Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Battle on board

When Ye Qingxuan saw his image, he immediately matched the image of the leader of the thief described by Li Xiaomei's dead mother. His eyes were cold and cold, and he said coldly: "It was you who took someone to rob Xiao Li and killed my Dajiang League. Disciple? Give it to someone first, then report your name, and die to inform others to collect your body ... "

When Chih-hsing heard this for many masters, he looked at Ye Qingxuan for a moment, and immediately laughed, as if to hear the happiest words in the world.

One of the middle-aged guys with a big body and a clear breast was laughing with madness, grinning at the big bonito mouth, and coaxing, "Hahaha, my heart and heart are almost bursting with laughter! Brother Lin, I am afraid this is you The deadliest threat to your life? "

Another dark-eyed one-eyed dragon also said hesitantly: "Our brother has lived for forty years, and today I really see what it means not to die ..."

The laughter set off another high wave.

The young man in Jinpao shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said to his surroundings, "Hum, the young people of this year think that they are right, they have learned a few hands of mountain cats, and swaggered outside, not knowing whether to live or die."

A burst of laughter sounded, and a glamourous beautiful woman sitting next to him smiled tremblingly: "Little sugar candy, don't look down on others, they are a priest, maybe they can invite some gods. You can spit smoke in your mouth, and there will be a fire behind your butt, and you may swallow it alive ... "

While talking, the beautiful woman squeezed the arms of the Jinpao youth with her bulging chest, which was obvious to tease.

The young man in the Jinpao refused to resist, and in front of the crowd, put his hand in the open neckline of the beautiful woman, and kneaded. She laughed slyly: "If it is true, then aren't you keeping alive?"

The beautiful woman groaned loudly. Laughing and cursing, he put the waves to the extreme.

Even the masters of the Redhead Gang looked a little straight.

Jiang Shuihan took a step forward and said calmly: "In the Xiajiang Shuihan, Jiang Tao, the leader of the Dajiang League, is the father ... what's the matter, let's spread it out and say!"

After Jiang Shuihan said a few words, everyone in Chihuo was stunned, and the laughter gathered suddenly. None of them thought that one of these young people who came after him was the young league leader of Jiangjiang League.

This is really a pleasant surprise.

The brocade youth laughed a few times. He retracted his hand, glanced at Ye Qingxuan and others, and finally set his eyes on Jiang Shuihan, humming disdainfully, and said jokingly, "Hum, it's better to be known than to meet. It turns out that this is a legendary smart plan. The unparalleled leader of Jiang Shaomen, when people heard it, thought it was great, but it was just a little white face that looked like a girl! "

Hahaha ...

Chikan helped everyone laugh again and again, because the opponent became a cold river. And the laughter became more arrogant and provocative.

Jinpao youth sat up straight. Proudly said: "Since Jiang Shaomen came here, it is worth our name! In Xia Linmengtang, people sent the nickname 'Wearing Flowers and Butterfly', and now they are red-headed helpers. Hee hee, Yangzhou Qu Longxing , The young masters who want to come to the world to master the magic are never heard the name of the master! "

The masters of the Red Hair Gang all showed pride and mockery, apparently quite proud of Qu Longxing's name.

Qu Longxing, the famous "Mr. Long Fei" on the rivers and lakes, is a master of light skill and sword skill, and his cousin is the 35th "Feng Wu" of the "Thirty-Six Days", Yan Fengfei. It is said that when the two were still young The marriage contract, although why did not get married later, but the two sides still have exchanges with each other, he Lin Mengtang, as a disciple of Qu Longxing, has enough proud capital.

Then the young man who claimed to be Lin Mengtang reached out and pointed to the obese man on the left side, "This is the famous Pai Jiaodong's" pailang palm "Pang Rongxiang," another one-eyed dragon beside the obese man, "This is 'Broken Gut' Wu Siye ... "

He introduced all seven other masters in the surrounding area. Ye Qingxuan and others heard that these people were all notorious masters of the rivers, lakes, and underworlds. They were snatched by the Chihu Gang to His Majesty, and they became the guests of the Chihu Gang. Senior thug.

