Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 5: Son of King

This monk has great strength!

When Leng Wuxin had this idea, like the river water on the left side of the flower, the strange and changeable left hand was like a butterfly wearing a flower, passed through the layers of people blocking in front of him, and appeared directly on Leng Wuxin's chest, as if The lover who organizes the placket is generally a flick, and the posture is extremely chic and beautiful, but in the eyes of Leng Wuxin, it is tantamount to killing Yan Luo. Under his heart, he is extremely horrified, but he looks helplessly at the gentle flick of Jiang Shuihan. !!

Jiang Shuihan walked away, and the cold sighed unconsciously, Qiqiao spurted blood, and his heart was completely shattered by Jiang Shuihan's gentle flick. The corpse originally stood still, but was kicked and fluttered. The red-headed gang slammed back and flew backwards. There was a sound of broken bones in the air. The red-headed gangster was dead before he could make a humming sound ...


Two corpses that were as tattered as mud, smashed into the midship of the hull together, making a huge roar!

But then the same loud noise was emitted from the cabin, a figure broke through the cabin ceiling, soared into the sky with the wood chips, and yelled, "Which **** dare to disturb my Yaxing!"

Everyone looked up and saw a strong man in his thirties who was wearing only this pair of trousers. He broke the top of the ship, opened his eyes, opened his eyes, and shouted at everyone, regardless of the enemy!

"Less help!"

Redhead shouted for joy.

Yao Liang! ?

Just looking at this man is not a generally lascivious second-generation ancestor, but definitely a master in the realm of the day after tomorrow, no less inferior to Ye Qingxuan and others.

Yao Liang turned over before his own crowd. Eyes looked at Ye Qingxuan and others in anger. With his blood-stained right finger, Ye Qingxuan and others yelled, "A bunch of **** bastards. Grandpa, I'm having fun. You guys have troubled me, and I've lost my interest, you all have to give me life!"

Wan Guotai stepped forward and asked angrily, "Yao Liang, where is the girl you caught?"

"Where?" Yao Liang wiped the blood on his chest and said with a smile: "After playing, of course, she was destroyed! You don't need to worry. You will see her later. ! "


Wan Guotai's eyes were so divided that he couldn't think of Li Xiaomei, who was destined at a glance, and was killed in the hands of a villain with all evil.

Ye Qingxuan and others felt the same, murderous!

Suddenly, Ye Qingxuan suddenly laughed at the sky, and at the same time, he felt a sound of broken ice in his heart sounded, he knew. The devil in his heart was released by this Yao Liang.

Under the gaze of the red-headed gang, everyone smiled again. He shot Mori with his eyes and said coldly, "Your name is Yao Liang !? Oh, I hope Yao Dingsheng is not just your son, otherwise he is destined to die."

Redhead helped everyone's face changed immediately.

Yao Liang's eyes were fierce, and he replied loudly, "It's up to you!" He reached out to take over the sword that Lin Mengtang handed over, and rushed to stand upright Ye Qingxuan. At the same time, many masters of the Chihu Gang helped Yao Liang Killed fiercely.

Ye Qingxuan Senran said, "Kill! One doesn't stay—"

In the fury, Ye Qingxuan Qingjian was about to kill Yao Liang who came over, but suddenly a roar, Wan Guotai rushed out from his side holding the Qinglong Yueyue knife, and shouted: "Seven brother, this beast is delivered to the big brother ! "

Ye Qingxuan was a **** of destiny, and Wan Guotai had already begun to deal with Yao Liang, and the "row palm" Pang Rongxiang had already pounced on himself, and he had no choice but to fight with him, and at the same time he shouted to Wan Guotai: "Brother, be careful ... ... "

The hilt was hanging upside down, Ye Qingxuan's right index finger slammed a giant wave of palm wind blown by Pang Rongxiang. The palm wind attacked like a wall immediately broke a large hole. Ye Qingxuan entered the sea like a dragon and entered the hole. The right sword The stab was stabbed again, and when Pang Rongxiang approached, the blue sword twirled forward, and a whirlwind sharp sword edge immediately rolled towards Pang Rongxiang.

