Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Fighting Beast

Meng Yuanzhang screamed, and immediately let everyone who was already frightened jump for a while.

"What did you say?" Duan Sanshi asked in a hurry.

"It caught me! It hurt me!" Meng Yuanzhang took his hand away from his head, and everyone immediately found that his fingers were covered with blood.

In the sky, the other two batwing dragons gathered their wings, shrunk into two small black masses, and flew towards the ground. They squeaked as they dived down.

"Run away!" Ye Qingxuan cursed, **** it, grabbed Meng Yuanzhang's hand, and flew across the open space.

"Ye Laoqi, you **** have said that this thing is not human!" Ruhua monk yelled violently.

"They haven't seen anyone for at least a thousand years before, and I guess this group of beasts wants to try something new!" Ye Qingxuan ran away with a sullen head, mocking himself without forgetting to play.

At this time, no one will perform light work to the sky. A beast like a bird is better than light work, which is no different from seeking death.

"Get down!"

They heard the screams getting closer and closer, Ye Qingxuan suddenly fell to the ground at the last moment, and tore the flowers and scattered stones around him to the ground.

Almost at the same time, the two bat-winged dragons howled and whipped, fluttering past their bodies. Ye Qingxuan almost felt their sharp claws hit his robe.


A scream frightened everyone.

A batwing dragon was struggling to get up from the ground, but from the bottom of the chest and abdomen, all were cut open, and the colorful viscera flowed to the ground.

Wan Guotai held the blood-stained blue dragon and the moon knife, and rushed forward with a roar. Cut off the head of a manta ray.

"Animal! Do you dare to be crazy?"

IWC immediately flung. The momentum is extraordinary.

"Brother! What kind of playword are you dragging at this time. What style do you put on?"

Meng Yuanzhang grabbed Wan Guotai, who was still sighing, and turned and ran.

It turned out that when everyone fell to the ground, Wan Guotai deliberately held up the big knife and stably rested on the ground. The bat-winged dragon flew past the ground, but was just opened by the sharply raised big knife.

Sure enough, it is powerful and powerful, but this time it can be regarded as a horse honeycomb.

Another batwing dragon hissed. Attracting the attention of other similar people, these beasts immediately hissed, and gave up besieging the Iron Armor Dragons, instead besieging Ye Qingxuan.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan also saw a slightly smaller pterodactyl flying to the outside, and after a while he reached the top of the distant underground space, where there was a stone pillar resembling a bell bamboo stone, densely covered with black holes.

The batwing dragon screamed and clamored, flying out a large figure of hundreds, although it was smaller than the batwing dragon. The wings of the fan are much faster, and the speed of the flight is a little faster. Apparently different kinds of flying dragons. And they all obeyed these more powerful batwing dragons. For a moment, hundreds of newly emerged flying dragon-like beasts all flew towards this side with a croak.

"I tmd went—"

Ye Qingxuan stood up, raised Duan Sanshi from the ground, pointed at the "cloud" in the sky and shouted: "Did you see? Don't run to Broken Dragon Stone, where the grass is burned out, Daping couldn't run off the ground, so find a place to hide! "

"Where is this tmd hiding?" Duan Sanshi was a little confused.

Everyone also found the dark cloud flying in the distance from the sky, and for a moment, their heart was cracked, and even the flower-like monk who was like fire was afraid to say that he would fight hard.

The result of this hard fight is to die, and the death method is divided into corpses by the beasts, swallowed and alive by the other party, and even a bone scum may not be left in the end.

Become a pile of **** to these strange beasts ...

Ruhua is not afraid of death, but this method of death is too tmd fucking!

"Run over there—" In an emergency, Jiang Shuihan stood up and found a small stone mountain in the distance. Because the grass here exceeds the height of people, although the hill is not far away, it is not found because it is blocked by grass.

At this point, as soon as they were instructed, everyone rushed to the other side without saying a word.

At this moment, a bat-winged dragon over his head turned and screamed at them again.

The crowd did not dare to neglect and continued to flee. When the final time of Batwing Dragon's imminent arrival was about, the crowd slammed to the ground again, and a large shadow passed by.

Similarly, at this time, everyone pointed the weapon in the sky. Even if these flying beasts could not be injured, at least the distance between the two sides must be kept to prevent being caught by the alien beast.

This time, the manta ray flew over Meng Yuanzhang's head. With the example of IWC, Meng Yuanzhang also strove to support the Qi Mei rod in his hand and attack the flying manta ray.

It was just that his movement was a little slower. He wanted to poke the other person's neck, but he struck the abdomen of the other animal. There was a scream in the air, and a pile of white things were pinched down. Body.

"I rely on it!" Meng Yuanzhang burst out and roared in disgust.

It was a **** of feces, and the pterosaur's **** was taken out of the stomach of the other person, or in other words, his mighty power made the other beast incontinent, but it turned out to be a little ...

