Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Xiaolong Reappearance

Yao Dingsheng stared at the shadow in the shadows. The emissary of the magic gate replied firmly: "Relax, rest assured! The 'Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan Pill' will be in the hands of the helper. With Yao help the master As long as you enter the realm of returning to reality, you will certainly be able to reach the middle of returning to reality, let alone a 'Dragon King' breaking through the sea, and you can also compete for the status of '36 days 'master.'

Yao Dingsheng was so guilty that when he thought of this "Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan", he was very hot.

Yu Pohai! ?

"Thirty-six days must"! ?

Hum, I never thought I was over 160 years old. I thought it was hopeless to be promoted for life. I never thought I would encounter a pie in the sky.

It doesn't matter if the other party is a magic gate.

As long as you get this anti-celestial medicine, what is the death of a few subordinates, what is your son's waste of a hand! ? Not to mention a waste of a hand, even if a son is dead, it doesn't matter.

Yao Dingsheng was over 160 years old. When he was forty years old, he had an elder son. The elder son lacked discipline and was already dead, but fortunately, his elder son gave him a bunch of Grandson, sons and daughters, this is enough.

This second son was just a certain rise, an unexpected product, what a matter of life and death! Where is it important for me to help the domineering Dajiang? It is important to have the "Longjiang Meeting" that I overwhelm the sea, and where it is important for me to break through and return to the sky.

However, this time, on the one hand, he has lost too much, and must fight. And so stated. It also seems that this business is relatively disadvantaged. It's easy to talk.

The emissary of the magic gate surely said: "Yao Gangzhu only needs to secretly cooperate with the holy gate, and does not have to openly enemies against the white martial arts. Such a simple matter, you can get a" Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan "against the sky. Worth a deal ... "

Yao Dingsheng looked cold, and said, "Easy !? Well, once people know that my Redhead Gang will join hands with your magic gate, the achievements of my decades of struggle will be gone in no time. I am willing to risk the world It ’s so easy to cooperate with you !? Now it ’s Dajiang League gave me a red mouth to help me with a mouth. I obey your orders and swallow it. My Yao ’s son has a hand ... ... it's easier said than done !? "

Yao Dingsheng leaned forward and said in a vicious voice: "These boys must die! Rest assured, in the old mountains and deep forests, as long as you do it simply, who knows who is assisted by my redhead, hum. Even if you know, There is no real evidence. What can they do to me? "

The Momon emissary kept silent, as long as he didn't cause the intervention of Baekdo Martial Arts, even if he killed the "buchi" kid, it would not be a big problem.

Yao Dingsheng leaned back, his body left the candlelight range, and fell back into the darkness. Shen said, "There is one more thing, don't forget it! This transaction is not a 'Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan', But two! "

The emissary of the magic gate smiled with a yin yin and said, "This incompetence is incompetent. The 'Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan' must be instructed by the lord himself to be released. The minimum principle is to communicate with the parties face to face ... Master, the subordinates haven't even seen it before, what about ... "

The emissary of the magic gate was talking, startled, and looked to the side, a figure appeared under the candlelight, extremely stature, not much thinner than Yao Dingsheng, and even his strength seemed to be on it.

At the same time a dull voice sounded: "I haven't arrived long ago! How have I never seen it!"

The magister's messenger was stunned. He couldn't think of relying on his own skill to let people stand by to find out, and it seemed that the other party's top exercises were definitely not light work. For a moment, the back spine was cold.

"Yao Gangzhu, this is ..." The emissary did not worry about the other party's wrongdoing, but the terrible momentum emanating from the other party made people's minds a bit messy. This feeling was only noticed in the Emperor, and the other party obviously did not have the high level of the Emperor's realm. It can be seen that the exercises practiced by the other party have a very strong momentum, otherwise it will never be possible to form such a powerful power.

The answer was not Yao Dingsheng, but the person who came.

"Old man Yunzhou Xianlong Cave Ao Guangxing ..."

"Patriarch of Dragons !?" said the emissary.

"Hum, it's the old man ..."

This man is terrible three points more than the legend.

Unexpectedly, this time it came that Ye Qingxuan was the ancestor of the dragon who had one side in Ningbi Villa in Yunzhou. At that time, Yinxu, the blood-shaker killer, was his godson. In order to track the news of the "Bronze Dragon Tower", he confronted Dajiangmeng, but was led by Jiang Shuihan to command hundreds of Dajiangmeng masters, encircling and killing them. , Fled to Yunzhou.

Originally I had an appointment with Pai Long Patriarch and others to meet in Jingnan City, but unexpectedly they were captured near Ningbi Villa, but fortunately, a mark was found. A conflict broke out with Ye Qingxuan and others. The ancestor of Xun Long who was hidden in the crowd appeared and hid the silver fox. Ye Qingxuan followed in secretly, but almost died in the hands of the ancestor of Xun Long. Encountering Xue Gongwang, the "mighty hand in the sky", finally scared away the ancestor of the dragon, and saved Ye Qingxuan's life.

