Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 19: Power of 1 Palm

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Ye Qingxuan and others suddenly stunned and took their seats, widening their eyes to see how the old Taoist drunk poison responded.

I saw the old priest scratching his scalp, smelling it on the nose, and gently removing the scaly dandruff and sludge in the nail seam. He could see the nausea of ​​Ye Qingxuan and others, but the old priest enjoyed it. Hehe smiled and said, "What are you guys doing, this is the first time? You need to take this sword and let your treasurer personally come to ask the old Taoist ..."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, a loud laugh broke out in the room of the restaurant, and a voice walked out and said arrogantly: "The big treasurer is busy with business. His old man can't come, but he doesn't know if my 'gold abacus' is enough. This qualification? "

When the curtain was lifted, a chubby, smiling business man appeared in front of everyone, a pair of eyes narrowed into a slit, giving a sense of harmony, but the golden abacus in his hand was too large, It's all on the ground ...

Of course, this warrior looks like a warrior who is not very tall. He is in his early sixties, but everyone can see that this person is not easy to mess with.

Ye Qingxuan and others even whispered "Ouch" and glanced at each other. They and others had practiced the six-knowledge method for several years. A mosquito flying within 50 meters could not hide Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang's ears. This time, for the first time, I was timid, but the people in the house didn't even hear it. This shows that this "gold abacus" Shang Kejun is a master who is extremely difficult to provoke. The innate strongman is undoubted, and it is The kind of extremely powerful congenital power is by no means those big goods encountered before.

Jiang Shuihan lowered his voice and said, "This character is not simple." Shang Kejun, the abacus "is under the authority of Vantone, the" big treasurer, "Wang Wantong," gold abacus "," silver scales "," yuruyi ", The three assistants of Heng Wantong have rarely appeared on the rivers and lakes, so their reputation is not obvious. The original rumors were just ordinary congenital masters. I never thought that the strength would be so arrogant.

It turned out to be the "big treasurer" Heng Wantong, then the old treasurer just said that the big treasurer should mean Heng Wantong.

Heng Wantong claimed to be a businessman and a collector, and his "Wantong Bureau" was the number one bank in the imperial dynasty, and he had countless wealth. However, Hengwantong's biggest hobby in life is not silver, but the collection of various treasures. As long as it is valuable, he likes it, not only likes it, but also appreciates it.

It is said that Hengwantong has more treasures than anyone in the world, and even the Nangong family and the Nangong family with the "world's richest man" are not comparable to him.

Heng Wantong's greatest fame is not his wealth and treasured treasure, but his eyes.

His pair of eyes has been the **** industry in the world for decades. He is regarded as the first in any old dynasty, so he is also the king of the **** industry. Even the rare treasures in the palace are often sent for identification.

His pair of eyes can also be regarded as a treasure of gods and martial arts. In addition to appraising treasures, he can also appraise martial arts. When he appreciates martial arts, he is as error-free as appreciation of strange treasures. "Bai Xiaosheng" is better than Wang Yuyan.

Therefore, Heng Wantong also has a title on the rivers and lakes, called "the world's first glance."

Of course, the martial arts of Heng Wantong is also very good. The secret biography [Qi Chi Fei Hong] is a martial art. However, these are all rumors of the rivers and lakes. How is this man's true martial arts? No one has seen it, or that anyone who has seen it is dead. Therefore, he does not take any action. One shot will certainly teach the enemy that there is no way to fight, because he can find the weakness of the opponent's martial arts at a glance.

Heng Wantong claimed to be a businessman, always advocating fortune and making money, earning money is used to move forward, and fighting is brave to go backward.

However, as a rare wealthy merchant in the world and a collector of rare treasures, there are always some things that cannot be avoided.

If you can't hide it, spend the silver to flatten it. If the silver is not flat, spend more money to find someone to settle your troubles.

Therefore, when he has trouble that can't be avoided, he often asks a "dead for money" master to help him.

This person is called "King Kong Sword" Jin Kongyan, and "Thirty-six Days" ranks 28th. Killers, bodyguards, debt collection ... do everything. It is said that the widow mistress of a certain family in Jiangnan once spent 500,000 yuan of silver to sleep with him, and was very satisfied afterwards.

Jin Kongyan, always has the money in place, the service is in place!

As long as he has enough money, he won't do it. And always collect money first and do things later!

Just die for money!

This Jin Kongyan is also Meng Yuanzhang's most admired idol.

This incident was also strange.

When Heng Wantong was in Yangzhou, he once drank with a friend at a restaurant, and by chance he saw the donkey-ridden martyr on the street below the pub. At that time, the martyr was not drunk and was very unexpected After tearing the black cloth on the back, a small sword body was revealed. The sword was sheathless, and it was only wrapped in a black cloth. At this glance, Heng Wantong couldn't sit still.

