Nine Star Burden

Chapter 838: The tip of a knife

Jiang Xiao's eyes turned red, and dark clouds gathered in the sky. After a while, the light rain fell.

At the moment the light rain fell, Jiang Xiao was aggressive.


Because Hidden Dragon is not far from the gate of space, but also in mid-air, hanging there motionlessly!

Such a behemoth is close at hand, and Jiang Xiao's nostalgia for aura is not set on it!

what's the situation?

Hidden body? Can you hide your body, breath of life, and star power fluctuations? There is no way to feel the existence of the halo, so can't it fit into this life form?

The reason why Jiang Xiao found the invisible dragon that was hanging in mid-air was because of the light rain falling from Lili. In his perception world, a large amount of rain did not fall, but fell on a huge outline.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Xiao may not have perceived the hidden dragon through the effect of tears in the field, but through the physical effect of rainfall, he realized that a big guy was there.

Wulong is indeed the "brother" in the Dragon Cave. As far as the body is concerned, the length of Wulong is close to 20 meters, while the previous Jinglong is absolutely 30 meters away.

And the hidden dragon in front ... I am afraid that it will have a body length of about 35 meters, and let alone say that the hidden dragon's star technique summons a small hidden dragon, and its body length is about 8 meters.

The problem is that you can't just look at the length, their "body circumference" is proportional to the length, not only long, but also thicker ...

This behemoth is beyond Jiang Xiao's imagination!

Such a big guy just hangs in the air in a motionless and silent way. This is not because there is a dragon there, but the space is not patched up. Is there a bug?

Weird! Thriller!

Jiang Xiao didn't say a word, a diamond fell silent into the soul!

One silence was obviously not enough. Jiang Xiao made several silences in succession, and the smashed Yinlong finally began to move his body.

And its huge head, at the moment when it was hit by silence, showed a slight outline.

At the same time, Nostalgia finally found the living body in the range and set it on the hidden dragon.

"My God ..." Jiang Xiao was amazed and continued to bombard the body of Yin Long with diamond silence.

There is no doubt that the Hidden Dragon, which had been broken away from its hidden body, has returned to its normal form.

But even its normal form is almost invisible to the naked eye!

That shallow body contour, if you do n’t observe it carefully, you may pass by it, and you do n’t know that there is such a guy staring at you with huge eyes, staring at you ...

Jiang Xiao beckoned suddenly and jumped out. Behind him, everyone in the ruins of the shadow of the disaster was shocked and quickly followed.

After everyone jumped out, their faces changed.

In the rain, they could barely see the outline of the hidden dragon's body, but the huge aura of nostalgia marked the position of the hidden dragon for everyone.

Jiang Xiao quickly floated into the air, and the silence never stopped. He smashed the hidden dragon from beginning to end and smashed it with silence.

"Roar!" Erwei has long turned into a maggot, a roar, and the frost wind rolled up, covering the body of the hidden dragon, allowing people to see its outline more clearly.

"Tail feathers, attack!" Li Yizhang yelled, blasting with a roar of ice.

All the ice roars were rolled towards the giant dragon head, and Han Jiangxue's white fireworks, the later withered arrow, and the spiral flame of the three-tailed fox fell to the junction of the dragon's head and the dragon's body.

"Hey!" Sun Dasheng drank softly, and his huge body stood up, but even under the power of Xingli, the giant Sun Dasheng was just a little guy in front of Yin Long.

It ’s okay to be small, just stick big!

Sun Dasheng swung down with a stick and hit hard at the junction of the dragon's head and the body.

His star map was not bright. It can be seen that the huge stick figure falling from the sky is not a transformation of the stars into a military force, but another star technique, which is a giant star strike technique from the space of Shiyan Caves in Xihai Province.

Fu Hei was still giving his comrades a halo, but his brows frowned sharply.

In this drizzle of rain, a layer of frost and snow was suddenly wrapped, and the suspended small ice crystals appeared suddenly in the next second.

Fu He changed his face and hurriedly shouted, "Is Jinglong chasing?"

Almost at the same time, Shadow Crow shouted, "Fast, quick battle, or teleport away now, Jinglong group is here!"

