Nine Star Burden

Chapter 834: war!

During the march, the team keenly felt that their own physical strength was declining.

Physical strength, of course, is also a type of vitality.

Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue are a little bit worse. After all, both of them are wearing cloaks of sea-eating souls. These injuries are resisted by sea-eating souls. Only when the floating ice crystals and snow fall on their faces Will be deprived of physical strength.

As for the others ...

Jiang Xiao clearly felt that the speed of this team has accelerated a little, but this small change reflects the mental state of everyone in the team.

In Jiang Xiao's perception of the tears, he found many dragon creatures.

The so-called ignorance is fearless. At this time, in the team, Jiang Xiao and Ying Ya are the ones who suffer the most psychological pressure.

Even if the shadow crow's domain tear range is smaller than Jiang Xiao, but it is enough to find many dragon creatures.

The two weren't even sure, which crystal dragon issued the ice crystal field star technique, and which crystal dragon issued the ice crystal snow star technique.

Xiao Li Li Yi looked serious and said, "It won't work like this, go forward at full speed, Shadow Crow, when we are close to Jinglong kilometers, give us a hint."

Obviously, the damage suffered by people in such ice crystal snow star technology is very horrible.

This is tantamount to marching in tears, but it lacks the effect of "reducing emotions" of tears.

A large amount of physical energy continues to pass. In this layer of overlapping ice crystal snow space, the super high race value and strong vitality of the Dragons allow them to act, play, and rest without scruples, but humans absolutely cannot!

The strongest ability of human beings is the ability to learn.

If there is no special astrological blessing, in the simple physical attribute competition, let alone the dragon race, casually scoop out a golden rank of the ape ghost king, whose physical attributes are probably stronger than the humans in the Xinghai period. .

"Dumb ~" Ying Ya tweeted, and the team's speed suddenly accelerated.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao whispered softly and looked to the left in doubt, as if something extraordinary had broken in.

In the field of domain tears, countless huge guys hovering on the top of the mountain, hidden in burrows and caves, Jiang Xiao can only judge their existence by virtue of their small body parts exposed, and this guy ...

Fog Dragon?

Are you kidding me?

The field of tears can't even sense the existence of Wulong?

If it wasn't for the mist dragon that summoned two partial mist dragons, Jiang Xiao would have been blinded by it all the time?

The two small fog dragons hurried forward and quickly swam towards the team. I don't know when, a faint mist had floated around the body of the team.

The fog is so horrifying that even careful observation is likely to be overlooked.

Jiang Xiao was shocked. When did he break into the misty field of Wulong? Or, when did the mist dragon wrap the crowd in the misty field?

They have long entered the hunting range of the fog dragon?

Crystal Dragon is still a few kilometers away, but this irritable, irritable, and provocative fog dragon is the first to find everyone! ?

"Dumb! Dumb!" In the sky, Shadow Crow hissed several times, his body hovering in the air, attracting everyone's attention.

Immediately afterwards, an illusive Shadow Crow flew out of the Shadow Crow's body and flew in one direction, which was exactly the direction of the small mist dragon perceived by Jiang Xiao.

Li Yizhen looked dignified, suddenly his right hand was clenched into a fist, and he was raised high in the air: "Stop!"

The fast-moving team stopped quickly, and immediately changed directions according to Li Yizheng's command.

"Mute !!" In the sky, Shadow Crow suddenly transformed into an adult and shouted, "Jinglong is here too! Be careful! It depends on the fact that the Wulong arrived first. I don't feel the presence of Wulong, but there are two A small fog dragon is approaching, pay attention! "

During the conversation, the whole body was on guard, waiting in line for the arrival of the Wulong.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

Beside the crowd, the faint, almost invisible fog, quickly thickened!

It's even worse!

People have always been in Jinglong's ice crystal field and ice crystal snow star technique, and the physical strength is passing away all the time, and the passing speed is very terrible, and the shadow crow clearly shows that he has not yet found the figure of the mist dragon body. .

This is not the end, the fog dragon is about to start hunting, and his fog field is getting thicker.

Within a few seconds, people were already in a thick fog, and the visible distance plummeted. Jiang Xiao couldn't even see the front lineman ten meters away with his naked eyes.

