Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1084: Survival person

The blind woman in the air flew quickly, dancing with an illusive long whip, twitching an ice demon with only imaginary lines, and letting their screaming cry added endless fear ...

A ghostly figure flashed rapidly in the rain, and the blood-red giant blades left deep knife marks on the throats of one and the other frozen sealers.

The ice demon and the sweet tube hesitated for a moment, but did not take the shot, but the ice soul · ice praying forest was found out with both hands, a series of ice roars smashed down, and blasted to the ice clan who heard the news: "Go! "

Seeing the patriarch's hands, the cone was lowering his eyes, and he slowly reached out his hands, oh!

The ice thorn ocean appeared again, but those sharp ice thorns were facing outward, like a blooming ice flower, surrounding the battlefield in the center.

The ice monsters were scattered by the imaginary long whip, and turned into stars and fell to the ground.

A pale icebound walker's body was severed and his throat lay flat on the ground ...

"Go." Jiang Xiao said, and the ice praying forest and cones flying above flew to the ice hunters who were hesitating in the periphery.

The lines of the upstream light were cut off, and the bells that Wu Haoyang and the blind girl shuttled back and forth gradually disappeared. In front of him, the huge pillar of light had disappeared, leaving only the water stains of the holy light on the ground. On the snow.

Jiang Xiao was more than ten centimeters off the ground, and slowly drifted towards the figure nailed in place by countless ice thorns and ice lances.

To be precise, it is "supported" in situ, under a series of fierce healing system stars, the flesh and blood that Wu Haoyang has grown has melted and shattered the ice. The wound has already healed, and it will run through the body. The icicles shattered and drove out.


Jiang Xiaoxuan cut Wu Haoyang's chest, the ice spurs that supported his strong body.

The side effects of the blessing have not yet subsided. In the turmoil, Wu Haoyang opened his blurred eyes and saw the blurred face in front of him.

Seems ... some familiar.

The next sentence of that man was more familiar.

Jiang Xiao grabbed Wu Haoyang's arm, wrapped it around his shoulder, carried him up, and whispered, "Did I let you die?"

"Oh." Wu Haoyang was not awake, but he grinned, pulling his head, and murmuring in his mouth, "Jiang Xiaopi ... Lao Tzu did not even get rid of you ..."

"With me, you can't be a ghost." Jiang Xiao's shoulders turned upside down and stabilized Wu Haoyang's body. "I was born to grab someone from Lord Yan."

"Oh." Wu Haoyang sneered, and opened his eyes hard. The confused eyes gradually recovered a sense of clarity.

The next moment, Wu Haoyang's eyes widened suddenly, with a startled expression: "Jiang Xiaopi !?"

Jiang Xiao, carrying Wu Haoyang's body, has also left the area of ​​Shengguang water stains.

Seeing that the side effects passed, Jiang Xiao put Wu Haoyang on the ground and laughed: "What? Isn't your dream lover a world hero?"

One day, he will wear a bucket, a coat, and a drizzle to save you? "

Wu Haoyang looked up at Jiang Xiao stupidly, Jiang Xiao ... he was indeed wearing a wide coat, exactly the same as the costumes of the ghost monk and dancers.

"Where is it? The earth !?" Wu Haoyang hurriedly looked to the left and right, but saw that the layers of snow and snow had dissipated, and the corpses lying on the ground in all directions.

Jiang Xiaodao: "A different ball."

"Coincidentally? Are you here too?" Wu Haoyang looked at Jiang Xiao incredibly, and said, "The world is so big, you just came to Liaodong and found me?"

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It is no coincidence.

Coincidentally is the time to save you.

It is no coincidence that ... I am searching for Huaxia with my teammates, as long as you persist long enough, as long as you are still in this land, we will meet sooner or later.

My heavy rain covered the whole city. I didn't just meet you, but I ran for you. "

Jiang Xiao dropped his coat and floated to Wu Haoyang's eyes. He wrapped the broad coat in his body and continued: "I knew you were here, and I won't finish Beijiang and Zhongji. Here."

What Wu Haoyang just said was to see Jiang Xiao look dignified and ask: "When I searched Beijiang and Zhongji, I didn't find any topography of human society, and I didn't find any humans. Only here in Liaoning I saw you.

Do you know any other areas on the land of Huaxia that have experienced the vision of the fusion of the sphere and the earth like this Liaoning city? "

Wu Haoyang couldn't bear much, and hurriedly said, "There are still a few citizens I searched and rescued in the teaching building of my school, all hidden in the underground caves on the first floor of the stepped classroom. Let's go ..."

Talking, Wu Haoyang's words stopped.

Because he saw not far away, an ice soul and an ice demon are gathering ice team.

As a battle, Wu Haoyang subconsciously stopped in front of Jiang Xiao, blocking him behind: "You cover the whole city with tears and rain, can't you see the crisis in front of you?"

This subconscious action warmed Jiang Xiao's heart.

What has happened to Wu Erye?

But when facing a crisis, the first reaction is still this ...

To put it another way, the Star Warrior in the Auxiliary Medical System is really popular. Protecting the Star Warrior in the Medical System is already printed on the subconscious mind of the War System Star Warrior.

It's just that ... my **** are not ordinary **** ~

Jiang Xiao said, "That's my teammate. I'll explain it later. Let them assemble the team first. Let's go to your school first!"

Said, Jiang Xiao nodded to the blind girl, and with a flash of Wu Haoyang, appeared directly in front of the northern military school, the strange half-taught teaching building.

