Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 292: Regain the Mountain Gate

The Qingyan Taoist stood up, patted the soil on his ass, gave a glance at Qinglong gently, and replied with a sneer: "Run? It's impossible. Maybe in your eyes, I am Kunwu. Sending a pulse, but in Kunwu's body, I'm afraid it will only surprise you again and again ... "Thinking of that little master who is intriguing and tragic, Qingyan Taoist gently pulled the corner of his mouth, full of confidence.

Qinglong's disdainful eyes flashed away slowly, and she said slowly, "It's no good to be persuaded, as stubborn as your mother-in-law. You should know that the time-knowledger is Junjie, and your fight with the Holy Gate was just Suzaku dealing with the Dami What happened was that the people outside the gate were lost, and the real strength of the gate was not exposed at all ... Could the 200 years accumulation of the gate be represented by only a few masters in the day after tomorrow? The so-called '108 The star devil will be 'just comforting' the title of 'Jiu Zong 36 Roads'. Its real strength is horrible enough to make people ... hmm, you and my father and son, for the father's reluctance to see you in the wilderness. ending!"

The people in the magic gate are really the people in the magic gate. Even though Qinglong really fell in love with his mother, he was sparse and flirtatious and treated himself only because of his mother. Why is there ordinary people's flesh and blood?

The Qingyan Taoist said faintly: "I will tell you these words of Shimen. I believe they will become more excited when they hear the power of the magic gate. To be honest, I can hear the blood boiling ... Kunwu The hatred of the ruined faction, I hate the family and destroy the door, and I will definitely recover them one by one from the magic gate. Only by paying ten times and one hundred times the price of the magic gate can we wash away the blood feud of the Kunwu faction! "

Feng Qingyan! ?

He chose the surname!

The Qingyan Taoist finally found his last name, and he chose the last name. Maternal last name was selected. No doubt also chose Kunwufeng family. I chose to confront and break with my father ...

Qinglong's eyes narrowed, the air suddenly became cold, murderous air filled the sky, the entire space seemed to freeze up ...

Feng Qingyan mentioned the long sword "Drunk Yinyue". Pushing the sword with an inch of his left thumb slightly exposed the sword's body. A sword gas formed suddenly, resisting the murderous force forced by Qinglong. The father and son confronted each other in front of their own graves.

Qinglong's eyes stared at the sword in Feng Qingyan's hand for a moment. The narrow sword made his pupils shrink, and he lost his voice: "Slim willow sword !? You killed the seventh messenger of the gate?"

The Angel of the Holy Gate is undoubtedly the core of the magic gate, and it is by no means compared with those of the outsiders. The Seventh Angel is also the one killed by Ye Qingxuan's sneak attack, because he has worked hard for the gate and received the reward of the Lord himself. How can the blue dragon, one of the "Six Willow Swords" given by the magic gate and one of the "Six Royals" of the magic gate, not recognize this strangely long sword ...

Feng Qingyan stroked the long sword in his hand and smiled, "Is this sword originally called 'Xiu Liujian'? Awful name ... but fortunately met me. Now it is called 'Drunk Yin Moon' 'It's my sabre!' Then Feng Qingyan looked up at Qinglong and said faintly, "Kunwu is very poor now. Maybe you let the people in the magic gate send more babies to us, and we promise to pay them all ! "

Qinglong laughed for a long time in the sky, with him as the center, a smoky wind blew through, and the flowers and trees on all sides were withered immediately, and the Buddha fell into the autumn ...

Qinglong laughed wildly, and said at last: "Okay, okay, it's crazy enough, it really is my Qinglong's son ..." Then laughed and said, "Since so, I'm waiting for you, waiting for your mother Come to me for a day of revenge for your teacher ... "


A plume of blue smoke emptied, the blue dragon went away ...

When the midsummer.

The blue sky is like a wash, there are no clouds; the sun is hot, the fossils are flowing ...

The battle to capture Kunwu Mountain has finally begun!

The army of warriors who suddenly appeared in front of the Kunwu cottage surprised the bandits of the Purple Scarf. Under the circumstances that they could arrange the defense in the future, the army of warriors took the lead in capturing the huge road under the leadership of innate masters. Zhaimen.