"Pay the black, open the healing mist. Everyone, stand still! Hold on!" The rough voice from Li Yihan, a great man from the Northwest, gave everyone a death order. Allows moving half steps.

Uh ...

Fu He's body also caused a lot of fog, which quickly healed the body and restored the physical strength of everyone.

"Attention! Here, 500 meters in front ... 300 meters ..." The speed of the Shadow Crow report was startling, because the interval between the 500 and 300 meters was too short. The speed of those two small fog dragons is really too fast.

Li Yizhang: "Icy Roar ready!"

Shadow Crow: "100 meters ..."

Li Yizheng: "Let's go!"


Li Yizheng and Han Jiangxue suddenly raised their hands!

"Bailu law ~" The three Baishan Xueyu also looked up, and threw out a heavy ice roar.

Regardless of whether it was Li Yizheng or Han Jiangxue, the most important thing was the three white mountain snow feathers, and suddenly felt that their physical strength had recovered a great deal. The star power consumed by the release of Ice Roar was even filled directly!

What level of recovery and endurance is this?

At the feet of the two and three horses, the aura of nostalgia lit up!

That halo comes from Jiang Xiao,

A medical assistant who says to take everyone home!

Under the fire, the two small fog dragons were even directly killed by the ashes!

Five rounds of platinum-quality ice roar, and its output horror has reached this point ... it's really a spike.

Yes, the Dragon race is very strong, but this group of people who dare to enter the Dragon Cave is not for nothing.

"At 9 o'clock, Jinglong, 300 meters, watch out for the falling ice cubes!" Shadow Crow shouted loudly, in this white mist, except for those who have the domain tears, everyone has lost the so-called "Perception."

"Han Jiangxue, staying in the black sky." Li Yizhen shouted loudly, "At 9 o'clock, 100 meters, teleport!"

Han Jiangxue held the corrugated ball in one hand, and the next moment, a corrugated teleporter enveloped everyone.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

As soon as the black sky shone, the huge ice crystal cubes hit the corrugated transmission hood, making a deafening noise.

The falling ice crystal cubes, just like the sugar cubes used for coffee, are not crystal clear. The ice flowers are diffused, with very beautiful internal ice patterns, smashed on the black empty teleportation hood, and fall into the snow. In the ground.

The so-called ice crystal cubes are so large that they are unimaginable, almost five meters square, and they can really be used as construction materials.

How could there be such a cute star in this world?

Under normal circumstances, Xingji also calls for things such as frost, rain, and snow. Another example is Han Jiangxue's sky falling meteorology, which is also a burning meteorite ball of different shapes. This "ice crystal block" is not only surprisingly consistent in size but completely in size. The same, but still boxy?

This star technique takes a few seconds, I am afraid that I can build three ice cube villas?

Bystanders, it can be said that the ice crystal block is very cute, but those who are about to be smashed by it may not be able to say this.

Uh ...

The black empty teleport hood was closed instantly, and all of them disappeared, leaving only a pile of huge "sugar cubes" pouring down.

"Roar ..." A dragon yin came from the heads of the crowd. Han Jiangxue transmitted about 100 meters under the command of Li Yizheng. During this period, Jinglong was flying fast, and people met Jinglong directly .

However, Jinglong is flying far above everyone's head. In Jinglong's ice crystal field, it is impossible to get lost and lose its goal.

Therefore, when Jinglong found that the group of people appeared below, pieces of ice crystals quickly fell down.

"Around my head, about 80 meters," Shadow Crow shouted.

Li Yizhen shouted, "Everyone, set fire, let go!"

For a while, countless ice roars were thrown up, and in this dense fog with almost no visible creatures, such a fight could really only rely on feel and experience.

If there were no Shadow Crow's domain tears, everyone would really become "blind."

A heavy ice roared out, and then, a terrifying hissing sound came from Jinglong!

"Roar !!!" The voice was extremely majestic and majestic, even if it was not astrology, it still shocked everyone.

Hou Ming was riding on Baishan Xueyu, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, and shooting backwards, and a series of dark tail feather arrows shot out quickly, forming a string, rushing into the layers of fog.


In the fog, Jinglong opened the mouth of the blood basin, and a wave of ice fell down.

Shadow Crow was startled, and hurriedly said, "Ice Crystal Breath! Bing Crystal Breath!"

