Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 4 Chapter 245: Battle of Heaven

The Baekdo faction is fragmented and has its own politics.

The "Top Ten Schools", which are nominally at the core, have been entangled in the "12 Twelve Patriarchs" by the flustered and speculative generations of Fengyi Pavilion, Youlonggang, and Fengyun League. They are digging into each other every day, and it is difficult to rely on them. If you want to make a difference, you can only bypass the "Twelve Elders", no longer study the origins, and unite all the forces who dare to fight against Fengyi Pavilion and the Demon Gate. Prepared.

The high-profile style of Ye Qingxuan and others is suitable as a big banner, waving flags and shouting, to attract the attention of the world, and to attract people with lofty ideals from all sides, unite and fight against strong enemies.

It ’s just that Ye Qingxuan and others are too young, even if they are famous in the world, it is difficult to convince the public. Wei Wugui is a “master of heaven”, but he has no leadership temperament and cannot be the core. Xue Gongwang ’s identity is too obvious. Not convinced ...

After thinking about it, Huang Fu Yanzhao finally proposed a choice, so that Ye Qingxuan and others were all confused.

"Kunwu faction" is currently in charge, Chu Lingxu.

In his capacity as the leader of the Baekdo faction, he revived the Kunwu faction by himself, and at the same time, the performance of the masters of the Tan tribe was also a hero for the country and the people. Whether it is the Baekdo, the underworld, or the reckless man, right? All the characters are admired and respected, and it is very appropriate to regard them as leaders ...

After the meeting, Ye Qingxuan returned to his room with some muddiness. He pushed open the window, and the interior of a bright moonlight outside the window was bright ...

Master ... The old guy wants to be a leader who unites the people with lofty ideals ... He, is he willing?

No one knows his Master better than these apprentices Ye Qingxuan. He is a quiet man who "has no vulgar rhyme and loves Qiushan by nature". Now he has strayed into the dust net, and it is reluctant to let him choose. It's really difficult for a strong man to rise up as an alliance leader.

For a long time, Master was able to make such an impression on the world, it was not his original intention, everything was Ji Guanglan's old thing behind the scenes ...

Huh? Ji Guanglan ...

Today's situation, I am afraid that Ji Guanglan is already in the calculations? His purpose, I am afraid, is to push Chu Lingxu to this irrevocable position. The old man's calculations are really good. Only when things are right, can he find the traces of this old guy among the clues.

When thinking of Ji Guanglan, Ye Qingxuan remembered his disciples, his brother Jiang Shuihan, at this time, maybe he could talk to Jiang Shuihan to discuss one or two, so that he could have a clearer idea.

But when Ye Qingxuan knocked on the door of Jiang Shuihan's room, it was empty.

It's so late, where will the eighth go?


Late at night.

The street where Qingye Pavilion is located is still brightly lit, and a few old streets from Qingye Pavilion are completely in darkness ...

A lonely man carrying a lantern walked slowly in an alley, turned a corner, and finally entered a small courtyard.

The original tightly closed door squeaked and opened automatically when the figure came in. The figure's footsteps were still slow, but there was no pause or stay. The door went straight into the dark courtyard, and every door It seems to know that when someone arrives, they are automatically opened at the moment when the figure comes.

After entering the innermost room, the figure slowly sat at a table of eight immortals, Shi Shiran lit an oil lamp, and poured the tea set aside into a bowl, taking a sip slowly, as if drinking The most beautiful wines in the world are generally in a comfortable breath.

The tea is hot.

And the temperature of the tea is just right ...

Everything seems to be prepared for the coming.

Under the light, the man took off the hood from his head, exposing a beautiful face that looked amazing among adults, but the owner of this face was a real man.

It's the river cold.

The lights flickered a little, and in the darkness around the Eight Immortals table, several more figures appeared immediately.

Jiang Shuihan gently blew the tea leaves in the tea bowl and slowly asked, "How is it going?"

A low, but tyrannical voice in the dark sounded: "There are Canggu and Shapeng out, dog noses and eagle eyes. There are no characters in the world who can escape with the cooperation of the two of them. several……"

Another dissatisfied: "Burning bears, speak more directly. Young masters don't like turning around."

Jiang Shuihan smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter. It's more important to do things than to speak ... Which characters have been selected now?"

He burst into a chuckling smile and said excitedly: "Too powerful characters are still following up, but the innate characters have been selected forty-eight people, all of them are decisive hard hands in the green forest ... including the embarrassment of the previous few days. 'Ren Xiong' Xiong Yuanlu, injured 'Li Bengshan' Ran Sanxiong, and the 'Dingfeng Stick' Min Ning, who can compete with Ao Guangqin for dozens of rounds ... In the past few days, I have included nearly two Ten people. The young master deserves to be a proud disciple of the old master. This strategy of waiting for one stone to count a few birds is really powerful. Use the news of the "Bronze Dragon Tower" to attract a large number of idle warriors, select high-strength people from them, and control them. You can definitely control these The people of Wuhe have become an unexpected surprise! "

Jiang Shuihan said indifferently: "Forty-eight congenital masters, these people have usually been accustomed to casual life, bursting bears, when you were a general in those years, these people will give you and the ghost tigers, a little control, but not too strict Lest they reconcile ... "

They whispered.