The gate was opened, and more than 4,000 warriors swarmed into the cottage, and the disciples of the demons were chopped down by chickens and dogs.

Wei Xiaotian was so angry and shouted, "Chong! Kill! Kill the demons of the Demon Gate! Kill the demons and get rid of the demons. On the same day, don't let one go ..."

Ye Qingxuan held the sword in one hand and lost it to the back with one hand. The sword took away the dragon and snake, and every time he flickered, he took one life. The brothers acted in concert. Before he saw the master of the magic gate, he did not use these miscellaneous soldiers. The true skill, even the most insignificant martial arts, Wan Guotai, with a large sword in his hand, can easily betrayed the disciples he encountered. Zhan Yu was persuaded for a long time because she was injured. Among the brothers, only Ruhua rushed to the left and killed with excitement, and all the disciples whom he saw were unable to escape the flesh and blood flying under the zen stick.

Huangfu Taiming said doubtfully: "Brothers found no, since we rushed into the Zhaimen, we haven't met a master of the magic gate, let alone the 'Bad Fighting Heaven King', even if it is a 'Sky Demon General'. No, does the Demon know that we are attacking this time because of any conspiracy? "

Ye Qingxuan frowned, silent.

Even if there is any conspiracy in the magic gate, now that they have completely captured the deliberative hall, the most important building in the cottage has fallen into their own hands. Why haven't the people in the magic gate shot it?

The crowd began to become cautious. This process persisted until the right people completely captured Kunwu Mountain, from the foot of the mountain to the mountain, and even pushed a wooden platoon in the Tianhu Lake. As a result, no master of the magic gate was found. appear.

This Kunwu Mountain was abandoned by the Momon before the siege of the people ...

The interrogation of the captured Purple Scarf was only known. In the afternoon before the crowd attacked, all the leaders in the cottage were ordered to meet in the meeting hall. Only a few small leaders were left to guard the mountain. The others stayed overnight. The entire Kunwu Mountain that was evacuated, and many valuable and useful things in the cottage were not taken away.

Was his action noticed in advance by the magic gate?

Temporary avoidance is just to build up power again to attack Kunwu Mountain?

With this question, the world's heroes spent another ten days on Kunwu Mountain, and finally someone could not wait. People in the magic gate do not come to a decisive battle. These martial arts heroes, each with their own chores, cannot wait here indefinitely. After the Lingxue real people thanked each one and almost exhausted what was left behind by the Purple Scarf on the mountain, the return of Qingyan Taoists let the Lingxue real people understand that the magic gate has a more meticulous and huge plan, and for the time being Avoid direct confrontation with the righteous people ...

Kunwu Mountain is safe for the time being!

Due to the lack of sufficient evidence and the identity of the Qingmen Taoist Momen Qinglong's son cannot be transmitted to the outside world, the news was only informed by the real people to strengthen their vigilance. Beware of the magic tricks of the magic gate, and really think about this news, I am afraid that there are only two demon monks in the Great Zen Temple ...

The heroes leave.

However, the 3,000 elite soldiers in Nanlong Mountain Villa are still here to guard and will not leave in the short term.

The strength of the Kunwu faction on the mountain today is only two dozen people. Even if all of Qingyunguan's disciples arrived, they were only about four hundred people. Such a large mountain cannot be prevented.

The cooperative defense of Nanlong Villa has become a vital link.

In addition, Twelve Lords of the Lohan were left to guard the Great Zen Temple. Kunwushan also has a certain defense force in advanced force.

Feng Qingyan knelt before Master's feet and hesitated to get up.

Chu Lingxu sighed softly. Slowly said: "It's so heartbreaking that you can't think of the truth ... Well, I already know your history ..."

Feng Qingyan's body shook and couldn't stare at Master Chu's imagination in disbelief.

Chu Lingxu groped from her arms, and soon took out a jade pendant, crimson jade color, without a trace of flaws, carved into a cluster of flowers, and gently handed it to Feng Qingyan.

"This, this is ..."

