Nine Star Burden

Chapter 841: Come when you have life

Xinglong's huge skull with dazzling nebulae is extremely mysterious and exquisitely delicate, but he has made a "mentally handicapped" expression.

In other words, it is the expression of "seeing mental retardation".

I saw Xinglong's huge head slightly crooked, and even blinked. The giant dragon's eyes looked at Jiang Xiao, it seemed that he was really a little cyanosis, not quite sure what this "little ant" was going to do.

Jiang Xiao struck his sword, drew his blade, pointed away at Xinglong, and said loudly: "Kill you, I am the real evil dragon!"

Not surprisingly, Xinglong should not understand Chinese, but Jiang Xiao's gesture is here. Xinglong does not need to understand Jiang Xiao's language to understand Jiang Xiao's provocative meaning.

In the night sky, a bright star suddenly fell down.

Jiang Xiao was dressed in a sea-guiding suit, and took his body suddenly crooked, avoiding the huge star that had fallen suddenly and dangerously.

This star should be a pure energy body, emitting a dazzling light outward, and it must be five meters away from the diameter, which is not like a star technique that can be summoned easily.


The stars fell on the grass, not only blasting the grassland into a large pit, but also the stars burst instantly, dreading terrible energy in all directions.

Jiang Xiao looked secretly scared, this star dragon casually summoned a star, how could he have such power?

Xinglong seemed to be a little surprised, and also came with some interest. Its eyes full of stars locked Jiang Xiao, raised his head slightly again, and another huge star fell down.

I hide ~

Jiang Xiao flew fast in the air, and once again escaped the huge star.

However, the falling stars did not continue to fall, but suddenly turned their direction and rushed towards Jiang Xiao again.

"Wow ... aren't you able to play with such a big star, with a tracking effect?" Jiang Xiao, with the help of the sea eater, fluttered wildly, avoiding the pursuit of the stars.

However, such incomprehensible language seems to be a provocation in Xinglong's mind, so ...

Energy surging and stars shining!

A star fell down above the grassland, as if a meteor shower had started.

Jiang Xiao didn't care much, and he flickered directly, standing one hundred meters away from Xinglong, the flower blade in his hand slammed out, and spun toward Xinglong's huge body.


Xinglong's body is clearly 100 meters away from Jiang Xiao, but the dragon's groaning, as if from the deep universe, is indistinct and dreamlike.

It's coming, it's coming!

It came with a bunch of stars!

When Jiang Xiao saw that the momentum was not good, he turned around and ran away, flying towards the desert.

And within the scope of his rain, he has sensed the small ice crystals floating in mid-air in the ice crystal domain.

Did Jinglong also come?


The players from both sides are ready to go!

Jiang Xiao's figure was galloping in the drizzle, and behind him, chasing a bright star.

In front of Jiang Xiao was a group of crystal dragons that were rushed to kill, and in the open mouth of the blood basin, there was also a thick cold breath.

Under the gaze of the four crystal dragons' ice-cream eyes, Jiang Xiao was really reckless! Actually holding the flower blade, headed towards the dragon group and killed the past!

Closer, closer ...

Facing the fierce sweeping ice crystal dragon tail, Jiang Xiao's body sank abruptly, with the star behind him, rushed to the hinterland of the enemy camp.

A piece of "sugar cube" fell, and a frosty breath sprayed down.

Jiang Xiao's dress on the sea was faintly frozen.


The moment Jiang Xiao and a crystal dragon were about to collide with each other, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Xiao's figure disappeared, but the stars that followed him did not disappear.

Rumble ...


In the cellar, Jiang Xiao's figure suddenly appeared, and everyone looked worried and came over.

"Oh ..." Jiang Xiao spit out a frost, and the sea-guy coat shivered three times, dropping a few pieces of ice crystals.

Jiang Xiao's lips became purple and quickly walked towards the fireworks.

Han Jiangxue waved his hands in succession, and three fireworks appeared in succession, surrounding Jiang Xiao groups.

Jiang Xiao: "..."

The fireworks are tall and tall, with round arms and large waists, all two meters and five meters apart.

Han Jiangxue was really kind and wanted to warm Jiang Xiao's body, but the picture at this time was relatively funny. Jiang Xiao seemed to be a little ghost who was bullied by the campus, surrounded by a group of mighty and powerful men.

Everything is ready, and one of Jiang Xiao's heads is squatting ...

The choice of biting Haiyi was beyond Jiang Xiao's surprise. It even took Jiang Xiao's body and plunged into the arms of fireworks.

Is the diamond guy really not afraid to burn, and still want to let the fireworks defrost him?

"How is it." Erao's voice came from outside.

Jiang Xiao hadn't waited for a response, and everyone heard the sound of the dragon yin far away!

majesty! Furious!

People use "Tiger Roar Dragon Yin" to describe the sound of majestic, loud, not unreasonable!

"Oh ..." Jiang Xiao, listening to the sound of rage that seemed to cause landslides, felt the trembling and groaning of the earth, and couldn't help secretly speaking.

Recording this sound as a wake-up alarm is absolutely 100% effective.

A good day starts with being scared!

With the start of the decisive battle, a piece of mud slipped from the top of the cellar shed, and Li Yizhen hurriedly used the mud system to strengthen the top of the cellar shed.

The crowd was throbbing. They can't see what's going on outside, but the shocking sound can make their brains make up a lot of pictures.

The sound of smashing and breaking of ice crystal blocks, the sound of stars falling and bursting and spattering.

