Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1032: charge! charge!

Add more for the Miaofan leader.


King Konghu roared out, even if you didn't want to fight at all, even if you wanted to hide far away, but under the dizziness and blood spurts, your body would be very honest, and you would kill him with your voice .

Fighting is either to be dead and become the food of the other party, or to be evenly matched, to show affection, and eventually join the team.

King Kong Tiger ’s trench aura is the same as Zhu Xiong ’s iron-star mythology. Once a companion is identified, the companion can be classified as a “friendly force”.

In the current situation, this should be a large King Kong Tiger team.

Jiang Xun was very decisive, and issued an orderly method:

"Silver! Sacred power to the soul!"

"Dancer, don't stop the flute and keep the team clear!"

"Jin Lv pays attention to the gold bar star technique, waits for the enemy to rush, and seizes the opportunity to knock it down!"

"Paper, ink and book soul, all put on paper clothes, ready to open the rain of paper and ink!"

"All souls listen to orders, ready for ghost state! Listen to my orders!"

For a while, fifty soul soldiers were waiting in line, ready to go, and the marks of the Holy Power were blooming on their chests.

Under the flute sound, although the sound of tiger howls is getting closer, the soldiers of the whole army are getting more and more stable. There was no such thing as headlessness because of boiling blood.

Yin Yingzhen turned her head and looked at Jiang Xun who was riding on Hei Ling Huoyu, listening to this series of commands.

Her eyes were getting brighter, and her body couldn't help shaking gently. Yin Yingzhen also has an evaluation standard in her heart. She knows how powerful a person she is following, and as her journey progresses, her knowledge of the leader is still deepening step by step.

Although she can fight, the "breed" is different from the generals who led the army and killed the Quartet in front of the town.

Jiang Tu took Yin Yingzhen to hide behind the tree and listened.


"Roar !!!" A loud roar of tigers roared across the forest, and the huge figure was fierce and thundered wildly, and in a blink of an eye, the more than 20 Wolverine tigers rushing forward were already out!

It was also at this moment that Jiang Xun roared: "Ghost! Rush!"


"Drink!" The slogan of the Yin and Yang souls was uniform, and they made a thunderous sound.

For a time, countless illusory lines formed the ghost impact group, like a cannonball burst out!

Each golden stick appeared quietly, smashed in the air, and landed on the head of the group of King Kong tigers who leaped high and rushed forward.

Golden sticks will make King Kong Tiger's head clear, but the pain is real, and it will also interfere with King Kong Tiger's actions for a moment. This is the so-called "side effect".

Jiang Xun continued to order: "Rain of paper and ink! Rush!"

The eight little book souls were covered with ink-stained pieces of paper clothing. For a time, countless pieces of paper were spinning like flying cards, flying out, and spilling into the forest in front.

"Booming !!!"

If it is said that the impact of ghosts and the smashing of gold bars is silent, then this explosive rain of paper and ink has completely ignited the entire battlefield!

Xiao Chongyang clenched Fang Tianhua's halberd, with a look of killing air.

"Law law ~~~" Hei Ling's fire feathers, who felt the same, hissed, and the fierce fire storm swept through the deep forest ...

Jiang Xun whispered suddenly: "Come on."

While talking, Jiang Xun has turned over and dismounted.

Xiao Chongyang froze for a moment, and then, the excitement on her face overflowed with words!

I saw her holding Fangtian Huaji, her Majesty, and her horse rushing forward, rushing towards the sea of ​​fire: "邺 古塔 !!! Charge !!!!"

A seal of divine power suddenly bloomed in front of Xiao Chongyang.

The cavalry team said nothing, and followed Xiao Chongyang's order to kill them from the army.

Diamond · Silver Man raised his right hand holding Fang Tianhua's halberd, and His Majesty Rui Beast growled, leading a group of nine people including Yinliao, Yinchao and Yince ... rushed straight up.

Of course, Jin Sheng, Jin Song, Jin Xiu, and the other ten people were unwilling to fall behind. They held huge blades and rode on Moyu Qilin, rushing toward the burning sea of ​​fire.

"Kill !!" The shouting sound came from the mouth of the ghost monk cavalry. They didn't have the skills of the tiger tiger roaring skills, but the hoarse roar made the blood of Jiang Xun in the back boil!

Thanks to the sound of Wu Niang's flute, otherwise, Jiang Xun could possibly rush up with Xiao Chongyang.

At this moment, he finally knew why Xiao Chongyang was able to establish such prestige in the strong army like Lin!

Her coquettish face was filled with irresistible restlessness and wildness.

That "charge" voice was full of endless wildness, and it exploded!

This iron head baby ...

If you were born a few thousand years earlier, you should? Go and give Huo Rongqi a shot!

In just a few tens of seconds, He Chongyang's sturdy posture, his sizzling charcoal red horse, and the dancing Fang Tianhua halberd in his hands, have been drunk by the crowd.

The gold and silver ghost monk cavalry teams followed Xiao Chongyang, fighting hard.

And the star skills such as the thorn halo and the star light 套 are also set on this team. At the rear, ten people in the grass and ten people in the clothes, also riding on the Mo Yulin, chasing up.

The Vajra tiger group roared angrily. After the wave of yin and yang souls' ghost waves and the paper-paper book soul exploding in turns, the Vajra tiger group was obviously not bad.

