Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Encounter with water

Sure enough, there is a problem!

The bottle in the statue's hand wasn't actually carved out and made a look, but it was completely hollow and was a huge stone bottle.

According to common sense, there is no need to make a real bottle out of such a huge stone carved statue, and a bottle really appears here, it means that there must be something hidden inside ...

Internal power, internal power ...

Wouldn't it really be engraved on the inside of the bottle?

Ye Qingxuan couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. This mood of discovering hidden treasures is absolutely exciting.

No wonder everyone is thrilled with the adventure. The joy and satisfaction of discovering the treasure is really intoxicating.

The mouth of the bottle is large enough for one person to pass. Ye Qingxuan holds a copper coin in his hand. He is now selling land for a while and asks for directions. He pops the copper coin into the mouth of the bottle and hears a jingling sound. , Sure enough, there is no problem.

Ye Qingxuan was about to jump into the mouth of the bottle, but suddenly there came a loud voice like a flower in the distance, shouting: "Lao Qi, we are here, you come quickly, what are you doing?"

Depressing ecstasy, Ye Qingxuan turned back and shouted, "Wait for me and find the baby!"

"What?" Meng Yuanzhang asked this time.

"I found the hidden hole, I'll go and see first!"

"No, don't yourself ..."

Meng Yuanzhang's words did not fall, Ye Qingxuan had jumped into the bottle mouth.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan's feet fell on the bottom of the bottle, he heard a gurgling sound above his head.

Ye Qingxuan yelled badly and looked around the stone wall. It is already tightly sealed.

"I'm relying on ... isn't it 'throwing a stone to ask for directions'?"

A bang. There are holes in the walls on both sides. Ye Qingxuan immediately rushed to the ground, thinking that there would be a hidden weapon shooting, but it was a dry sound first. Later, a "chirping" sound, several streams of water spewed out and rushed directly to Ye Qingxuan's body.

A cold sweat burst out.

Ye Qingxuan thought that it was something like poisonous water. If he splashed a drop, there would be no bones ...

The result is just plain water. This gave Ye Qingxuan a sigh of relief, but also scolded himself for not being cautious enough to have hit such a trap.

The water potential was not small, but it covered Ye Qingxuan's calf for a moment.

Feeling a little bad, Ye Qingxuan immediately pulled out the blue sword, struck the stone wall with enough strength, and slashed down, leaving only a white mark under Mars.

Broken Dragon Stone! ?

This stone bottle is not a limestone structure, but a specially-built broken dragon stone bottle. Ye Xuanxuan was a little surprised. Originally thought that the entire statue was carved from a single stalagmite. I did not expect that the bottle in my arms was made specially, and I was really unlucky.

Since the walls are not easy to open. Try the mouth of the bottle again.

Ye Qingxuanyun was full of skill and jumped up abruptly. With a sound, the blue sword returned without power. Then a glow appeared, and the Lingjian Sword ejected from the "Thousand Machine Box" behind it, and slammed on the stone wall of the bottle mouth, but there was only one more pit. No.

Damn it!

At this time, the knocking sound of "咚咚" came from outside, apparently the brothers also rushed here to come to rescue Ye Qingxuan.

"Help smash it hard!" Ye Qingxuan yelled loudly, at this time the water had reached Ye Qingxuan's knee.

"Ye Laoqi, you idiot!" Meng Yuanzhang outside the cave shouted loudly at the inside, "Do you think this is your backyard? Don't worry, just tmd don't listen ..."

"Less nonsense! Help me out, the water has flooded my ass!"

Jiang Shuihan and others glanced at each other, "What are you waiting for, then smash it!" Ruhua's large zen stick rounded and then "banged" on the stone bottle, a Martian appeared, and the entire zen stick was somewhat Bent over, but the stone bottle did not leave a trace.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Stop, stop! Be blinded by tmd ..." Meng Yuanzhang quickly waved his hands to stop the flowery violence. "Organizational science is a delicate science. If you mess up like this, you may not have rescued Lao Qi in case the institution was damaged. , But it really ca n’t be opened ... Hide me away! "

Meng Yuanzhang waved everyone back, squatted down, and groaned around the stone bottle, muttering in his mouth: "The institution that opens the door must be nearby, and any institution should have some vitality. There is no reason to be completely dead. What if the disciples in the door accidentally touch it? Is n’t it a mortal ending? This is unreasonable. Moreover, organ surgery is the way of life and death. If you leave no room, it is a violation of heavenly principles and it will damage Yangshou, although you do n’t know if it ’s true or false. , But no one who dare to learn organ art dares not to do so, so there must be some vitality, there must be ... "

"Hurry up, the water is coming down!" Ye Qingxuan's dull voice came from the stone bottle.

"Dammit, don't make a noise, wait a moment ..." Meng Yuanzhang was sweating too much, but he couldn't find the office.

Is it inside! ?

