Nine Star Burden

Chapter 837: Diamond · Double Giant Blade Stream

Shadow Crow sat on the ground with his butt, covering his head with his hands, his face filled with blame.

He is the team's scout, providing information to the team, and the one who should be most aware of the danger around him, and the hidden dragon is hidden under everyone's feet, but he knows nothing about the existence of the hidden dragon.

The shadow crow in guilt saw a pair of dark military boots appearing in front of him. The shadow crow looked up and saw his second tail looking down.

"This is a question of our abilities, and has nothing to do with individuals." Erwei's voice was hoarse, very magnetic, and rang out in this silent shadowy ruins.

Aside, Tengu also came over, kneeling down on his knees, grabbing the shadow crow's shoulder with one hand, and shaking it gently, saying, "Brother, don't blame yourself, the head is right, the hidden dragon is hiding underground , Your domain tears cannot find its trace due to the terrain limitation. "

Looking at the slightly frustrated Shadow Crow, Erwei continued to say, "It's right at our feet, me, the saint, withering ... many people have perceptual star skills, but none of us found any Exception, this is our lack of capacity. "

Tengu softly comforted: "You haven't read the information about the hidden dragon. It should have opened the hidden body, hiding all the body, star power fluctuations, and vitality of life. No one can find it."

Erwei is of course impossible to change the way of speaking, and her attitude towards her teammates has always been the same.

However, Tengu is a personal essence. With the cooperation of Tengu, the two have directly turned into a "singing red face and singing white face" mode, a sternness, a gentleness, and a very good psychological adjustment of the shadow crow. Role.

Shadow Crow is also a soldier. Of course, his mental quality is very good. Whether it is for a team or an individual, he quickly throws away his distractions and responds again and again.

Erwei nodded with satisfaction, turned around, looked at Li Yizhen, and said, "Now, it is guarding outside."

Li Yizhang groaned for a moment and looked at Erwei. "Let's discuss it together. After all, this is not a battlefield. We are currently safe. We have enough time to discuss the next step. Chief, what do you think?"

It is undoubtedly particularly safe in this ruined shadow.

Erwei did not respond. In the eyes of everyone, Erwei turned to Jiang Xiao and said, "What do you think?"

"Grumbling." Jiang Xiao was holding an ice-filled crystal dragon star bead and a mist-like mist dragon star bead. He was learning the old man and dishing "walnut".

However, these "walnuts" are a bit large, each has the size of a baseball, and the crystal dragon star beads are irregular polyhedrons, so it is a bit laborious to set them up.

As Jiang Xiao turned the star beads, while listening to the strange sound of the two star beads colliding, he said, "Let's take a good rest first. We just experienced a battle of life and death. We need to rest and soothe our nerves. Breaking through the blockade of Hidden Dragons is trivial. "

Erwei raised her eyebrows slightly: "Yeah."

Jiang Xiaodao: "After a while the clerk opens the door, I can just throw the star skills out. If it dares to stay at the door, we will kill it."

In the words, full of absolute self-confidence, the listening crowd nodded secretly.

There is such a star warrior in the team, it really has a bottom of heart.

This little poisonous milk is really not blown out, it is absolutely in danger, it is absolutely calm, and it has absolute strength.

In the Ssangyong melee just now, on the surface, the output of each team member was extremely strong. It seemed to be the protagonist of the battlefield, but Jiang Xiao and Fu Hei's support for the crowd was real.

This is the real master of the field.

Besides, the scene where Tengu was penetrated by a small hidden dragon just now. Under such a sudden situation, the bell is almost seamlessly connected with the small hidden dragon. The tail of the small hidden dragon has not yet passed through the tengu's chest, and the bell is already in place.

The joke that Tengu said was not fake: Before that step, the next time you react slowly, I will meet the Lord Yan.

From the crowd entering the Dragon Cave, until now, at least on the bright side, Jiang Xiao has saved two lives.

One life is the shadow crow running away, and the other is the Tengu who just blocked the gate of the evil shadow.