The Chihkan Gang intends to swallow the Dajiang League ’s business, and is more prepared to use the Dajiang League as an example to set an example for other Dajiang tributary gangs to prepare for the true occupation of the middle and upper reaches of the Dajiang River in the future.

The Chihkan Gang didn't look down on Dajiang League at all, so this time it was only prepared to let him do it one by one. However, Yao Dingsheng thought about it and thought that such an opportunity was rare, so he let his second son Yao Liang come to practice.

Since Yao Liang wanted to show something in order to fight for his position in Yao Dingsheng's eyes, he summoned a few red-headed helpers who had a good relationship with him to help. He originally wanted to touch the general forum of the Dajiang League and directly For Jiang Tao to remember badly, he found Li Xiaomei with a beautiful appearance near the hidden houses.

Yao Liang was very promiscuous. He explained to his fox friends and dog friends that he also had a sexually provocative "wearing butterfly" Lin Mengtang came to take away Li Xiaomei, but because of Zhong Sunliang's side, the noise was a little bit big. So a few people hurried away immediately, but left the originally reserved letter on the sentry post.

I just didn't expect that it wasn't Jiang Tao and others that attracted the first, but Ye Qingxuan, a large Jiangmen guest who happened to encounter this incident.

This side has introduced many experts of the Chihkan Gang over and over, but the Dajiang League side is still calm and calm, just a pair of eyes as if looking at the dead side of themselves.

Lin Mengtang couldn't help wondering, assuring the disciples of Jiangmeng League had some determination to face Pang Rongxiang, the “Broken Gut” Wusi and himself, all of them were masters of the moment However, the attitude of the other party is still cold and indifferent, and there is no response at all, does it really not take us to heart?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help anger.

With his eyes cold, Lin Mengtang's eyes turned to Ye Qingxuan and others' eyes became ruthless, and Shen Sheng said, "I don't know if we can still get into the eyes of the Young League Master. As for whether you have the ability to let me corpse? Let ’s take a look at both hands ... but you do n’t need to perform martial arts like slicing bricks or boulders on your chest. Our domestic monkeys are better than that!


The crowd laughed loudly, and the obese man patted the table before, and his tears burst into tears.

Only sitting on the right side of Lin Mengtang kept silent. He narrowed his eyes but did not leave Ye Qingxuan's black skinny man for a moment. The flesh does not move. No smile at all.

Ye Qingxuan naturally looked at him more.

When the man who claimed to be Lin Mengtang saw Ye Qingxuan's eyes fall on the black and thin man, he immediately smiled proudly: "This is the cold and heartless brother of Megatron Central State, haha, in your eyes, I have never heard of 喽? "

The black, skinny man snorted in the nose and did not answer.

Leng Wuxin, a “heart grabber”, is a lone thief with a famous reputation. His weapon is a pair of copper claws. He likes to dig out the enemy's heart. That's why he got the title of "unintentional". As for his original name, few people knew it.

Ye Qingxuan and others smiled slightly, but did not answer. They were too lazy to talk to a group of people who regarded themselves very high. Even Ruhua also showed a look of liveliness, cold eyes one by one looking at the red-headed helpers.

In Zhentian's laughter, Ye Qingxuan looked as if he was looking at Lin Mengtang casually and said, "Your master is Qu Longxing of Yangzhou? Huh, that is because he is a cousin Yan Fengfei of" Feng Wu ". He swaggered around, Are you still on the rivers and lakes, what do you call an old white face of "Long Fei"? A hideaway under a woman's skirt. What is worth showing off? As for everyone else, huh, it is really awkward, but there are some cats and dogs on the rivers and lakes. I think you are a master of things and really ashamed you! "


With a loud noise, the fat man took the table apart with the palm of his hand. The palm of the hand was not bad, and he sneered, "What did you say?

When he was finished, he would take a shot, but he was stopped by Lin Mengtang next to him.

Lin Mengtang's face was iron and blue, and he said in a dark voice: "Ignorant junior, I hope you know what kind of mistakes you have made. I will let you taste the torture of the world and let you know why the death is the relief!"

