Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 293: Disruption ceremony

The news that Kunwu recaptured Kunwu Mountain will be reopened at the Chung Yeung Festival in September, and it is spreading rapidly on the rivers and lakes, especially after the publication of the "Wulin Miscellaneous Records" by Sihaige Shenwu continent.

For a moment, almost all the schools were shocked by the news.

The recovery of a famous faction a hundred years ago was by no means occupying the hilltops, and it was announced that a new faction could be established. The original faction's sphere of influence was already divided by the existing sects. The re-division of the sphere of influence was destined to cause Fan disputes. Fortunately, the Lost Eight County of Yunzhou, where the Kunwu faction is located, does not have too many Chinese martial arts forces. The only school, Nanlong Mountain Villa, has the same goal with the enemy as Kunwu Mountain. It is also large enough that there are no inevitable conflicts.

The reorganization of the Kunwu faction is a great thing for the entire Baidao faction, or for the entire Chinese martial arts. It is at the forefront of facing the Tan invasion. From the beginning, it was It is the most direct conflict with the Tan people.

The Sihaige began to focus on propaganda as soon as the Kunwu faction recaptured the Kunwu Mountain, especially the news that the Kunwu faction was reopened to the mountain gate, and the news of recruiting disciples spread around ...

On September 9th, worship the heaven and earth, the ancestor, reopen the mountain gate, and recruit disciples!

In accordance with the habits of a hundred years ago, the Kunwu school divided the disciples from low to high into five levels: outside disciples, inside disciples, elite disciples, core disciples, and personal disciples.

All newly recruited disciples will start from outside disciples, pass the examinations at various levels, gradually advance, and gradually acquire higher martial arts. At the same time, a "contribution point system" was promulgated. Various tasks and rewards are issued by the division. Through rewards, the disciples can exchange various useful items and martial arts, and the news lists several more attractive weapons, armors, elixir, martial arts, and so on. In particular, the enumeration of several red-grade martial arts and red medicines has aroused the longing for young people on rivers and lakes who are interested in joining famous schools to learn martial arts.

In addition to the attractiveness of the Kunwu faction itself, the Kunwu faction also announced the establishment of the "Kunwu College" at the same time. Even Chinese martial arts with sects can choose to study at the "Kunwu College". Also adopt the "contribution point system". As long as you have contributed to the division, you can use the contribution points to redeem various items and martial arts. At the same time, several unparalleled martial arts from the green martial arts to the red martial arts are also announced. The non-sectarians and the warriors who must not pay attention to the martial arts are extremely concerned.

Moreover, this pioneering work caused an uproar on the rivers and lakes. These martial arts have always been regarded as the core secret to protect among the major martial arts. The disciples learned can be taught only through layer-to-layer elections. This move that broke the shackles of the martial arts will undoubtedly surprise the major martial arts. Although this move is conducive to the exchange of martial arts, most of the martial arts are skeptical. Even some schools are hostile to the Kunwu faction because they follow the old school and believe that this behavior has broken Wulin's rules. Trained disciples have no teachers and fathers, and do not know how to be in awe.

Despite all the criticisms, the Kunwu faction insisted on their actions. This is not only to promote the long-term idea of ​​martial arts, but also because the strength of the Kunwu faction is too weak at this moment. Even if it recruits outside disciples, it will not be able to form a combat force for a while. Instead, the students who received the "Kunwu College" have The martial arts skills of other schools can form combat power immediately, which is a very important means of stabilization for the current Kunwu school. The first 500 children of the Dajiang League have already moved in, which has greatly strengthened the defense of Kunwu Mountain.

Sihaige put great effort on the Kunwu faction, and made every effort to build momentum for the Kunwu faction.

This point made everyone in the Kunwu school feel incredible. Within half a month, these news spread throughout the Shenwu continent along with the seductive martial arts names marked by the Red School, especially one of the Kunwu School ancestors. The news that the real person severely injured the magic gate "Six Royals" Suzaku is even more descriptive, making people instantly think that Chu Ling was a peerless master who could rival "36 days", and quoted Dachen Temple 4 The great insight and testimony of the Great Monk No. 2 have added to the impression of the strong rise of the Kunwu faction.

