Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1031: Warsong Up

Of course, the 100 elite regiments were aware of Yin Yingzhen's appearance.

The gold and silver ghost monk cavalry of the ancient tower is nothing, but the soul soldier, dancer and paper ink book soul are a little dazed, even a little scared.

When Jiang Xun entered the barracks for the first time, his words were vivid.

The soul men and dancers clearly remembered that Jiang Xun was holding a scorched Yin Yingzhen and shouted to everyone: From then on, she will not appear in front of you again.

So ... is the new leader saying something?

The original owner is back?

Pay attention to the wording here. The soul prince, dancer, and Xiao Shuhun refer to Jiang Xiao as "boss".

But they call Yin Yingzhen the "master".

This woman is good at taking advantage of the situation and snowballing. She is good at using her brain and is also good at leading soldiers.

Everyone is different. Everyone has his own personality and his own way. For Yin Yingzhen, she will do whatever she can to make every effort to establish her prestige in the army.

Therefore, the appearance of Yin Yingzhen brought a huge shock to the hearts of the former barracks soldiers.

Make them a little uneasy, for fear of what means this vicious woman will use to punish their betrayal.

However, over time, the soldiers discovered that Yin Yingzhen ... seems to have become a follower of the new leader (Jiang Xiao)?

She is not returning from the king? Is it for the new leader?

Soul fighters and dancers are powerful stars and beasts on different planets, their intelligence quotient is not low, and their minds are not as simple as those of the irritable stars and beasts in the lower dimension.

The scene where Jiang Tu took Yin Yingzhen to kill and collect stars, escorted the team, and the soldiers received it, but these souls, dancers, and small book souls made the new leader's evaluation higher.

Now it seems that whether it is He Zhongyang, an army leader, or Yin Yingzhen, a former leader, are all around the new leader tightly. What else is there to say?

Follow the right person!

"Huh ..." Jiang Tu waved his hand, but couldn't scorch the hot air, his frown frowned, and said, "Introduce me to the star and star skills of King Kong Tiger in the different ball."

Yin Yingzhen followed Jiang Tu's side, one step behind, and responded with an open mouth: "Tai Chi in the different **** ... Well, Wolverine Tigers are mostly platinum, and a few are diamonds, but the number is small.

Platinum is too ... King Kong Tiger Star Beads, there are four star skills, the same as the ghost tiger star skills under the Chinese starry sky.

Gold quality perception, sharpness, quickness, trenches. "

Of the different spheres, of course, the astral beast's astral quality is higher.

"Um." Jiang Tu nodded and absorbed the Vajra Tiger Star beads in his hand.

At this time, Jiang Tu's star map lights up a total of five star troughs, namely, the star pets the soul of the sea, gold-colored green mansions, patience, diamond-quality death gear, and death blade.

However, after absorbing this Vajra Tiger star bead, Jiang Tu's star map did not light up one more star trough. It seems that in order to absorb the perception and quickness of gold products, more efforts are needed.

Jiang Tu continued to ask, "What about the diamond deer?"

Yin Yingzhen, of course, knows everything and talks endlessly, respectfully said: "The Vajra deer here are all platinum bands, never found diamond bands, maybe there is none at all.

King Kong Deer also has four star skills, all of which are of gold quality. Perception, quickness, deafness, deerming. "

Yin Yingzhen has organized the language, and there will be no more cases of switching between "Tai Chi" and "King Kong".

She continued: "The deer refuses, it is the diamond deer that wraps a layer of red energy on the antlers and hits the enemy with all its strength. There is no additional strike effect, but it has a knockback effect. The knockback distance is about eight meters. about.

Luming is a range technique and a roaring technique. Through the roar, you can make the target within a certain range afraid and escape. "

"Um." Jiang Tu nodded, just now when Yin Yingzhen overturned the Vajrayana tiger and split a heavy tree, the red energy wrapped in his double daggers should be the deer's resistance to star power.

In fact, Jiang Tu is no stranger to this astrological skill, and the poisonous milk disciple Yi Qingchen has this astrological skill.

Only in the past two years have a large number of heterodimensional spaces opened in the earth dimension.

Earlier, the number of Jinshan's heterodimensional space was not much, and it was a special regional star technique of the peninsula, coupled with the small number of diamond deer, which made this star technique extremely rare.

Yi Qingchen possesses this astral technology, which is equivalent to a golden pinnacle with no "powerful strike".

On earth, where's the golden pinnacle? It was enough to see that her family really supported her.

In those days, this star and star technique was extremely precious and very difficult to obtain.

Jiang Tuqiang resisted the snorkeling heat wave, and said, "Go, go to the former army, I'm almost hypoxic."

Said, the two quickly shuttled away, rushing to the front army, passing by the rear army-Hei Ling Huoyu, Jiang Tu also greeted Xiao Chongyang.

"Jiang Xiaojiang Xiao." Xiao Chongyang sat sideways on the back of Heiling Huoyu and turned to look at Jiang Xun. "Do you want to use that woman? Like she used to treat me?"

