Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 42: Batwing Dragon Swarm

Seeing that the iron armored horn dragon was gone, everyone knew it.

The roaring monk roared, and then picked up a piece from the ground, and threw it towards the iron armored horned dragon. When he hit it, in the middle of his head, the iron armored horn roared, and everyone screamed at the flowers in unison.

But the fierce beast just hummed dissatisfied a few times, and then continued to walk away, and it was quite a sense of desertion.

This time, Ye Qingxuan and others are even more puzzled.

Meng Yuan looked around in a panic, Shen said, "No matter what you think, I have a bad feeling anyway!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This is too weird. The fierce iron armored horned dragon chose to give up the prey close at hand. What made it choose?

The people are still afraid to leave this open space for the time being, because the Iron Armor Dragon is still far away. If you go out at this time, you may attract the attack of this monster again. The best way is to wait for the other party to go far. Pick another direction and leave.

Ye Qingxuan looked around, at this time they came to an open field in the fern grassland, the ground was covered with short weeds, and wild flowers dotted it.

I don't know what has happened here, anyway, there is a sharp difference from the ferns that are tall and tall around them. These plants are very short and new, just like they have just sprouted.

"The turf here is like being struck by a flock of sheep ..." Wan Guotai said in a deep voice.

"Maybe not ..." Jiang Shuihan deeply grasped the soil under the grass, smelled it and said, "This is the dung of a strange animal. The grass re-grown from the dung ..."

"Oh? You say we are standing on a pile of feces now !? Oh, this is disgusting!" Meng Yuanzhang started bouncing in place. Looking for a dense grass. Make yourself forget the disgusting thing.

Ye Qingxuan squatted on the ground. Like Jiang Shuihan, he dug deep into the soil beneath the turf and studied it carefully. He looked back at the iron horned dragon, and said in a deep voice, "Brothers, maybe I know the reason why the group did not dare to come. ... "

Everyone looked back at Ye Qingxuan.

Ruhua scratched her big bald questioningly, "What's that?"

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath and slowly said, "It's the taste ... it's the smell of this pile of feces, or the taste of the guy who left this pile of feces as a mark ..."

Guy who left this smell! ?

Everyone suddenly remembered on the broken dragon stone. Scary claw marks left.

Everyone's heart sinks at the same time.

"I hate unknown things!" Meng Yuan muttered mutteringly.

That's right, the fear of the unknown goes far beyond familiar things.

Suddenly they heard a long, low-pitched howl, and then they heard a response call coming over the fern woods.

"What's that sound?" Meng Yuan narrowed his neck and asked in fear.

Ye Qingxuan looked around, "I don't know."

"Standing monk!"

Meng Yuanzhang leapt lightly, landed on Ruhua's shoulder, and looked around, "I didn't see anything ... nothing in the grass or woods ... oh my God!"

Meng Yuanzhang screamed. At the same time, everyone saw a shadow appearing on the grass in front of them, and this shadow moved rapidly. Soon they enveloped them, and then passed by, quickly disappearing.

But everyone knows where this thing is.

"in the sky!"

The crowd immediately looked up and saw a huge black shadow gliding above them, covering the sky densely.

"Yeah!" Meng Yuanzhang exclaimed, "Is it a Batwing?"

Meng Yuanxi hurriedly jumped off Ruhua's shoulder. When she met this group of strange animals in the air, the higher she stood, the more unsafe she was.

"Damn, it's these beasts." Ye Qingxuan replied.

Because this guy can fly, it has a very wide range, and it has appeared in Yunzhou. Therefore, he has also been featured in the "Kyushu Alien Record" obtained by Ye Qingxuan when he was young.

Meng Yuanzhang didn't answer. He stared at this huge flying animal dreamily. The batwing dragon made a low bark, hovering gracefully in the air, and turned to fly towards them.

"Do you say they are vegetarian or meat !?"

No one answered this stupid question from Meng Yuanzhang, because they saw the bat-winged dragon dive abruptly, and after a while, the chicken flying dog jumped, a strange creature crawling on all fours like a lizard had been caught in its paw, but with its mouth With a violent shudder, the head of the other beast was easy to separate, and the blood and blood poured all over the sky.

"You say, is this feces here?"

Ye Qingxuan shook his head. "An alien beast in the air does not need to mark its own territory on the ground. They only draw a no-entry zone near their own nest. As for the predatory territory, they are disdainful. All here Everywhere is their hunting ground! "

"Seven young people, you know, your answer makes me very uncomfortable ..." Meng Yuan swallowed and responded with a smile.

But none of his jokes seemed ridiculous.

The posture of the flying beast in the air is so beautiful and beautiful.