"Nine tails! 85 meters in height! Big official! 95 meters in height! Silent field!" Li Yizhen shouted.

Jiang Xiao's hand raised was a sound of silence of diamond quality.

The dragon's groaning accompanied by the ice crystals stopped abruptly, and the huge dragon's head was directly wrapped in Jiang Xiao's silent field.

But ... it's just a dragon head, and then the nearly 25 meters dragon body is still outside the silence field.

The ice crystals sprayed from the dragon's mouth quickly disappeared!

Only a few pieces of ice crystals kept falling, but there was no follow-up, but the ice crystal fields and ice crystal snow between the heavens and the earth continued to land.

Want to completely seal its star power, do you need to silence its nearly 30 meters of dragon head + dragon body?

Or ... isn't this field of ice crystal dragons, but other dragons?

Shadow Crow looked so happy, wiped a tear frozen into ice crystals, and hurriedly exclaimed: "It's settled! Settled! Right above, fast! Opportunity!"

Li Yizhang: "Han Jiangxue, white fireworks! Withering, withering bow! Grace, threaded flame!"

I saw Han Jiangxue's star map shining brightly, and a group of white fireworks flew directly into the sky.

Hou Mingming supported Baishan Xueyu's back with one hand, leaped, and quickly half-knelt on Baishan Xueyu's generous horse.

I saw Hou Ming bowing and shooting arrows, a dark color quickly stained the ordinary bow and arrow in her hands, splashing a little dark stars around, a dark withering arrow tore through the mist, straight into the night sky.

In front, the three-tailed fox opened his mouth, and a fireball that spun at a high speed in front of his mouth quickly formed. Thinking disturbed the floating ice crystals and rain and snow, and brought a wave of heat and a few sparks to the top.

At the same time, the ice crystals, which had been sprayed down by Jinglong, were sprayed like this, infecting everyone's body, making people from head to toe.

Freezing effect?

It doesn't matter if the ice crystals don't fall down. Once it falls, the shadow crow is not good for the whole person. At the same time, Jiang Xiao's complexion is extremely ugly.


Because in this dense misty field, there is still a big man hidden.

A big guy who can't even detect tears in the domain, because his body is completely consistent with the mist in the mist domain, but it is exposed with the help of Bing Jingxi's body!

"Behind me ..." The roar of Shadow Crow was not over yet, and the whole man turned into an electric man, holding a Tang sword in his hand, and had killed it!

From the left side of the team, all the way through, killing directly to the right side of the team.

However, a moment before the Shadow Raven opened the Doomblade, a silence had reached the designated location.

The body of Wulong is originally composed of fog. In this foggy domain, you can't see the shape of Wulong at all.

Jiang Xiao sighed in his heart, maybe ... that's why people can't go out alive.

Look at the choice of Shadow Crow!

In the face of a scary fog dragon with a diamond length of nearly 20 meters, he had already rushed to kill while reporting the information.

What is he doing?

Can the physical characteristics of Wulong be damaged by this ordinary attack?

No, normal attacks do not work against the Mist Dragon.

Shadow crow silly?

He is certainly not stupid, so is he doing useless work?

No, maybe in his heart, it would be good to delay the team for a second.

Really fearless life and death!


Jiang Xiao's body flickered, grabbing the shadow crow's ankle.

Teleport breaks haste!

While catching the Shadow Raven, the sea-biting soul of the diamond rank stopped suddenly in mid-air.

Relying on the physical attributes of human beings, Sea Soul Eater took Jiang Xiao directly. Ren Jiang Xiao held the Shadow Crow's ankle and dragged it back!

Not only shadow crows, but also Li Yizhang ...

This is ... what is this?

Jiang Xiao was able to use such an extreme way to pull back a Star Warrior with platinum and death blades and bring back a Star Warrior who was moving at a fast speed! ?

Are you kidding me?

Li Yizheng didn't care much, and hurriedly shouted, "Erwei, Dasheng, come on!"

Jiang Xiao threw the Shadow Crow into a hand, jumped, and sat on his body.

I saw the body crawling forward quickly, half kneeling on her neck, holding her huge pointed ears with both hands, and adjusting the direction she was facing: "Lava!

In his mouth, a little bit of magma overflowed, dripped on the snow, and made a loud noise ...


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