Pang Rongxiang was taken aback. He could not think of his own [Taiwan Palm] stunt that caused the other person to pop a hole in the air wave formed by radon gas. The vast palm wind was useless for a moment. Quickly, a whirlwind of radon has arrived, and the second palm originally issued immediately turned into a defensive tactic. With a wave in front of him, an air wall formed in front of him, trying to block Ye Qingxuan's spiral sword air.

Ye Qingxuan sneered, and Chang Jian and Pang Rongxiang's left palm were in contact.

It was just a contact, Pang Rongxiang felt very uncomfortable. He was not strong and inflexible, but had no force to resist. The left palm penetrated into the meridians of the arm and spread to the whole meridian. The feeling was like himself. A palm that can crack the stone is enough to shoot on a very sharp steel needle. The stronger your palm is, the deeper and harder the steel needle is.

Only a moment that sharp sword stabbed towards his heart vein!

Pang Rongxiang flew away in a moment, guarding his heart and going backwards ...

But no matter how fast he is, how can he be faster than Ye Qingxuan?

Ye Qingxuan's blue sword shook, and the sword spun off the sword, chasing forward as Pang Rongxiang retreated!

With a scream, Pang Rongxiang's left arm was in the eyes of everyone, as if it had entered the meat block of the blender, flesh and blood flew, leaving only a clean arm bone, and the flesh above was cleaned by the cyclone. ...

Pang Rongxiang couldn't bear the pain, and the pain suddenly passed out ...

Ye Qingxuan severely injured Pang Rongxiang. The screams of screams and the horrible sight in front of him suddenly made everyone in the Red Gang Gang suddenly understand. Finally, they realized that these people in front of them were not ordinary Dajiang League disciples. It is definitely the core combat power of the Dajiang League.

Lin Mengtang scolded in the heart. The information obtained by the Chih-hsing group spent huge sums of money did not even have the information of these people. They seemed to fall from the sky, and instantly hurt a Hakka master. This strength, It ’s not even under Jiang Tao, the old thief of Jiang Tao is really insidious enough, this time, he is too careless!

"Not enough, give me all!"

Yao Liang, who fought with Wan Guotai's death, roared angrily, and finally gave up the face of the Red Gang. I want to keep all of them here.


"Piercing Butterfly" Lin Mengtang. "Broken intestine gun" Wusi. That glamorous woman with a super hidden weapon, and the elite members of seven or eight red gangs rushed and rushed to Ye Qingxuan ...

I didn't know that a huge figure was rushing beside him, and in a gulping, a golden dragon with red flames rolled up abruptly, and Redhead helped everyone stunned to avoid ...


The dragon did not attack the human body, but slammed into the hull, and a heavy hole was cut through the heavy ship deck. Then in an instant, centering on the drill-in point, the ship's deck exploded with gold and red flames, and at the same time a roar exploded around everyone: "The world turned upside down--"


Like a volcanic eruption, while the redheads helped the elites feel soft under their feet, the fiery radon rose into the sky, and several people were contaminated with golden red flames and burned into the fire in the air!

Only "Piercing Butterfly" Lin Mengtang, "Broken Gut" Wu Si and the beautiful woman using hidden weapon jumped up. Avoiding the fate of falling to the bottom of the ship, all the other redheads fell into the bottom of the ship. There is a paddle layer inside, and there are hundreds of red gangsters staying there.

As a flower monk, along with all the red gangsters in the attack range, they fell into the next layer of the hull. A large hole with a diameter of more than five meters appeared in front of everyone, and the smoke was billowing in the sky!

For example, after the big monk fell into the bottom of the boat, it seemed as if the evil tiger had rushed into the flock. With a wave of the big zen stick, the flesh and blood flew across the sky ...

The screams and screams of wild laughter under the boat kept coming, and with the constant rumbling, the two-masted ship was shaking with tremors. Obviously, the monk Ruhua started him in the cabin. Violent shipbreaking ...

With Ruhua in there, this ship does not have to think about starting. If Ruhua can control its emotions, the ship can persist to other ships of Dajiang League. If Ruhua is really crazy, I am afraid it won't take long. The ship is about to sink to the bottom of the river!

Lin Meng was so angry with smoke that he yelled, "Come, go down, kill me--"

Relying on Yao Liang's dead party, Lin Mengtang has absolute command over other fellow Keqing masters. In addition to the glamorous woman using a hidden weapon, another younger, beautiful-looking but somewhat narrow-faced woman, Holding the Emei stab, he rushed into the cabin with another single-handed master.