"This is your mother's relic. When I met you unconscious, I found it from you. This is a gift from your grandfather to your mother on your mother's birthday. It is always worn around your waist. I know its origins. And you look so much like your father, how can I turn a blind eye? At that time, your parents were very fond of me in the door, and they were very close, but I just could n’t think of Brother Linglong, whom I always respected. It turned out to be The spy sent from the demon gate eventually climbed to the position of the master of the Qinglong Emperor, which is really unpredictable.

At that time, the gate of Shimen changed greatly. Your mother stayed on Kunwu Mountain. I thought it was miserable. I didn't expect to see you suddenly. When I saw Yupei, I thought it was your mother who sent you. I have countless doubts to ask. , But hard to find Sister Feng Lingwei was unavailable, in the end it was all but lost ... "

"That Master ..."

Chu Ling smiled faintly and said, "Do I doubt your mother? No, how can this be? Uncle Fengdao Rong is one of the five great swords of Kunwu. How respectful is his martial arts status, naturally he will not betray Kunwu. I was then It is indeed suspicion of Wu Linglong, but there is no evidence that he is still alive ... As for you, hehe, the things of the previous generation have nothing to do with you, let alone, you are my disciple of Kunwu, and since you were born, you are destined to be with this The mountain has an inextricable relationship. Taking you as an apprentice and revitalizing Kunwu, I have no hesitation. If your father did anything wrong, that is also your father ’s iniquity. What is it with you ... you are my imagination. Apprentice, you have to worry about your origin! "

"Master Xie——" Feng Qingyan gratefully thanked Xie En.

I didn't expect to bear the crime of Kunwu's traitor, and he would still not be respected and angry by the teacher. I really do n’t know how to be grateful. No matter what wrong you do, you can finally get the forgiveness and sympathy of your family, which will be enough to calm down your mood. As for the **** that your soul will go to after death, it doesn't matter anymore ...

But thinking of his family, Feng Qingyan suddenly thought of his master ...

At that time, his father, Qinglong, destroyed Lu Jiaman's door. He was the life and death enemies of his brother ... He, his master Lu Qingzheng, could he forgive him?

Seeing Feng Qingyan suddenly become a little worried, Chu Ling turned to think for a moment, even if he knew it, sighed slowly, and said slowly, "Your master and the four teachers are looking for you without returning. About you, I I will find a time to explain to him personally, but the teacher will only tell the truth. Whether or not this knot is unlocked will ultimately depend on your master to figure it out ... "

Feng Qingyan nodded.

Omen's hatred, how can he be easily forgiven if he doesn't share it?

Half a month passed by. Qing Yunguan's disciples were led by Chen Qingsong and He Qingzhu. All arrived at Kunwu Mountain. As soon as everyone came here, they realized that this Kunwu ancestor was really a fairyland!

The mountains are like blue clouds, and the lake water is amazing and deep.

The cliffs around the lake stand like a barrier, and the cliffs are covered with moss, which dyes the entire mountain into a green color. There are countless exotic flowers and grasses on it, Xiumu Jialin, and infinite fragrance. Cui Liu, eyebrows.

The mountain is gushing with water, a waterfall flows down from Kunwu Peak, passes through three ladders to form three waterfalls, and finally converges into Tianhu ...

Several white rainbows rose, and three hunted for snow waves.

Mountain wind blows beads, falling rocks and fog fly.

The air-conditioning is divided into green and blue, and Yu Liurun is green.

Anonymous waterfall really looks like a curtain.

See also the shore of the lake that day. Between the houses, bamboo poles are straightened. Three and a half plum blossoms are left, and several pine trees often carry rain, which is better than the fairy house.

The disciples were all young people. In the eyes, they made a loud noise, one after the other live monkeys entered the mountain, excited and dancing.

"Little Master—"

Ye Qingxuan was watching the disciples' arrival with a smile, and a terrible cry of screams broke out. A flying **** pig leaped suddenly from the side, and even Ye Qingxuan's superhuman reaction failed to escape. The person directly grabbed the robe, crying hummingly: "Uncle Xiao, I want to die for you, we have to break through the rivers and lakes with you, we ca n’t let it go, we ran three times, all three The uncle and the six uncles caught them back! This time is good. I finally saw you getting old, saying nothing can make your old people go away ... "

Who can say such nasty things in front of so many people?

