Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 15: 9 Head King

"Strange, really weird!" Jiang Tao said with a squint in his eyes and said, "When did Yao Dingsheng become so good with each other, not to mention his son let us scrap one hand!"

"What's even more weird is that Yao Dingsheng showed his impetus for our Dajiang Alliance before. You see what he wrote in his letter, full of arrogance," Meng Dahai said in a puzzling way: "But suddenly it became Having a turtle tortoise? This is unreasonable! "

Everyone was silent.

Jiang Shuihan walked to Ye Qingxuan and whispered, "The other side is hiding from us ..." Then his eyes brightened, and he was sure to say: "Hiding you!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the dying ship in the distance. Under the setting sun, the sky was endless, but his heart was extremely hazy, and he said calmly: "It's not hiding from me or Kunwu ... maybe it's hiding from Lingyun Palace, maybe it's Hiding the entire Baidao martial arts ... In short, there is something in Yao Dingsheng's moves that he does not want these people to know. "

There is probably only one in the world who doesn't want Lingyun Palace or Baidao Wulin to know about their actions ...

Jiang Shuihan's eyes lit up again, "Maybe they are ..."

"I hope not ..." Ye Qingxuan interrupted Jiang Shuihan's speculation, his face frosty.

After some time, after seeing that the Chihu Gang actually withdrew from Nanjiang City, Ye Qingxuan and others could not stop here any more, changed to a small boat, sailed secretly into the Dajiang River Basin, and headed for the East. Three days later, They disembarked and headed south, heading for Wumang Mountain in the south of Jingzhou.

During this period of time, news of the Chihkan Gang came from time to time.

There are fourteen tributaries in the Dajiang River Basin, and eight in the middle and upper reaches. In addition to rolling Longjiang. Almost all the tributaries a have the shadow of the Red Gang. Two of the tributaries were evened down by the Chihkan Gang in one fell swoop and became areas controlled by the Chihkan Gang.

In contrast, the Chihkan Gang's treatment of Dajiang League is really soft-hearted and unsettling.

"Is there any way to improve the strength of Dajiang League's self-protection?" Ye Qingxuan said to Jiang Shuihan.

"Yes, at least two innate level masters can slightly deter the Chihu Gang from daring to act lightly!" Jiang Shuihan gave the answer a little thought.

The deterrence of two innate masters!

When a gang develops to a certain scale, it is really lack of confidence if it is not covered by a congenital powerhouse. Now not only is Da Jiangmeng encountering this problem, but also the Kunwu faction can not support the scene with a real person alone. Although Ji Guanglan, who is more than half injured, is standing on his back, but his identity cannot be revealed, otherwise it is inevitable Aroused the attention and counterattack of some people. That is a demon that can threaten the enemy close to personal wisdom ...

Ye Qingxuan looked at Jiang Shuihan calmly, and his heart was clear. This is the next generation of evils that he intends to cultivate. This boy is actually about temperament, but it is more reassuring than Ji Guanglan.

Thinking of Ji Guanglan, Ye Qingxuan moved. Shen Sheng said: "Be prepared to write, I will write a letter to Ji Dingshi. Ask him to send two 'capture the seven beasts' to help defend it. Yunlan Township is not so dangerous now, 'capture the seven beasts' 'Da Ke doesn't have to stay at home. Sending two of them is enough to ensure the safety of Da Jiangmeng. It's best to have one of' Sha Peng 'or' Cang Gou '. This will both deter the Red Gang and help Prevent assassinations, protect your father and their safety ... "

Jiang Shuihan's face lighted up, and he nodded in agreement.

While writing a letter, Ye Qingxuan said, "Now we can still rely on relationships to work with these innate masters, but after all, it is better to ask others to help, it is not as convenient as our own ..." Ye Qingxuan thought, a movement in his heart, Asked: "Old man, was Lingzun not a master of the Yuanyuan list? He should be good now, right? Have any plans to enter the innate?"

Jiang Shuihan said in a deep voice: "My father originally wanted to be silent for a few more years, to open up the meridians on his body, and then enter the innate, but seeing the immediate situation, my father should also move into the innate plan immediately ... It ’s just that my father has n’t yet succeeded in entering the innate, in case he fails in the process of entering the innate ... ”

If you fail, you will probably die, and you will be seriously injured in the slightest. You do n’t even have the hope of entering the congenital again in the future, so if you do n’t have the ability to enter the congenital, you can do things at will. With more preparation, the success rate is mentioned as the highest, and it is sloppy.

Ye Qingxuan turned his head to look at Duan Sanshi, and asked, "Are there any things that can improve the rate of innate success?"

