Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Within the statue

Meng Yuan swiftly realized that, yes, it was to leave the party alive.

This adventure was carried out by their brothers and several of them, with them outside; but what if it was a single person who came here to take the risk, and hit this institution? Since there is always a hint of vitality, this vitality is naturally reserved for the parties, and the people in the design agency will not consider whether one or more people will come.

If the institution must be outside to open, then if a person is in the institution and the open button is still outside, wouldn't it be a mortal situation for the person trapped in the stone bottle?

This should be wrong.

Therefore, even if Ye Qingxuan is in the office by himself, he should find that vitality and get out of trouble.

And this line of vitality naturally will not be the button of this agency outside, no matter what the button is used for, in short, it will not be prepared for the people who have won the agency ...

Thinking of this, Meng Yuan burst into a cold sweat, and then he shouted into the stone bottle: "Lao Qi, listen, you believe me, the word you see is the solution, you must hold back Gas, at the moment the water is full, there must be something that can be opened. You should look carefully! "

At this time, Jiang Shui came violently and shouted, "Seven brother, it's really impossible. Don't forget the contents of the 'Thousand Boxes', you can use it to break the bottle mouth ..."

Meng Yuan stunned, and at the same time several people around him were also stunned, only Ruhua patted his brain and whispered, "Yes, there is that thing ..."

what is this! ?

Looking at the doubtful eyes of everyone, Jiang Shuihan laughed, "We didn't plan to hide the big guy. Everyone will know later ... it's because of it. Qige Fang came here with confidence."

Everyone looked puzzled. At this time, Meng Yuanzhang thought of something, but he felt more incredible about what he thought, and stared at Jiang Shuihan with a more shocked look than the others.

"Relax, Brother Six, really, you'll know later!" Jiang Shuihan smiled rarely.

Everyone was suspicious but not to mention, at this time, Ye Qingxuan in the stone bottle had been completely submerged in clear water.

Before the last bit of air disappeared, Ye Qingxuan took a sharp breath and dived into the water again. Look patiently from scratch.

When the water was filled with stone bottles, Ye Qingxuan carefully observed the water injection port. According to common sense, the place should not be in a sealed state, otherwise the air would not be lost, but how did Ye Qingxuan search before and did not find where the air disappeared.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was confirming whether he would continue to inject the water after filling the stone bottle.

Ye Qingxuan now determined that the water in the stone bottle was completely full. It was just that he placed his right hand at the water outlet and felt it clearly. There is still a constant flow of water, which means that there must be something leaking.

Ye Qingxuan's internal skills are fierce and he can hold his breath for dozens of times more than ordinary people. Naturally, he is not in a hurry. He releases the dust and dust, and the slender silk is floating in the water. If there is a leaking place and it is pulled by the current, it must be found here ...

Sure enough, but for a while, Ye Qingxuan found the place where the water was lost, which was near the mouth of the stone bottle, and if this memory is correct, it should be close to the arm of the statue.

Folding the dust again, Ye Qingxuan was looking for an organ here, and sure enough, the tip of his finger was soft, and a hole really appeared somewhere, allowing the finger to pass through.

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to snub, inserted his fingers into it, touched a hook ring, and immediately yanked ...

That's it ...

The sound of the organs ringing in the water seemed particularly deafening.

This sound was that the few people waiting anxiously outside were listening so loudly that they called Ye Qingxuan's name aloud.

Ye Qingxuan only saw the position of the bottom of the bottle. When Gu Long sounded, several holes appeared again. The water flow in the stone bottle quickly disappeared along the hole ...

"I'm fine, the water is back!" Ye Qingxuan responded loudly to the brethren's questioning.

The crowd was finally relieved.

The water flow continued to disappear, but the lid of the bottle was still open.

When the last drop of water droplets disappeared into the hole at the bottom of the bottle, the side close to the body of the statue banged, and a stone door appeared.

Ye Qingxuan was surprised.

The original meaning of "encounter with water" is not to reopen the bottle mouth, but to open the stone door inside.

If it is not bad, this institution is actually driven by the flow of water and was flooded. It is a difficult problem for everyone who enters here. If you are panicked, you will really end up in the end. Missed, even drowned here.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the dark hole in this place, but this time he didn't dare to risk himself easily, but instead he leapt to the bottle mouth and shouted to the outside: "Lao Liu, there is a stone door inside, I ... "

Grumpy ...

Before the words were finished, the lid at the front of the bottle was pushed open.

When the eyes brightened, the faces of the brothers reappeared in front of Ye Qingxuan.

"Hey, it's interesting. After the water passed, this door can really be opened ..." Meng Yuan said with a smile: "You're addicted to it? Why don't you come out ..."

