Ye Qingxuan and others were surrounded by Huang Fuyan Zhao, the "King of Xiaoyao," and walked out of the Qingying Pavilion. = Top = point = novel ===

As soon as he came out of the Qingying Pavilion, Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt that the grinning Huang Fu Yan Zhao suddenly became serious, holding his big hand tightly, his palm became cold, obviously his heart was quite anxious, and it was by no means apparent on his face. It's so easy.

Ye Qingxuan's heart sank suddenly, secretly: The court, something really happened!

A small courtyard not far from the Qingye Pavilion, inside and outside, is full of elite soldiers, and the defense is extremely tight.

Huang Fu Yanzhao smiled and introduced: "This is my industry and it is extremely safe. Please rest assured when you are here. The two great masters are here, and his" Magic Emperor "Luo is here. Do not dare to act lightly. "

With the help of this old lord, everyone was very relaxed.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, one of the nearly red fire-filled big tripods immediately surprised everyone.

Wei sighed with guilt, and said, "Isn't this my mysterious copper tripod?"

"Yes!" Huang Fu Yanzhao smiled. "This is one of the reasons why my husband delayed the contest for three days ..."

Ye Qingxuan said dumbly, "So the old master didn't come from Donglai?"

Huang Fu Yanzhao's expression was cold and he said, "The old man came from Zhengzhou City ..."

The crowd was suddenly shocked, and Huangfu Taiming asked in surprise: "So, has Uncle Huang ever met Master Xue?"

Huangfu Yanzhao nodded silently.

When Huang Fu Taiyu next saw that the seed was wrong, he quickly said: "Uncle Huang, you don't want to listen to these rebellious words, they ..."


A mouth volleyed into Huang Fu Taiyu's face. Huang Fuyan said angrily: "Are you confused when I'm old? I don't know what's right? I'll ask you. What happened in the court? Where is your father?"

Huangfu Taiyu was toppled to the ground by a slap. Half of his head buzzed, and Wen Yan quickly replied: "The emperor just felt the cold and occasionally, and rested in the Fulong Temple of Zijin Mountain!"

"Have you seen the emperor's kid?" In this world, I am afraid that the emperor's ancestor dared to call the emperor's respect and honor "kid".

Huangfu Taiyu shook his head, "I have never seen it."

"Who told you that the emperor was at Fulong Temple?"

"Yes, it is Princess Jin ..." Huang Fu Taiyu's face was pale this time.

"It's Fengyige's woman again! Huh, are you a pig's head? If you believe everything you say, you didn't go to‘ Fulong Temple ’to say hello?”

Huangfu Taiyu busyly said, "The outside of Fulong Temple is heavily guarded. Father Emperor ordered, no one will call ..."


As a chest kick, Huang Fu Taiyu flew out to count several feet, stooped and vomited, and almost vomited with pain and courage ...

Huang Fu Yanzhao yelled: "Jingde's kid has been calculating all his life. He thinks he is clever. How did you give birth to such a **** son, a shit!"

Huang Fu Yanzhao turned around and led the people into the house, and at the same time commanded: "Find someone to lock up this kid, it will cause Xiao wall. Also help outsiders money, an idiot. Do not let him run away!"

Huangfu Taining fell from the sky, and the whole person was already stupid. In the face of many masters here, he could not even rise to resist, and he was allowed to come up to the point of the big hole and tied it out.

As soon as he entered the room, a tall and thin general manager-like figure greeted him and nodded towards the grandfather to show his safety.

Wei looked at the other without guilt, and his eyes lightened, and Shen said, "'Jin Zheng' Zhu Shengbei?"

Then Zhu Shengbei gave Wei a guilty glance, saying: "Have a look a few decades ago, I can't think of the hero Wei who can still remember the old man ..."

Wei Rong said without guilt: "The predecessor's style was remembered in his heart."

Zhu Shengbei smiled and said, "There are talented people on behalf of Jiangshan. In that year, Brother Wei revealed his infinite qualifications, and even he did not expect to see them for decades. He has become a master on the" Tian Jue Bang ", and his achievements are not comparable to the old man. People rank by martial arts, and the old man is no longer the predecessor of Wei Daxia's mouth ... "

Huang Fu Yanzhao on the side laughed and said, "Lao Zhu didn't have to be modest. If I hadn't followed me back then, I am afraid that today's achievements would have been famous on the" Tian Jue Bang ... "

Zhu Shengbei respectfully replied: "If it wasn't for Wang Ye, I'm afraid Shengbei would already be dead on the street. How dare he say he was on the" Tian Jue Bang "?"

Brothers Ye Qingxuan and other brothers froze each other. They didn't know what happened in those years, but just looking at Wei Wugui's respect for this person, I am afraid that the strength of the other party is also enough to reach the "Best of Heaven", and has the strength of a great master.

These characters are willing to be slaves, and the strength of the "Happy King" is really appalling.

Fortunately, such a character is on the same side as his own side, which immediately makes people feel more at ease.

The crowd took their seats one after another, but the "opening axe" Duan Juncheng stood behind Huang Fu Yanzhao, without squinting, like an iron man. In some places, it was like Wei's guilt-free.

Seeing everyone seated, Huang Fu Yanzhao went straight into the theme: "The court is in dire straits, the kid with ten respects was abducted, the old man sent Luo Du and his party, and the situation investigated is not optimistic ..."

Ye Qingxuan quickly asked: "Master, how far has the situation in the court deteriorated?"