The crowd looked up, and soon another bat-winged dragon appeared in the air, followed by the third and fourth ...

"I hope they will not attack us ..." Meng Yuanzhang continued.

Everyone glanced at each other blankly, then awakened and ran towards the tall tree-like fern next to them, hiding instantly under the dense foliage.

"This thing is a lot like a bat-winged dragon, but they are much larger than the book records ..." Duan Sanshi said.

"Perhaps a more powerful bat-winged dragon. The environment here is closed, but the food is not lacking. It is easy to live for hundreds of years." Jiang Shui analyzed coldly.

"Even thousands of years ..." Ye Qingxuan thought about the closed Broken Dragon Stone Gate, and could not help but sigh.

Ye Qingxuan secretly said that these are by no means ordinary bat-winged dragons. They are too big and must have survived for more than hundreds of years to be possible.

When these strange beasts are flying at high altitude, they look like small airplanes, that is, the propeller planes of World War II, and they have a sharp voice like a bird; when they fly near, Ye Qingxuan sees these strange beasts. It has a wingspan of at least six meters, is covered with fur, and has a crocodile-like head.

If recorded in the book, these strange beasts should feed on fish, rarely attack humans, and basically grow in Yunmeng Daze and the 100,000 Mountains.

Ye Qingxuan could not imagine that these strange beasts can also be seen in this closed underground world. How did they come in? It would never have been tamed by someone who was a "wind of rain".

Meng Yuanzhang covered his eyes with his hands and looked up at the sky. "Do you say they will attack us?"

"I don't think so," Ye Qingxuan shook his head and said, "I remember they eat fish."

"Are you sure?" Duan Sanshi asked.

"It is indeed written in the book," The Book of Kyushu Strange Beasts ", the best-selling and latest edition ..." Ye Qingxuan couldn't help recalling the face of Jiao San who sold the book to himself.

"Then we shouldn't stay here, who knows if we will meet that guy!" Meng Yuanzhang was thinking desperately to get rid of this underground world, this adventure was really exciting, it made him regret it, just thinking Leaving here very early.

"Don't move now!"

Ye Qingxuan pressed Meng Yuanxuan's body firmly, without letting him get out of the cover of fern leaves again.

A bat-winged dragon flew down sharply, and saw a wing shadow flashing, and swept across the top of them with a whistle, while blowing a hot air, leaving a smell of acid.

"Wow!" Meng Yuan shouted. "They are so big!" Then she asked, "Are you sure they won't hurt us?"

"Very sure," Ye Qingxuan replied stiffly. In fact, at this time, his heart was not very sure, anyway, everything was careful.

The bat-winged dragon apparently made a dive attack, but the target was not them.


A roar came from the front, which was the direction in which the family of Iron Armored Dragons left.

The manta ray is attacking the iron horned dragon.

"Is this impossible?" Duan Sanshi said in surprise.

With the size and thick armor skin of the iron horned dragon, the bat-winged dragon should not be able to drag it to the sky, let alone penetrate the armor of the other party.

But Ye Qingxuan's heart flashed past the two iron armor horned cubs, and he woke up immediately.

"They are attacking the cubs of Ironclad Dragons. The opportunity is not to be missed. We hurriedly surpassed Ironclad Dragons and re-entered the Broken Dragon Stone ..."

Another two bat-winged dragons began to dive. There were five bat-winged dragons in the sky, and now there are three cubs that have begun to attack the iron horned dragon.

This is undoubtedly a golden opportunity.

Of course, the premise is that these batwing dragons will not turn their heads to attack Ye Qingxuan and others.

Once again, it is possible to use the cannibalism of other beasts in nature. Ye Qingxuan thinks that human beings can become the spirit of species. At least, he can use this opportunity infinitely. Just enjoy it.

At this time, the five batwing dragons had already circled around the place of the iron horned dragon, constantly looking for opportunities to attack their prey.

"Let's dash over—"

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's order ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The brothers immediately followed Ye Qingxuan and rushed out from the cover of the ferns.

At this time another bat-winged dragon swooped down and moved more quickly than the previous one.

It flew from behind the crowd and flashed over their heads. Ye Qingxuan glanced at his mouth full of teeth and furry body. I thought, it really looks like a giant bat. However, he was impressed by the giant bird that its appearance seemed very fragile: their huge wingspan was covered with a thin pink film, as thin as cicada wings and almost transparent.

All this makes the manta ray look more feminine.

The manta ray flew past everyone's heads, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, Meng Yuanzhang suddenly made a humming sound, and everyone turned back hurriedly, only to see Meng Yuanzhang holding his head in both hands and screaming, "Damn, it hurt me!"

ps: Basic three and two.

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