Nine Star Burden

Chapter 825: Li Gui and Li Yan

"Here, Jiang Xiaopi." Beside him, a middle-aged male voice came.

"Well?" Jiang Xiao reluctantly retracted his gaze from the field and looked at the people beside him.

"Ha, leader, good morning." Jiang Xiao stood up and said with a smile.

"Sit." Wu Ji pressed one hand on Jiang Xiao's shoulder and pressed him to sit on the chair.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Leadership information is very well informed, I just watched here for a while."

Wu Ji waved his hand: "If any leader does not lead, just call me Angkor."

Obviously, no matter whether Jiang Xiao or Wu Ji, they felt a little bit sorry for each other.

Jiang Xiao belongs to the category of "people respect me, and I respect you."

Wu Ji was both the head of the national team's individual competition and the fighter of the original wasteland army. In the session of the national team two years ago, the vigil called on Jiang Xiao to perform the task. Wu Ji let go without saying a word.

This is nothing, after all, it was explained above. The key is that Wu Xiao's attitude to bid farewell to Jiang Xiao was quite moved.

Rarely are those leaders with big mouths high above themselves who think they have some power and do their best? It is impossible for ordinary people to say "comrades-in-arms, come back alive".

Of course, the words must also be told to the right people. Jiang Xiao and Wu Ji are obviously a type of person.

"You've been watching her, how about it? Are you familiar?" Wu Ji said with a smile, looking at the game below.

At this time, it was the time when the national team individual team finalized the final promotion of 9 of 18 selections.

The selection of personnel for this session of the individual competition did not have the tricks of the previous session, which is pure 1v1. You can go up if you are bullish, or you can go down if you can't. You just rely on your fists to talk, nothing else.

Of course, compared to the brutal elimination system of the World Cup, the selection of the national team is more humane.

You lose, do, give you a chance, go to the loser group and continue playing.

You lose two games, well, you are out of luck, you go to the to-do team and do it again.

You lost three games ... well, bye.

Jiang Xiao nodded gently and said, "Familiar, too familiar. Her only drawback is that she looks better than me."

Wu Ji: "..."

Jiang Xiao looked at the girl with a round head, and saw that she was holding a huge blade in her hand, and the mad dog was suppressing a fighting battle. The opponent had no strength to fight back and was stretched. It's not like it's going to be the final stage of the competition after the selection process.

It stands to reason that after entering this final stage, the strength of each team member should be almost the same.

As the main person in charge, Wu Ji is of course clear to his students. He knows Jiang Xiao thoroughly and knows Jiang Xiao's "skin" attribute. He is also trying to accept his chat method.

Wu Ji paused and said, "Are there any differences?"

Jiang Xiao thought about it, and said with uncertainty: "To be honest?"

Wu Ji smiled and said, "Of course you have to be honest."

"Hmm ..." Jiang Xiao's face became serious, hesitating for a while, and said, "She used my huge blade skills as the foundation and laid the foundation, but at this time, she had completely separated from Xia Jiadao. The ways of Fa have become their own. "

"I have to say that she is a teacher, that's definitely not me, but a grimace monk."

Jiang Xiao licked his lips, as if he saw a rare opponent, and he was eager to try. He continued: "The layman will think she is imitating me because we have fewer Star Warriors using giant blades, and I am more Famous, so when you see a person with a huge blade, you think you are learning me.

In fact, her knife at this time was not similar to my knife. I don't know what she used to do, but in this game, she was just the same weapon I used. "

I heard that Wu Ji nodded thoughtfully. Although they are all soldiers, they all have a high level of accomplishment and have a good eye, but in the unique field of heavy cold weapons with two hands, especially the giant blade technique Wu Ji is not an expert.

Wu Ji asked, "Can you talk about it specifically? Give me a conclusion that a layman can understand."

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said: "My knife is arguably more conservative than her. Her knife is purely murderous. You can see her every small tendency, her true The stage is definitely not on the field. "

Wu Ji whispered softly: "I have talked with Qingchen many times in private. In the past few years, she was killed in the company of a group of grimace monks. Her style cannot be changed."