But between breathing, after a clamoring clash, in a scream, the woman's torn half-length body was fanned out of the hole on the deck, and the rag doll was thrown in front of everyone. .

Redhead helped the people all chill, and said in unison: a relentless evil monk!

In the eyes of the monk Ruhua, only enemies and friends have always distinguished between men and women. Both shot relentlessly!

Lin Meng had a stalk between his throat, and he could n’t shout when he shouted again. Now, in this case, who would dare to go down?

At this time, Meng Yuanzhang and Jiang Shuihan rushed into the cabin together, and the sound of hacking rang immediately on the entire ship, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Although Yao Liang said that Li Xiaomei had been killed, it was impossible to draw a conclusion without seeing it.

Wu Siyi, a "broken soul gun", wanted to rush into the cabin, but Ye Qingxuan Jianguang struck. He had to return to the carbine and went against Ye Qingxuan before giving up the idea of ​​chasing Jiang Shuihan.

Lin Mengtang and the beautiful woman glanced at each other, and immediately joined hands and besieged Ye Qingxuan together. If they wanted to concentrate their strengths, they would solve the problem first ...

Among them, Lin Mengtang had the most powerful martial arts. The sword in his hand was like a dragon, and he took most of Ye Qingxuan's attack. The three joined forces to surround Ye Qingxuan and kill him with all his strength;

Ye Qingxuan's right-handed blue sword, his left-handed swaying magic dust, frequent work, and recruited three well-known masters, the situation formed a stalemate!

Yao Liang is indeed the son of Yao Dingsheng, the "nine-headed king". Wugong is definitely the best among his peers. Although his behavior is not shameful, he has a good skill, and his tricks are extremely fast. Attack on IWC.

It's just that the young man with a burly figure in his eyes is younger than him, but the skill is equally good. He wields a heavy blue dragon and moon knife and can even keep up with his own [Riding the Wind and Breaking the Wave Sword law】. This set of orange-level swords is almost like a knife. The speed goes further. The faster it gets. In the end, a row of swords was formed, so fast that even the giant waves could split the two halves and could not be closed.

However, he never expected that the opponent he met at this time could keep up with his rapid blade method, and a heat wave was generated on the blade body. The temperature kept rising with the blade speed. Now each blade belt Yao Liang's face was hot from the hot air that was grilled. The sweat dripping just now dries up on the face, and now the entire face is dried with sweat stains, making the face seem to have a layer of paste on it, itching and uncomfortable.

No tricks!

Yao Liang roared suddenly, his body suddenly bounced into the air, the magical effect of [Breaking Wind and Wind Chain Sword Technique] unfolded, the blade of the sword brought a blue awn, the body rolled down, and the blade of wind brought a water vapor, like a giant wave Generally pounced on IWC.

At this time, the IWC knife method was used to the extreme. For a long time, none of the brothers existed. In the study of the knife method, Wan Guotai can only analyze and realize for himself. Although there are such advanced cheats as the "Broken Knife Method", other people's experience can only be used for reference. Although they can be seen, they cannot experience it by themselves. It just stayed on the surface of the book and did not form its own thing.

But today, between life and death, Wan Guotai met Yao Liang, a good opponent with similar skill and skill, but after the initial anger, Wan Guotai immediately entered a state of no sorrow and joy, and the sword came and went. The unintelligible places are suddenly brightened by the use of the opponent's knife method. The truth of the knife path described in [Broken Knife Method] and [Wood Burning Knife Method] quickly changed from book theory to practice of knife method. It can be said that Through this battle of swordsmanship, Cathay gained more benefits than the martial arts experience in the past few years. The blue dragon moon moon knife in his hand is as the arm instructs. Any trick can be easily used between thoughts without hindrance.

At this moment, Yao Liang's sword was condensed, qigong was prominent, and in front of the water waves, Wan Guotai's knife was pulled by the gas engine, but it also changed suddenly. The hot, fiery waves on the blade ignited the sky flame, which has not been practiced. [Wood Burning Knife Method] to the highest level, so far achieved.

The blue dragon moonlight brought the blaze of sky to the sky, and slashed the huge waves heading towards the head. A loud noise accompanied by a hiss, sounded like the sound of cold water pouring on the red iron, and a stream of water vapor was in the air. Forming ...

