Nine Star Burden

Chapter 839: Hidden Dragon Skill

Li Yizhen immediately opened the gate to the ruins of the Shadow of the Vicious, and the crowds rushed in, the space gate disappeared instantly, and the grassland fell into silence again.

Jiang Xiao also saw that Ming Ming, who was lying softly and lethargic, raised his hand quickly, and a blessing of light fell from the sky and fell on Ming Ming's body.

"Hmm ..." In his sleep, Hou murmured for a while, but was not awakened by blessings, but seemed to sleep more sweetly.

The side effects of this withering arrow look great?

This is a wake-up call for Jiang Xiao. In the future, when using the withering bow to turn the stars into martial arts, you must pay attention to the collection point. If it is really necessary to use it, you must also shut down the synaesthesia, otherwise it will Affects other decoys and entities.

Jiang Xiao stepped forward, the white light in his hand flickered, and it was gently covered on the forehead of Hou Ming. The thumb and ring finger helped her gently rub her temples.

Jiang Xiao turned to look at the crowd and found that Erwei was already having a meeting with the team members.

"It won't work like this." Erwei said with a dumb throat, "The creatures in the Dragon Cave are densely distributed. They use Han Jiangxue's teleport to escape, and it is easy to enter other Dragon clan territories.

Other dragon-based creatures can also deal with it. Once we encounter a captive dragon, our life cannot be guaranteed. "

Li Yizhen focused his attention and realized the lack of command. He said, "Yes, we shouldn't rely too much on Han Jiangxue's teleportation skills. It's too dangerous here."

"But this is no other way." Aside, Tengu sighed, his thoughts were exceptionally clear, "Facing the pursuit of the Jinglong group and a series of larger crises that we may encounter in the future, we have to choose to avoid For its edge, Han Jiangxue's teleportation skills are an inevitable choice for us to survive. "

Erwei turned to Tiangu and said, "Think of other ways."

Tengu: "At the junction of the four terrains, which is the entrance to the Dragon Cave, the place is relatively safe."

"No." Erwei refused so crisply, "We can't lead the Dragons there, even if we have casualties, we can't lead the danger to the entrance of the Dragon Cave."

Tengu said, "Let's create a safe area by ourselves."

Fu Hei suddenly became interested: "Creating a safe zone?"

"Um." Tengu said, "At present, the grassland we are in is relatively safe. We can dig down on the spot to create an underground base.

In the future, if there is a real need for Han Jiangxue to open the Black Sky Instant Guard, Han Jiangxue can take us directly back to this place. "

Erwei nodded thoughtfully, turning to look at Li Yizheng.

Before waiting for Li Yiquan to speak, Tengu went on to say, "The view of the grassland is relatively broader, and a simple underground cave will be built. When it comes out, it will also be easy to observe the surrounding conditions."

Li Yiyi said: "It is also easy for other dragons to find us."

Tengu looked dignified and nodded silently.

Shadow Raven hurriedly said, "Before we come out of the ground, I can cry."

Tengu said another topic, saying: "Shadow Crow, those crystal dragons are so fast following, most likely because of your domain tears."

Shadow Crow: "Ah?"

Tengu analyzed: "We slaughtered a crystal dragon, which caused the anger of the proud dragon family, and their characteristics are endless. If nothing unexpected happens, we will always be chased by the other party.

The group that killed Jinglong has the ability to change the environment, which is your domain tears.

In this dragon cave, no dragons have the star technology of rain, so when their ice crystal field feels the rain, they will inevitably come towards the direction of rain and come to hunt us down. "

Shadow Crow murmured secretly and wanted to refute something, but Tengu made a lot of sense.

For a long time, Ying Crow said: "If the domain tears can't perform their skills, then the eyes of this squad are blind, and we can't do anything."

While talking, Shadow Crow looked at Jiang Xiao with a faint glance.

"There are some solutions," Tianguo said. "Besides the domain tears, the crystal dragon's ice crystal domain and the mist dragon's fog domain are both stronger than the domain tears.

If we use their family's perceptual quasar technology, at least they found the range of snow and fog, and will not kill them directly. "

"No." Erwei's rejection was still decisive. "Every star we get here must be turned in. The country is already training soldiers to explore Dragon Caves full-time, and we must concentrate our resources.

This task is serious and discipline is equally serious and must be turned in. "

All the people present were above the standard line and were extremely loyal, and no one raised any objections.

And Erwei, already in the small auditorium of the Fencheng Hotel, has already demonstrated this to everyone.

Tengu closed his mouth and said no more, and asked, "Shadow Crow, in your perception, how many crystal dragons chase us?"

Shadow Crow said without thinking: "4."

Aside, Jiang Xiao finally spoke and said, "Try it?"

All of a sudden, there was a silence in the ruins of the shadow of evil, and everyone looked at Jiang Xiao who was sitting beside him.

Jiang Xiao grinned, his voice getting quieter and quieter, "Did I drift a little ..."

"How is the misfortune?" Tengui said.

Erwei raised her eyebrows slightly: "Yeah."

Tengu, with his hands around his chest, thinking while speaking, said, "If nothing unexpected, at least these four crystal dragons have formed an endless situation with us.

If you want us to continue to explore this dragon cave, either let Han Jiangxue take us to the depths of the dragon cave and completely avoid these crystal dragons, or we can only completely destroy these four crystal dragons. "

Jiang Xiao grinned, and then Tengu said, "I think that the star dragon who loves to sleep is very suitable for fighting the four crystal dragons."