Meng Yuanzhang looked at this pretentious **** offensively, and yelled, "Fart less, **** it, let people talk first!"

"Let it go !?"

Upon hearing the help from the redhead, the opposite side immediately laughed wildly.

The young man who claimed to be Lin Mengtang stood up and laughed: "After being so long alive with you, my young master did n’t show up. Do n’t you know what it is doing? My young master likes to kill such innocent girls the most, hahaha ... "

Ye Qingxuan and others were shocked ...

Several people have been throwing rat jealousy, fearing that the other party will hurt Li Xiaomei's personal safety, so they have been forcing the anger to negotiate with the other party, thinking of seeing Li Xiaomei first, confirming that she is safe, and then trying to save people, but they did not expect that the other party left no room Li Xiaomei was in a dangerous place, and everyone immediately gave up waiting and communication, and went straight to save people--


IWC, which has been holding back the anger, finally broke out and took the lead!

Take a big step forward with your left foot. In the hand, the blue dragon slashes the moon knife with a sharp cross, and a golden meniscus-shaped knife gas is generated, which hits the opponent with several masters ...

Although these eight people are sitting in a large appearance, they have been sneering and staring at Ye Qingxuan and others. Under the alert of the whole god, as long as Ye Qingxuan and others start to act, they must be captured by the thunderous potential, and then humiliated and killed. However, it is still impossible to predict that Ye Qingxuan and others were so unpredictable, and the sword expanded so quickly, let alone that the sword-holding man greeted without a single call, and it was so fierce when he shot it. The aspirational character scared a jump. At this point, don't say that you will capture the opponent. Everyone will be diligent and take advantage of more bullies and less.

The opponent had such a powerful sword, and the formation of the sword was so huge that he was able to cover two tables and eight people at the same time under the sword ...

In panic, eight people evade at the same time. Several people want to jump up, and some people want to squat to avoid ...

Just then, a roar burst!


Flower-like [Lion Roar] exploded!

A shock wave came first, and the entire ship was instantly stunned. The eight masters, including Lin Mengtang, all changed color, and their internal interest was disordered. The action that originally wanted to jump away from the sword was immediately made, and The thirty or so red-handed helpers behind the eight of them were covering their ears with their hands, showing pain, and some people even turned their eyes up and passed out on the spot ...

The sword power and the roar are suitable, and the redhead helps the master immediately fall into danger.

"Get down quickly--"

Lin Mengtang was the first to roll on the spot, and everyone else was lying on the ground like pigs and dogs.

Two red-headed helpers and several elites who failed to flash in time. He was chopped down by the stabbing of violence by IWC. The upper body flying away was screaming and bloody. The people who escaped were splattered with blood and blood.

Lin Mengtang and other dry redheads helped the master stand up in disbelief ...

The other people's skills are the same as those of their own. They are the peak cultivation of the day after tomorrow. It should not be so easy to kill the masters of their own, but the combination of this knife and a roar hit them. A surprise operation, originally avoiding the sword, was disturbed by the monk's roar. Suddenly, two Hakka masters killed their lives. It was really aggrieved ...

锵 ——

There was a dragon yin, and everyone's eyes were full. The dark night suddenly appeared. Ye Qingxuan's "blue sword" fell into his hands. When they got up, before they could see it clearly, they saw a few swords, which had flashed on the deck Within each space.

No one can imagine that after the sword of the Taoist priest came out of the sheath, it was so exciting and beautiful. The moment before, it was ordinary life. At this moment, the entire world has been elevated to the realm of fantasy dreams.

Ye Qingxuan pierced hundreds of swords in an instant. Using the technique of "one sword and three clears", in an instant, the sky ’s sword rain light scattered, as light as raindrops, as if a drop of life has a spirit of life, like flowers Full bloom, like a blooming firework in the night sky.

First and foremost are Lin Mengtang, the "Piercing Flower Butterfly" and Pang Rongxiang, the "Pai Lang Palm".