For a moment, young people with different abilities and talents all over the world, embracing their dreams, set foot on Kunwu Mountain in Yunzhou.

At this time, Kunwu Mountain, up and down the mountain, has completely become a large site.

On Mount Kunwu, Lubotong designed a more beautiful building group based on the mountain landscape than Kunwu Mountain a hundred years ago. It perfectly integrates with this landscape and makes the original natural landscape a step up. Just look The model of that building knows that this is absolutely a fairyland-like world.

However, at this time, the proportion of the population of the ethnic Chinese in Lost Eight County was severely deficient, and they lacked sufficient labor. Therefore, Lubotong first started to build the mountain town under the Mount Kunwu.

According to the suggestions given by Ye Qingxuan, this will be a large city centered on business and colleges, because Kunwu College will be established here, and the future material supply of Kunwu College and Kunwu Mountain will be in this city. At the same time, Kunwu Mountain is located on the outskirts of the 100,000 Mountains. From the southwest of Kunwu Mountains, you can directly enter the 100,000 Mountains. There is definitely potential for commercial development in the future. Instead of transferring the city center at that time, it is better to choose a site now. It will gradually expand in the future.

Therefore, after a week of reconnaissance, Lubertong selected a large area of ​​Maolin 50 kilometers below Kunwu Mountain as the city site.

At the insistence of Dazhai's host, Yue Xin, the people of the entire city wall of Lianyungzhai moved more than 3,000 people to it. First, they built simple houses, then developed the forest land, and a large amount of wood was felled. Became the raw material of construction.

The arrival of stoneworkers, carpenters and other skilled workers in Yunlan Township and Nanlong Mountain Villa directly announced the start of construction.

Near the mountain area, there is no shortage of wood and stone. Ye Qingxuan also provided the technology of firing green bricks. It has been improved by Lubotong to make it easier. There are countless woodland brick kilns, and work is done day and night. This is a large contemporary building in Lubotong. Under the guidance of a teacher. Everything went well.

Kunwushan only left a garrison of 1,000 people. The rest were all construction workers. At the same time, due to the spread of news from the Kunwu faction, it has a very deep mass foundation in Yunzhou. Under the oppression of the Tan people everywhere, the Chinese people, who are impermanent, are dragging their families and speaking in groups. Over the land, the population base of Kunwu Mountain City gathers hundreds of thousands of people every day. The pressure of Lubotong suddenly increases, and every day it is too busy to arrange lodgings, food, medical care and other things for the refugees. Fortunately, there was Ji Guanglan's support behind it, and Nanlong Mountain Village and Yunlan Township had some personnel with political experience to assist him. Only then did not appear much confusion.

It ’s just that the silver snowflakes of the Kunwu school are generally melting. In just one month, the various expenditures have exceeded 500,000 yuan, and most of them have been spent on the procurement of personnel and food, because for those refugees who have gathered here, The policy of changing food for work means that there is no cost in terms of wages and engineering materials. They are all sourced locally. The land in the south is fertile, but Nanlong Villa has purchased a lot of it. Can't be tight for a while.

So, more than a month later, this day finally came to the Ninth Festival on September 9th, and the day when the Kunwu sent to reopen the mountain gate came ...

Disciples of Qingyunguan gathered here in the original hall of the Purple Scarf.

Brother Lu Qingzheng and his four-sister Yue Qinglan also rushed back a month ago, and immediately caught up with the ceremony of the re-establishment of the door. The matter that brought the two brothers together with the second brother seemed to be Master ’s spiritual reality. After the reconciliation, the truth was revealed in a timely manner. Although the elder brother expressed generously that he did not care, he still saw that the elder brother had some mustards in his heart and did not anger the second elder brother because of this. With a trace of alienation, Lu Qingzheng avoided Feng Qingyan from time to time to avoid the embarrassment of the two ...

There is no other way. Every day, I watch the extinct enemy's son dangle in front of me. If anyone changes it, he cannot let go. This adjustment takes time to make up for ...

