Nine Star Burden

Chapter 840: Cave Grand Stage

The scorching sun was clear, and it quickly fell west.

Under this unique weather phenomenon, the gate of a ruined market opened quietly, and a crowd of people rushed out. Except for the sleeping pig, who was obviously like a dead pig, everyone was in a state of energy and ready to go.

Erwei turned his head to signal Han Jiangxue. At the next moment, a black empty teleportation hood was opened, and the beam was closed instantly. The crowd disappeared without a trace.

Then, beside a stream, a crowd of people appeared.

The two tails are fully alert, looking around, half a moment, and said, "This is the center point where the corpse of the Hidden Dragon and the Star Dragon are connected."

Han Jiangxue said with uncertainty: "It should be so."

Erwei turned to look at Han Jiangxue with a stern expression: "I want a positive answer, not what it should be, how it might be."

Han Jiangxue pursed his lips, not humbled: "I tried my best, and I can't guarantee that this is the most central point of Erlong's position."

Unexpectedly, the second nodded and said nothing.

Everyone knows that the ability problem cannot be solved temporarily. As long as you do your best, Erwei will not ask too much.

"Dig an underground cave and temporarily use it as a base." Erwei said.

A group of people and horses crossed the sea like eight immortals, each showing their magical powers. Within a few minutes, a "cellar" was dug up.

Even under Li Yizhen's earth-based astrology, this cellar has the same shape, boxy, and there are several vents venting diagonally upward.

The air vents that circle upward and obliquely upwards can prevent snowfall from falling directly into it, and prevent Jinglong's ice crystal field from discovering everyone. The design is quite sophisticated.

Han Jiangxue summoned a firework urn to provide light for everyone. On the side, Jiang Xiao was ready to go.

The cellar had no doors, no upper and lower entrances, and it was sealed by Li Yizheng inside. There are only vents here, so without damaging the terrain, you can only move in and out by teleporting and transmitting quasar technology.

However, the shadow crow transformed into a small crow, but could hover down from the vent, and barely flew in.

"Hoo ..." Jiang Xiao breathed a deep breath, glanced at the crowd, and said, "Don't look so dignified. When I return, it means that my task is completed! At that time, no one is allowed to cheer Don't bring the dragon over, you know? "

Everyone: "..."

The low mood and heavy atmosphere of farewell, and even farewell, was eliminated by Jiang Xiao's words.

One of the two tails rested on Jiang Xiao's head, holding Jiang Xiao's head, pressing her position.

Erwei lowered his head, and bumped his forehead gently against Jiang Xiao's forehead, and said, "Be careful."

The crowd went all the way, after too many vicious dangers, after going through the scenes of nine deaths and one life, even if they were as firm as two tails, there were some ups and downs in this special situation.

However, Jiang Xiao is going to attract the four immortal and extremely angry crystal dragons, and also to attract a terrible star dragon, to make a man-made decisive battle!

The difficulty of such a task is simply beyond ordinary people's ability to complete, even ordinary people cannot imagine.

Jiang Xiao's heart moved slightly. If there was anything to comfort her, then this is the sentence ...

Jiang Xiao whispered: "You know me."

Said, Jiang Xiao pushed away the two tails and turned to glance at Han Jiangxue. The four words just now were also told to Han Jiangxue.

Later, without too much reliance, Jiang Xiao's body flickered away and appeared in the desert instantly.

Returned to the body of Hidden Dragon.

As soon as Jiang Xiaogang appeared, he felt the bone cold!

Snow flakes are floating in the sky, a few ice crystals are suspended in the air, and Jiang Xiao's side has the special ice dragon breath.

Jiang Xiao blinked in front of the body of the hidden dragon, and Jinglong was eating, enough to imagine how close a person and a dragon are!

So now the question is, how close is it! ?

The answer is: how close it is!

There is no need to seduce Jinglong with a series of astral techniques of tears and rain, these four crystal dragons are here, they are eating, they are biting the body of the hidden dragon, and they are happy!

The appearance of Jiang Xiao made the four kings who were eating all together.

Jiang Xiao said nothing. At the moment of the sword-wielding action, a **** giant blade had been put together in his hand, and it was chopped at the jaw of Jinglong, and the flower blade appeared green ...

Uh ~

"Roar ..." Thirty-five or six meters in length, like a giant beast of a beast, chopped and flew over a hundred meters by a little guy ...

A frost and snow fluttered, an ice crystal overflowed!

The picture is stunning!

The shocking dragon groan drifted all the way, rippling under this beautiful night sky.

The other three crystal dragons suddenly stunned.

Jiang Xiao worked hard to raise his head and looked at the three giant dragon heads. He held the blade in one hand, spread his hands, and shrugged his shoulders.

Jinglong Group: "..."

in this world,

If someone can really combine "cheap" and "pilang" into one action,

Then this person's name must be "Jiang Xiao"!


Jinglong was instantly irritable. Although the huge ice crystal dragon's eyes could not burst into flames, they were almost frozen.

Pieces of ice crystals were blowing fiercely.

Jiang Xiao grinned, flashed, and appeared a hundred meters away from the rear.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~ Jiang Xiao whistled at the distant Crystal Dragons and hooked them.