Wu Haoyang only felt a flower in front of him. After one second of reaction, he couldn't care much, and hurriedly pointed at one direction, saying, "There, that stepped classroom."

"Well." Jiang Xiao took Wu Haoyang, flickered again, and went directly into the ladder classroom.

And here, it was already covered by a thin layer of frost and snow.

It may be because of the low temperature, or it may be because of the ice demon wandering here.

"Li tired!" Wu Haoyang shouted, rushed to the inside of the classroom, and ran to the wooden cellar door hidden behind the table.

Wu Haoyang lifted the table with one hand, squatted down, and opened the wooden door of the cellar.

Below, there is a happy young man climbing upwards.

"Brother Haoyang!" Li Ji's face showed ecstasy, and he crawled out, hugging the wet Wu Haoyang, "Brother Haoyang, oh, ohh ..."

The young high school student, holding Wu Haoyang, cried out.

However, just after crying a bit, Li tired seemed to think of something. He hurriedly stopped the crying, although his eyes were red, but he no longer dared to make any sound, for fear of inducing those ice-type stars and beasts.

Wu Haoyang's heart finally landed, and he said, "You are still here, and you are not walking to the beach."

"Yes, no one dares to go. These days, the school is very stable. There are no stars and beasts to wander. We are eating the meat of the icebound walker you dragged back before. We are thirsty and we drink snow until now ... "Li tired whispered, taking a step back.

Inadvertently, Li tired saw Jiang Xiao wearing a nightie not far away.

Uh ... Jiang Xiao's jacket has been worn out by Wu Haoyang.

Li tired suddenly choked.

He said incredulously: "Phi ... Pishen?"

What does this dress mean? Pi Shen was teleported while he was sleeping?

Jiang Xiao nodded and smiled, looking at the strange child, and said quietly, "Take a lot of hardship."

Li Ji's mood was really mobilized, and his attention was diverted. He pursed his head and lowered his head slightly.

Wu Haoyang jumped out of the cellar, and a pungent, unpleasant smell came to his face, but to Wu Haoyang, it was nothing.

Seeing Wu Haoyang's return, the slump of men, women, children, and young people, it was a lot better, and their mood was much higher.

"Wu Haoyang is back!"

"Star Warrior! Finally back!"

"Xiao Wu ... aren't you hurt!"

Listening to the voices of concern, especially the phrase "let's not be injured," Wu Haoyang was extremely complicated inside, but nodded heavily.

Jiang Xiao connected the Li Li in the classroom with star power silk thread, and flickered directly into the cellar.

With the light beam falling from the cellar door, Jiang Xiao looked around, but his heart was tight.

Wherever the eyes can be seen, there is sorrow and the picture is extremely miserable.

This group of people haven't seen the sun for a long time, and in this cold, dark cellar, they live in horror, they have suffered an extremely heavy blow on their bodies, and they have experienced cruel torture in their hearts.

A few people are sick and coughing. Maybe they have a bad cold, but these people are holding their mouths hard. When they cough, try not to make a sound ...

"Close the cellar door," Jiang Xiao said, then spread out one hand.

"Ah? Ah!" Li Ji immediately responded, and hurriedly climbed up to the seat of the seat bench, spread his hands to find the floor of the classroom, grabbed the simple wooden door, and covered it in the cellar mouth.

The expected darkness didn't come. Li Ji was shocked to find that the dark cellar was covered by a holy light.

Li Ji quickly turned his head and saw Jiang Xiao spread his palms, a line exuding a holy light, straight up, connected to the ceiling, and then spread out.

A thin layer of mist spread out, dipping the top of the cellar.

Then, the dreamlike light rain sprinkled down, a little bit bright, and fell on the weak and panicked people.

Like spring rain, moisturizing.

People don't recognize this magical astrology, but since Jiang Xiao began to exhibit this astrology, they have no intention to stop or escape.

Because, the holy bright white beam of light looks like ... not a terrible star technique, at least the external expression form should be a special star technique of the healing system.

However, what the civilians, including Wu Haoyang and Li Jiu did not expect, was that when the light rain fell on them, the cold and horrible cellar seemed to become heaven.

Body, mind, double healing ...

Although the vitality rises slowly, it is only relative to the irritable "pillar of light"!

The weak body was gradually full of strength, and the cold limbs slowly warmed.

These are real and can be felt clearly.

"Mom, mom ... I'm hungry ..." Suddenly, a tender voice came.

The mother holding the child, curled up in the corner, was looking up, staring at the charming beam of light, and suddenly heard the voice of the child, she bowed her head ecstatically, grabbed the child's head, and forcefully Hold in your arms.

"Woo, woke up, baby, you woke up ..." With a little light rain, she burst into tears and cried, a series of kisses, falling like a raindrop on the boy's dirty His hair.

Looking at the child who has been sick for a long time and has not spoken for a long time, the people in the cellar have a surprise smile on their faces.

"Thank you, thank you ..." The mother seemed to react, looked up at Jiang Xiao, and murmured in her mouth, constantly thanking him.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you, thank you ..." With the first voice of thanks, a steady stream of gratitude was heard in the cellar.

In the light rain, Jiang Xiao looked around, watching the people in the cellar who were healed and the fear of their faces was gone ...

He nodded gently, responding to the crowd, but in his mind, he remembered that he had asked himself in the national high school student competition:

A star map with thousands of books, what do I mean by nature?

Meaning ... here it is!

"Star power upgrade! Xinghai period lv.4!"


Three more 12, 17, 20.

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