I haven't heard of the news for many years. Today, I saw the first master of the "refining technique" in the chief helm of the Redhead Gang. What is his relationship with this "nine-headed king" Yao Dingsheng? Want to take his place and ask for a "Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan"?

Just after this question, Yao Dingsheng, the "nine-headed king", broke the question.

When Yao Long's ancestors appeared, Yao Dingsheng grinned, and said with some emotion in his voice, "It's been a long time, little brother!"

Yao Long's ancestor stretched out a hand, Yao Dingsheng's eyes brightened, and he also extended his right hand, and the two unusually strong big hands clasped together.

"It's been a long time, brother!"

Even the emissary of the magic gate was shocked. It turned out that the two turned out to be brothers of the same door. The legendary martial art master who rescued Yao Dingsheng turned out to be the master of the two!

The news is shocking enough! It seems that the trade between the Holy Gates and them can be taken a step further ...

"I never imagined that the master who Yao helped the master to fight for turned out to be the world-famous 'Dragon Dragon Patriarch', disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"Less nonsense, I didn't come here to listen to you flattering. You go back and tell Suzaku, I want a 'Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan', let him think about it on his own terms, send the elixir first and then ..." The ancestors were amazing, asking for things as if the other party owed him something. It made the emissary of the magic gate sweat coldly. I didn't know how to answer. I looked at Yao Dingsheng, but saw the other side sitting on the mountain with a smile ...

The emissary of the magic gate was brave. As an emissary of the holy gate, he had no reason to be taken by the other's nose. He was certain that he was about to return to the conversation. I did not expect that the ancestor of the dragon dragon suddenly turned around and said angrily, When escaped from the town's magic tower, some people were rescued by the way, and the second brother who wanted to come to be ridiculous, Li Wei, was also among them .... Trouble you, the magic gate can release the person intact, but don't have anything on your body, but Do n’t ask for more! I know that your demons are under control, and you ’re not using poisons, you ’re **** crickets. My old ancestor said, if you put them back, I will owe you the favor of Xianlong Cave. Question, my ancestor came to ask for advice in person ... "

The ancestor of Xianlong Cave! ?

Let Ao Guangxing be called the ancestor ... Damn, isn't that old monster dead! ?

The cold sweat that the messenger had just stopped, exhaled again and came out ...

"Benshi must take this to ..." At this time, where did he dare to mention anything extravagant, strong, and other superfluous things? After answering this, he thought about sending the news back quickly.

"Okay, you can go!"

As soon as the ancestor of the dragon dragon waved his sleeves, the original energetic magical messenger hurried away.

People have gone far, Yao Dingsheng suddenly leaned forward and said, "What? The old ancestor is out of the mountain?"

"The old ancestor of the dragon" Ao Guangxing nodded and said: "The ancestors only sent a letter when they received a letter from their predecessor ... The ancestors spoke, and the world is about to change. This is also a rare opportunity for us. If you want to make a difference, this is the right time. But the old ancestors also said that in the recent period, you must not go too far, and the time has not yet come. If it becomes the target of the world, it is difficult to achieve!

Yao Dingsheng was startled and said in a shock: "Then I'll deal with it now ..."

Ao Guangxing waved his hand and laughed, "Master thinks a lot, this is nothing, but it must be fast and shot hard. When Bai Dao Wulin and the court are not ready, once and for all. You last time The old ancestors have also read the news, even Brother Boa did a great job ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If this time we can marry Fengyige and turn black to white, our plan is more secure and hidden. But the old ancestors also Having said that, Feng Yige's ambitions are too great, and cooperation is possible. Don't be fired by the other side! "

Yao Dingsheng smiled and said, "A group of unsuccessful women, no ambition is too great. There are so many heroes in the world, there are a few willing to let a woman ride on her head. Hen Sichen, unheard of, everyone The gang just use their power to privately reap their own benefits. Please tell my brother to the ancestor, I have a plan in mind, and will not let the other party take advantage ... "

The ancestor of the dragon dragon nodded and said, "It's the best!" Then he looked around and asked, "The turtle snake lizard, four of them still obedient?"

Yao Dingsheng said with satisfaction: "Do your best, it is indeed the old ancestors who have trained. They are all from their own family and very carefully."

The ancestor of the Dragon Dragon sneered and said, "They are only domestic slaves. They have been my slaves for generations. With the help of their ancestors, they have become a master. How can I not be grateful for Ded's efforts. This 'Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan Pill' is bound to be obtained, and several people have been brought here to help my brother! "(To be continued ...)

ps: Basic three and two.

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