Nine Star Burden

Chapter 832: Try it?

"I took the opportunity to take back the star pet." Jiang Xiao said, opening the gate of the evil shadow market in Erwei, and walked in.

Looking at the two tails that followed, Jiang Xiao urged: "Don't open the gate of your evil shadow market in my evil shadow world, otherwise, we must all be here."

What Jiang Xiao didn't expect was that Erwei said a word: "It's also very good. There are few people here and clean."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

If these words were spoken from Jiang Xiao's mouth, that would definitely have other meanings.

But speaking from Erwei's mouth, that should be literal ... right?

Jiang Xiao looked at Erwei suspiciously, not sure if he had been teased invisibly.

Erwei frowned slightly, looking at Jiang Xiao: "What."

"It's okay, let's go, I'll take you to see the buzzing whale." Jiang Xiao reached out and grabbed Er's arm, connected to the spirit of the gardener's skin, and connected with the senses. Gap.

Uh ...

The next moment, on the top of a snow-capped mountain, they stepped on the cliff with their feet under thick snow.

In the night sky, the galaxy is bright.

Under the night sky, a behemoth, swimming slowly and soaring in the sky, is the big and free fish.

"Om ..." The whistle of the ethereal whale penetrated the night sky and drifted into the unknown distance.

The bright moonlight and the bright stars contrast the huge body of the humming whale. Although its movement seems slow, its speed of migration is not slow.

The breathing of the two tails was slightly delayed, and his eyes were far away, and he saw the big fish that was moving slowly but approaching quickly.

And on top of that huge buzzing whale, sitting cross-legged a gardener's leather with a fisherman hat ...

"How is it? Big?" Jiang Xiao's voice came from the distant air, which completely coincided with Jiang Xiao's voice beside him, but came from two different directions.

"Om ..."

Erwei froze his lips, his narrow eyes reflected the light of the stars in the night sky, and stared at the approaching huge body.

This was the first time that Erwei saw the Humming Whale, and she heard the joy in the Humming Whale's tone.

This is the first time that Humming Whale has seen Erwei. It feels this terrible woman and seems to like herself very much.

The buzzing whale carefully swims to the edge of the cliff. Despite knowing that this woman is strong, she is still afraid of controlling the bad distance, smashing the cliff and knocking them out ...

The two tails slowly stretched out their hands and touched the cold and soft skin of the humming whale. In the line of sight, the black and white wavy pattern of the skin constantly undulating, and then a huge eye stopped slowly In front of her.

"Oh ..." Erwei stood on the snowy mountain, exhaling deeply, exhaling a hint of white mist, and her sharp eyes had already softened.

In her life, she travelled south and north, she was considered to be knowledgeable, but such a magical creature and such a shocking star and beast had exceeded her imagination.

I only heard Erwei whispering, "This kind of partner, only you deserve it."

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao and the gardener's skin acted in unison, they scratched their heads, not knowing what to say.

Erwei looked at the huge eyes of the buzzing whale, as if sinking into the void.

She continued to say, "The normal star warrior sees it, the first reaction will be escape, and when it releases goodwill, maybe the star warrior will think about how to use it, how to defeat it, or how to conquer it. .... "

Jiang Xiaodao: "That's right, I can be friends with you, then I can be friends with any species in this world."

The palm of the two tails froze slightly:? ? ?

She hadn't waited to say anything, but suddenly felt that she was connected with the spirit of the humming whale.

Without words and words, but with strong emotions, it is a joy of reunion.

Erwei has not felt such a full mood for a long time. After Jiang Xiao had the bait, when she saw Jiang Xiao again, she rarely had the joy of reunion.

However, I did not expect that today, I will experience such wonderful emotions in the heart of another creature.

Erwei remained silent for a long time, slowly speaking, hoarse: "Thank you."

This was an unexpected joy and made her a little unbearable.

If she could, she would rather choose to bear the "heavy" of life than bear the "light" of life.

She suddenly noticed that in this world, there was another creature that had never met, was thinking of her silently, eager to meet her.

"Haha, let's go." Jiang Xiao pressed one hand on the skin of the humming whale, and the layers of rich star power broke apart, and crammed into Jiang Xiao's chest.

After losing the mount, the gardener's skin fell from the air, but on the cliff, a small tree quickly grew, and then the branches swept open, becoming thicker and bigger than the small tree itself. .

The thick and pliable tree branch wrapped around the body of the gardener's hide, sent to the cliff, and landed firmly beside them.

Jiang Xiao also took the two of them and returned to the stone villa directly.

Here, it is already a deep mountain and old forest. The huge lake really looks like the sea and cannot be seen at a glance. At the lakeside, a huge stone villa stands up in the lush woods in.

The night sky, snow-capped mountains, deep forests, lakes and houses constitute a quiet and harmonious picture.