But the ghost tigers on the side still wondered: "But young masters, these people will not be loyal to us. They are just greedy for the rewards and deterrents we have promised. In the event of a situation, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not escape. . "

Jiang Shuihan said: "I already knew this in my heart. But we are not training a loyal army, but we need a group of helpers who share the danger ... These people who can come for the" Bronze Dragon Tower "show that They are unwilling to be lonely, and greed is certain. As long as they dare to, we can afford it with our strength, but for the sake of security, I have to meet with them and let them understand the importance of keeping their promises. . "

Biao Xiongqi asked, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Shuihan smiled slightly, and poured the tea in the tea bowl towards the palm of his hand. The ghost tiger and the exploding bear watched carefully, but when Jiang Shuihan turned his breath, the tea that was still steaming suddenly became thin. Borneol looks thinner than paper and is crystal clear, but it emits a weird luster under the light ...

"this is……"

Burst bear and ghost tiger looked at each other.

Jiang Shuihan didn't answer, but just looked at the thin ice, and whispered, "'Life and Death', 'Life and Death', so that the magic of skill has been **** by the Seven Brothers. I don't know how many evil people in the world can become this martial art The chess pieces in our hands have become the vanguards against the magic gate. Many of these people are dead and innocent. I use them to fight against the magic gate and also build morality for them ... If people are too kind, they cannot deal with evil people ... "

Jiang Shuihan's eyes flashed, and he whispered, "Who's the next target?"

Burst Bear Road: "It's Song Tianxing of Taohuaxi!"

"Is he? It's funny ..."

"Yes, the young master, this old boy lost the game and became cold-shouldered by Cao Sheng and others. Song Tianxing lost his face for the hundred and twenty silver, and his heart was in flames. Adding power ... "

"Okay!" Jiang Shuihan stood up and chuckled coldly: "This time I'm going out myself, if he doesn't ... Hum, just use him to try the effect of the" life and death sign "!"

Three days later.

Xuzhou outside the city, ten miles to the shore.

On the side of the lake, there is a person sitting alone in the lone pavilion; five miles outside the lake, the hills on both sides are already crowded with people, and the flag is fluttering ...

Xiaoyao Wang Zhengjin sits high, "Kaitian Axe" Duan Juncheng stands on the side, and "Jin Ye" Zhu Shengbei sits with Xu Lingkong, Ye Qingxuan and others on the lower seat.

On the hill opposite, Wu Huiying, Zhang Qiu Taiyan and others gathered together in the same place, looking far away.

The wind is rising from the sky, and the water on the lake is choppy ...

Cao Sheng held the golden spear, and slowly walked out of a small pavilion by the lake. The huge red bronze bronze tripod outside the pavilion made his eyes shrink involuntarily ...

The Xiaoyao Wang really was with them, otherwise how could it not be possible to take Wei's guilt-free weapon in three days, it could only have been brought long ago.

It can be said that this time it was calculated.

Cao Sheng's heart was greatly uncomfortable, but the arrow was on the string and he had to send it. Moreover, the strength of the opponent was barely included in the ‘Tian Jue Bang’. How could it be compared to his own who has been on the list for decades?

Outside Cao Shengzhuo's pavilion, his eyes were sparkling, and Wei Wugui, who was sitting on the stone bench inside the pavilion, said, "Brother Wei is really a believer. Cao is tired of Brother Wei!"

Cao Shengwang went to the sky in the morning and early morning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~: "How many times did Wei Mou ever betray one's faith and abandon his promise? In the battle with Brother Cao, Wei also waited for a long time ..."

The head of Cao Shengyang laughed, the bird flew, the mountain shook, and Shen said, "Let's talk nonsense. Brother Wei brought the red black copper tripod this time. This time, he won't just move his mouth, but not with Cao. Do it? "

Wei Wugui said: "If Brother Cao cares about Wei's weapon so much, he can abandon it in the future. He can also discuss with Xiongtai with his bare hands ..."

Cao Sheng's heart was stunned, and under the influence of a bit of uneasy emotion in his heart, he almost agreed on the spot, but then thought about it, the rough guy in front of him, but barely reached the "Best of Heaven" list, although it took some means to win, But the result should win, but why do you have such fears, is it already a deep fear of this person?

They all said that Wei guilt was irritable and murderous, but it was amazing to meet each other this time. His ambition was so ambitious that Cao Sheng's heart moved slightly. He lost his confidence a little bit and was worried. I thought: "This time Cao came here to fight with Brother Wei quickly. Brother Wei did not use his weapon at first. Cao was uneasy in his heart. He was invincible. Now he has everything. Just give it a go, let's do it. "

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