Nine Star Burden

Chapter 831: Nova Map · Withering Bow

The next day, at night, on the outskirts of Fencheng, in a snowfield heterogeneous space.

The fierce ice roar swept the white ghost's body again and again, and the heavy and powerful bodies of the white ghosts did not even have to struggle, and they were directly rolled into residual limb meat.

An elite team is practicing formations and studying tactics in the snow field.

Ahead, there are two fierce beasts transformed into a star into a military form, one of which is a giant maggot with two tails and the other is an elegant three-tailed fox with grace.

The three-tailed fox was snow white, with scarlet eyes, white hair, and three long, slender tails.

When Shi Enjie first turned into a star, his three-tailed fox was about ten meters away, so huge that it looked like a hill.

After his constant communication and adjustment with Erwei, the five-meter-long cricket increased by two meters, and the ten-meter three-tailed fox shrank by three meters.

When I first saw this scene, Jiang Xiao was a little embarrassed. He had little research on animal constellations. Can these people still adjust the size of animal shapes to a certain extent?

What surprised Jiang Xiao even more was that he saw the energy ball gathered in front of the three-tailed fox face. When the energy ball was in the star pet competition with Jiang Xiao before, Juliet ’s rainforest raccoon pet star skills were similar.

I saw that the energy ball was spinning at a high speed, which was also mixed with the flame element. After being shot out by the three-tailed fox, it drowned the huge white ghost directly, even with an explosion effect.

In the middle of the two ferocious beasts is the great saint holding the stick.

Regardless of the people behind, the three in the front row alone are already a team that explodes.

The white ghosts cried,

I'm the little cymbal in the brass section. As for you using a cannon?

To the rear of the three are Tengu and Fu Hei, one shield and one milk, which play a role in the team.

Behind the two are Han Jiangxue and Li Yizheng. The pace of the two Xinghai Fa kings is very consistent, and after several discussions, they chose the astrology to output damage under the condition of not using large-scale output star-like techniques as much as possible. Strong, medium-range ice roaring star technique.

The dignified northwest king Li Yizheng, whose ice roar is also of platinum quality, is also from the snow mountain area.

It is worth mentioning that both ride a Pegasus, Li Yizhen's star pet is Baishan Xueyu, and Han Jiangxue's giant Pegasus is a two-tailed pet.

Behind the two French systems is the same one riding a white mountain snow feather.

It can be seen that the tail feather group is indeed very important to Hou Ming, and since receiving the ultimate mission, after the Xinghai period obviously, with a new star trough, the Northwest Night Watch Corps gave the best in its own plate. Draw the star pet of the hand-Baishan Xueyu.

The three people are arranged in a triangle position, and these three people are also the core output of the team.

Two battles.

Of course, in the strict sense, there are three platinum stars in the output team of the trio.

Behind the trio is a solitary Jiang Xiao.

Such a position shows Li Yizheng ’s respect for Jiang Xiao, and he really did not take Jiang Xiao as a general star in the medical department.

Jiang Xiao has two tasks, one is to provide medical assistance to the team, and the other is to guard the rear of this team.

In the team, the only "free man" is Shadow Crow, who has the autonomy that no one else has.

When the team changed its strategy and moved forward steadily, the two tails in the front row and the sides of the Eunuch team, leaving only the big saint in front, he was the top of the top.

In other words, Dasheng-Erwei-Encai-Jiang Xiao. These four talents are the protective shell of the core team.

Charge, retreat, change formations, evolve tactics ...

In the snowfield, this rampant squad was killed by the rampant team, but whether it is the guard army or the vigil army, those who saw this team were not much shocked.

This snowfield space has hosted a number of top teams, and the soldiers here have seen a variety of top fighters, and they are no strangers.

The soldier's face is not shocked, but it is not expressionless. In fact, these are not very good-looking soldiers, because they know where these comrades are about to go.

And the team that went out from here, the end result is not good.


