I did not expect that Qingyunguan was recognized by the court and inherited the orthodox status of Kunwu Mountain reasonably and legally. At this time, on the ground that Qingyunguan stole Kunwushan as an excuse, he was blatantly against the court. .

Those who disturbed the ceremony for a moment lost their ideas, lost ground, and messed up their positions. At this time, the main messenger hiding behind them was naturally unable to look at the wall.

A lazy voice sounded with a nasty accent: "Well, this Taoist is really scary. These people are just bitter masters coming to the door, and they have no reason to use swords to drive them out, right? But you are still monks. He also claimed to be a son of the Kunwu faction, but how did the Kunwu faction of this year target our people in Yunzhou? It was really chilling ... "

Lu Qingzheng heard a laugh and said loudly: "This brother and Taiwan are arrogant! The Kunwu faction treats its guests with a lot of courtesy. Even people who disagree with me are treated with courtesy. But when the etiquette is always exhausted, if the person is always unwilling to give up and hum, then he is not my friend of Kunwu, but the enemy, and treats the enemy. The reason is unreasonable, and it is only in our hands. Sword and fist ... "

The martial arts watchers all around claimed to be. They are all masters who use fists to speak on rivers and lakes. They all know the truth of being deceived by others and riding by Ma Shan. After the due diligence is exhausted, if it is still impossible to make peace, it is natural to speak with fists. .

The previous vocalist in the crowd snorted, without refuting.

Lu Qingzheng looked around and continued to say in a deep voice: "Since Kunwushan was occupied by the magic gate" purple thief ", most of the silver money it has obtained has been supplied to the magic gate, and the rest has been exhausted. At the time of the mountain gate, there were less than two thousand remaining silver in the treasury, and there were many heroes who helped to win the mountain to testify! As for the so-called bitter masters, regardless of your true or false, if you want to steal the thief, please go to the magic gate yourself Asked, but what did you do with me?

This recapture of Kunwu Mountain was only achieved by the strength of Kunwu's centuries of accumulation and the great help of people with lofty ideals in the world. All the bitter masters who have been poisoned by the Purple Scarf, see me waiting for the Purple Scarf to be wiped out, and I will revenge for you, even if I do n’t even have the word “Xie”. It is a pity that instead of treating us as benefactors, we are regarded as creditors. You dare not collect debts from the Purple Scarf, but dare to collect debts from us. Isn't it too much? "

Lu Qingzheng's voice didn't fall. The warriors around were already talking and nodding in support. Some people even started shouting loudly at the hundreds of debt collectors blocked at the entrance of the main hall. The two hundred people immediately panicked again. Back off.

At this moment, the crowd screamed loudly. A figure fell from the sky, but it was a big man over the age of forty. He was rough and abnormal, with a strong and healthy body, full head of hair, and a scar on his left cheek. Add a bit of bravery.

As soon as this big man came on the scene, many debt collectors seemed to have found the backbone of the main body. The original restlessness immediately calmed down, and the original agitated look immediately changed back to the disdain at the beginning.

The big man yelled and yelled at Qingzheng and others. "Well, a bunch of stinky bull noses are talking here, but it's just because of the crowds who are bullying and bullying the Lord! Some mang bull ox bulls, can't look away, want to Ask the seniors in Kunwu Mountain ... "

Most of the martial arts watchers in the surrounding area were also martial arts warriors in Yunzhou. At this moment, when they heard their names, they all made a noise.

This Niu Daikui has a rough name, like a farmer, but his person is extremely famous in Wulin, Yunzhou. At that time, he encountered a set of martial arts, including internal skills, body training, and boxing. Niu Dakui also changed his name regardless of his origin. For [Mangy Bull] and [Mad Bull Boxing], they are full of power. They kicked the halls before the age of 30, and they were extremely fierce. Most of the people they met were broken by their limbs and disabled for life. They were founded in their hometown Mang Niu Shan when they were 40. The Niu Jiajiao Field is also a well-known martial arts hall. By teaching and approving martial arts, it eventually formed a powerful local force, and it was also a small martial art that was famous in Yunzhou.

