Nine Star Burden

Chapter 826: Jiangzha skin and land cultivation!

Yi Qingchen sighed deeply, his complexion seemed to return to the state of battle.

I saw her blood-stained palm, gently stroking her own round head, and slowly raised her own giant blade, almost pointing at Jiang Xiao with the exact same attitude, "come!"

Oh, it's boring for Miss Sister to change back to Mandarin.

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips, dragged the giant blade behind his back, and showed his steps.

The referee apparently had received the leader's instructions. He raised the flag high and blew his whistle: "Dudu!"

The moment the flag fell, Jiang Xiao and Yi Qingchen bounced to their sides, acting exactly the same.

At about the same time, two beams of light fell on the lawn, rubbing their shoulders

Huh! Huh!

In the next second, the two directly exchanged positions, and they instantly shifted out of the feeling of loneliness, holding the giant blades, and each of them was cut!

With a wave, oh! Huh!

Two shots were thrown out of silence, and both were stiff.

This time, it's finally different.

Jiang Xiao deliberately adjusted to platinum-quality silence, but Yi Qingchen was a regular gold-quality silence.

"Well, real or fake Pippi?" Liu Yang muttered softly off the court.

Winner Xi, who is also an alumnus, nodded and said, "This is so much like the opening routine is exactly the same."

On the greenery field, Jiang Xiao took the lead in killing, Yi Qingchen didn't hesitate to let him go, and caught up. This time, neither of them used star skills, and they hit each other!


The two large blades wrapped with strong star power are intertwined. The edge of the blade is opposite to the edge of the blade, and even a little spark is wiped out. The picture is even a bit beautiful.

The faces of the two were infinitely close, Yi Qingchen's mouth was slightly raised, and the smile did indeed have a three-pointed gesture of the monk with a grimace.

Jiang Xiao snapped his teeth fiercely, and wanted to learn the appearance of a white ghost, but unfortunately, masks limited the use of Jiang Xiao

Yi Qingchen is really fierce. Even in the face of Jiang Xiao, since the beginning of the game, she has no intention of defending at all. She slashed down and tried Jiang Xiao's strength.

On the side of Jiang Xiao's body, while avoiding the upper blade, the hand holding the huge blade has been adjusted for reverse grip, picking up the huge blade and waving it sideways!


Yi Qingchen's body flickered in place! Almost God! Aroused an exclamation from the audience.

She flickered away from the sweeping blade, and in mid-air, she was a hack.

As a result of doing his best, the two long legs were lifted up, which is just a rhythmic gymnastic action.

But Jiang Xiao did not mean to dodge at all!

I saw Jiang Xiao's shoulders lingering, and Yi Qingchen's giant blade chopped on Jiang Xiao's shoulder, and he was instantly blown out.

"Huh?" Yi Qingchen made a tiny nasal sound, and his body flickered again.

However, Jiang Xiao's movements were extremely coherent. The green mang resisted the giant blade on the shoulder. In the next movement, the palm from the bottom up directly flew the giant blade in his hand.

The extremely fast-moving giant blade spins and stabs at the giant blade that has collapsed in the sky.

Yi Qingchen flickered like a ghost, catching the giant blade that was collapsed and flying in the sky. With a bang, the spinning giant blade came on schedule and tied directly to Yi Qingchen's forehead!


This time, the auditorium below really exploded.

"It's too fast, the gods are fighting !?"

"The two assistants just played the effect of ghost films"

Aside, Liu Yang also grinned with a bit of teeth: "Jinima predicts?"

"Ding!" Yi Qingchen's head jerked sharply under the great force, and the giant blade wiped a little spark with her forehead, making a sound of steel interweaving.

Yes, Yi Qingchen doesn't have the patience for star skills, but she has a more functional steel body!

Yi Qingchen's figure flickered again, and he fell far away from Jiang Xiao twenty meters away, rubbing his forehead with one hand, his face a little embarrassed.

Jiang Xiao raised his hand to pick it up, retracted the huge blade that Bengfei had dropped, turned his head to Yi Qingchen, and said, "Come again."

Sexy Jiang Xiao, teaching online!

Yi Qingchen knew very well that since the other party had already predicted his appearance, Jiang Xiao could use blessings completely, but Jiang Xiao did not.

Yi Qingchen clenched the huge blade in his hand, lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly said, "You can't break my defense."

While talking, Yi Qingchen looked up at the sky, and it seemed clear that in her mind, Jiang Xiao could only end this battle if she chose to cry.

I can't break your defense?

If Lao Tzu had a flower blade just now, I wonder if your steel body can't be blocked?