Isn't Jinglong here, but "Jinglong group"?

"How long will they arrive?" Li Yizhen asked loudly.

"Up to twenty seconds!" Shadow Crow hurriedly.

Li Yizheng suddenly turned his head to look at Hou Ming and said, "Enough is enough!"

"Enough is enough!" Hou Mingming immediately knew Li Yizheng's intentions, and saw the dark withered bow in her hand suddenly transmute, and the giant bow was even bigger than Hou Mingming's body.

At the next moment, Hou Ming supported the ground with one foot, and the other long leg stretched out and stepped toward the bow, which was the middle of the bow. Her hands dragged the bow of the withered bow, her body leaned back, her body was almost inclined Lying down, I used my entire body to shoot a bow and arrow.

A huge black withered star with great star power appeared in front of the crowd, and everyone was shocked.

Uh ...

The huge withering bow splattered with a little black starburst, and accurately shot at the head of the hidden dragon, but such a weird and sharp arrow just pierced the hidden dragon's invisible skin and was shallow With the head of the hidden dragon, there was no arrow shot through the head of the hidden dragon?

What level of defense is this?

Hidden Dragon does not have any star skills to increase physical defense, even the hidden body has been confined to death under the silence of Jiang Xiao.

Does it simply rely on physical strength to resist this arrow?

What is racial advantage! ?

Compared with the strength of the human body, it is really the difference between cloud and mud.

Although the huge withering arrow did not pierce the head of the hidden dragon, the dark withering color also spread out instantly, directly sketching the shallow outline of the hidden dragon's head!

Hidden Dragon is struggling violently, while Jiang Xiao ’s Diamond Silence is still “painting” on Hidden Dragon ’s body evenly, imprisoning its movement, and greatly reducing the extent of its struggle.

The sound of diamonds and silences again and again, such a large amount of star power consumption ... does it really matter?

Jiang Xiao said: No problem!

Jiang Xiao's body has a bunch of charging treasures, and even a "charging fort"!

With a wave of his hand, Li Yiquan swept through the wind, blowing the softly lying, muddy Hou Ming into the ruins of his shadow.

This is Li Yizheng's thinking on combat. This is also what Erwei told him when he gave command to him.

Erwei said: When I give you a command, all I want is results, not hesitation.

With practical action, Li Yizheng showed that he fully complied with Erwei's expectations for him, and at all costs, what he wanted was results!

At the same time, the imprisoned hidden dragon in the sky, the huge dragon's head was drawn down and shrunk again and again, and it was continuously melted down. The paint was rendered with pieces of dragon-scale objects, which were constantly falling. Before it landed, it had disappeared without a trace.

That huge dragon head was withered in front of everyone just like this!

Its long body is still struggling frantically in the air. If there is no imprisonment of silence, if it can really open up the hidden body and strengthen its self-healing function, it may be another story.

But with Jiang Xiao's existence, he cannot let another story happen.

Li Yizheng shut Hou Mingming into the ruins of his shadow, and shouted out loudly, "Han Jiangxue, the black sky is always ready! Target grassland!"

A huge, black and broken dragon head finally fell from the sky and fell heavily in the desert.

Pieces of ice roaring still smashing, smashing the giant dragon head, for the star beads inside.

No one dares to approach the broken dragon head that is still spreading in black, and even the desert ground is stained with withered color.

"I've found it! I've found the star beads, stop the attack!" Shadow Crow hurriedly swiftly turned into a crow and flew over.

Hidden Dragon ... Not only is the body invisible, but even the star bead is almost transparent. If it is not the shadow crow's field tears, people may have to wait for a long time in the process of finding the star bead ... ..

However, when the shadow crow walked behind the hidden dragon, it was found that the star beads had been stained with a dark color. Although "dead" could not destroy the star beads, the dark color was still stubbornly thawing and withered. .

In this case, even if there is no domain tears, people can find where the star beads are, but the problem is ...

"This ..." For a while, Shadow Crow was in trouble. How could this be good? After so much effort, everyone finally got a star bead, but Shadow Crow did not dare to poke with his mouth, let alone Dare to take it with your hands.