Suddenly, Meng Yuanzhang thought so, so he shouted against the bottle mouth, "Lao Qi, don't worry, the more anxious the easier it is to ignore the small details ..."

"Less nonsense, your Dao always calms down! You tmd hurry up, at this time let me calm down or not ..."

Meng Yuanzhang rolled his eyes, "Look inside and find out if there is anything special, the agency may be inside!"

When Ye Qingxuan heard Meng Yuanzhang's words, he immediately moved his heart and began to look around.

At the same time, Meng Yuanzhang also continued to search outside the stone bottle.

Ye Qingxuan only made some investigations, and sure enough, on the stone wall on the side of the bottle next to the statue, four big characters were written:

"Encounter the water!"

What does it mean? Is it something that opens when it encounters water?

Are there other portals here? Or will the bottle mouth be reopened?

I do not know……

At this time, everyone outside the stone bottle was so anxious and kept urging Meng Yuanzhang, who also sweated on the forehead.


When Meng Yuanzhang touched the outside of the stone bottle, her fingers suddenly softened, and there was an embossed flower with the center of the flower emptied in. It was obviously an institution inside.

Meng Yuanzhang overjoyed, turned back to the crowd and gestured victory, and said, "I found it!"

Everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly urged: "Open quickly, open quickly!"

Meng Yuanzhang drew his fingers in, and was about to rotate the mechanism, and heard Ye Qingxuan in the stone bottle shouting, "I found it, there is a word on the stone wall!"

Meng Yuan hesitated, and quickly asked, "What is it?"

"Encounter the water!"

Meng Yuanzhang immediately wondered, and stopped in his hands.

Encounter the water?

If you don't meet water, you will ...

What is this newly discovered institution?

Is the word inside false, and the outside organ is the correct way to open the organ? Still the opposite, the trap outside, and the word inside is the right way to leave ...

The current situation is that the water in the stone bottle is a life-saving thing, and it doesn't want to be life-saving at all, and the secret word is "When the water meets the water," it is not "The water meets the water" ...

Which one should I trust?

"Hey, what the **** is going on? The water is gone, but if the space in the stone bottle is large enough, Dao Ye is drowned ..." Ye Qingxuan's voice came out in the stone bottle ...

Brothers and sisters outside were also anxious.

IWC stepped forward and asked, "Sixth, didn't you find the organ? Why didn't you open it ..."

Meng Yuanzhang shook his head and said, "I don't know the reminder in the letter bottle or the organs found outside. Because the two contradict each other, since it is a vitality, it is impossible to have vitality everywhere, then it is not a trap for a deadly institution. But which one should I choose? "

Meng Yuanzhang is undoubtedly in a dilemma. What if he pulls the outside organs by himself, but somewhere inside it, Ye Qingxuan is put to death? You have to be careful at this time ...

"Lao Meng, then you see this old seven drowned?" Ruhua the monk yelled, "You will not drive, I will drive!"

After speaking like a flower, the monk rushed over to this side, reaching out and turning the organ!

"You tmd get out of me!" Meng Yuanzhang was really furious this time, when he went up, he gave Ruhua a punch and gave a loud bang, Ruhua took a half step back and held it directly.

"Human life is off, don't do anything if you don't understand!" Meng Yuan shouted and scolded: "Tmd backs me up, I don't have time to explain it to you!"

If the flower broke out violently, it was necessary to fight back. The remaining brothers rushed up and pulled Ruhua.

Wan Guotai, Duan Sanshi, and Jiang Shuihan, the three of them joined together and forced the action of Huahua to stop, but Huahua still cursed: "Lao Meng, I **** you, this time, you still think tmd, Lao Qi One less hair, I rip your beak! "

Wan Guotai kept persuading: "Lao Wu, don't come here, everyone is anxious, now there is a way for Lao Liu, you don't disturb him ..." Then he yelled at Meng Yuan: "Don't be affected, Lao, you fast Think of ways to……"

For example, after listening to Wan Guotai's statement, Hua Hua stopped talking and scolded, but stared angrily at the mouth of Shi Ping, hoping that the second cargo could find a way to leave.

Meng Yuanzhang banged his hair fiercely ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Thinking about the various methods Master used to pass to him to crack the organs.

Stay alive, stay alive ...

Where is this vitality?

Lao Qi found the text in the stone bottle, and I found the mechanism outside the stone bottle ... Which one is the vitality?

Meng Yuanzhang is racking his brains to remember,

Suddenly Ye Qingxuan's voice came from the stone bottle and asked, "Lao Meng, the water is already slow. What should I do?"

When Meng Yuanxi was anxious and violent in his heart, he was determined to rotate the organ, but his heart suddenly trembled, "What should I do?" This sentence suddenly reminded him of a word that Master said, Institutions will leave a glimmer of life for those who have been trapped in the organs ... "

Leaving a glimmer of life for "people who got caught in the trap"! (To be continued ...)

ps: Basic three and two.

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