Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1085: Rarely confused

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Wu Haoyang looked at Jiang Xiao silently, watching the star technique released by his hands, but did not bother.

Under a little bit of light rain, these ordinary people, although still hungry in their abdomen, quickly turned back and their bodies were being repaired in all directions.

Wu Haoyang looked at everyone's rapidly ruddy complexion, but felt a bit wrong, why are there two less?

Wu Haoyang dragged Li tired beside him: "Li tired."

"Ah?" Li tired turned to look at Wu Haoyang.

"The number is wrong. What's the name of the man with glasses ... and one, that ..." Wu Haoyang searched in his head for the appearance of the two men.

Even though Wu Haoyang rescued these people with his own hands, but after escorting them back, Wu Haoyang searched for other refugees. His task was arduous. Even now, he cannot remember the names of more than 30 people. .

Hearing that, Li tired was silent.

Jiang Xiao turned his head, but frowned slightly.

Because, he found the complicated look on Li Ji's face.

It's hard to imagine that a complex expression on a 16- or 7-year-old kid's face would be so complicated ... Jiang Xiao could not even understand it.

Guilt? angry? Scared?

What exactly does that mean?

What made Wu Haoyang confused was that not only did Li Ji, who had always been obedient, fail to respond, even these civilians did not respond.

With Wu Haoyang's eyes glanced, people set aside their eyes.

Wu Haoyang frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Silence, endless silence ...

"Hao, Brother Haoyang ..." Li tiredly said Baba, without waiting to say anything, aside, an old man curled up on the ground, suddenly said, "Xiao Wu."

"Huh?" Wu Haoyang turned to look at the old man.

The old man's dry lips trembled, and said, "Xiao Li made his choice and protected us all."

Hearing that, Wu Haoyang was stunned.

It seems ... in the days when he was absent, in this dark cellar, what happened?

While Jiang Xiao released blessings of light rain, those eyes quietly turned into nine-star eyes.

In the end what happened?

Let a child show such a complicated look?

In the retrospective time, Jiang Xiao found that the group was still eating "barbecue" one hour before he and Wu Haoyang returned.

Barbecue, sounds like a very delicious word.

However, the meat people eat is the meat of icebound walkers.

In the pictures that kept going backwards, Jiang Xiao also saw Li Ji holding the barbecue in his hands, backing down to the frozen ground on the wall, and "pressing" the meat on the frozen walker's body.


Time went back to last night, Jiang Xiao finally saw the two missing men!

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, backtracking for a long time, and then chose the normal "play".

In the silent and dim cellar, the split-headed man with glasses and another middle-aged man climbed up quietly, and got close to Li tired, as if plotting something.

The beating bonfire mirrored the way the two men tried to persuade, and also reflected the weird look on Li Ji's face.

Through the mouths of the two, Jiang Xiao seems to have some key words.

"It's time to move", "Not enough food", "Let's go", "These people are cumbersome", "Stuck" ...

Jiang Xiao watched all this silently, standing in the world with time going back, thinking about this group of old, weak and sick in the cellar, he already understood something.

Looking at Li Ji ’s reaction, he obviously disagreed with the two men ’s proposal, but ... after the rejection, what happened?

The two men seemed to be trying to keep their voices down, excusingly explaining and persuading, but Li tired stood up, picked up the steel basin, and went out to collect snow water.

The two men stared at each other stingily, and the accident happened 20 minutes later.

Do not stop doing it?

These two really treat Li tired as a child, kneading at will, want to play first?

Did they fix Li tired? No matter what they do, Li Ji will eventually relent and still provide asylum for the two.

When the split-headed man with glasses slowly approached a sleeping old man, everything changed.

The old man slept very lightly, and in this environment, he could not sleep at all.

After feeling a change around him, the old man opened his eyes, but was too late to shout, and had already covered his mouth with one hand, as if he could only make a "chuck" sound.

Then, the left hand of the glasses man took out a long iron nail from his pocket ...

"Hmm ..."

At this moment, Li tiredly opened the cellar door carefully and jumped down while holding a pot full of snow. Seeing the scene in front of him, the steel basin in his hand fell to the ground.

Li Ji hurried up to stop, but it was a step too late, and the nail had penetrated the old man's belly ...

Then came the scene of the chaos in the cellar.

In such an environment, struggling to survive has indeed disturbed people's minds and infinitely amplified those human characteristics hidden deep inside.

Jiang Xiao saw Li tired pressing the man down to the ground, asking loudly, and breaking open the male companion in glasses who stepped forward to dissuade him.

A young girl hurried to the side of the old man to help the old man press his lower abdomen, while the others were using hands and feet together, away from the old man's position, and avoiding from a distance.

Jiang Xiaomai stepped forward and came to the position of the man who was subdued by Li tired.

Jiang Xiao squatted down slowly, in Jiuxing's eyes, watching the man look excited and swearing.

"All have to die", "He has lived long enough", "Waste", "Stay behind" ...

A series of keywords, coupled with the man's crazy look, Jiang Xiao knew that this man's mood had collapsed.

In such a special environment, it is not surprising to do anything.

Maybe he wants more resources for himself.

Or, if there is one less civilian, invisible men will have more opportunities to get the care and protection of Li tired.

Jiang Xiao put away the candle moon and blessings, and with a little dissipated, Li Ji hurriedly added a few branches to the bonfire.

However, when the people in the local cellar saw Jiang Xiao's squatting position, the crowd's original face full of happiness and intoxication showed a frightened expression.

Everyone in the cellar certainly knew what had happened in the place where Jiang Xiao squatted, and Jiang Xiao's strange nine-star eyes also shocked everyone.