"Change?" Jiang Xiao froze, turned to look at Wu Ji, and said, "Why change? Don't kill a soldier because of the game."

"Of course." Wu Ji said with a smile, "I didn't think about it so much, I just wanted to reduce the casualties of the students. As you said, every opponent who has played against her has completely lost the combat ability. Fortunately, The medical staff in our trials are excellent. "

Jiang Xiao turned his head to look at the arena and saw the nervous medical team outside the hood.

Wu Ji sighed and said, "She is from the Central Plains martial arts family. She has learned martial arts since she was young, and her talents are terrible. Her parents are all sensitive wars, both are fighting, and her family thinks she has become a sensitive warrior. Potential, she didn't expect that she really awakened the star chart, but she awakened the star chart of the medical department. "

Jiang Xiao said "um" and continued to listen. Now that Wu Ji is telling a story, Wu Ji should act.

Wu Ji continued: "In high school, she strangled her talents, became a modest medical assistant, became a team leader, stood behind the team, and escorted her team. Although not outstanding, but also Good enough. "

Wu Ji took one hand on Jiang Xiao's shoulder and said, "For your appearance, she is like a savior."

Jiang Xiao scratched his head embarrassed.

Wu Jidao: "Don't need to do this, I'm telling the truth. In 2017, a medical department star warrior was born and stood on top of the world. At the same time, the appearance of this medical man liberated a group of The Star Warriors bound by the rules of the medical department liberated a group of fighters who forcibly suppressed their talents. "

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Wu Ji: "Yi Qingchen is just the most outstanding one. Do you know how many medical stars of the medical department have signed up for the national team individual competition?"

Jiang Xiao secretly sinned in his heart ...

Wu Ji said reluctantly: "This is also no way out. This is what Huaxia's education system is like. The rules for the college entrance examination are here. The training methods for teachers are here. Everyone knows what way to go. What kind of profession to cultivate. This is a rule and a tradition. "

While talking, Jiang Xiao's body leaned back slightly, and inside the mask, the corner of his mouth could not help but grin.

Because Jiang Xiao saw a more exciting scene.

In the battlefield below, Yi Qingchen penetrated the opponent's chest with a stab. This was not the end. Her subconscious action was to abandon the knife, step forward, and wipe her right hand from the side of her leg. The cold dagger was directly applied to the opponent. Throat knot.


A gust of wind swept across, Yi Qingchen was blown out directly, a medical team immediately appeared, and the emergence of the gust was of course the behavior of the medical team.

Such a person as Yi Qingchen will definitely not be the protagonist in the movie. The opponents are completely dead. Do they have to make up for the knife? Still going to cut the throat?

In this case, how should the subsequent plot continue?

You gave the villain a chance, but you asked the villain to say "I will come back again" ...

This easy light dust, the natural reaction of her body, is this the habit of killing with the grimace monk door?

Wu Ji patted Jiang Xiao's back and said, "Let me see what's the difference between the two of you?"

Jiang Xiao froze for a moment, then turned to look at Wu Ji: "Personal request or leadership request?"

Wu Ji laughed, and the laughter was particularly hearty: "The leader requested that today, your Angkor will show you the way and win her. You are the captain of the national team."

Jiang Xiao looked distressed and said, "I have to run on both ends. If I am the captain ..."

However, Wu Ji directly interrupted Jiang Xiao and said, "She won first, then she said."

On the green field, the medical team carried the injured down and healed madly.

Yi Qingchen wiped the blood on his face expressionlessly, picked up the giant blade that fell to the ground, and walked out of the green field. The students who watched the battle at the scene were far away from her, and even some people were very dissatisfied with her.

This is only a game, and it is also a game within the national team. Although life and death battles may occur, whenever Yi Qingchen comes on, it is bound to be a life and death battle ...

Yi Qingchen also knows that she is not to be seen, but since she has chosen to go this way under pressure, she will not easily change her style.


A figure suddenly appeared behind Yi Qingchen.

Yi Qingchen's eyes widened sharply, and the subconscious response was to sideways back.