If it is another team, if this situation is encountered, there may have been a case of attrition.

In each team, each player has his own role, reducing one person, no doubt, that is the beginning of the team collapse.

"Um." Erwei nodded. "Take a 10-minute rest to restore star strength and physical strength."

Jiang Xiao held a big star bead in his hands, stood up, and looked at the comrades in arms, saying: "I have a blessing in one hand, can restore my physical strength, relax my body and mind, and have almost no side effects. I wonder what do you like?"

For a while, everyone looked slightly strange.

The small poisoned milk is called "poisonous milk" for a reason. No matter how strong Jiang Xiao is, his hand is certified by Huaxia or even the world. No one will question his level of poisoned milk. .

All the people present were elite, and no one wanted to be ashamed.

But at this point, Eruo made a decision, saying, "Yes."

Obviously, Erwei needs everyone to ensure strong physical strength, and she knows exactly what the team's mission is.

Under the condition of absolute security, Jiang Xiao's blessing can be exerted.

"Then start with Tengu, **** won't accept you, then you go to heaven for a circle." During the talk, Jiang Xiao clutched the big star bead in one hand and raised the other.

Tengu: "Ah ~"

Jiang Xiao was very satisfied with the effect of his blessing, and then looked at the crowd and ordered: "Sit up straight for me! I'm going to take a breast!"

Everyone: "..."

The light of blessing can not only restore people's physical strength, but also nourish people's hearts. This is the magic skill of truly regulating the state.

Healing parents' hearts!

Jiang Xiaohuai was in the mood of his father, and after finishing milking all the patients, he also milked himself ...

Vaguely, Jiang Xiao seems to have discovered something extraordinary.

"Xia Family Knife Upgrade! Platinum Quality Lv.9!"

Jiang Xiao :! !! !!

This is very comfortable!

Jiang Xiao stepped up to the ruins of the shadow of evil, leaned against the starry wall, and sat down.

On the side, Han Jiangxue came over with a bottle of mineral water and a box of compressed biscuits. Before the crowd entered Long Grotto, Li Yizhen had emptied the ruins of the shadow of evil and put a lot of supplies.

"Well." Han Jiangxue supported the air wall with one hand, sat down, and handed the water to Jiang Xiao.

"Oh oh." Jiang Xiao took the mineral water and looked at his remaining skill point: 13268.

The Xia Family's knife method has been platinum 9, and this time is not the time to save skills. Good steel should be used on the blade.

There is a threshold for platinum 9 to rise to diamond quality. The small ranks in the ranks can be independently improved, but the threshold will be stuck! Will delay a lot of time and energy.

Jiang Xiao is going to use his skills to recklessly. In this case, he will not delay the next stage of giant blade training.

OK, that's it!

Jiang Xiao unscrewed the water bottle, poured his head up, and threw 1,000 points in the Xia Jiadao skill.

"Xia Family Knife Upgrade! Diamond Quality Lv.0!"

For a time, a large number of giant blade skills poured into Jiang Xiao's mind.

Jiang Xiao just felt a stun in his head. The platinum-quality giant blade technique added a knife technique, while the diamond segment giant blade technique, or platinum, broke the threshold of diamond, is it really a double-knife flow?

No, it should be called double giant blade flow?

"Wow ... cool ..." Jiang Xiao put down the water bottle, letting the water flow along the corners of his lips and chin. He didn't even have time to wipe his mouth. The "double "Giant Blade Stream" is too cool, Jiang Xiao has been drunk.

Han Jiangxue tore open the packaging of the biscuit bag, frowning and watching Jiang Xiao talking to herself there. She couldn't help extending her right hand, pinching her cloak sleeve, and wiping Jiang Xiao's mouth.

Soul Eater: "..."

Anyway, I'm also a platinum god! Do you use me as a napkin?

Feeling that Han Jiangxue was helping Jiang Xiao wipe his mouth, Jiang Xiao's own sea-biting clothing also raised the collar, and two "little hands" helped Jiang Xiao wipe his jaw.