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders, spread his arms, and hooked at Yi Qingchen.

Come on, younger sister, today I will let you know how I won you without crying.

Yi Qingchen shook his head to the left and right, and made a crisp bone sound. From behind her, a shadow came out.

Jiang Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly. This shadow was obviously different from the normal shadow.

If you want to use the golden star technique, such as shadows, then the diffused shadows are relatively stiff. They will run to various places according to the owner's will, so that the owner can use it when shuttle.

But the shadow behind Yi Qingchen, his fighting stance and walking gait, are exactly the same as Yi Qingchen himself.

This is a shadow version of Yi Qingchen! ?

Moreover, Yi Qingchen already has a teleportation quasi-star technique, and then learns the shadow-like star technique, and the functions are overlapped, so this shadow cannot be the "calling shadow" star technique.

This should be from the different dimensions of Jinmen / Yanzhao's shadow domain.

This star bead contains three star skills: Shadow Apprentice (Brass), Shadow Warrior (Silver), Shadow Master (Gold).

These are the star skills of the summoning system, condensing the star power, summoning powerful shadows to help.

And the shadows of this summoning will have certain strength of the summoner according to different qualities.

In other words, this shadow is not the shadow of other people, but the shadow of the summoner himself, and how much power the shadow can ultimately exert depends entirely on the summoner himself.

Shadow apprentices can play 20% of the body, shadow warriors can play 40% of the body, and shadow masters can play 60% of the summoner.

At present, in the later stage of Yi Qingchen's Xinghe, the shadow master summoned should be in the late stage of the nebula?

So what does she call the shadows for?

give away?

The master of gold and shadow can use the summoner's own silver and the star quality of the following qualities, so the shadow summoned by this girl should be a functional shadow.

Silver and below star skills, this girl has everything

Jiang Xiao was thinking, and suddenly found that the shadow raised his hand suddenly, and a blessing fell down.

As soon as the other hand was raised, Jiang Xiao felt something wrong, his body flickered hurriedly, and escaped the blessing of Master Shadow.

This Nima summoned a small battery?

Jiang Xiao slammed the Shadow Master directly. Unfortunately, such summoned creatures have already been summoned. They cannot be smashed by the silent realm, just like Jiang Xiao's bait. Freedom to enter and exit the silent realm cannot be destroyed.

Whenever they are lost, it is not because of the silent effect, but because of the "painful blow" effect added by the silent star technique.

Jiang Xiao couldn't help grinning, pacifier, compared to the summoner?

I summoned all three of my baits, believe it or not?

You don't need to summon you, you will succeed if you summon one!

However, Jiang Xiao's bait is serious, it is impossible to recall it, and it is impossible for the bait star to show people here.

Among them, the "practice leather" is working hard with Erwei to increase the huge blade skills in actual combat;

Another "gardener's skin" is accompanying the humming whale, exploring the boundaries of the world of evil,

There is also an "Exploration Skin" on a different ball, at this time in the form of a crow, standing on the top of the blind girl's head, and using that solitary eye to look at the surrounding environment

On the greenery field, Jiang Xiao used his heart and soul to control Yi Qingchen's shadow master in the silent field, while facing Yi Qingchen's blade.


Yi Qingchen swiftly slashed, and was once again flashed in place by Jiang Xiao's ghostly body.

"Jiang! Little! Skin!" Yi Qingchen's soft voice became stiffened, squinting with a giant blade, staring at Jiang Xiao with a pair of eyes, as if looking at a grimace monk, his murderousness pervaded , Completely forgotten Jiang Xiao's idol aura.

Jiang Xiao would like to use the local accent to reply: "What are you talking about?"

However, Jiang Xiao didn't say anything, because this girl is really decisive! She threw a silence directly under the feet of the two!

Just to melee!

Just to fight bayonet!

Kill the sun, I'm the only light!

Kill Jiang Xiaopi, I'm Jiuxing Poisonous Milk!

In the field of silence of gold quality, there is no such problem as "immobilization".

Jiang Xiao and Yi Qingchen, you come and go, killing yourself. Compared to Jiang Xiao ’s opening and closing, Yi Qingchen ’s giant blade skills are obviously more detailed, and every action is Killing tricks, each knife is asking for Jiang Xiao's life!

It is indeed a woman killed from the pile of grimace monks!

well! Very strong!

I Jiang Xiao approved you to use a couple head with me!

But at the same time, every small movement and every inclination of her movements were also regarded by Jiang Xiao as the standard of "prejudgment".

I am Jiang Xiao, but the man killed from the white ghost pile!