Tengu nodded and said, "Good idea."

Then, Tengu turned to look at Han Jiangxue, and said, "How far is our current location from the desert we were in?"

"It's not far. I don't dare to go deep into the Dragon Cave. After all, according to the data, the prisoner dragons are perched in the depths of each scene." Han Jiangxue's cold voice came over.

Shadow Crow said: "They are very fast. If we really want to create a situation of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers, we need a perfect match, and the star dragon is not a good stubble. It was just sleeping. , But immediately felt our presence. "

Jiang Xiao suddenly raised his hand, and a student wanted to speak.

And this action was to make the grave that had remained silent, and his body suddenly crooked.

Shi Enjie is obviously hiding the blessing ...

This is obviously a subconscious action. It is a reaction of the body before the mind. At one time, the atmosphere in the ruins of evil shadows is a bit strange.

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao scratched his head and said, "I teleport faster than Xiao Jiangxue, so it's very suitable to seduce them."

Han Jiangxue's heart tightened, and he opened his mouth, but was unable to say anything.

Erwei looked at Jiang Xiao, pondered for a long while, and said, "The task of seduction does not belong to you."

Immediately after Erwei's voice fell, Shadow Crow stood up. He had tears in the field and a blade of death. As a scout, he was the best candidate.

In the Dragon Cave, each dragon's random attack may kill people's lives, but the shadow crow's action of standing up is so neat and neat.

"Let's go, Chief Luan." Jiang Xiao said again.

Erwei looked expressionless and looked at Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiaodao: "There is a fundamental difference between teleportation and extreme speed. If Shadow Crow meets other dragons on the way back, that is another story.

I have teleportation, and I also have astral skills in tears and rain. After a while, let Han Jiangxue take us to teleport between Xinglong and Jinglong, we can create a safe underground habitat, rest assured, no problem. "

Erwei thought for a while, nodded silently, and ignored the other teammates she wanted to say. She waved directly and said, "The plan has been set, and the topic ends here."

Under Erwei's identity and strong aura, nobody said anything.

After a long while, Jiang Xiao looked at the sleeping dream suddenly, and he got up and walked to Han Jiangxue, and said, "Open and break, let's see what happened to Xingzhu?"

"Um." Han Jiangxue opened the empty space, Jiang Xiao carefully pierced his head.

The fireworks puppet had disappeared, and the lacquered black color exclusive to the withering had disappeared. The question was ... Where was the star ball of the hidden dragon?

Jiang Xiao was dumbfounded. What about Xingzhu? Isn't it being melted down?

It shouldn't. Withering so hard before, it won't melt the star beads.

Jiang Xiao reached in and dug back and forth.

Since Jiang Xiao had his own evil world, all the precious stars and beads deposited with Han Jiangxue have all moved into Jiang Xiao's world of evil images and put them into the stone villa.

At this point, Han Jiangxue's empty space was very empty, and it was a void.

Jiang Xiao was still searching, and the cloak on his body suddenly rolled up the tail, plunged into the broken space, and then rolled a baseball-sized star bead to Jiang Xiao.

"This ..." Jiang Xiao looked at the near-transparent star beads. The outline was scary and shallow. Among them, there was no star power flow. Its texture was even more hidden than the body of the hidden dragon. , Is simply a "stealth" effect.

Jiang Xiao grabbed the Hidden Dragon Star Bead and turned it upside down. At the same time, he also saw the information from the star map:

"Hidden Dragon Star Bead (Diamond Quality)

Own Star Technique:

1. Hidden Charge: Summon a small hidden dragon in a semi-stealth state to make a powerful impact on the target. A maximum of 2 small hidden dragons can exist at the same time for a duration of 10 seconds. (Diamond quality)

2. Hidden chase: Make the caller free to control the small hidden dragon, and can cancel the call at any time. (Diamond quality)

3. Hidden body: conceal the body, the fluctuation of star power and the breath of life, strengthen the recovery of star power, and strengthen the self-repairing function of the body. The body cannot move when using Starcraft. (Diamond quality) "

Jiang Xiao was startled, three diamond star skills?

Can there be two hidden dragons at the same time, any user can freely control?

Wait ... 10 seconds?

Fighting is about intelligence!

In other words, even if everyone doesn't go to besiege the small hidden dragon, as long as ten seconds later, it will automatically dissipate?

Jiang Xiao frowned, thinking about the picture of the small hidden dragon rushing into the ruins of the evil shadow.

Indeed, it took no more than ten seconds for the small hidden dragon from entering the ruins of the Shadow of the Shadows to be snarled by the crowd and set fire to death.

Then again, is this star or war or law?

How did it feel right?

This hidden dragon star technique has the same effect as the golden air wave star technique in the southern Hunan region, but the second star technique is free to control the hidden dragon, which is obviously more advanced than the southern Hunan star technique.

In addition, the first Samsung technology · hidden body, life-saving magic skills.

Of course, it is not a pure healing technology, but it can strengthen its repair ability while ensuring safety, it is perfect!

Jiang Xiao's heart murmured secretly, if this star technique was given to the big cat ...

Cut out a dragon with one stroke, a dragon can break a team!

Even if it is your second tail, how can you cherish the star trough?

Smelly sister!

I must stuff this star into your star chart!

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