Jiang Xiao's voice came from behind him. His red eyes and the drizzle of Lili were still falling, and he said, "My net tears have no effect on the withering effect. Withering is not a negative state and cannot be purified. That is an attack mode. "

Shadow Crow landed not far from the star beads, transfiguring the adult, and said, "Jinglong is coming soon. How long will the withering state last?"

In the rain curtain, the firework urns emitting a burst of water vapor immediately ran over, holding up the star beads impregnated with the faded color.

Han Jiangxue picked up his fingers slightly, a wild wind swept away, and the fireworks with "black flames" burning in those hands, plunged in the direction of Han Jiangxue.

The palm of Han Jiangxue's outstretched abruptly spread out, and she pressed down gently. In front of her, the space layered up, the fireworks hugged the star beads, and entered the empty space of Han Jiangxue directly.

Han Jiangxue said, "Let it go out by itself."

"Very good! Let's go!" Li Yizhen said hastily.

Han Jiangxue put one hand on his waist, palm up, and held up a rippled sphere. Alas ... The black empty teleportation hood was opened again, and it was closed instantly, and everyone disappeared without a trace.

Uh ...

A few seconds after the crowd disappeared, huge chunks of "sugar cubes" fell from the sky, messing up here.

Let go of this group of irritable crystal dragons chasing everyone, not to mention everyone in the tail feather group.

Han Jiangxue directly transmitted to the prairie in accordance with the previous command of Li Yizheng. This terrain should be regarded as the best environment in Long Cave.

When they came here, it was night.

The moon splattered the galaxy, and the stream fluttered.

The soft soil, the swaying bushes, and a quietness, this picture is so beautiful.

No matter what other people think, Jiang Xiao thinks it's beautiful here. If there isn't the breathing of the dragon behind him, then it will be even more beautiful ...

Xiao Jiangxue, Xiaojiangxue, your face is so white, why do you want to go to Africa to become chief?

The first teleportation seemed to be stable, but a hidden hidden dragon was hidden beneath the ground.

The second teleportation ... wonderful Xiaojiang Xue!

You teleported everyone directly to a star dragon! ?

"Guru." The eyes of the crowd widened suddenly, and a squirming throat sound sounded.

A group of people turned their heads immediately!

Behind it, the huge dragon's breath stopped for a moment, and a pair of giant dragon eyes that seemed to contain endless starry sky suddenly opened!

Uh ...

Han Jiangxue once again held out the corrugated ball. At the back, the dragon with the starry sky skin bumped his head and thundered ...

The head of the dragon hit against the black sky instant shield, which caused a shake of the black sky, and saw that the black sky teleportation shield closed again, and everyone quickly disappeared in front of Xinglong.

Immediately, the crowd appeared in another grassland.

The entire staff looked like a bird terrifying a bow, and quickly looked around to make sure there were no living things around.

Observing for a while, everyone was relieved.

Aside, Jiang Xiao's voice came: "This is too exciting! Xiao Jiangxue! You are afraid that you are in the Dragon Cave, the first person who dares to make fun of the Starry Dragon!"

Han Jiangxue: "..."

Jiang Xiaodao: "It's just a show of it! Isn't it good to be a regular god? Why do you want to learn my operation? You are also a member of poisoned milk powder, right?"

Han Jiangxue looked reddish and gave Jiang Xiao a hard look.

The scene just now actually represents the state of this team after entering the Dragon Cave.

The tip of the knife dances! Perilous danger!

For Jiang Xiao ...

Only by leaping repeatedly on the edge of life and death can we show the real operation!

Very good, Xiaojiang Xue!

My poisonous milk king officially announced: You can start teaching!


It is now normal for small poisoned milk to be seven or eight thousand. For example, this chapter is 3800 words away. There are many such chapters.

Writing level and speed vary from person to person, and education is within the scope of personal ability to achieve maximum quality and quantity.

This book has been written for a year. For such a long time, you also see Yu's attitude towards writing.

The Education Association has been insisting on it. For those who can't do it, we can only ask Haihan.

For those who have already done it and have always done it, Wanwang members come to subscribe to genuine editions and vote for small poisoned milk. (The above text is free)

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