Nine Star Burden

Chapter 835: Thrilling

It was also at the moment when the mist dragon was silent that the mist of the whole body gradually dissipated.

Of course, this is only dissipated for a while, the fog dragon can no longer send out the fog field star technique, but the fog emitted before is still there, so in a short time, everyone is still wrapped in a relatively dense fog environment.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yizhen shouted, "Shadow Crow, report the position of Jinglong! Always report!"

He has no time to criticize Ying Ya's self-assertion. As a scout in the team, he has even used his life to delay the fog dragon's offensive rhythm.

Bad guy! Do not obey!

Good fellow! Not afraid of life and death!

Li Yizheng also did not have time to praise Jiang Xiao. The operation of this little poisonous milk can be evaluated with "God of God", dragging the Shadow Crow from the edge of danger!

In a short moment, Li Yizheng was almost on a roller coaster.

Kuroo Brothers!

Brothers really look like underwear,

The ups and downs of life, all for you!

The current situation is too severe. While suppressing his emotions, Li Yizheng commanded aloud: "Han Jiangxue! Always ready to stay in the black sky."

The shadow crow rolled to the ground, turned around several times in the snow, chopped the snow with both hands, and did not care about the snow on his face, and immediately shouted, "The half of the dragon head of Jinglong has been broken, Han Jiangxue and withering have been successful. The white fireworks and withering bow are still eroding its dragon head and rear body. "

Beyond the dense fog, the white fireworks have covered the huge dragon head of Jinglong, where no one can see!

The white flame seemed to be not extinguished. Jinglong's body was caused by ice. The little melting water could not stop the white fireworks from burning. It burned the huge dragon head of the ice dragon.

In addition, the white fireworks did not melt the ice like normal flames, but were extremely irritable and crackling!

Countless moraine spattered everywhere under the fierce spread of white fireworks.

The crystal dragon at this time was indeed very uncomfortable. Not only was it destroyed by the white fireworks, but Jiang Xiao, who had never looked up, smashed the diamond field again and again, imprisoned its body, and was quickly corroded by a withering arrow!

The Ming Arrow's withering arrow, the damage of the arrow itself is not outstanding, but the characteristic of the withering arrow is too terrible, it melts the body behind the dragon head a little, similar to the "neck" orientation, and that represents The black star power with the "withering" attribute is still spreading to both sides.

Shadow Crow hurriedly shouted: "Eun! Eunje, you change the angle! Then fine-tune 10 degrees down and smash its neck. The dragon head is being eroded by the withering arrow, why is it?"

In perception, the long body of more than twenty meters behind Jinglong was swinging wildly and wildly, but the head of the dragon seemed to be imprisoned, swimming very slowly.

And it just started to move forward subconsciously, but now it is going backwards, which gives everyone more time.

Such a scene is extremely weird. Obviously, the body's swimming speed of more than twenty meters is particularly normal, but the dragon's head moves too slowly.

With Jiang Xiao's other silences, Jinglong's rear body's swing speed suddenly decreased!

In front of it, En Jie heard that the spiral ball was thrown out of the mouth again and again to change the attack method. In a "spraying flame" manner, he spiraled upwards and swept into a dense mist.

Enjie can't see anything above, but with the help and command of Shadow Crow, he constantly adjusts the output angle.

The shadow crow looked dignified, but his heart was ecstatic, and said, "Add more power, add more power!"

"Eun Jie, stop, and help the two tails." Li Yizhen suddenly commanded loudly, "Da Sheng! Up! Goal changes! Jinglong!"

This kind of commanding embodies Li Yizheng's ability and character vividly.

If Enjie continues to output in this way, it may also have a good effect, but Li Yizheng doesn't want these. He wants a quick decision and a final decision.

Li Yizhen's bold change means that he is definitely not the type that "does not seek merit, but seeks nothing".

And Li Yizheng's command, of course, also determines the fate of the team.

During the talk, Li Yiyan raised his hand suddenly, a wind gale swept up, and Sun Dasheng rose to the ground, and was directly sent to the sky. Below, a roar of Li Yizhen was heard: "The great sacred star becomes military! Shadow crow report position! "


In the thick fog, Sun Dasheng rushed to the unknown field. He also had a perceptual star-like technique, but compared to Shadow Crow's domain tears, his perceptual astrology may need to be closer to be able to work.

Shadow Crow closed her eyes, feeling everyone in the ice-rain-snow-mist, and suddenly shouted: "Da Sheng !!!"

At almost the same time, Sun Dasheng was flying fast, and he saw a huge body of ice being eroded by flames and withering.

The next moment, the mouth of Dasheng slightly lifted, the smile with endless puppets, he threw a stick flower in one hand, the star image on his chest shone, and the stick in his hand was painted with gold and red.

Golden and red intertwined, like a gorgeous and beautiful dream.

That stick, slamming it from top to bottom.

The little stick hit him in the air and nothing was hit.