Huang Fu Yanzhao sighed, and Zhu Shengbei next to him replied: "According to the information, the six principal officials have basically been replaced with people who have a great deal with Fengyi Pavilion. Some officials who have not been involved with Fengyi Pavilion or have said they are ill Not coming out, or being dismissed from prison for various crimes, or being arranged for foreign affairs, and expelled from Luodu. Now within Luodu, it is already the world of Fengyi Pavilion, and even more, the forces of various foreign domains, named Hajj has already ushered in countless masters and gathered in Luodu. All the princes and ministers are proud to have a banquet and invited the masters to visit. Now in Luodu, there is so much smoke and chaos ... "

Huangfu Yanzhao sighed: "It seems that the news of Jingde's accident is spreading out. It is because many people in my Huangfu's family have weird intentions. Many Wangye have hired experts from all walks of life, saying that they are protecting the family. Hospital, but this is not the case with the people in contact, the picture is not small! "

Xu Lingkong sighed and asked slowly: "Dragons and snakes come together! I wonder who these characters are now?"

Zhu Shengbei: "The people who have come to the north most now are the masters of the northern Di ethnic group, with no less than five hundred. Among them, the eight disciples of the largest master of the Di ethnic group, Nalan Chengji, have all come to Luodu, and there are even rumors that Nalan Chengji People will also be invited to come; and other masters of the vassal Di tribe, such as Ashena Yando of the Tale, Alehan of the Barbarian, the completion of the Jurchen Ministry, and even the Yildan Ministry The sea of ​​teeth has arrived in Luodu ... "

"Even Yelu Yahai, one of the 'Five Great Swordsmiths', is here?" Xu Lingkong asked in amazement. "The Di tribe is out of the best, and is not afraid of being hit by a net, breaking the foundation?"

Zhu Shengbei laughed: "The Di people are also very powerful inside each other. Even if they come all together, I am afraid that they want to share a piece of each other. No one cares about who lives or dies with each other ..."

"What about other forces?"

"There are more than ten people from the Rong tribe. The most powerful one is the 'White Wolf' Tuyan. All three of the barbarians are from them. Among them, Sawan Sossi, Chalun Pong, and Ban Nai Phe are the best ..."

When Ye Qingxuan heard it, he glanced at each other with Wei guilt, and at the same time, he said, "Ban Naihe? Hehe, I still don't think there is an old acquaintance ..."

Wei smiled guiltily: "Ban Naili cracked the old dog. The last time he played, he only hurt him a little bit. This time, he dared to come to me in the Central Plains, and it certainly made him come back!"

Zhu Shengbei was not clear about the events of that year, but did not ask, and then said: "As for other forces, there are a lot of them. Some people even saw a group of warriors from Weizhou arrived in Luodu, but this group's whereabouts are secretive. , It is difficult to grasp its strength ... "

When Zhu Shengbei said, he involuntarily glanced at Sanada Ryuhiko and saw that he did not have a special look before he looked away suspiciously.

Sanada naturally knew other people's doubts about him, but he was too lazy to explain. He came to Central Plains only for Ye Qingxuan, and he was too lazy to ignore others' suspicions.

"Besides ... Uh ..." Zhu Shengbei sighed and said to Huang Fu Yanzhao, "Master Wang, according to the news just received, Long Sutton Pearl of the Great Western Tibetan State 'Dafu Tibetan Master' also On the way to Luodu ... "


This time, no one can remain calm.

Dragon Sutton Beads at Dami Temple?

"Isn't Fengyige's woman crazy?" Huang Fu Yanzhao yelled, and it was even harder to keep her former attitude.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath and relieved the pressure in his heart.

Fengyi Pavilion leads the wolf into the room, I'm afraid that it is to deal with the Dachen Temple and let him have no time to take care of it ...

Gui Yansheng cursed, "The old ladies are in charge, and the house is down! The curse is really right ..."

Feng Yige made her own clever move, only to be afraid of the upheaval on the rivers and lakes.

"Is there anything moving in the demon gate?" Ye Qingxuan could not help asking.

Zhu Shengbei shook his head, and everyone was silent for a while.

Yeah ~ ~ In such a chaotic situation, how could the magic gate not move? The most favorable situation is to sit in the mountains and watch the tigers fight, and wait for the forces of all parties to consume seven or eighty-eight, then it will come out and sit for the benefit of the fishermen.

Fengyige encouraged the emperor to hold "Zhaowu Kyushu", which caused a mess in Shenwu Rivers and Lakes, and then introduced the wolves into the room and introduced foreign masters into the hinterland of the Central Plains, directly scourge the imperial court, the demon gates were staring at each other, and the plots were misguided. The three major cults rose up in chaos, and all around Smoke from the smoke ...

But now, here, Baekdo Wulin has spoiled himself. Seeing that the two "Big Masters" of Baekdo will be fighting in three days ...

The world is really going to be a mess!

Who can we rely on besides ourselves?

Ye Qingxuan bowed his head and said nothing, feeling extremely heavy.

Huang Fu Yan Zhao said in a deep voice: "The chaos in the world has fallen, and Bai Dao has been torn apart by Fengyi Pavilion, which is useless. Hero Wei, three days after the first battle, please win. Now you are the only life-saving banner in the court. , The more mad, the more able to stabilize people's hearts. On the cusp of the enthusiasm, please take care of the world, Li Min! "(To be continued.)

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