Nine Star Burden

Chapter 847: Wicked hide

Seven days later, the small Chinese border town-Fencheng.

A military base stands in an old forest in a deep mountain far from the urban area of ​​Finland, and in front of a natural lake in this deep forest, Jiang Xiao is sitting on the edge of the lake.

He was holding his trouser legs, his calf was soaking in the lake, and at the center of the lake, there was a huge whale undulating and occupying the lake.

Not only did it occupy it, because of its huge size, researchers had to ask the military to widen and deepen this natural lake a lot.


The humming whale turned its body, patted the ventral fins gently, and a huge wave hit and shot Jiang Xiao's body.

"Oh ..." Jiang Xiao covered her face with her arms, her body drenched by this spray.

"Om ..."

Jiang Xiao grinned, feeling quite helpless.

So big and so naughty, is it worth your weight of more than 200 tons?

After the researcher's measurement, Jiang Xiao knew the weight of the humming whale.

In fact, when Jiang Xiao found more than 200 tons of buzzing whales, he was startled.

If this belly goes down, can it crush a group of star warriors?

Having said that, the object of play still has to look for similar body shape, otherwise, it can easily become "bullying".

"Jiang Xiaoyou." Behind him came an old female voice.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao turned his head, but hurriedly stood up, and said, "Mr. Di."

"Hehe." Di Lian smiled with admiration, and the creases on her face were filled with traces of vicissitudes. "Unsurprisingly, my friend came to the Dragon Cave and gave Huaxia a gift."

Jiang Xiao waved his hands with a smile, and said, "What is undeserving is my task, and I should complete it."

"This is the buzzing whale you brought back from the North Atlantic? The royal aristocracy of the West Malaysia Kingdom, just leave it under their eyelids and take it away." Dillian's gaze looked out of the lake. The coming sail-shaped huge dorsal fin said with a smile.

Jiang Xiao is also happy, and said, "Seriously, Mr. Di, who do you think can use such a strong creature?"

Di Lian nodded, and could not help but sigh again and again: "I heard that it helped the tail feather group hunt a prisoner dragon. It was incredible, incredible."

"Ah." Jiang Xiao motioned to the researchers at the distance from the lake. "Your team members are very good, and it is not too difficult to buzz the whale."

"Hehe." Di Lian stepped forward with a smile and motioned Jiang Xiao to sit down. "As you said, no one is afraid to offend this kind of creature, and no one can bear the consequences that follow."

Dillian, wearing a white gown, didn't care about the wet soil, and sat down.

Her turbid eyes, looking at the calm lake surface, seemed to be able to see the dark tide flowing through it: "I heard that your star formation is marvelous, and you have already mastered the star formation during the Xinghe period. Part of Cheng Wu's function. "

"Yeah." Jiang Xiao recalled being questioned by the military in the past few days and the time to check the strength of the astrology, he couldn't help grinning, and said, "My star formation can strengthen my star map. The power of star skills, now I just have a superficial grasp of the main door.

If I was really fortunate enough to enter the Xinghai period and got the chance to indulge in empowerment, I could truly turn the stars into military power. I believe that my astrological strength will increase even more. "

"It should include the black-and-white candlelight in your star trough," Dilian said. "I tried to make you try to rely on the black-and-white candlelight to rely on my fog dragon, but you never thought that you made that candlelight depend on one. Incredible guy. Even three points stronger than the fog dragon. "

"Luckily, lucky." Jiang Xiaolian said again and again, "The humming whale is very intelligent. This kind of creature is not at all conquerable by human star warriors. It should not even be owned by humans. It chose me. Rather than I subdued it. "

"Um." Di Lian nodded continuously, approving, "About your star pet news, your vigil army seniors and I have revealed a lot.

When I came, I also looked at the data that my assistant gave me. The buzzing whale was too smart. In some ways, even we humans were ashamed. "

As he said, Di Lian turned to look at Jiang Xiao. In the slightly cloudy eyes, they were full of admiration: "What kind of person is it that will make it follow willingly?"

"Uh ..." Jiang Xiao scratched his head embarrassed, but Jiang Xiao could already be skinned when he changed to someone else, but he respected this "Guo Shi" figure.

Di Lian devoted her life to astrology and dedication to Huaxia. She and her team worked hard for decades and studied Star Beads, Star Techniques, and Star Beasts. The textbooks they compiled and published had cultivated a group of Another batch of Chinese students.

This kind of people is the backbone of the country, and it is the kind of people who really deserve respect. Therefore, in his contact with Dilian, Jiang always kept his attitude very low.

Di Lian smiled suddenly and said, "But the name of Xiaoyou is also funny, bear humming, buzzing whale ..."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Di Lian also had nothing to do with a smile, and smiled, and continued: "The name of the sea eater is normal. Have you thought about the upper limit of the ability of the black and white candle fire? How many stars and beasts can it rely on, or does it have no upper limit . "

Jiang Xiao shook his head and said, "If only I could see one that depends on one, would I be able to form a Star Beast Army?"

"Hehe." Di Lian laughed abruptly. "This is a good wish. I looked at the data that my assistant gave me. Your black and white candle fire grew too fast. Compared with the last measurement, it is simply There is a qualitative change, and I don't know if this mutant little guy is too powerful or because of your dipper nine star map function. "

Jiang Xiao carefully asked: "How long will it take? How long do I have to stay here?"