Ye Qingxuan was speechless for a while.

It turns out that the lid of this bottle can be opened after the water flows through ...

It ’s a good idea to "encounter the water."

"Qi brother, what did you say just now? What Shimen?" Jiang Shuihan heard what Ye Qingxuan said just now, and quickly turned off the topic of Meng Yuan.

Ye Qingxuan was dragged up from the inside by everyone, mixed and wet, shook the water on the sleeves, wiped his face and said, "Oh, there was a stone door in the stone bottle just now, I didn't dare to go in, just Say this is coming ... "

"What? There is Shimen !?" This time changed Meng Yuanxi's face with excitement, "There must be treasures in this institution, this Shimen must enter ..."

After speaking, wait for everyone to answer and sprint. Drilled into the stone bottle.

"Also. Still going in?"

Hit an authority. Ye Qingxuan, who almost got claustrophobic, was hesitant this time.

"This time we go down, Qi brother, you have met us outside ..." Jiang Shuihan said.

Ye Qingxuan caressed his chest and said, "Forget it, if there are really good things in it, I've seen it and suffered a lot. How can I not get something in return?"

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

"You are coming. We are well developed!" There was a near-broken surprise from Meng Yuanzhang in the stone bottle.

The people quickly entered the stone bottle, and entered the statue from the stone bottle.

The interior space of the statue was unexpectedly spacious. Through the spiral ladder on the inner wall of the statue, everyone walked to the bottom of the statue little by little. The bright color here, the torches have long lost their usefulness.

"My dear, what's all this?"

I felt the wall and walked down all the way, and the first to discover the inner wall of the statue turned out to be cast from thick gold, that is to say. The disciples of the "Xianfeng drizzle door" had hollowed out the statue. He even spent a lot of gold inside the statue to strengthen it to prevent the statue from being destroyed and collapsed.

Ye Qingxuan took out a Lingzizi sword, inserted it vigorously on the gold wall, then pulled it out, looked at the tip of the sword carefully, and said faintly: "The thickness of gold is more than a foot, and my sword was not completely Penetrating gold, it can be seen that the amount of gold used here has reached an extremely amazing level ... "

Jiang Shuihan was shocked: "Wasn't that saying that just taking back the gold inner tube in this statue is enough money for the Kunwu faction to rebuild?"

Duan Sanshi nodded and said, "More than enough."

Wan Guotai exclaimed: "Good guy, how much is this worth ..."

"What do you all count? That pile of gold has a fart!" Not far away came the voice of Meng Yuan's disdain, which immediately surprised everyone, and the level of surprise was no less than that of Ye Qingxuan who was almost drowned just now. Surprised.

Among the brothers, Meng Yuanzhang, who is the most desperate for money, even at this moment expressed disdain for the obstructive object of gold! ?

This is simply a miracle!

When everyone looked back, the multicolored light in front of them brightened, and Meng Yuanzhang opened a huge metal box, which was full of dazzling treasures, which instantly made everyone feel lost.

It was a bunch of all kinds of jewellery. The material of each jewellery was made of beautiful and precious materials, the style was simple and elegant, or the craftsmanship was extraordinary.

"Oh my dear, isn't this necklace 'Snow Crystal Chalcedony'? Lao Meng also said that the material of the object is dead, and there is even a necklace here ..." It was because of a pair of dragon and phoenix bracelets that I only knew about this treasure. I didn't expect to see the same material so soon.

"I said, brother, can I get a set of jewellery for Xunzi now? You see, I also have a" snow crystal chalcedony "here ..." Meng Yuanzhang passed a zongzi from his hand, and won the joy of Wan Guotai Can't shut up.

This box of jewellery is all women's products, almost all of which are treasures of seven or more items, and three treasures of nine items have been found by everyone.

"Hey? Why is there a box of clothes here? It's all women's style ..." Ruhua who is not interested in jewelry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ opened another huge box, and it turned out to be all kinds of things inside Woman clothes.

Picking up an bellyband like an idiot, he asked in wonder: "What the **** is this? I have never seen such a small handkerchief ..."

This idiot!

Meng Yuan took a slap and knocked down Ruhua's hand, and drank: "This is all women's clothes, what do you do with it? What else can you wear?"

The crowd burst out laughing.

Meng Yuanzhang picked up the clothes that had fallen to the ground, and then looked at them ecstatically, and then rummaged into the box.

The flower that was stunned by Meng Yuan couldn't help but froze and scolded: "Your boy is frustrated and crazy, just said me now, now you tmd have drilled the crotch of the girl ..." (To be continued). .)

ps: three more basic three.

Today, the task of three more is completed, continue to write, make up for the deficits last month!

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