Soul Eater: "..."

Alright, the diamond bosses have volunteered to be napkins, so it seems that I don't count the price down.

Han Jiangxue whispered: "What are you thinking?"

Jiang Xiao hurriedly raised a finger and made a "stop" gesture.

Jiang Xiao used to explore it by himself. Now, his great blade skill has entered the quality of diamonds, and he has very clear and concise skills, which really makes him ecstatic.

After finishing it, if the skill of this giant blade goes so deep, I will be getting farther and farther from my auxiliary career ~ This is too strong! ?

The two giant blades can also rotate, touch, borrow, change angle and strength in mid-air ...

It's invincible!

I also want to be a regular doctor, but? Strength is not allowed! !! !!

Jiang Xiao shook his head, turned to look at Han Jiangxue, took the compressed biscuit she handed, and took a bite.

Jiang Xiao's face was happy, while chewing the biscuit, making a "click" click, while muttering vaguely: "click ... click, please ... Xiaojiang Xue."

Han Jiangxue :? ? ?

"It's time to rest." Not far away, Erwei's voice came, and everyone got up quickly and walked back to the place where the gate of the evil shadow market was open.

Erwei hooked up against Jiang Xiao, and Jiang Xiao hurried over.

"Tell me about your specific plan," Erwei said.

Jiang Xiao thought for a while, and said, "For a while, Li Yizhen will hold the gate of the ruins of evil shadows. This is the most important thing. Don't close the door. Don't cut my body into two sections."

Li Yizhen nodded solemnly, "Yes."

Jiang Xiao turned to look at the crowd, his eyes fell on Han Jiangxue, and said, "Come here."

Returning to the task form, Han Jiangxue stepped forward without expression.

Jiang Xiaodao: "In a few moments you call out a few fireworks to stand outside and let them spread out quickly, and leave the rest to me."

Han Jiangxue nodded.

Jiang Xiao continued to face the crowd: "I will throw a silence, if the hidden dragon is in the distance, I will leave this area of ​​the doorway, so that we can use star skills, if the hidden dragon is near, then my silence Below, it will definitely flee to the outside, specifically you guys wait for my news. "

Said, Jiang Xiao took Han Jiangxue, walked in front of the gate of the Bane of Shadows, blocked Han Jiangxue behind him, and said quietly: "Hide behind me, be careful."

"Well." Han Jiangxue pursed his lips.

Jiang Xiao: "Everyone, back down, spread out, prepare for war! Xiaoli, open the door."

Uh ...

In a short time, Jiang Xiao opened the door to the ruins of the shadow.

Han Jiangxue's arm crossed Jiang Xiao's side and leaned out.

From the outside, a layer of overlapping space doors suddenly opened, and then a white and tender palm protruded out of the gate of the ruins of the shadow, and the picture was quite strange.

The three fireworks were quickly pieced together, and under the command of the solitary palm, they quickly ran to the left, front, and right.

Then, a small round inch came out from the door and probed to observe the surroundings.

The flames of fireworks suddenly lit up the aura of attachment, Jiang Xiao frowned and looked around.

So quiet!

Which old yin B is hiding in which corner?

Obviously a proud Dragon race, the race value bursts out, but in the end do this kind of sneaking chickens and dogs?

"啰 ~ 啰 ~ 啰 ~ 啰 ~" Jiang Xiao's mouth made a sound to call pigs to eat.

And under his round-shaped small head that protruded below the white palm protruding from the waist, the slender fingers gently tapped, summoning several fireworks again.

Fireworks 傀 Fireworks 傀, four fireworks 一块 for one dollar!

Cards are crispy, star power!

Lao Yin B, are you tempted? Six heads! I'll add a few more for you.

After Jiang Xiao probed with his left hand, he patted Han Jiangxue's thigh behind him.

The palm that came out with Jiang Xiao's head summoned three fireworks again ...

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