Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Strange old road

() If the flower monk stood up violently, he would rush out to kill.

The brothers hurriedly pressed him, Ye Qingxuan patted him with a slap in his head, and pressed his throat, and said, "What are you anxious about, and they didn't say it was against you. What should I do if I kill him wrong?"

Ruan Huan said with a frown on his neck, "How is it possible that when they see that they are one group, here we are another group, not against us, who can we deal with?"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes glared, and the brothers stepped forward to persuade him.

Duan Sanshi pretended to relax, calmly saying, "Who can the other party be?"

Ye Qingxuan shook his head, indicating that he was unclear.

No way, there are too many enemies, I don't know which one.

Meng Yuanzhang didn't know where to pull the dog's tail grass, put his hands behind his head, bite the grass stem in his mouth, and calmly said, "Whatever he is, the enemy is against us, and the enemy will be knocked down ..."

Ruhua monk immediately interfaced and said, "For so many years, you have a good sentence!"

The crowd could not help laughing.

After a while, Dian Xiaoer brought the dishes up, and they had to eat them if they went up, and was caught by Duan Sanshi. He smiled at Dian Xiaoer and said, "The shop, what good wine here, come in a pot ... "

Xiao Er did not find any abnormalities, so he went to drink again.

The brothers stared at Ruhua with a killing eye, Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth and said, "Five brothers, how many times have I told you, outside, you must first test the poison, and then eat. If you martial arts is high, You have to die here too. If you do this again, you won't go to the martial arts holy land. This time, you don't have to follow it, go back to yourself ... "

Ruhua Monk smiled, hit his own hand, and smiled, "Isn't I very hungry. The seventh brother is angry, angry ... you test, you test ..."

Everyone gave him a helpless glance.

Duan Sanshi inspected and shook his head and said, "Clean, non-toxic ..."

As soon as the voice fell, like a flower going up a chopstick, a plate of meat strips was slipped by his chopsticks, and there was some soup left. The crowd didn't have time to stop it, grunted, and swallowed ...

"I cāo, do you starve to death?" Meng Yuan was furious.

"No way, hungry ..."

"What smell?"

"do not know……"

"What meat?"

"do not know……"

"Well, it's time to feed the dog!"

"How do you say that?"

Helpless, Ye Qingxuan raised his head and shouted, "Dian Xiaoer, come with twenty buns!"

Such as flowers, most people can not afford.

Duan Sanshi tested the wine, the dishes, and the steamed buns ... all normal, not poisonous.

"There is no poison in the dishes and no poison in the wine. What's wrong? Did we get it wrong?"

This situation made a few brothers a little confused, forget it.

"After dinner, let's go. Although the other party may not deal with us, we should not stay here for a long time ..."

The wine was full and the brothers were about to leave. A sudden bell rang outside, because everyone in the whole restaurant was nervous at this time.

The crowd was in a tense mood, and looking out, in a tinkling sound, a donkey entered the door of the wine shop, and there was a raging priest lying on it, snoring like a thunder, and fell asleep on the donkey's body.

The man was stingy, the donkey was extremely clean, and the grey donkey hair was washed brightly.

A beautiful little donkey was carrying a martyr who turned left and right. It was weird that no matter how the little donkey roamed, the priest slept peacefully on its back, just not falling to the ground.

When the donkey reached the border, a long roar was raised on his neck, "Huh Ang, huh ..."

The priest suddenly woke up, sat upright, and turned into a posture of Zhang Guolao riding a donkey.

The stupid Taoist grabbed it forward for a long time, he couldn't touch the donkey's neck, and naturally he couldn't catch the reins, because the donkey's **** was in front of him ...

He slammed his hands, grabbed the donkey's tail, and used it as a reins in a confused way.

"Ah Ang--"

As soon as the little donkey had a bad temper, he lifted the Taoist priest on the spot, burrowed, lay on the ground, and didn't get up for a long time ...

Ye Qingxuan and others couldn't bear it anymore and laughed loudly.

On the contrary, the alcoholic drinkers in the wine shops next to him were all grim and no one smiled.

This made Ye Qingxuan's heart wonder, and he became curious about this funny Taoist priest. Who is this person? How could these good guys not laugh ...

When the Taoist staggered up from the ground, Ye Qingxuan and other talents saw a long bar on the back of the old Taoist priest, and wrapped it tightly with a black cloth, which looked like It's a sword, but what can you do without it?

When the old priest turned, Ye Qingxuan and others couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw that this man had a Gucci face, looked very old, and had to be gray, especially his two longevity eyebrows were hanging down his cheeks, but his face was called Hefa Tongyan, and he looked like a fairy-like bone, and it was a mess. I do n’t know the sand on my face, and I drink alcohol all year round, which makes my eyes look yellow and white, and it ’s a whole body of wine.

The old Taoist drank a booze and walked towards the wine shop with a smile. He could not see the bad intentions of the people around him, and shouted, "The shop, the shop, drink, drink ..."

"Come here, come ..." Xiao Erhuan shouted and took out a jug of wine from under the counter and handed it to the old Taoist.

Even Ye Qingxuan and others can see the fault here, but when the old priest's eyes lighted up and he raised the pot, it was a burst of irrigation. At the end, he sang "Good wine, good wine ..."

"It's good wine, it's good wine!"

Dian Xiaoer said with a smile on his mouth, but almost all the killings in his eyes sprayed out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jiang Shuihan came to Ye Qingxuan's ears and said, "Qigong, you shouldn't stay here for a long time, the old priest has drank poisoned wine We can't control it, can we go? "

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "No more." The body who had stood up, but sat back on the ground, said with a smile: "Let's sit down and watch the excitement ..."

The brothers were surprised, but they all sat down quietly.

These people have stepped into the rivers and lakes, and they have never encountered major incidents. Since Lao Qi said that he would sit down and watch the excitement, it would be better to sit down and see what happened ...

The old priest over there drank a jug of wine and chanted, "Another jug" ...

Dian Xiaoer didn't answer, he just handed a pot up and back again and again, the old Taoist priest did a dozen pots in a row. After he was full of wine, he touched his pocket and laughed: "The shop, hey, old Taoist Forgot to bring money ... "

At this moment, the shop's second elder laughed and said, "My boss said, it doesn't matter if the old chief has no money. As long as he keeps the things behind, our account will be paid off!" (To be continued.)

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