Di Lian said: "Each case does not have much research value. Since we were different from Conkkind, you know how many soldiers have been assigned to missions across the country, including in Central Asia. Space, staying at the side of the Holy Day day and night, just to wait for a black and white candlelight? "

Jiang Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "What happened?"

Dillian shook her head: "So far, you haven't found a second black and white candlelight. You are very lucky."

Jiang Xiao smiled and said, "It's the kid in DJI who was lucky. He picked up a black and white candle."

"Um." Di Lian watched Jiang Xiao quietly, "If you didn't rescue their family of four and didn't save that town from the crisis of Eye Mountain, how could that family make this special small Where's the guy for you? "

"Well, Mr. Di, don't brag, if I brag, I will really drift ..." Jiang Xiao scratched his head embarrassed.

Di Lian said: "You are now an important person exploring the Dragon Cave. Once you order it, all your beasts will be returned to you in the original number, and we will not affect the progress of your mission."

"Hmm ..." Jiang Xiao groaned for a moment, but sighed, "Long Cave was closed three days ago."

Dillian nodded, but said, "Don't worry, it will open again."

Jiang Xiao sighed: "I thought it was because of the massive opening of the Holy Ruins, and the country believed that the alien ball would merge with the earth, so it mobilized a large number of corps to quickly explore the Dragon Cave. Now I know, hey ..."

Di Lian said: "Of course there is a reason for you to say that, but the closure of the Dragon Cave passage six months ago really scared a lot of people. The last time the Dragon Cave was closed, it was three and a half years ago."

Facts have proven that the Dragon Cave has been closed more than once. The most recent time was half a year ago. For a time, both Huaxia and the Russian Federation were a little faint. I don't know when the Dragon Cave will be opened again.

And a month later, at the original location, the tunnel at that cave was opened again stubbornly. Today, people have not studied the special passage entrance.

At this time, at the same time of the special opening of the different dimensions and the fall of the Holy Ruins, the concept of the integration of different spheres and the earth has been known by the upper levels. Under the influence of many factors, the task of exploring the Dragon Caves has begun again.

However, everyone did not expect that after half a year passed, the entrance to the Dragon Cave was closed again. This time, I don't know when it will open again.

Dilian inquired: "Actually, Dragon Cave is weird, don't you think? It's not a normal world, it's different from all other lower dimensions."

Di Lian continued to say, "The lower dimension of any heterodimensional space has no concept of time passing, but the caves have day and night, and the day and night rotate rapidly, and the terrain there is very special."

Jiang Xiao nodded: "Well, I feel it. It's day and night, and it's really hard to get used to."

Di Lian suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought, is there really a holy market in the Dragon Cave?"

Jiang Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Di Lian.

Di Lian said: "The creatures in the Dragon Cave are undoubtedly star-powered. I think you already have intuitive feelings, and the holy market in every space gate is very unstable.

The dragon family in the dragon cave can casually smash the unstable holy market with just a star skill, so ... why does the dragon cave exist for so long? "

"This ..." Jiang Xiao groaned for a while, and said, "This is indeed a problem."

Di Lian stretched out her palm and patted Jiang Xiao's shoulder gently, saying, "Then you have to wait for someone like you to answer it for us."

Jiang Xiao nodded heavily: "I am honored."

Di Lian looked at the young Huaxia face next to her. She couldn't help but smile, smiling happily and happily.

The old and the young were silent, watching the lake in front of them quietly.

Jiang Xiao said, "I'm sorry about the study of the small candlelight. It is unwilling to rely on other creatures. The star beasts you find do not seem to be interested. It prefers to star buzz whales, The bears stayed together, and I couldn't force it. "

After hearing Jiang Xiao's words, Di Lian was concerned: "By the way, the Star Dragon Egg was rewarded to you. I heard that the black and white candle fire and the relationship between Star Dragon's cubs had little effect?"

"Well." Jiang Xiao nodded. "The small candlelight doesn't fit well with it. It's almost going to be the level of a fight, not to mention any dependence."

Di Lian lamented: "After all, the Dragon is proud, even if it is a Star Dragon cub, it is also the most powerful creature in the world."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "You haven't come a few days ago, have you watched the surveillance video? My little candlelight was just blown away by the tail of the little broken dragon as soon as it was on the road in front of Xinglong .. .... "

With a smile on his face, Di Lian looked at Jiang Xiao and said, "I also saw you blessing the star dragon cub."

Jiang Xiao's complexion was slightly awkward: "Uh ..."

Di Lian: "In your career, you rarely encounter such uncontrollable stars and beasts?"

"Isn't it." Jiang Xiao smashed his mouth and said, "Don't talk about the star beast, even two ... keke, anyway, with this blessing on me, there will be no creatures that don't admit milk, and as a result Xinglong can be better, but he is really dissatisfied and proud of his bones!

It's just a good example of ‘shi can be killed’. Just an hour ago, I tried to cultivate my feelings again. Guess what? "

Dillin asked curiously, "I'm not there. What happened?"

Jiang Xiao's temper also came up and said, "Really, I'll take it. It almost blew up just now! Do you believe it?"

The first time he met me, he would explode without saying a word. This temperament is really too strong. He is the same as his father. It scared me to milk it again and again ... "

Dillian: "..."

Not surprisingly, his father should be the star dragon who blew himself up in the grassland.

Talking, Jiang Xiao's face was a bit strange, saying: "Although I have become a wicked person, it seems to have made Xiao Jiangxue."

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