"Mingming." In the snowy field, during the rare rest time of the tail feather group, Jiang Xiao sat under a tree, leaning against the big tree, beckoning to Minghou.

Hou Ming smoothed the snow-white mane of Baishan Xueyu in front of his eyes and walked over: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiao looked up at the Baishan Xueyu who was behind her, and said with a smile, "Isn't it an adult yet? Just a few months? It's so different from the other two Baishan Xueyu in body shape."

Hou Ming said, "Yeah," he said, "But it is ready to fight, and Baishan Xueyu grows fast and matures very quickly. It will be less mature than half a year."

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "Relax, I will take care of it."

Hou Ming walked to Jiang Xiao beside him, clutching the trunk with one hand, and sat down: "Well, what am I to do?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "I just saw that your star has become a military force. The effect is very special. Withering bow, the effect is amazing."

Hou clearly groaned and said, "Everyone's star map is different. I just feel lucky. The withering bow chose me."

Jiang Xiaodao: "How do you study how to use the short blades on both sides of the bow and arrow?"

Hou Ming nodded, but shook his head again, and said, "I have had a gigantic experience when I was promoted to the Xinghai period, but it only helped me to consolidate the basic bow and arrow skills and advanced bow and arrow skills. The use of bows and arrows is more handy.

It didn't give me too much use of the short blades on both sides of the bow, but it simply taught me some usage. It was very basic, with little knowledge and easy to master. In comparison, this star map pays more attention to the use of bows and arrows. "

Jiang Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and said, "With the effect of withering, it is already a very powerful star map. Maybe we are all too greedy."

Jiang Xiao seemed to have a deep meaning, and continued: "I look at the data. After your star map has become a star, there are two ways to attack?"

Hou Ming nodded and said: "Yes, two, one is a conventional arrow, and the other is a large arrow. But that big arrow consumes a lot of star power and energy. Fortunately, the star power says, I am already in the Xinghai period, star power enough.

But the energy consumption is a big problem. After shooting a big arrow, I will be very tired. Conventional medical treatments can't be recovered. I can only go to sleep to support my spirit. "

Jiang Xiaodao: "This is of course. Our battles over a few days and nights can be very full with our recovery star skills and Fu Hei, but the mental fatigue can only be made up with sleep."

Hou Mingming turned to look at Jiang Xiao, his eyes were bright, and he said seriously, "I will shoot a dragon."

Jiang Xiaodao: "They all start in platinum, and the quality of the stars is capped. Even if some dragons do not have defensive star skills, their defense is also terrible. You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself."

Hou Ming was stubbornly looking at Jiang Xiao, saying word by word: "I will shoot the next dragon!"

"Okay, shoot, let's shoot." Jiang Xiao said helplessly.

Hou Mingming: "..."

Jiang Xiao continued to say, "Can you show me your star map again?"

"Of course." Hou Ming stood up and stepped back, the star pattern of the withered bow lit up.

The dark bow and arrow map shows two black blades on both sides of the bow. The whole bow map also drops a little bit of dark starburst, which is cool, unusual, mysterious and beautiful.

Jiang Xiao licked his lips, his eyes lightened with excitement.


The second star map is you!

Withering bow!

Long distance output, it's up to you!

Hou Ming looked at Jiang Xiao's hot eyes, she frowned slightly, and asked, "Any questions?"

This time, Jiang Xiao's attitude was very tough, saying in a commanding tone: "Li Zheng."

Hou Mingming was already a very qualified soldier early in the morning. Upon hearing the order, she stood upright with a conditioned reflex, raised her chest, and looked like a sharp blade coming out of a sheath.

Jiang Xiao continued: "Support the star map and stand in military posture."

Hou Ming stared straight ahead, no words, no doubt, all pressed into the bottom of my heart.

This scene was caught in the eyes of other players, but no one asked.