It's really clean here, as Eruo said.

The gardener's hide also opened his own ruins, and Jiang Xiao stepped in.

I also saw the croaking bear that was sleeping, and on the belly of the croaking bear, there was a "chubby pier" curled up, drooling in his mouth, and a small candle in his sleep.

That spit, of course, is Xingli ...

Jiang Xiao put the two guys on the star chart one by one, and at the same time, he was blindfolded by a pair of "little hands."

Jiang Xiao's mouth slightly lifted, and the old song burst into his soul: "You cover my eyes quietly, want me to guess who you are?"

Behind, the hood of the Soul Eater headed to the right, and the mist in the hood exuded a thick mist. He looked curiously at Jiang Xiao's side, and at the neckline, two probing "collar hands" Close to Jiang Xiao's eyes, the cloak was covered on Jiang Xiao's body.

"From Mary to Sunny and Ivory ..." Jiang Xiao continued humming softly, suddenly yelling, "Ha! I see! You are the sea soul fish monster!"

Soul Eater :? ? ?

Erwei stood at the door of the training space and looked at Jiang Xiao with a speechless expression, wondering why, suddenly there was an urge to kick him.

Jiang Xiao reached out and leaned back, wearing a hood on his head, grinning.

Pointing at the glass showcase illuminated by the sea soul lamp, he said, "Erwei, there is a cub here. I prepared it for Xia Yan. If you want, you can pick it up at any time."

There was a faint "um" from the tail.

"My sea eater is a prisoner. I have been watching the cub of the sea eater. Now I have taken it away. I am a little worried that the cub of the sea eater will perform small actions." Jiang Xiao leaned forward, You don't need to walk on your own anymore, and float directly to the showcase.

He said, "Wait a while, I throw the sea spirit lamp and sea soul surface into the lake, and they will like the environment there."

Over there, the gardener's hide has caught two rattles and is ready to hang in the stone villa.

Despite the strong star power in this training space, it is better to isolate the sea eater soul cubs. Even if it is not isolated, someone must watch it.

Jiang Xiao is going to let the gardener's leather and the sparring leather that accompanied the Erwei training to practice outside together to strengthen the training knife and bow. It is not intended to let the two baits distract.

In addition, the soul of the sea eater is also a platinum-level creature, and it is still dangerous. When locked up, everything is fine.

After doing all this, Jiang Xiao took Erwei back to the gate of the space, jumped out, and entered the evil shadow market in Erwei.

Erwei opened the door again, and the two returned to the hotel's small auditorium.

"Gone, go back to sleep." Jiang Xiao, wearing a dark cloak, was dozed by a small candlelight in the star chart, so there was no spiraling white flame pattern on the sea eater.

Jiang Xiao said, but he saw Er Wei's restless expression.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Xiao turned his head and looked at Erwei's head, as if suddenly thinking of something. His body floated slowly, twenty centimeters above the ground, level with Erwei's height.

Yeah, the taste of looking down is like this ...

Jiang Xiao's body continued to float 20 cm upwards, looking down at Erwei, and said, "Say, I'll do it."

Erwei looked up at Jiang Xiao and slowly said, "Thank you for making me feel all this."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Erwei's mood was stable, and he said lightly: "True emotions, wonderful experiences."

Jiang Xiao said angrily: "You give me a crazy flag!"

The second tail raised her eyebrows slightly, wondering, "What is Lifrigger?"

Jiang Xiao said with a smile: "During the Stardust period, in the snowfield, I could drag you back from hell. I can save you once and I can save you countless times."

Erwei looked at Jiang Xiao and thought he was inexplicable.

The humming whale had a very great impact on her mind just now. Under such special circumstances, Erwei very rarely expressed his true emotions, and what was Xiao Jiang talking about?

Speaking, Jiang Xiao reached out his hand and patted Er's head gently: "I have been surfing for a few years, and it is time to do something to help. It is the beginning of your star warrior ’s career when I meet In the future, we have a long way to go together. "

Erao's head crooked, her brows frowned, and she avoided Jiang Xiao's palm.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Go to sleep, as you just asked everyone, just sleep peacefully and keep your spirits up."

Erwei raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Xiao, said nothing, stepped forward, slammed Jiang Xiao floating in front of him, and walked towards the door of the small auditorium.

Jiang Xiao slipped his lips. This woman obviously has a time and space gap, so she has to walk?

Say it! Do you want to hit me?

Jiang Xiao shouted at her back, "Don't think about it. After washing, go to bed right away. I will go to bed."

Erwei pushed open the door of the small auditorium with one hand, and a sentence came from afar: "You can try."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "She asked me to try! She asked me to try? Is she provoking me?"

The hood suddenly fell off Jiang Xiao's head, and the cape moved up. The hood reached Jiang Xiao's side, facing Jiang Xiao, and nodded again and again.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

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