, Ye Qingxuan immediately followed.

Ye Qingxuan didn't want to owe the humanity of these peerless martial arts. He owed them the humanity.

Knowing that Ye Qingxuan was close behind, Jiang Feiran said lightly: "The matter of" wushi "is a big secret of the martial arts of the martial arts. Known people are only a few forces, and they are basically all selected into the" wushi " Martial art. Did Brother Ye Dao have heard of the "Lingwu God Machine Stone" in Lingyun Palace? "

Ye Qingxuan was shocked, and the secret way had a huge relationship with this strange treasure. Shen Sheng said: "The five great treasures of the Shenwu continent, of course I have heard of ..."

"Well, the little girl will not repeat it. The 'Lingwu God Machine Stone' has the magical power of the sky. It can be inferred that the martial arts master Wugong's posterity. My Lingyun Palace's" Lingwu God Machine Stone "is absorbed by its mysterious energy. Because of this, it can only be rotated once every forty years. Whenever the time comes, the Lingyun Palace will announce the world and choose excellent young talents to go up the mountain to run the **** stone. For a long time, this incident has also become a great event for me. . "

Ye Qingxuan nodded his head and secretly said: Compared with the grand event of Lingyun Palace, the "Kirin Club" of Nanlong Villa is really a little witch.

Jiang Feiran went on to say, "I talked to Ye Ye about these things, in fact, the purpose was to understand the matter of 'bringer', because this matter is related to the entire conquest of Shenwu. In fact, this 'Lingwu God Machine Stone' Not one, but nine! "

"What?" Ye Qingxuan felt his head smashed by the siege hammer, a roar.

"This is a true thing. The Lingwu God Machine Stone of Lingyun Palace was brought back from the world martial arts sacred place thousands of years ago. Do n’t ask me what the world ’s martial arts shrine is, and do n’t ask me where it is Where, because to this day, we ca n’t know its specific location. It ’s just knowing that not only are the warriors of my Eastern Shenwu continent participating in the grand event, but also the southern Vedic continent, the northern ice pole continent, and the western Chiyan continent. And many unknown soldiers in the region participated in it, only for the first "Lingwu God Machine Stone" in the "Wulin Holy Land". The Lingyun Palace is relatively small, only forty years to have enough energy to deduct once, and there The **** stone is ten times the **** stone of Lingyun Palace and can be deduced once a year, so warriors all over the world are frantically vying for this hard-won opportunity.

The number of times is limited, and the personnel are replenished every year. Each continent only has a chance of replenishment once every four years, and each supplemented person needs to submit a nine-pin treasure as a condition.

It is extremely dangerous and is a natural killing field. In addition to the super strong warriors, there are many strong beasts. Its species and power are far beyond the known species. The last time the warriors on the Shenwu continent were said to have the entire army. Covered there. "

"Since it's so dangerous there, why waste the nine treasures in exchange for such an opportunity?"

Jiang Feiran gave Ye Qingxuan a faint glance and said, "One is that there are countless treasures there. As long as you live long enough, the harvest is definitely greater than the investment. The second is to produce a strong military that is stable enough. The third is not to The war between the continents broke out ... "

"War between the continents?"

"Yes. All participating countries will not be attacked by other continent countries. This is one of the benefits of participating. You don't have to doubt that this is absolutely guaranteed. That can bring all the warriors in the world together. It ’s not something we can peep at and doubt ...

Ye Qingxuan silently, although he was full of doubts, but obviously, Jiang Feiran's advice was correct. He has the strength to host this kind of competition, and his power is spread all over the world. He can restrain organizations from countless countries at the same time. Being strong is by no means an inexperienced young man.


"Is the agreement with Bian Suya?" Jiang Feiran smiled lightly, "The limit of the number of people we can add this time is five. At that time, the ancestor had an agreement with Fengyi Pavilion, and one person would be given to Fengyi Pavilion each time. Come and choose, Li Muchan was their candidate at that time. This time, I gave Feng Yige another chance, so Feng Yige's hands were unprecedented and there were two candidates ... "

Ye Qingxuan was right. I didn't think that although this was a dangerous opportunity, people in the world would inevitably want it. It was just a return for their own peace. Ye Qingxuan was very moved, sighed, I do n’t know how to say it, but it was just plain Say "Thank you ..."

Jiang Fei smiled slightly and didn't care.

"You are the 'assistant' I have chosen, and I must prove that my vision is not wrong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You know, in the past years, these places have been occupied by famous disciples, in order to improve myself The martial arts level and strength of each martial art, each major martial art has secretly cultivated master disciples, each has no less than the skills and strength of Brother Ye. However, these people have high martial arts skills, but they have less of a lot of effort. Under the circumstances, they were totally unsuited. Some people even thought that they had lost their surnames before they even shot, so this time, I asked the palace master to choose a person with strong adaptability to fight, even if his martial arts It ’s not the highest, you can fight ... and you, Brother Ye, you are the one I chose this time ... "

It turns out that this upcoming event is not two people standing on the stage to compete, but it is much more dangerous. It sounds similar to "Hunger Games". Since it is a survival battle, it can't be messed up.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes brightened and he looked at Jiang Feiran and said seriously: "Jianxian, if we want to win the Central Plains Wulin, I have an idea maybe feasible ..."

"what idea?"

"Since it is a battle for survival, it must involve the problem of teamwork. Rather than letting you choose three or five people who you do n’t even know, apart from the two of Feng Yige's helplessness, I hope that in addition to my The other two are the ones who can cooperate with me ... How about the other two places for you? "(To be continued.)

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