But at this time, Qian Yunzhong's entire body became one size bigger, and the light work of this product has become much stronger. The heavier the weight, the better the light work. Such a violation of common sense appears strangely on Qian Yunzhong. However, there has been no collapse for fifteen years.

Qian Yunzhong arrived first, and the other seven children naturally followed.

Xiao Yunfeng, Ma Yunyong, Lin Yuncong, Hu Yunxun, Lu Yunming, Lu Yunxuan, and Qian Yunzhong, who was stepped by Ye Qingxuan, stepped into a row and bowed to Ye Qingxuan.

"I've seen my uncle—"

Of the seven, Ma Yunyong, the oldest, is sixteen years old, and Lu Yunming and Lu Yunxuan, the youngest, are 13 years old. Although young, they are already quite good.

Feeling the progress of several disciples, Ye Qingxuan nodded, and said, "After a while, your uncle will check your results, and now I will follow the arrangement of my third master and settle in Kunwu Mountain ..."

Then Ye Qingxuan stretched out his arms, waved around, and yelled, "Look, this place like Wonderland is our ancestral home and our Kunwu-"


Disciples of Qingyunguan all around cheering and jumping, they are all excited about Shimen regaining the mountain gate ...

At this time, Zhan Yu gathered up with a smile, took a look at Qi Xiao, and whispered, "Hey, Lao Qi, this is what you said. Was it the seven boys who got you burned ?? Really good, all the bones. Let you train to a very strong level, and the breath is not weak. I am afraid that this is comparable to any major disciple disciple ... I was at such a level at most when I was a kid, that guy with a beard, Even better than I was then. Good, good! "

Seeing the young disciples of Qingyunguan led by Chen Qingsong to settle down in the residence, the brothers were also amazed.

At this time among the brothers, only Huang Fu Taiming left early because he was escorting Zhong Li Lingqing, and the others remained in Kunwu Mountain to practice martial arts.

This place is too big. Although the destroyed buildings of the Kunwu faction at that time basically disappeared, but most of the foundations are still there. These bandits are building here and building a lot of houses. At that time, I was afraid that no less than 5,000 people were staying here, which was not even covered by a third of the building complex that year, and some of them lived in ...

Sooner or later, the civil engineering will be rebuilt and the ancestral home of the Kunwu sect will be rebuilt. These bandits' buildings are only retained as temporary residences.

The letter of the real person has been sent, and Lu Botong and Mr. Huan Ye are invited to help here, and Yunlan Township is invited to send some skilled mason, carpenter and other technical personnel, and Lu Botong will design the new Kunwu school Construction and empowerment.

Mr. Wan Ye will help to select the site here, first build a simple alchemy room, and strive to make elixir for Ye Qingxuan's "Wulin Holy Land" and his party.

The most important thing is that Ji Guanglan also secretly came to Kunwu Mountain and hid among the people according to Yi Rongshu.

In this way, Ji Guanglan, Huan Ye, and Lu Botong will reunite on Kunwu Mountain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and so Zhan Yu, Meng Yuanzhang, Jiang Shuihan and others will also stay on Kunwu Mountain, directly here Participate in therapy, learn skillful techniques, and travel far to Yunlan Township or return to the Twelve Flying Eagle Fort.

"Seven brother, when do you say it is appropriate for us to start?" Meng Yuanzhang still remembered his secret place, and he didn't get through the door, he was disturbed.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "After three days, after my Kunwu faction reopened the mountain gate, we immediately set off for Jingnan ..."

"it is good--"

Everyone was excited when I heard that they don't have to practice in the mountains.

Ye Qingxuan was also excited at this time.

What secret is there in the Broken Dragon Stone Gate that only the magic soldier can get through? What kind of treasures are there in the ruins of the "Xinfeng Rain Gate" that I am going to, the underground palace that cannot be opened by the pirate saint?

Ye Qingxuan is about to go to the Wulin Holy Land, and any treasures available at this time will have more impact on his final achievements in the Wulin Holy Land ... (To be continued ...)

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