"Well ..." Jiang Xun hesitated, and said, "It can be said, but she is different from you. She knows the cause and effect, and chooses to join our team."

"Well?" Xiao Chongyang looked puzzled. "She's our teammate now?"

"No." Jiang Xun denied directly, "Don't think of her as a teammate, um ... if you want, you can think of her as someone."

"Oh ..." Xiao Chongyang squeezed his earlobe and turned the big bone earrings. "Forget it, I still ignore her, I don't like her."

Jiang Xun rubbed Xiao Chongyang's head and shouted in the direction of the army: "He Lao, nostalgia for the top of the halo! No matter how powerful the star power of the Hei Ling Huoyu, it can't be sustained without endurance."

"What's shouting! Don't you know how old I am? I'm suckling, but my back hurts." He Yun sat on Mo Yurui and scolded at Jiang Xun.

Zhang Guo always rides a donkey upside down, and Father He rides an upside down horse ...

I saw a little old man riding on the Swiss beast with a big head, the image was really cute ~

Jiang Xun said with a grudge on his face, muttering: "Souls and dancers have been running for so long without yelling. You sit on the back of Rui Beast and rub your **** ..."

He Yun was also unwilling. When he heard someone voicing him, he was not too old, and his ears were not deaf. His eyebrows were raised, and he said, "Are you fortune tellers not medical assistants? What about your battery life? "

Jiang Xun shrank, trying to hide his body behind Xiao Chongyang. However, with his body size, could Xiao Chongyang hide it?

Jiang Xun said baba: "I, I am just a bell, a person who heals the body and mind, but does not restore star power."

He Yun said dissatisfied: "I am really convinced of you, teleportation, space, resentment, light of the countercurrent, silence, bell, and printing. These eight astrology skills are all right. What kind of green light does your ninth astrology technology absorb? ? "

Jiang Xun said weakly, "I'm not from Beijiang. I'm not used to it, I have to have a self-protecting star technique ~"

He Yun: "What are you protecting yourself? A medical assistant, you want a fart output? Don't you know how many star troughs are you? Is it a decoration for Yuyao? Is it a decoration for Xiao Chongyang?"

Jiang Xun was happy, saying: "How old are you, and you still want to protect girls?"

"Bottom !?" He Yun was almost stung by a heart attack, pointing at Jiang Xun with a finger, "You! You! You!

This is Xingwu occupation! Do you understand? ?

Who is accustomed to your bad smell? If you are a medical assistant, you are not satisfied with moving, controlling, and battery life. Do you still want to export? "

Jiang Xun grinned and snorted: "If you see my body, I will let you see and see, what is Jiang Almighty!"

"Stop." The blind girl said suddenly, and in the long jade hand, she picked up a flower of ink. Drops of ink dripped on the ground and stained a little ink.

And in the deep forest in front of her, three mighty Vajra tigers are accompanying the gold and silver ghost monk cavalry team to kill the Quartet.

Obviously, the beating behavior of both the old and the young made her feel a little upset, and even the dead corpse of the Vajra tiger manipulated by her acted a little bit.

In the deep forest on the right side of the army, Jiang Tu was holding a freshly baked Vajra tiger star bead to absorb its star skills, while Yin Yingzhen, who was guarding him, suddenly turned his head and looked to the right.

"Huh?" Yin Yingzhen's complexion fell down, and she quickly fell to her knees, her ears stuck to the mud.

Jiang Tu clenched his fists. For a moment, he suddenly felt that his ears were clear and his perception of the surrounding environment was doubled and doubled!

Absorbed successfully! Gold Product Perception!

With the arrival of Jinpin perception, Jiang Tu also acutely noticed that the situation was wrong, and also looked into the deep forest on the right.

At the same time, the army crossed.

Xiao Chongyang in the rear position galloped on the steed, fanning the wide charcoal red wings towards the direction where the two were, a hot air wave, mixed with endless flames, pouring out.

Jiang Tu and Yin Yingzhen moved forward quickly and were almost accidentally injured by friendly forces. When the two disappeared, the place where they once stood has become a piece of scorched earth. Looking at it, it has become a sea of ​​fire.

Under the synaesthesia, Jiang Xun shouted suddenly, "The whole army pays attention, the speed slows down, stop!"

Jiang Xun rode on his horseback and looked to the right. He said: "The Chinese army is out of the field, and the target is in the southern mountains and forests. Array and defend the enemy!"

In the beautiful flute sound of Wu Niang's requiem, everyone heard the roar of the star beast from the deep forest.

In just a few seconds, the earth shook slightly.

This size ... is this a large Vajra tiger group?

According to common sense, the Vajra tiger should be a solitary creature, while the Vajra deer is a gregarious creature.

However, due to the star technique, the situation is just the opposite. King Kong Lu's deer star technique deprives them of the right to live in groups. As long as a deer cries, the best brother and dear wife, all turn around and run ... ...

The Wolverine Tiger is not the same, just casually crying, it is equivalent to "Battle of War"!


Today is three more, 12, 17, 20.

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