Heng Wantong's eyes are unparalleled in the world, just a small glance, under the light of the light, it was concluded on the spot that it was a sword with more than eight grades, even nine grades!

Jiu Pin Sword!

There are not a few in the world ...

Even in Hengwantong's collection, there are not so many precious swords!

Heng Wantong flew down from upstairs, stopped the old Taoist priest, and directly offered the price of six million two. Just for this sword, the old Taoist said nothing to sell, Heng Wantong said to buy everything.

The old priest said, there is a kind of you to snatch, Heng Wantong said, businessmen, only buy not to snatch!

As a result, the two quarreled in the streets in an unpretentious way ...

In the end, the old Taoist morale was anxious, and he agreed with Wang Wantong that, within a month, no matter what method was used, as long as he could grab the sword from his old Taoist priest, the sword would be sold to him. If he couldn't do it, he would give him an old priest with a sample-like treasure.

Heng Wantong has a bottom line in his mind, so let ’s ask Jin Kongyan to take the shot. At most, he spends more than one million yuan of silver. He can get this sword with whatever he says, and he agrees.

As a result, the old Taoist priest went westward all the way, and Heng Wantong's men also kept on harassing and robbing and stealing. All methods were used, but the dead old Taoist could not be defeated.

It's been fifteen days, and all the way westward, it has reached the boundary of Jingzhou.

This time, even poison and real masters have used it, just to get this sword, big deal and then detoxify the old Taoist priests. If it doesn't work, you may really have to ask Jin Kongyan to take the shot.

It can be said that Heng Wantong and this old Taoist priest are all in the same need, and what they do is considered ridiculous to normal people.

Ye Qingxuan, of course, they didn't know these things, but just watching these people acted weird, neither like assassination nor revenge, so they stayed and watched the fun.

At this moment, he saw that the old Taoist was poisoned, and the leader of the other party also met. The two sides were still grinding here, and they didn't do anything. Ye Qingxuan and others were more relaxed and watched the excitement.

I saw the old Taoist smiled and said, "But it is a powerful sweating drug of‘ Datura flower ’. I ’m not poisonous in the old way. What a bad thing is this sweating drug ...”

After speaking, a thick sputum spit on the ground, falling to the side of Dian Xiaoer, and the fragrance was scattered in the wind. Just now, Dian Er's look of a murderous look, and he immediately looked confused, fell into the ground, and fell unconscious.

Ye Qingxuan and others all swallowed a spit of foam. Where does this old road work, such a powerful sweat medicine will not turn him over. Is it really "not poisonous" like he said?

The old priest smoked a thick sputum to the shop's second child. The "gold abacus" Shang Kejun's face was somewhat ugly. I didn't expect this old man to be so difficult to deal with.

The old priest pointed at Shang Kejun's nose and cursed: "You **** just have one account to settle accounts, and it is not good enough to talk to the old Tao? It's funny, you come with three people," Gold and Silver Jade ". I ’m sorry for you. Do n’t you know Jin Kongyan when you are the shopkeeper? Hurry up and let Zheng Zhuoer play, but you ’re going to be late but you ’re leaving ... ”

"The golden abacus" Shang Kejun's face was surprisingly ugly, and Shen Sheng said, "The old Taoist priests don't know what to do. In this case, Shang must ask for advice ..."

"What nonsense !? Come together ..."

The old priest said nothing, and went up to Shang Kejun with a big mouth ...

Shang Kejun did not expect the other party to fight, but his "gold abacus" was not vegetarian. He swung the big abacus upward in his hands, violently rising a strong momentum, directly blocking the slap from the old Taoist fan.

The old Taoist slap ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fast and quick, but it looks powerless, not even showing anger, even a little casual like the grandson of the old man in the countryside.

The "golden abacus" Shang Kejun was full of suffocation, and an outrageous momentum suddenly exploded. Obviously, he wanted to make the old Taoist priests pay enough price.

At the same time, the masters of the surrounding area unsheathed a weapon and greeted the old Taoist priest.

Ye Qingxuan and others couldn't help but be surprised. At the same time, they thought that the old Taoist was a bit overwhelmed. Just now the old Tao spit and cleared the sweat medicine in his body. At that time, the brothers and sisters felt that the old road had extraordinary powers. The general filter only spit out harmful substances. The full-fledged demeanor was just such a casual shot at this time, even the master did not have such carelessness?

Ye Qingxuan, because he is a Daoist with this old Taoist priest, felt that he wanted to help out when he felt like this. I didn't expect to get started, and he was probably playing the role of a rescue driver. He touched the dust behind his left hand and was about to start ... ...

I saw the palm of the old Taoist fan on the golden abacus, a white light flashed, a strong wind swelled from the palm, and suddenly exploded, like a sudden hurricane, sweeping the entire restaurant ...

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