Star Warrior is a terrible profession by nature.

Even if ... Jiang Xiao had just treated their bodies and minds, showed great kindness, and put it into practical action, but the "Star Warrior" is still the supreme "God" to the civilians.

In the dark eyes of Jiang Xiao, the glittering nine-star array emerged, and the first impression to ordinary people was definitely not beautiful, but thriller.

Under normal social order, civilians may not have much thought, because order is there, law is there, and penalties are there.

But in this unordered alien, life and death are indeed a matter of thought for some star warriors.

If this powerful star warrior really knew what happened a day ago, how would he react?

Will Li tired be punished?

When the incident happened, some people came forward to help, and some people avoided, and more than thirty people were enough to outline a picture of various beings.

What kind of impression did their most realistic reaction then give the star warrior?

The only thing that gives people hope is Jiang Xiao's name.

Most people recognize Jiang Xiao, and recognize this person active in the World Cup.

On TV and on Weibo, this so-called "pishen" re-skins, waves, and looks so friendly, but at this moment, all are useless.

Even the name of the World Cup champion can't reassure everyone.

The only thing that can make everyone a little more relieved is ... this little poisonous milk is a wastelander.

When he fought the World Cup for the second time, his identity was the wasteland apprentice army of Imperial Capital Xingwu University.

If he is a soldier, he should ...

People are still in a complex mood, but Jiang Xiao has put away Jiuxing Eye.

For everything that follows, Jiang Xiao doesn't need to look at it anymore, and doesn't want to look at it again.

He walked to the old gray-haired man, squatted down, and lifted up his tattered clothes with one hand, also in the lower abdomen, and saw the tightly wrapped blood-stained cloth strips.

"It hurts," Jiang Xiao began.

Thanks to Jiang Xiao's timely arrival, and thanks to the accident that happened last night, otherwise, even if the old man's wound was simply bandaged, he may not survive.

The old man hesitated, and said, "Now ... it's all right."

For a moment, the people in the cellar were completely understood, no need to ask at all, this powerful star warrior already knew the ins and outs of the matter.

Suddenly, people became nervous.

"Well." With everyone's eyes watching, Jiang Xiao turned his head and said to Wu Haoyang, "I have a high-quality living space, and it's safe there. I'm going to send them in."

"Huh?" Wu Haoyang raised his eyebrows, and after seeing Jiang Xiao's special beam of light and the frightening Jiuxing Eyes, Wu Haoyang's mental capacity seemed to be greater.

In comparison, he would like to know what Jiang Xiao had just seen with that magical pupil technique.

The others in the cellar were relieved.

This young man's action of opening up the old man's clothing is obviously already knowing something, but he seems ... he doesn't intend to continue this topic.

Under the watchful eyes of people, Jiang Xiao directly opened the door to the world of evil.

In a moment, from the door, a warm breath poured into the cellar.

"Come on." Jiang Xiao walked in first, and everyone looked at each other, but the old man refused to let him go, tried to get up, and went straight in.

A wave of heat rushed towards him, and the old man stood stupidly.

Blue sky and white clouds, beach sea ...

From the dark and dry environment, when I walked in here suddenly, I really walked into heaven.

In the rear, civilians came in ragged clothes, covering their eyes with their hands ...

Jiang Xiaodao: "In terms of Earth coordinates, this is North America, the ancient island near the Tropic of Cancer, the temperature in winter is also above 20 degrees, you first live here."

Said, Jiang Xiao's body flickered and disappeared without a trace.

The people who broke into this place from the dim environment gradually adapted to the light here and looked around silly.

The next second, Jiang Xiao and Jiang Shou appeared in front of everyone.

Later, Jiang Xiao left again. When he came back again, he was also carrying 8 Huapan cattle ...

"哞 ~" Hua Pan Niu didn't talk to everyone, but was very dissatisfied with the environment under his feet. In the blink of an eye, the terrain changed a lot and flowers blossomed ...

Jiang Xiao waved his hands to Wu Haoyang and Li tired who were equally stunned, and led them out of the gate of the world of evil.

Just came here, Jiang Shou, felt the gaze of everyone's attention, and he opened the door of his own space of disaster.

Inside, a white palm like a jade was stretched out, and a package full of clothes was sent out.

As the gate closed, Jiang Shou motioned to the huge parcel on the ground and said, "Inside are clothes, pick them, and wear them if you can."

As he said, he continued: "I'll make a wooden house for you first. Do you want to live together? Tell me how many houses are suitable for me."

Over Huaxia, the future will be filled with star beasts, let people live here.

Here is a typical tropical rain forest climate, warm all year round, suitable for human survival.

Jiang Shou was resettling civilians, and in the different ball, the three Jiang Xiao entered the dark and cold cellar again.

Everything that happened just now is so unreal. Li Ji hasn't responded yet.

Jiang Xiao, however, pressed his hand on Li Ji's shoulder. In the darkness, he whispered softly: "Some star warriors may live a lifetime without having to face those. It seems that this world is not friendly to you . "

Li tired pursed his lips and said nothing.

"It's all over." Jiang Xiao patted Li tired on the shoulder.

In a dim cellar, Li tired no matter whether they could see clearly, he nodded heavily ...

He didn't like this kind of experience. If he had a choice, back half a month ago, he promised that he would never go downstairs to set off the firecrackers ...


Recommend an anti-repertoire, "I am the creator of the mythology", the protagonist is very waves, the new popular Dihua stream, the whole process is refreshing, and friends who like it can go and see.

There is one chapter at 20 o'clock.

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