Niu Dakui's martial art is not famous, but his people are famous because of his ruthlessness in his early years, so when he reported his name, he attracted the exclaimed local martial artists in Yunzhou.

Lu Qingzheng and Feng Qingyan frowned. They couldn't figure out when they had offended this road, but they were knocked on their door by the well-known challenge.

Sure enough, when it doesn't make sense, it's time to fist.

It seems that the other party was determined to make a big noise at the ceremony today. Even if Qingyunguan could not be prevented from entering the Kunwu Mountain, it would be ugly in front of the heroes at this time.

Lu Qingzheng's face became cold, and Shen Sheng said, "Well, since this cow brother must make troubles at my Kunwu ceremony, wouldn't I be afraid of you? Where is Yunzhu?"

"In--" Among the few standing behind Lu Qingzheng, there was a cloud pillar that followed the waiter.

"Go up and teach the cowboy's peerless ..."


Since the opponent is a hero who is dominated by the refining technique, it may be better to let Yun Zhu, the strongest refining technique in the crowd, to compete against such a character, and still use the shot without landing.

"What?" Niu Daikui stared at a young man in his twenties who walked slowly, and couldn't help but ask with an angry smile: "I am the master of Niu Dakui's faction. You Kunwu is so out of your eyes, Actually sent a shot, really arrogant! "

Yunzhu walked step by step, hundreds of people in the surrounding areas conceded, and soon a huge vacant space was exposed, enclosing Niu Dakui and Yunzhu.

Yun Zhu got the applause from the other side, but he didn't hesitate, and bowed his hands in courteous manner: "This cow is invited, Kunwu sends rules. If my uncle and uncle are to take the shot, they need to be defeated below." Lightly: "Brother Niu, please ..."

The martial arts soldiers around saw this cloud pillar, but Kunwu was ordinary, with such a calm temperament, facing the strong enemies is not humble or humble, and has the style of everyone's children, can not help but cheer up and cheer for them. What's more, not far from here, the young man with a schooling mind widened his eyes and stared at Yunzhu tightly. He wanted to see if the Kunwu school a hundred years ago had a revival posture. , Is there still that super martial arts.

Niu Da-kui's eyes were flushed with redness, and he looked at the cloud pillar which was one size larger than himself in front of him. The vigorous and steady breath made his momentum condense, as if he was facing a flood monster, and finally dared not Despise the other person, but still said indifferently: "Baby, Mom, it's not easy for you to raise you so much. Obediently go back and practice martial arts for a few more years. You have no eyes or fists, so you don't care about your family name and let your family have gray hair. Sending black hair ... "


The crowd around them shouted and yelled at the arrogance of Niu Daikui. This young man who was so shameless to frighten Kunwu with his life and death, in the name of the elite, would not have reached the point of "creating a realm". Will let him go down the mountain to experience the rivers and lakes, and generally can reach this level, that is, in his twenties, and Niu Dakui is already a master of the day after tomorrow's great realm, this cloud pillar is only a master of the "reality", how is it possible? Is the "Di Yuan Realm" a great opponent?

At this time, Yunzhu had just broken through the "True Realm", and his breath had not yet stabilized. However, the surging vitality in his body had given him a long time to try how strong his skill was. Although he had previously hit in Yunlan Township, The master who killed the peak of "Di Yuan Jing", but at that time won in the chaos of the army, there is no such one-to-one, quiet and quiet competition conditions, since it is a try, of course, you must be here In the one-to-one competition, you can test your martial arts foundation more ...

Yunzhu's sharp face had a cruel smile on his mouth. The blood was boiling in his body, and he almost roared with excitement, struggling to suppress his excitement and urged: "Life and death are alive, brother Niu must have more Say. Since Brother Niu is unwilling to take the shot first, the younger brother is rude ... with-- "

Yunzhu didn't talk nonsense, his voice fell, and he drank, and his footwork slipped suddenly. Before approaching Niu Dakui's body, he slammed, slapped, slammed, and hooded ...