However, in front of and above Sun Dasheng's body, what followed was a huge gold-red stick figure falling from the sky!


On the body of the ice crystal block eroded by the white fireworks and withered bows and arrows, the imaginary huge stick force split down.

The precise blow is at the junction of the dragon's head and the dragon's body.

The ice cubes burst, and the waves were blowing!

Dragon body bent, body broken

"嗷" was smashed out of Jinglong's silent realm, sending out a dragon groan full of despair and unwillingness, wandering far and wide in the misty world, but the sound was not gradually ending, but Stop abruptly.

The connection between the dragon's head and the dragon's body was broken directly by the white fireworks-withered arrow-spiral flame-golden red stick shadow.

The final word!

Crystal Dragon in Diamond Rank?

Highly terrifying dragon race?

Diamond rank's physique, vitality and physical defense?

It turns out that without three or two, who dares to go to Liangshan?



Sun Dasheng carried his stick on his shoulders, looked through the mist, watched the huge dragon head in front of him, and fell down with him.

Below, Jiang Xiao rides on the huge hoe, grasping the tufts of fur on her sharp ears with both hands, turning slightly to the left.

In his mouth, a piece of magma was sprayed, and Jiang Xiao was allowed to adjust the output direction to the misty dragon who was fierce and swinging his body.

Jiang Xiao didn't have time to see the battlefield in the air, and he didn't need to look up. In the perception of the domain tears, Jiang Xiao felt that the broken ice crystal dragon had fallen.

"Go forward! Go forward two tails!" Jiang Xiao dragged that huge ear and pushed forward sharply.

The second tail sprayed the last magma, burning the misty dragon head in the distance, and his body moved back flexibly.

Shadow Crow opened his mouth and shouted, "Back! Everyone!"

For a while, people retreated.


The crystal dragon fell like an ancient **** and beast fell, and the heavy body, nearly 30 meters long, was slammed down.

This is not Starcraft, this is just the body of Jinglong.

That piece of suspended ice crystals and frost and snow were stirred randomly, the moment the crystal dragon's body fell to the ground, snowflakes splashed and the earth was flying, as if the earth was shaking

The silent fields smashed, the sprayed magma frantically burned the misty body of the misty dragon, and the huge misty dragon head was really about to "gasify".

Under the pain of Wulong, the body quickly converged, shrunk, and transformed into an entity, but Wulong did not know that when it transformed into an entity, its fate was already doomed.

Who is in front of Wulong?

An exploding grave-three-tailed fox.

An elegant and gracious puppet, and the conductor riding on the puppet-little poisoned milk.

When the dragon's head was imprisoned and moved slowly, the thick dragon tail turned and flung it over.

From beginning to end, under the control of Jiang Xiao, Wulong's own astrology has never been performed!

Jiang Xiao shouted, "Frost Wind!"

In the huge mouth, the magma has not disappeared, and a gusty wind mixed with snow has swept away.

Li Yizheng's thinking obviously kept up with Jiang Xiao. He immediately understood Jiang Xiao's meaning. He also found out with one hand, the wind was sweeping, and the thick fog was blowing away.

At least within the scope of the crowd, the dense mist was blown away a lot, and the huge mist dragon was looming in front of the crowd in a physical way.

Li Yizheng said directly, "Icy Roar!"

In time, countless ice roars rolled over.

The fierce platinum ice roared, under such a set fire, almost tore the huge dragon head of the mist dragon almost instantly!

There was only one tail left to sweep in accordance with inertia.

He jumped lightly and avoided the huge dragon tail.

The dragon's tail of the fog dragon, however, collided with the body of Jinglong's huge ice crystal block, sweeping it away dozens of meters away.


Jiang Xiao was finally relieved, and a thrilling battle finally came to an end.

In this faint fog, a group of people looked around, and the shadow crow with the ability to perceive was obviously out of sync with the information received by everyone.

The Shadow Crow can better understand the dangers of the Long Grottoes, and can see what kind of dangers are in the snowy mountains and deep forests, and how many fierce hunters are hidden.

Therefore, when the two dragons were killed, Shadow Crow was very happy and clenched his fists fiercely: "Happy!"

After hearing the shadowy crow's celebration, everyone looked at each other, and a few seconds later, a group of serious and dignified elite soldiers had a smile on their faces.

Such an uphill battle and such an uphill victory were enough to boost their confidence.

Jiang Xiao's body leaned forward slightly and lay on her furry head, facing her sharp ears, and said softly: "Well? Two tails, facing the attack of two dragons at the same time, how are you doing? Is it because Brother Piggy has too much control? "

猞 猁: ""

Jiang Xiao whispered: "You'll hold me like this in the future, I like this way of fighting."

猞 猁 The huge head shook from side to side. She meant to shake her head to refuse, but in this case, she took Jiang Xiao lying on her head and turned back and forth for a while.


Jiang Xiao quickly hugged her furry head,

It seems to have found a new way of playing ~

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