Yao Liang yelled, but he did not win the slightest advantage under his great skill.

[Water] attribute's true energy is constantly formed on the blade, and IWC's [fire] attribute's true energy is not too much to let go. Between them, the water and fire are ruthless, and the blue and red rays are constantly fighting on the ship. Vapor-like water vapor formed on the boat, and the two of them were again in a fight.

Jiang Shuihan and Meng Yuanzhang chased and slid all the way straight into the ship's bedroom.

After breaking through the doors of several rooms and slashing and killing more than a dozen redheads who were hunted down, the two finally found a woman's body in a ship's room.

The woman's eyes widened, with unwillingness and hatred, and her body was in a mess, apparently being violated before death.

Meng Yuanzhang couldn't bear to look at each other, and tossed off the curtain on the bed, blocking the girl's body. Although she died, at least she should give her a little dignity.

Meng Yuan waved his stick sharply, smashing the sandalwood desk next to him, and shouted with red eyes: "Yao Liang, this beast of tmd, I must break your mixed bone with a stick, let You taste the pain and die ... "

When Meng Yuanzhang returned, he rushed out of the door and killed again, but when he turned back, he found that Jiang Shuihan had once again lifted the curtain on the girl's body, and shouted furiously, "Old man, what are you tmd doing?"

Jiang Shuihan's face remained unchanged, with the same calmness as before, and gently closing the raised curtain, and said lightly to Meng Yuanzhang, who was so angry, "This girl is not Li Xiaomei!"

"Why ... what !?" Meng Yuanzhang suddenly felt on the spot.

I was too hurried just now. When I saw the woman, His Majesty avoided his gaze subconsciously. Without careful observation, it was taken for granted that Li Xiaomei was dead, but Jiang Shuihan, who had never thought of it, discovered the truth.

Just came back to look again, and it really wasn't Li Xiaomei's body.

Although knowing that this mentality is inappropriate, Meng Yuanzhang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Although Li Xiaomei wasn't dead, Yao Liang still had to break all the bones on me to die ..."

As if proving that he was not so mundane, Meng Yuan waved his eyebrows vigorously, but his murderous spirit was definitely not as full as before, but he felt relieved.

Jiang Shuihan gave a faint glance at Meng Yuanzhu and said faintly: "Don't swear to the deceased easily. Once you swear, you must complete it, otherwise the dead soul of the dead will entangle you ..."

Meng Yuan was shocked, and suddenly felt a cold wind blowing, scared his neck, and trembled, "Old man, don't scare me ..."

"Believe it or not!" After Jiang Shuihan said it, he walked towards the door of the house by himself, with a slight glance at the corner of the mouth, and smiled secretly. At this moment, the two red-haired gangs rushed over and killed him. He grabbed it, grabbed it in his hand, pierced the weapon master's chest with his backhand, walked out of the door at leisure, and Jiang Shuihan's unique calm voice came back: "Li Xiaomei did not die, she must return Shut up on the boat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Brother, you can check on this floor, I will check it down ... I hope Wu Brother didn't kill the red eye, otherwise we can only find Big Brother ’s sweetheart in a pile of bits and pieces. ! "

Meng Yuanzhang crooked his head and mumbled, "This [Tianshan Zhemei Hand] of the eighth is pretty good!" Then he narrowed his neck, "The next time I talk less, it seems that he is so impersonal and not as good as the iced face of the eighth The coming city is deep ... "

After taking two steps outwards, he stopped abruptly, and Meng Yuanzhang turned back again, worshipped the corpse of the **** the couch for three weeks, and said with his hands together: "This girl please rest assured, even though I am not intimate with you No reason, but I will definitely report it to your brother, saying that breaking Yao Liang ’s bones will never let you down ... I hope you can get rid of the sufferings of the world and be bliss early! Well, my brother and my monk also know, Taoist I also know that I will let them come over and give you super-excessiveness ... you, you must not come to entangle me ...

After saying this, Meng Yuan stunned, rushed out of the room, re-entered the cabin, and looked around to kill ... (to be continued ...)

ps: the Lantern Festival! Set off the artillery battle, looked at the lights, and waited for a bowl of Lantern Festival, this festival is even ...

Happy Lantern Festival! New year goes well and makes a fortune!

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