"This tmd is called 'Dragon Shit'-"

Even at this critical moment, the brothers couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Who dares to mention it again, I will rush with him!" Meng Yuanzhang was really angry this time, and quickly got up and growled at the crowd.

"Idiot, run away!"

As soon as he stood up, Meng Yuanzhang heard the crowd shouting in horror. As soon as he raised his leg and was about to run, he saw the scattered stone in front and screamed in horror.


With a blow, it was as if someone had hit him with a huge Pu fan, and the strength was so heavy that Meng Yuanzhang was turned to the ground on the spot.

It was the bat-winged dragon with the lower abdomen poked by Meng Yuan. He landed because of severe pain. At the same time, he clearly recognized the **** who attacked himself and rushed to him to kill him.

Meng Yuanzhang felt that after he was fanned in, he just rolled over, a pair of huge claws pressed down, firmly grasped his shoulder, and a nasty smell came from his nose.

Ye Qingxuan turned around and saw a bat-winged dragon's hind paw grabbing Meng Yuanzhang's shoulders. Two huge and tough wings were translucent in the sun, and wide wings flapped on the left and right sides of Meng Yuanzhang.

Bat-winged dragons tried their best to fly, and if it flew into the air, Meng Yuanzhang's life would be over.

Ye Qingxuan dare not hesitate, falling into the hands and blowing the dust, swiping directly, directly wrapped around the wings of the batwing dragon, and dragging down violently, the batwing dragon that has just shown signs of leaving, was violently dragged to on the ground.

Compared to the other beast, Ye Qingxuan's body is weak, but his strength is by no means covered. The bat-winged dragon was stranded on the ground. He struggled to fly, and fiercely with a long pointed mouth. Bite to Meng Yuanzhang's head under the claw.

At the moment of life and death, Meng Yuanzhang held his eyebrow stick in front of him, and stubbornly resisted the huge mouth with a foul smell.

"Kill it!"

Ye Qingxuan struggled to drag the slayer with his hands, dragging the bat-winged dragon to keep it from taking off, but he could not control the "Spirit Sword" to assassinate the bat-winged dragon, and it was difficult to rescue Meng Yuanzhang, whose life was at stake, and he could only roar at the people around him. Make them move faster.

Dark clouds flew fast, and the other three of the five batwing dragons had already reached the top of their heads. At this time, they were hovering and ready to dive.

"Leave me alone, you run away!"

Meng Yuanzhang was struggling to death, but no one paid attention to his crazy words.

The crowd rushed to attack this suddenly-slapped batwing dragon ...


Wan Guotai slashed, and the other beast was struggling to the side, so instead of slashing his head, he slashed the opponent's wing in half.

This strange beast can no longer fly.

The screams of the bat-winged dragon broke out again, and the other bat-winged dragons in the air could no longer prepare for their formation to dive. One of the largest bat-winged dragons fell down.

Its body is more than twice the size of the mantasaurus on the ground, especially its supposedly greenish-gray skin, which has begun to change towards black. According to the book, this kind of beast is afraid of more than five hundred Years of life.

The king of the mantasaurus was here to save his children or his people. It was just a fall, and the strong wind blew the crowd to stand unstable.

In addition, the severely damaged batwing dragon started desperately attacking Meng Yuanzhang under his belly.

Meng Yuan drank swiftly, let everyone run, while holding Qimei stick in both hands, waved frantically like crazy, resisting that huge mouth.

It was too late, and then, as the flower monk yelled, rushed up without thinking, jumped up, and struck the injured batwing dragon with his own body.

Like the same shell, such as a flower monk hitting its back, a bang, a huge impact and Ye Qingxuan dragging to the side, making the fluffy body of the manta ray dragon fall to the ground. He even hit another giant batwing dragon that fell on his side.

The claws gripped on Meng Yuan's shoulders were loosened, breaking free of the restraint. Meng Yuan's life broke out in desperate crisis. At this time, he didn't know how to escape, but flew along with Ruhua, trying to kill the manta ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Leave another! "

Ye Qingxuan said without forgetting the command.

At this time, the difference between armed and unarmed appears.

Faced with strange beasts, human beings simply fought close by fists, which is basically death.

IWC tried to do everything, the blue dragon moon moon knife in his hand burst out into the sky, fiercely attacked another giant batwing dragon, separating it from the injured batwing dragon, for the convenience of Ruhuahua and others to kill action.

"Hold the sword!"

Ye Qingxuan threw the blue sword in his hand to Meng Yuanzhang. He re-introduced the "Seven Souls of the Sword" in the "Thousand Machine Box" and directly joined the battlefield of IWC, attacking the largest flying beast.

Meng Yuanzhang then joined Duan Sanshi to join the siege of Batwing Dragon. (To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

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