On the front of the hall is a large portrait of the real ancestor Yuchan Yuchan, which is a portrait of the ancestor reproduced by a real person based on his own memory. It has a portrait of a priest with a handsome face and a fairy-like spirit. Long sword, holding duster, looking up at the moon ...

Many martial arts people came to watch the ceremony, the most notable of which was the wonderful monk in the Great Zen Temple and the special **** eunuch Liu He from the court!

The news of the reunification of the mountain gate of Kunwu Mountain seems to have heard from the court. After confirming the authenticity of the martial arts, the court came together and set Qingyunguan as the authentic relic of the Kunwu faction, and agreed with the reconstruction of the Kunwu faction. The entire range of Kunwu Mountain, including the three hundred miles below the mountain, has been turned into the private property of the Kunwu faction. Although the court's power has no effect at all here, with this purpose, the Kunwu faction is justified. Already.

However, the martial arts rating will be rescheduled. It cannot inherit the ranking of a hundred years ago. It has only become the ninth-class emerging martial arts. It has no specific ranking on the rivers and lakes and belongs to the status of incompetence.

Master Shenjian returned to the Great Zen Temple with the Arhats of the Great Zen Temple. Li Yanlong also returned to Yijianzhuang with the awakened Li Daozong. The survivors of the two transcendental schools also disappeared. Other innate masters who participated in the "Kirin Club" They also returned.

Instead, Yang Bozhan and Liu Daozhen stayed together, and participated in the reconstruction of the Kunwu faction together with Wei Nantian, a "nantianyilong".

At this time, the hall was solemn and solemn.

The real spirit is standing in front of the painting, and the other disciples are listed after.

"Master, ancestor!" Chu Lingxu looked at the portrait of the ancestor, sighed to the sky, his body trembled, and he was so excited that his eyes burst into tears. "The disciple is not Xiao, and finally retakes Kunwu Mountain and rebuilds the mountain. The door is closed. "After a word, tears were already flowing.

Hundred years of long-cherished wish finally achieved the wish, among which there are countless sorrows and joys, how can we describe everything in writing?

The disciples felt something and wept.

Ye Qingxuan, the heartless and heartless master, also felt the same. He felt a sore nose for a while, especially when he saw his esteemed teacher so sad, and he was so sad that he sobbed secretly.

Chu Lingxu took the disciples for a ceremony of three or nine worships, after which Chu Lingxu took charge of the Shanmen and read the Kunwu Mountain commandments. The ceremony was simple and solemn ...

Anyone who gives face will have face to face!

At this moment, outside the main hall, the voices suddenly became noisy, and even shouts came.

Asshole, it really ruins the atmosphere.

Not only Ye Qingxuan was dissatisfied, he looked up. Almost all my fellow brothers were angry.

It was a few distinguished guests who came to observe the ceremony. They are all innocent.

Not for a moment. A disciple of Dajiang League walked in quickly. Although his actions were calm, his face had an angry look. Opening the door to worship the ancestors is a big event. All the disciples of Qingyunguan are gathered here, and the surrounding area is naturally handed over to the five hundred disciples of Dajiang League who have a deep connection with Qingyunguan. Outside the hall, the noise came from outside the door.

"Secretary of the ancestors. Many martial arts people came from outside the door, saying that they were the former bitter masters, and said they were asking for the silver robbers who had been stolen by the purple scarf."

"This group of shameless people ..." The irritable fifth brother immediately scolded him, but was stepped on by the sixth brother next to him, and closed his mouth immediately with interest.

The linguistic real person remained motionless, but kept the posture of sighing to the sky.

A cold hum came, and Lingxue said in a bad tone: "It seems that there are many uninvited guests today? Qingzheng, Qingyan--"

"The disciples are here." The two went out together, saluting their hands.

"Today is not the time for hospitality. You greet your friends on behalf of the teacher, so that they do not disrupt the ceremony."

"Disciple obey!" Lu Qingzheng and Feng Fengqingyan answered in unison. Get up. I saw Lu Qingzheng, whose character was just right now, his face was as cold as iron stones, and Feng Qingyan also put away the laughter of the past. They stared out of the hall with serious faces, both of them imposing and cold.