The roar of Jinglong Group roared, the proud and majestic roar of Xinglong ...

Regardless of the elites of the soldiers in this cellar, at this moment, they have become well-behaved children, and all of them dare not speak out, all listening quietly to the "doomsday battle" in the distance.

The IQ of the dragons is above the horizontal line. Of course, the star dragon knows that he has been used, and the crystal dragon group also knows that the star dragon in front of him is not his own initial goal.

However, in addition to higher IQ, the dragons have another biological characteristic: pride.

Proud, miserable all dragons.

Hit the villain's scheme?

Yes, we all know, but what about that? Stop me!

This battle lasted for a long time, so long that everyone could not sit still.

"No, it won't work like this. If the battle continues like this, it will only attract more dragons. Let's go." Jiang Xiao whispered.

"Um." Erwei nodded solemnly, and the development of the matter clearly exceeded everyone's expectations.

I thought such a battle would end soon, and people still thought that they could take advantage of the fishermen, but looking at this trend, it seems that this battle will continue for a long time.

Jiang Xiao opened his mouth and suggested, "Let's go to the desert and go to the place where the hidden dragon's corpse was before. It's temporarily safe there."

Two tails: "Yes."

Han Jiangxue held out the corrugated ball in one hand. The next moment, her face changed, and the black empty transmission hood did not open.

Erwei: "Han Jiangxue."

Han Jiangxue frowned, turned to look at Erwei, and whispered softly, "The transmission hood cannot be opened."

The faces of everyone looked stunned, Jiang Xiao flickered directly in place, his figure was indeed in place, but it did not flicker at all!

Erwei and Li Yiqi waved their palms together.

Prison Dragon?

A prisoner appears? Doesn't that creature inhabit the deepest part of the Dragon Cave? How come here?

Was it brought about by the slaughter of the horrifying dragons?

Tengu's face was rather ugly, saying: "Sorry, this is my suggestion, I ..."

Tengu would like to say that he is responsible for this operation, but he found sadly that he could not afford this responsibility at all.

This squad is likely to be buried here because of his proposal.

This situation is also happening.

Erwei raised a finger, and her harsh eyes suppressed everyone's voice. She said softly: "The last thing we need now is self-blame and confusion, everyone, fight well."

The soldiers looked dignified and stood straight.

Ernomichi: "Han Jiangxue, cancel fireworks."

Then, the four fireworks disappeared and disappeared, and the cellar fell into darkness.

A little flame ignited in the hands of Erwei, and the small flame provided the minimum level of lighting.

Under this special situation, Erwei became the only voice in the team: "We are only sealed with space system astrology, other astrology, we can use normally."

Tengu's eyes flickered, his brain turned sharply, and he said, "Ice crystals and frost and snow can't come in, but the mist can. The fog dragon will definitely find our existence. We can't be sure whether the prison dragon will go first or the fog dragon will come first.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to wait in place. Even if the vents are blocked, we have to take certain risks. "

Since entering the Long Grotto, everyone has been fighting every life, even every action. Now, they are experiencing the biggest crisis moment in the Long Grotto and even the entire Xingwu career.

Erwei looked at Tengu and said, "The problem has already occurred. What I want is a solution."

Tengu murmured softly: "As you said, we are only sealed by space astrology, but if we make any frivolous moves and are found by the prisoner dragon, then all the stars and astrology will be sealed."

Tengu gave a signal to Li Yizhen and said, "Let's use the mud system to open the road. We may transfer directly below the ground. Maybe the transfer will be slower, but as long as we leave the battlefield, we will always get out of the captivity of the prisoner dragon.

The most important thing is to be cautious in the process of transfer, the movement cannot be too large, and our existence cannot be found by any dragon race. "

After thinking for a moment, Erwei approved Tengu's plan. She turned to look at Li Yizhen and said, "You have heard it. Now open a tunnel diagonally downward. Everyone, snoring, keep up, behind Nine-tailed Palace."

Li Yizhang stretched out his hand, and the dirt wall in front of him surged, changing the shape of a tunnel.

The flames in Erwei's hands quickly covered his palms, leading the way, and set foot on the road Li Yizheng opened for everyone, all the way down the slope.

As Jiang Xiao, who was at the end of the team, walked into the dirt tunnel, behind him, dirt surged at the tunnel entrance and was directly sealed.

From the emergence of the crisis to finding a solution and implementing it immediately, the personal qualities of this team member were perfectly demonstrated, and there was really no confusion and no unnecessary voice.

It's so comfortable to act with such comrades!

Jiang Xiao spread his arms in his arms, and a round "little fat pier" appeared, and a white candlelight was burning on his head.

Jiang Xiao patted the soft body of the small candle fire, and said softly, "Use the bright star technique."

The small candlelight twisted his body, and the white candlelight on his head became brighter, providing lighting for everyone behind.

In the middle of the team, Yan Xiaoxue appeared at the foot of Han Jiangxue.

As soon as the cute little fireman appeared, he put on an interesting pose, looking up and hugging the sun: "Woo ~~~"


Yan Xiaoxuan was kicked lightly by Han Jiangxue and lay on the ground.

It looked dejected, rubbed its butt, and stood up, walking at the foot of Han Jiangxue, and did not dare to make any more noise.

In front, Erwei's voice came: "Jiang Xiao, blinking at any time to determine whether we have left the blocked area of ​​Prison Dragon."

Jiang Xiao: "Received."


Recommend a friend's book "Creating Game World", interested friends can go and see.

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