As soon as the blue sword came out, it was so powerful that thousands of small light spots that caused people's breathing to stand still and had an amazing destructive power rushed forward.

The two were horrified, they had just climbed half of their bodies and had not yet stood completely. They had to step backwards in the face of Jian Yu, but the sword came too fast, and they could not tolerate the two standing upright. The body rolled backwards and slammed into the crowd of red gangsters behind him. After the stable iron barrel was cut open by a gap of Wan Guotai, it was a mess.

In the end, there was a slower reaction of the red-haired gangsters who were mixed with blood and shot, with a hole in them, and the body dropped into the crowd ...

"Damn it, kill them—" Lin Mengtang rolled backwards, yelling at the same time, taking a long sword and hitting back. Hope to attack Ye Qingxuan from the front to solve the danger of the sword of many other masters.

Faster than Lin Mengtang, the beautiful woman lying on the ground did not move. She picked up several mahjongs in each hand and threw it directly at Ye Qingxuan and others. She darts in her hands and holds several pieces each. It is the key to five people such as Ye Qingxuan, and its strong wind sounds, indicating that the other party is an extremely outstanding hidden weapon master.

After Lin Mengtang, the "bronze claw" Leng Wuxin also turned up, and forcibly plunged into the light rain caused by Ye Qingxuan from top to bottom.

The others also rolled backwards, and then jumped up. Various weapons came out of the sheath and attacked Jiang Shuihan and Meng Yuan. They saw that the man who made the sword, the monk who shouted, and the priest who made the sword were not easily provoked, so they set their targets on them.

In particular, there are many people in the red gangsters who help Jiang Shuihan, and two of them are the masters of Keqing.

These people are fierce, spicy, accurate, and fast, and they can already be among the masters of the rivers and lakes. It is no wonder that they do not take Dajiangmeng into their eyes.

Brothers such as Ye Qingxuan at this time immediately showed the cooperative advantages resulting from a long practice together--

Ye Qingxuanbi dropped his sword and cracked several incoming Mahjongs. At the same time, he used the "Battle to Star Shift" to bounce them all back to the masters of the Red Gang. At the same time, his body was backward, and his left hand swept the magic dust and held it in his hand;

For example, the flower monk rushed to the front in a rage, and several hidden weapons did not take care of it at all. He hit the vital part of the body and immediately flew. For Ruhua, the impact of these skills is no different from a fly falling on the body. With a large scepter in his hand, he stopped most of the red-headed gangsters who came back and uttered [Lion's Roar], which was directly more than ten red-headed gangsters on the spot, showing an excellent mt potential;

Meng Yuanzhang fluttered in his hands and stood on the right side of the flower, while Jiang Shuihan stood on the left side of the flower, and a line of defense blocked the impact of everyone in Chihu;

Ye Qingxuan's hands swept the devil and frightened him. Several masters who rushed to Jiang Shuihan were shocked. They were entangled in the calf ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and flew directly into the crowd of red rushed elites. People turn their backs

IWC's sword was stunned, his head rolled, and a few redheads who were stunned by the flower [Lion's Roar] helped everyone to make a difference ...

The “Broken Sky Knife Method” of IWC is slow-charged but powerful, not suitable for front battles, but suitable for back-charged attacks, especially for leak detection to attack enemies entangled by three persons such as Ruhua.

Ye Qingxuan responded in the middle, and the combination of the five people was just right. It completely blocked the counterattack of the Red Gang in an instant, and even pressed the other side in momentum ...

If the flower burst out loud, he waved a crescent shovel in his hand and split a red-headed helper master in front of him obliquely into two halves. The "bronze claw" next to him shouted coldly, spotted the opportunity, and grabbed one claw. Flowery heart!

While the copper claws struck the body, Leng Wuxin was shocked and shocked. In the past, this scratch had already penetrated into the chest of the other person and grabbed his heart, but at this time he caught on the body of the great monk, even the other person's skin No puncture.

Ruhua laughed and grabbed the other's copper claws directly. Leng Wuxin was immediately frightened, and once he made a subconscious effort, he didn't make any effort ...... (To be continued ...)

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