Of course, Bai Gui is not in the same rank as the Grimace Monk, but the victory is numerous. At that time, Jiang Xiao was attacking from all directions from head to toe.

The two played out the effect of Wu Wu Kai, which is more exciting than any martial arts film. As for why it is Wu Wu Kai, because outside the area of ​​silence, there is a shadow master who blesses the small fortress and constantly harasses Jiang Xiao .

Everyone on the field looked fascinated, and finally found that the two people were essentially different.

Compared with Yi Qingchen, Jiang Xiao's huge blade technique, which should have been evaluated as a "flower whistle", seems to be more modest.

This method of Yi Qingchen is really fierce and fierce!

It's even very sinister!

Obviously there is a clear and beautiful face with a fairy air, but Lu Ziye's terrible, never stunned his "Xia Sanya" means, and I don't know if I learned it with the grimace masters.

As long as you can kill each other, do everything you can!

After the yin knife, the yin leg was almost uttered, but Jiang Xiao almost burst out swearing, but the younger sister looked so good. If she sprayed her, Jiang Xiao couldn't bear it.

Well, do n’t spray it, just kill her.

The moment the silent realm disappeared, Yi Qingchen's elbow flashed a little red, extremely concealed, and stepped forward, toward Jiang Xiao's chest.

Jiang Xiao stepped back with a small bullet, Yi Qingchen was overwhelming, the offensive continued, and the giant blade hacked again.

It's now!

Jiang Xiao grabbed the slashed giant blade with one hand, and yanked back on one side of his body.


No, it ’s not just empty blades, but also empty gloves blessings


The master ’s blessing beam of light fell, and Yi Qingchen, who was dragged by Jiang Xiao with his blade and slightly in front of his body, was precisely "hit" by the master's blessing beam of light!

It was supposed to be the cooperation of Yi Qingchen and Master Shadow, but it was a wedding dress for Jiang Xiao.

Appeared! Light shampoo!

Yan Shen dare not do this



"Absolutely wipe me, I said why Pishen didn't control that shadow master"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Xiao threw himself at the feet of Master Shadow as soon as he was silent. He didn't even raise his head. Facing the back of the younger sister, Jiang Xiao abandoned her huge blade and rounded her fist. .


That fist covered the green awn and hit directly on the back of Yi Qingchen. Jiang Xiao even intentionally adjusted the quality of green awn and used only gold, but the knockback and strong strike effect of the gold was enough.

Yi Qingchen's small round inch head smashed directly into the ground and came up with an onion

With a bang, the turf exploded and the soil was flying, and a dirt pit was even smashed on the green field.

"Jenima" Liu Yang chopped the left side of Xixi, and his right hand chopped Wu Haoyang. He leaned back sharply, "It's so relieved! Jiang Zhapi! Happy!"

Jiang Xiao raised his hand again as a blessing, and fell on Yi Qingchen's body. He stretched out his hand, grabbed her long leg, and dragged it hard, pulling the "onion" from the ground obliquely. !!

Yi Qingchen's body was pulled hard by Jiang Xiao and did not land on the ground. Instead, he flew up to Jiang Xiao's waist, and our Jiang Zhapi also rounded his fists again.

The goal remains!

The back of your head ~


Will such a beautiful young lady plant in the autumn and harvest a lot?

"Beep! Beep!" The referee hurried.

Can't break it? If you continue to fight like this, you really need to break the defense! Once the two tails used the claw star technique, for a moment, they smashed the heads of the mercenaries of the Russian Federation.

If Jiang Xiao's Qingmang didn't repel the attributes, but only the powerful ones, then the back of Yi Qingchen's head was really going to be opened.

Of course, Jiang Xiao knows everything, and she has a good grasp of strength, and it is impossible to really open up the younger sister.

He looked up at the referee, grinned, and stepped back.

Not far away, Master Shadow quietly shattered, and seemed to announce Yi Qingchen's complete coma.

Ling Ling Ling ~

A bell bell shuttled back and forth between the two people. Jiang Xiao gave Zhong bell ample jumping space. After bell bell jumped a few times, he stepped forward, holding Yi Qingchen's ankle, and took her out of the soil again. Pulled out.

Jiang Xiao turned his head, looked far away at the highest and farthest auditorium, and saw Wu Ji standing and watching the battle.

Jiang Xiao waved his hands to Wu Ji, and under his hood and peaked cap were his smiling eyes.

Now, do you know the difference between me and her?

I'm Jiang Xiao, but I'm all-rounder!

Not only can I fight, I can also farm!

Four thousand and two hundred words, I hope everyone is happy and ask for a monthly ticket to support the small poisoned milk.

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