Niu Da-kui was originally to find troublesome people. Although the words spoke of looked down on his opponent, Niu Da-kui, who has countless playing experience, was tense at all times, fearing that the other party would have an unexpected attack. Whenever you hit, you can fight, but you are still fully prepared for the attack, but you ca n’t expect this strong and powerful Kunwu to do so easily. It seems that you only step forward, but one step forward. The distance actually made the ten-step distance disappear suddenly, and came directly to the front. It was like a huge sledgehammer under the palm cover, bringing a sound of wind and majesty.

Since it is to find faults at home, we must persist in a tough attitude to the end.

Niu Dakui's number of martial arts has always been a hard bridge and a hard horse. At this time, when he saw the other hand attacked, naturally there was no reason to avoid it. The force was issued by Dan Tian, ​​straight up his arm, and the palm was a punch. Let me say this first. The kid who didn't know how to live and die tasted his own power, so this punch completely gathered Niu Dakui's strength and energy.

According to Niu Da-kui's vision, this fist has a force of 25,000 kilograms. Ordinary people's hand bones can't stand such a violent punch, and they will be crushed directly, leaving them with a lifelong disability. You don't know life or death, you Kunwu dogs see the low end.

Niu Taikui Dan Tian slammed his energy vigorously, screamed like an old cow roared, and a huge blue-gray entangled in his fist, which was really energetic, and catalyzed this full punch with energy and energy. As the leader of a faction, Niu Dakui turned out to be an all-out, endless posture in the face of youth, which immediately caused a burst of exclaiming and swearing from the crowd around him. At the same time, worried about the resolute and angular youth.

The fists of the two sides fought together in mid-air, and in a loud noise, a shocking scene appeared on the field—

I saw the fists of the two fighting together, and a small wave burst in a small area, shattering all the sleeves of Yun Zhu's right arm, exposing a suffocating, muscular arm. The muscle fibers are horrifying. I don't understand what kind of refining technique can make a muscle and arm like steel strands ...

After the two sides fought vigorously for a breath, the two sides centered on the fists they attacked, and collapsed backwards. Under each step of Niu Dakui, the green brick ground under his feet was broken by him until he retreated five or six. After stopping, he stopped and looked at Yunzhu, who was two steps behind him, in shock, and said, "Impossible, this is impossible--"

Indeed, a young man who seems to be only in his early twenties and at most creates a realm, has unexpectedly strengthened his strength with a master of refining arts in the realm of "Diyuan Realm". Believe.

Is it true that any one of the Kunwu Mountains can't compete with the masters of the day after tomorrow? This is too scary ...

It's just Niu Dakui's thought, just a misunderstanding. Yunzhu is different from others because of his talents, he has reached the seventh-strength strength of [Dragon Elephant Prajong Gong] at a young age. Although he has not reached the limit of every weight, but There is also a huge force of nearly 30,000 kilograms. If it is more than strength, Yun Zhu is even stronger than some innate masters.

But the strength between people is not a weightlifting match, it is not a matter of who has the strength to win. It's just that Niu Daikui is too confident in his strength, but he did not expect to encounter such a rare and wonderful work, and he was inferior to him in strength.

Suddenly Yunzhu's breath became heavy. He knew that he had become too excited all of a sudden. He found a decent opponent here. In the usual consultation with the door, only the kid with Ma Yunyong could enjoy it, but It was the same door and couldn't do it with all their power. Today, I can finally get my hopes and fight well.

Yun Zhu didn't wait for the other party to fully wake up from the shock, and roared again, but rushed over again, but this time the others jumped out like a blasting ape, and the figure flew in the air, struck in the air, and flung the palms of the sky The shadow, like a meteorite rain with a gravitational trajectory, fell to the opponent's head.