Immediately, huge pieces of ice crystals fell down.

Jiang Xiao held the flower blade, chopped left and right, and cut the cube ice cubes neatly.

In this piece of "sugar cube", his body leaned from left to right and flickered.

It's almost God! Demonstrate his skills that have been refined from actual combat!

Facts have proved that Jiang Xiao can “butterfly wear flowers” ​​in the sky falling fire. Among this cube of sugar, he can do the same!

"Hey! Ha!" Jiang Xiao emerged from the shoulder of Jiang Xiao, bumped a piece of ice crystals, stabbed him, cut neatly at the ice crystals that fell from the top, and chopped two pieces of broken ice crystals to the sides.

Such lovely sugar cubes really make my figure look even sweeter!

The next moment, Jiang Xiao was startled.

Lying down?

So fast! ?

A hundred meters away, shrinking into inches?

In the fury, how can these exquisite ice crystal dragons move at a high speed? This speed is not much slower than the blade of death, right?

What is the racial value of this watch and what terrible physical attributes?

It is indeed a diamond-level creature, giving up the dragon family of ice crystal block star skills. The speed at which this fire is full is simply terrible!

Can Shadow Crow come? He was afraid he didn't even know how to die.

Jiang Xiao didn't dare to entrust him. Although he had a lot of ideas, his teleportation was faster, and he was teleported to a distance of 1,000 kilometers.

Jiang Xiao was not afraid that the crystal dragons could not find him, because he was still in the range of the ice crystal domain. He knew that he could not escape the opponent's eyes.

Jiang Xiao leaped back slightly, there seemed to be a tendency to lie down, biting Haiyi's heart to understand, taking Jiang Xiao upside down.

Your crystal dragon ’s race value is explosive, and my sea eater is not for nothing. It is also a diamond gangster. Bibi speed?

After a few seconds, Jiang Xiao flickered again.

Hmm ... the sea eater is really faster than the dragon.

It's ok!

Our home is home to the deep sea, and your home is in the sky, but you are also excusable.

In the course of Jiang Xiao's escape, his eyes had already turned red, and the light rain of Zelili fell. After flying upside down + flashing for a while, Jiang Xiao stepped into the grassland field.

Soon I found the creek and the land where the dirt had turned.

Jiang Xiao continued to fly backwards, calculating the distance between the dead body of the desert and the hidden dragon. According to the direction previously instructed by Han Jiang Xueqian Ding and Wan, he flickered.

"Hmm ..." Jiang Xiao frowned slightly, floating in the air, looking at the endless grassland below.

So now the question is coming, what about Xinglong?

Woke up and flew away?

As Jiang Xiao flashed, there was a light rain in this area. In this light rain, Jiang Xiao suddenly raised his head and saw a behemoth that coiled in the sky and looked down at Jiang Xiao ...

The picture was quite awkward for a while.

"You, um ... OK." Jiang Xiao waved at Xinglong.

Xinglong's skin is very strange, strange enough to impact Jiang Xiao's imagination.

Its skin is dynamic ...

Yes, the star dragon, which is nearly 40 meters long, has a black void base, and stars surround it.

On it, you can see the dazzling galaxy, even the dream-like nebula, the spiral ... is it a stellar system?

The dazzling body seemed to contain a universe.

Incomparably magnificent, incomparably deep, just a glance can make one feel small.

It seems that such a dream-like dragon, with a majestic breath, is really suppressing Jiang Xiao and covering Jiang Xiao.

Among the huge dragon eyes full of bright stars, Jiang Xiao couldn't tell which one was his pupil, but Jiang Xiao could clearly feel that his body was being locked by its eyes.

But ... But Xinglong did not attack Jiang Xiao.

It floats quietly above the sky, looking down at everything and Jiang Xiao, crushing the momentum of Jiang Xiao.

When Xinglong found that this small creature didn't dare to take any action, it turned proudly, as if disdain to look at Jiang Xiao again, without even the slightest threatening dragon breath and dragon yin, Xinglong was so peaceful. Fly away quietly.

Disturbing the state when it was sleeping before, it was judged as two "dragons".

At the sight of Xinglong's departure, Jiang Xiao was not happy.

What do you mean?

A group of people attack before you? If you're alone, you dismiss me?

Look who's sorry?

I'm wearing a sea eater, all of them are diamonds. Why, is your race value so high, crushing everything?

Lao Tzu puts a buzzing whale on you!


Jiang Xiao threw it out.


The rapidly rotating flower blade hit the tail of Xinglong accurately, hitting an "eagle-shaped nebula".

Xinglong's body stopped suddenly.

And Jiang Xiao also changed his face. Such a sharp flower blade could not pierce the skin of Xinglong?

You know, when Jiang Xiao chopped into Jinglong's big face just now, he cut off pieces of ice crystals.

Is this Star Dragon's defense so high?

Above the sky, Xinglong swam and turned around violently, and the pair of bright star eyes looked at Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao stood in midair, the black cloak tail fluttered and flew slowly to the rear.

I saw Jiang Xiao grinning, and raised his head and whistleed at Xinglong: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~ hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhh)

Star Dragon :? ? ?

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