The ceremony continued in the hall. Outside of the hall, the two walked slowly to the door of the hall, and stood stunned. I saw that the people outside the hall were mixed, and all parties gathered. There were hundreds of people. They were crowding into the hall and bustling. Obstructed by the Dajiang League disciples, they yelled and yelled at each other around their necks.

There are more than 2,000 people around, including many young people who have come here for admiration, and when they see the troubled people here, they all look at these careless people with cold eyes.

Lu Qingzheng and Feng Qingyan looked at each other. Before the division was in office, the two brothers would definitely fight with the enemy and deal with the troublemaker together.

Lu Qingzheng's hands swayed, attracting everyone's attention, and he said loudly: "Everyone stay, I will re-establish the gate of the mountain, but before the hospitality, I will officially open the mountain in the future. I will wait and welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, at this time you are neglecting, and you are looking forward to Haihan. "In a word, the people around me nodded, secretly saying that although the Kunwu faction had been dead for 100 years, their disciples still had big disciples.泱泱 generous.

It ’s just that good intentions may not be rewarded, especially for those who apparently come to find fault. The more you are polite to him, the more arrogant he is. The politeness of the big disciples is actually in front of these sincere people. Symbol of weakness.

This is the case at this moment. As soon as Lu Qingzheng's voice fell, there was an immediate clamor ...

"Fuck, Kunwu sent his disciples to death and wounds a hundred years ago. Do you say Kunwu is Kunwu?"

"That is, I also said that it was Kunwu's ancestor?"

"Yes, this Kunwu Mountain cannot be handed to you."

"We have to return to us the silver stolen from the Purple Scarf."

"And ... hand over the site of Kunwu Mountain."

"Yes, yes ..."

Listening to the chaotic shouts and insults in front of the hall, Feng Qingyan sneered and scorned.

This group of people in Wuhe must have heard that the "Purple Scarf" was destroyed, so they came to spy on it. They did not see the congenital masters who came to watch the ceremony in the hall. Just looking at their own disciples thought that they had no strength background. It seemed good. When the bullying was tight, he felt anxious, trying to grab a fortune and share a cup for him. In this situation, if you don't show your skills and deter these rash people, I am afraid that this situation will be inevitable in the future, and you will have no peaceful life.

With this in mind, Feng Qingyan has no thoughts.

He closed his eyes and lifted his breath, sinking Dan Tian, ​​luck went up, and a loud whistle came out of his mouth.

The people in front of the temple didn't pay attention to these young priests who suddenly came out of nowhere. When Zheng Xingxing yelled and happily, a loud thunder suddenly sounded like a thunder in his ear, and the howling was sharp, piercing his head. The internal interest became even more disorganized in the howling. For a time, the power was ineffective, and the positions were chaotic. Some martial arts people who stood a little closer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com were directly shocked.

They covered their ears with their hands, horrified and then retreated. The sound of the powerful internal force and the long pulse of Li Xiao is definitely the master of the peak of the Diyuan Realm.

The main hall square, which was just noisy just now, is now silent, leaving only the fainted and stunned crowd.

Feng Qingyan then sneered, and Shen sang: "Today I Kunwu faction re-established the gate of the mountain, but got the holy grace, and the truth is justified! I sent the ancestor of ZTE to be a true disciple of the Kunwu faction, and I sent martial arts. , The Nai Kunwu faction passed on the mastery of science, who dare to say that I deceived the world is to maliciously hurt my Kunwu faction, and the sword of Fengmou is a means to entertain the Kunwu who maliciously hurt me ... "

Feng Qingyan's newly restored two-handed moustache combined with the sharp sword-like machine front, especially showing his unruly and extraordinary sword, and the surrounding martial arts spectators immediately applauded, but the hundreds of troubled military fighters There was no morale. Huanghuang didn't know what to do for a while, and even a few people started to look behind him, seemingly looking for help.

Lu Qingzheng and Feng Qingyan looked at each other and glanced at each other. At the same time, they thought that the original thing was not so simple. It seems that someone behind them had deliberately disturbed the Kunwu faction. (To be continued ...)

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