Fu He actually glanced at Erwei intentionally or unintentionally, but Erwei was standing under a tree, looking at the snowfield in the distance, and was indifferent to everything that happened.

Jiang Xiao silently looked at the star map in front of Hou Mingming, his face was serious and serious, and he carefully observed every detail, as if he wanted to imprint this withered bow star map in his mind.

After 10 minutes, Jiang Xiao said, "Okay, rest."

As soon as Jiang Xiao's words fell, in the distance, Erwei said, "The star pets are withdrawn and lined up."

A group of people hurried to get up. In addition to Jiang Xiao, the other eight were lined up in two.

Erwei came over, motioned Jiang Xiao to keep up, turned his head to Han Jiangxue and said, "Back to the gate."

Han Jiangxue held a corrugated ball in one hand, and the next moment, a translucent corrugated transmission cover was opened, and everyone disappeared without a trace.

After getting out of the snowfield space, under the command of Erwei, Han Jiangxue took everyone and teleported back to the west side of the hotel's first floor auditorium.

Erwei said: "Tonight is the last night of our peaceful sleep. Now, go back to the room to sleep, wash immediately, go to bed immediately, 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, eat at the restaurant. Meet at the door at 6:20.

Due to the particularity of our mission and the particularity of the region, we must take the regular means of transportation to leave the country, understand? "

After the response of the crowd, Erao said: "Nine tails stay, the others disband."

The crowd left, Jiang Xiao looked at Erwei in doubt.

Erwei waved it, opened the door to the ruins of the shadow of evil, and tilted his head to the inside.

Jiang Xiao scratched his head, why?

Does this girl want to imprison me?

With Erwei's eyes watching, Jiang Xiao stepped into her ruins.

Erwei then followed up and closed the door to the Veil of Shadows: "You are studying her star map."

"Ah, you found it." Jiang Xiao grinned.

Erwei sighed softly. In such a serious task preparation stage, in such a depressed atmosphere, he always felt a little relaxed when talking with Jiang Xiao.

Erao said: "Change it, I look."

"Then change it," Jiang Xiao said casually, before a nine-star map of Beidou lit up.

Subsequently, a dazzling light lit up on the map of the Big Dipper, and the star map was transformed for a while.

Jiang Xiao closed her eyes tightly, remembering the withered bow star map of Sister Pea in her mind.

One second ... two seconds ... three seconds ...

Erwei originally thought that Jiang Xiao's star map was enough to be dazzling, but after a few seconds, the light was even brighter, as if to cause blindness, and Erwei had to cover his eyes.

Those eyes narrowed slightly, and through the slender fingers, trying to clearly see the star map in front of Jiang Xiao.

As the light receded, Erwei slowly lowered his right hand and saw a dark, heavy bow on Jiang Xiao's chest.

The dark bow also has short blades on both sides, which are also dark black, and the dark stars are constantly falling down, putting together an extremely cool pattern.

In the internal star map, the star quality and ground light star technology in the rear brackets, the option to create a new star map has become (2/3).

Changing the star chart is not the same as making a new star chart. Jiang Xiao can change his star chart at will, any number of times, but only for camouflage. There is a limit to the number of times that you can make a new star map, and you can also turn stars into weapons.

Erwei looked down at Jiang Xiao's brand-new star map and said, "Can you be a star like a flower like a sword?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "No, for the time being, my bow and arrow skills are not proficient enough to be recognized by the star map."

"Um." Erwei nodded. "Use one of your baits to train your bow and arrow skills. How much time do you think it will take with your talent to get this withered bow."

Jiang Xiao looked at his inner star map. On the list of basic skills, the bow and arrow mastery was the gold quality Lv.3.

If you want to transform a star into a military weapon, according to the experience of a flower blade, you must have a platinum quality or higher.

However, Jiang Xiao said, "You don't need to worry. I am a very talented person. When I can afford it, I can afford it naturally."

Two tails: "..."


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