However, her response was extremely rapid and her confident shot hit her empty.

Yi Qingchen frowned, turning around, but he saw a young man "armed" standing 10 meters away.

The young man was wearing a gaudy shirt, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants printed with bamboo bear graffiti, a peaked cap worn under the hood, and a mask.

Jiang Xiao waved his hand to the contestants at the viewing seat, and a muffled voice came out of the mask: "Insert a team."

This wave of Jiang Xiao's hand made him see a few acquaintances: Northern Military Academy Wu Haoyang, Imperial Capital Xingwu Win Xi.

He only knows these juniors. Others estimate that most of them are seniors.

It seems that if you can enter the national competition in high school, the success rate is really not low?

Excellent, let's meet again!

Jiang Xiao couldn't help but praise himself ...

"You, you ... you are ..." Not far away, came the surprised voice of Yi Qingchen.

Jiang Xiao nodded to her with a smile, but unfortunately, the smile was hidden in a mask. He looked closely at his opponent and could not help but nodded secretly.

She is tall and has long hands and long feet, which is just a physical talent that can be seen by the naked eye. Improper warfare really wastes this body. And her exquisite face is worthy of her fairy-tale name. If she had long hair and a long coat, it would be beautiful.

After looking at his opponent, Jiang Xiao turned his head and motioned for a huge blade leaning in front of the third row of seats. It should be a spare weapon easy to dust, and he said, "Bull and sheep, take that huge blade Throw it over me. "

There was a meeting in the auditorium, I don't know who Jiang Xiao was calling.

A few seconds passed, and no one moved. Some students were unwilling. Where did the junk come from? Are you swearing here? Say we are cattle and sheep?

Jiang Xiao said to Wu Haoyang, "Okay, okay, fierce beast, throw me a knife over here, it's cold!"

Wu Haoyang looked dark, stood up, walked quickly, picked up the giant blade, and threw it away from a distance.

Jiang Xiao stood sideways, facing the huge blade that stabbed quickly, reached out and grabbed it. God almost grasped the handle of the giant blade, and took Wu Haoyang's grievous blow.

Participants off the court saw such movements and talked loudly.

"Well, is he ... Pishen !?"

"Really him? This figure really looks more and more like it?"

"Ah, Li Gui met Li Yan today, haha!"

"Finally someone can cure that lunatic!"

On the greenery field, Jiang Xiao threw a knife flower, looked at the giant steel blade from side to side, and stunned up and down, tried the weight, and felt pretty good.

Ten meters away, Yi Qingchen lowered his head slightly, fiddling with blood-stained fingers, and seemed to be a little nervous. He whispered, "Hide, hide ... hello."

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

easy! light! dust!

Why are you shy with me here?

Why are you killing someone!

Uh ... okay, you can't save if you can save it, but you are in this state ...

The scene in front of him is beyond the scope of Jiang Xiao's imagination. He thought that a person who had been killed from a grimace monk for more than two years in retreat should be abnormal, at least somewhat sick.

You are cold, you are arrogant, you are arrogant, you are autistic ... You ca n’t be overwhelmed, I ’m ready to beat you, and you ’re shy and shy as a fan girl with me?

What is this God unfolding?

Is your heart so tough?

I was killed in the pile of white ghosts, and it looked so dead!

You've been killed from the pile of grimace monks, and you're still so healthy? Shouldn't you grin and grin like a grimace monk?

Jiang Xiao, holding a huge blade, pointed at Yi Qingchen and said, "Come on."

Yi Qingchen bit his lip, and under his clean round inch head, there was the beautiful face with dripping blood, and the picture was a bit weird.

Her beautiful eyes were looking at Jiang Xiao, probably because she was nervous, and the Mandarin voice just now has a taste of country: "Don't hit or miss? I want to ask you something to talk about."

Some people are goddesses if they don't speak ...

Jiang Xiao scratched her head, imitated her accent, and spoke a half-drag Zhongyuan sentence: "Hey ~ Nier, what are you doing?"

Yi Qingchen :? ? ?


Four thousand words chapter, ask for some votes ~


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