"Of course!" Duan Sanshi said slowly, "There are" qianlong smashing skills "and" Ziwei condensate ring determination "on martial arts, which can effectively help increase the innate success rate; elixir There is 'Avoid Urdan'; on the natural treasures, all kinds of things that contain innate aura can be used as guides, and there are wonderful effects that successfully help the warriors to enter the innate ... "

Ye Qingxuan said with joy, "I did n’t say anything about martial arts. I helped Uncle Jiang plant" Lagerstroemia indica ". Just after" Lagerstroemia indica "was planted, it would take some time to warm up and delay. ... but it doesn't matter. With the help of "Winning the Seven Beasts", this time can still be waited for. Things such as heaven and earth treasures can never be found, but can there be preparations on the elixir? "

Duan Sanshi laughed and said, "'Avoiding Edan' is not very useful. At that time, the master of the family protects the 'Seven Heavenly Beasts' and entered the innate, and it is also in stock. I have to write a letter and submit it directly. To the tutor, at the same time as the "Capture the Seven Beasts" came to the Dajiang League, they also brought the elixir ... "

"It's the best!" Ye Qingxuan was relieved. "If Uncle Jiang can step into the innate, Da Jiangmeng's pressure would be one less point ..."

Jiang Shuihan nodded gratefully to the brothers.

Everyone is so grateful for his father and his gang.

The pressure in Ye Qingxuan's heart has always been very great. As the Kunwu faction formally entered the arena, facing more and more opponents and more and more powerful enemies, the Kunwu faction has been stagnant in absolute weakness. The three generations of disciples Even if you want to grow, at most you can become an acquired master in a few years, but today's enemies are basically in the eye of the innate, now there are Baekdo, Lingyun Palace and the court, no one dares to take action. Once these When the martial arts were too busy to take care of themselves, the Kunwu faction was in a critical situation.

Ye Qingxuan has a watch in his heart. Before he became a "military envoy" and set off into the "Wulin Holy Land", even before the "Zhaowu Kyushu" martial art contest that affected the world ... Kunwu faction would not be too Big question.

In particular, the secret plan of the magic gate kept Ye Qingxuan in the heart at all times, but he felt something in his mind. The plan should only erupt after the "Zhaowu Kyushu" conference, and sometimes even felt that the conference, then Part of the mysterious plan of the magic gate.

This time is about a year and a half away from now.

During this time, not only the last chance to enhance your strength, but also the last chance for the division to accumulate strength. Any weight that can increase your own strength must desperately do your best.

If this "Wulin Holy Land" trip can return in about half a year, then there is still a full year to enhance the arrangement, otherwise, there is really not much time for one side.

As for the "Wulin Holy Land" trip!

Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed.

I hope that I will not let myself down this trip to the Holy Land. This is also the only time I can hope to greatly improve my strength. The natural treasures, the battle tests, the nine treasures, and the "spirit" that is stronger than in Lingyun Palace. "War God Machine Stone" ... These all leave Ye Qingxuan waiting for excitement and anxiety!

嘭 ——

A pair of invaluable jade jade gallbladders are turned into powder in one big hand.

Under the swaying candlelight, Yao Dingsheng's already awkward face seemed even more gloomy and horrible.

"Well, Jiang Tao, do you really think I'll do it so easily? After hurting my child, I will let him die!"

This is a secret room, everything seems unreal in the dim candlelight.

Yao Dingsheng, a "nine-headed king", is a middle-aged man with a face like a heavy jujube, with high cheekbones and half-closed eyes. More strangely, he has a total of nine small purple horns around his forehead. Head horned. These nine small purple horns have the same shape and the same distance, as if they were naturally generated, which is extremely strange.

But everyone who knows Yao Dingsheng knows the origin of these nine small horns ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yao Dingsheng was born with divine power when he was a child. When he was playing on the riverside, he encountered a purple poisonous cricket seriously injured by a martial artist. With a bite on his head, Yao Dingsheng took pains and resisted with both hands. He resisted the bite of the purple poisonous sting, and actually resisted the attack of the strange beast with the strength of the boy.

After a while, the master rushed to kill the poisonous urn. The stranger saw that his blood was all over, and the poisonous body in his body was still firm. He did not cry or make trouble, and was very surprised. Then he used the guts of the poisonous urn to detoxify him. He also let him take the flesh and blood of the poisonous pupa to strengthen his body, and decided to accept him as an apprentice. It was just that the nine poisonous fangs of the poisonous urn had been embedded in the brain and bones, and they did not dare to take them out easily. Over time, the teeth of the poisonous urn and the bones of the venom grew together.

The nine fangs on this head were slowly covered with flesh, looking like nine small heads. This is also the origin of the name "Nine-headed King".

The candle flickered, and a voice beside him said, "Don't forget to promise the Lord ..."

Yao Dingsheng snorted and said, "Oh, rest assured, I promised you, I will never let you down ..." Things ... "(to be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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