Jiang Tu, who was hiding behind the tree, frowned.

Something wrong!

In the raging forests, the Vajra tigers continued to be frustrated, and successive wailing sounds came. This momentum looked good, but Jiang Tu found a very serious problem.

In this group of Vajra tigers, there is a Vajra deer! ?

And it ’s not just a pair, the Kongo deer is slower than the Kongo tiger, so they rushed out of the forest later ...

King Kong deer herd? !!

King Kong deer is not a social creature! Can't form a team at all!

Jiang Xun raised his hand with a silence, which made the roaring Vajra tiger suddenly dumb, and he said, "Little Chongyang, don't go deep into the forest!"

He Chongyang halted a ghostly rush. Despite the chaos on the battlefield and the sounds of fighting and roaring were endless, she always noticed the voice dedicated to Jiang Xiao.

Hearing that He Chongyang raised Fang Tianhua's halberd high, and when his soul was connected, His Majesty's Black Ridge Fire Feather also raised his forefoot and quickly "braking."

Meanwhile, on the edge of the battlefield, behind the trees.

Jiang Tu raised his head slightly toward the burning deep forest in the distance, nodded with his chin, and said, "Go and pick up the star bead for me."

Not far away is the carcass of a vajra deer.

It is grayish white with scars on its body, and its eyes are gray and terrible, cloudy and ugly.

When people think of "deer", the images of "smart" and "cute" will inevitably come to mind.

This diamond deer is simply a "zombie deer", as if infected by t virus.

In the tiger howling forest, King Kong tiger has a big mouth, and drools constantly, it is acceptable.

But this King Kong deer drools as it walks, making people feel uncomfortable looking at it. There are flowers and plants everywhere, and it is not rare. Are you so stingy?

You must know that the biological values ​​of the peninsula are all online, especially the lily of the valley and the hibiscus. After camouflage, they can survive and die. The Vajra tiger is also domineering, but this Vajra deer is simply challenging humans against the deer. Aesthetic bottom line.

Of course, Jiang Tu's star beads cannot be absorbed by Jiang Tu. He has the same gold-quality green awns, which is far better than gold deer's star rejection skills.

Yin Yingzhen's figure shuttled directly to the front of the cavalry, squatted down, and began cutting the head of the zombie deer.

Jiang Tu frowned and looked deep into the dense forest that was burning into a sea of ​​fire. Yin Yingzhen had just taken out the star beads of Kongo Deer, but Jiang Tu changed his face.

Of course, Yin Yingzhen's perception is not a joke. She, who also has a sense of gold, didn't even turn her body, but she slashed a short sword directly to the back, letting her weapon take her to death.

And where Yin Yingzhen disappeared, in this sea of ​​fire, an ice roar suddenly rolled out!

Yin Yingzhen escaped, but Xiao Chongyang beside her and the ghost monk cavalry were hit!

In a short time, people turn around!

Bell ~ bell ~ bell ~

Jiang Xun and He Yun threw out the bell the first time. The platinum-quality bell quickly shuttled, and Medical Lightwave immediately woven a large net, connected to the body of the grass lover and Rui Beast, swept by the broken ice. Spread in the vortex.

Jiang Xunnu said: "Hundred meters ahead, fire storm!"

He Chongyang has the Diamond Star Destiny Star Guard, but even so, her face has changed drastically, and she has tolerated the pain of being torn by broken ice. Get out of trouble.

"Lü ~" Under the communication of the soul, the Heiling Fire Feather, which was successively cured by Zhong Ling, did not hesitate, and a blast of flame sprayed out!

On the peninsula, where is the ice roaring star technique? !!

If calculated in terms of geographical location, the nearest ice roaring star technique is the ice family star beads from the Huaxia-Liaodong land!

The blind girl also changed her face. She half-knelt on the ground, and the ink flower in her hand "snapped" and was pressed against the hot scorched earth.

Blossoming black ink flowers bloomed on the battlefield, stained with the bodies of Vajra tigers and Vajra deer, and stumbled into their hearts.

One body after another, chopping the ground, stood up again!

They said nothing, turned and rushed into the deep forest.

At the same time, the blind woman also marched towards the southern forest. Her perception has a range. Similarly, her control of the corpse's ink flower star technique is also limited in scope.

Jiang Xun had no time to think, and said, "Line up, head south!"

Under the guidance of Jiang Tu before, the fire storm issued by Heiling Ling should have interfered with the enemy. At this time, no ice roar swept through its side.

At the same time, Jiang Tu had rushed to Xiao Chongyang's side and sat down on the Heiling Fire Feather, saying, "Take off!"

Xiao Chongyang's short legs shook his belly abruptly: "hia ~"

The wide wing of Heiling Fire Feather stretched out and quickly flew up.

But in such a burning dense forest, even if flying from a high altitude to overlook, the vision is still poor.

But Jiang Tu knows the ice roaring star technique.

Jiang Tu closed his eyes and acted as a humanoid navigation, saying: "Fly slowly, slow, 70 meters ahead, fire storm!"

Under the guidance of Jiang Xun, eight paper ink book spirits also flew up, and formed a circle around the Black Ridge Fire Feather.

Among the hundreds of elite soldiers, this ultimate version of the output turret has finally been displayed!


It will be at 20:00.

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