In recent days, Yun Zhu has been practicing the "shaking sky" in "Zhentian Iron Palm", because Yun Zhu is really not good at the light weight of the iron palm floating on the water, so Ye Qingxuan will use the Qi to erupt The method of moving the impact force with the light work in the Central Plains martial arts, invented a set of suitable cloud pillar super strength. At this moment, once the heavy palms were matched with the fierce stature, the whole person slammed in like a savage beast, and the momentum suddenly rose a lot.

Niu Dakui has just stood stable, and has not yet come to his senses of surprise. The palm of the sky with a heavy breath is coming to his face ...

Niu Dakui never thought that he would encounter such a bursting attack in his life, especially the other party was a not-so-renowned young character, who resisted with shame, [Mangy] broke out, his upper body was broken, his muscles were healthy, The fury rushed up, the fist shadow whistled up, like a mountain peak, countering the impact of the meteorite rain ...

The sound of thumping sounded like a raindrop, and Yun Zhui's offensive was completely taken down by Niu Dakui, but under heavy pressure, Niu Dakui couldn't lift his head. Under the heavier and stronger palm, Niu Dakui's legs slowly sink into the hard Under the ground, first your feet, then gradually approach your knees!


Yunzhu's eyes were flushed, and his palms emerged from his body. The essence of the demon ape king in Yunzhu's arms exerted his power under the action of "Zhentian Iron Palm". His arms were like iron, heavy and solemn, Under the bursting offensive, the black palm wind fell from the sky like countless hammers, making a loud noise.

This is a change that even Ye Qingxuan did not expect earlier. It was unexpected that [Zhentian Iron Palm] would produce the "iron" surname when it was in "True Realm", although it was continuously practiced. Zhentian Iron Palm] gradually changed the original Qi from the body to [Iron], which is surnamed Qi, but the amount of Qi changed is still considerable. Now, the Zhu Qi generated by Yunzhu almost every day can be easily transformed. [Iron] for [Zhentian Iron Palm] is surnamed Qi.

Yunzhu's body-building technique is [Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong], but in terms of internal strength, he has always adhered to [Traditional Method]. Ye Qingxuan regards him as a test field, with special care, and has continuously planted "Lagerstroemia indica" in his body. For several years, Constantly "looping" and "breaking the ring", the internal force rises in a straight line, even faster than the few students who practiced [Zixia Shengong].

嘭 ——

A scream screamed ...

Yun Zhu hit Niu Dakui's shoulder with a palm, interrupted his collarbone, Niu Dakui screamed, and his right arm could not be lifted immediately. Yun Zhu lowered his mercy, and then printed it on Niu Dakui's head with a bang. A palm fell to the ground, and he smashed the ground out of a large pit ...

The sky palm shadow continues to fall!


Lu Qingzheng and the crowd burst out at the same time!

Lu Qing didn't want to kill anyone at the ceremony ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And the shouting in the crowd was obviously to help his companions ...

When Yun Zhu closed his hands, the palm shadow spread away immediately, rubbing Niu Dakui's body around, and the sound of rumbling sounds continued, making the dust in the sky ...

Yun Zhu swayed his palm at a critical moment. He was also unstable, and he took a few steps after landing. At this moment, a crowd of dragons pulled out of the sheath, and a figure stood while Yun Zhu was standing. Unstable, the long sword in the palm of the air burst into a cloud of mist, but hazy but with a lethal killing, straight to the cloud pillar ...

"[Yunxia Wuyin Twelve Magic Swords] !?"

"The sky looks at Jianmen !!!?"

The sound of surprise in the crowd exploded. I didn't expect that the largest group in Yunzhou even blatantly hit Kunwu Mountain, and in the presence of everyone, they would take Kunwu's name ...

"court death--"

A cold humming sounded, a green mansion suddenly met the clouds, Feng Qingyan intercepted a sword attacking Yunzhu at a critical moment. (To be continued.)

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