Nine Star Burden

Chapter 848: Imposing

Upon hearing that, Dillian wondered a little: "Oh?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "These times, Han Jiangxue accompanied me to cultivate feelings with Xinglong. The hotter I put on my cold butt, the more proud the little broken dragon is. Han Jiangxue didn't say a word next to it. As a result, we just left. At that time, the broken dragon entangled Han Jiangxue's ankle. "

Dillian: "Is this the case? What do you do?"

Jiang Xiao reluctantly said, "What else can I do? I was standing outside the glass room and guarding me. I was a little worried that Xinglong would explode again, and then Xinglong was having fun with Han Jiangxue."

Dillian: "..."

Jiang Xiaodao: "Seriously, I suspect that the little broken dragon is deliberately mad at me. It flies around Han Jiangxue, and this is fun. If you are happy, do n’t ask for it, it ’s called a fun, I always think it was intentional watch."

Di Lian was silent for a long time, and said, "It is very likely that the character of the Dragon tribe is arrogant. The key is high wisdom."

Speaking, Di Lian stood up and said, "Little friend is resting here, I'll take a look at the base."

As soon as she got up, the phone in Dilian's pocket came.

Dillian took out the small black brick: "What?"

At the other end of the phone, an excited voice came from a young man: "It's done! Mr. Di! Han Jiangxue absorbed the Star Dragon cub as a star pet!"

Di Lian nodded and turned to Jiang Xiao subconsciously: "Han Jiangxue successfully absorbed the Star Dragon."

And Jiang Xiao looked up, with a surprise on his face: "Really? Did our conspiracy succeed?"

Dillian looked awkwardly: "What a conspiracy?"

Jiang Xiaodao: "When I came out, I told Han Jiangxue that she would try to negotiate with Xinglong, and tell Xinglong to stay with her forever. In this case, Xiao Polong can anger me forever."

Dillian: "..."

Jiang Xiaoyi looked refreshed, stood up, neatly undressed his shirt, and said, "Is this? Still very intelligent? Hehe ..."

Dillian suddenly said, "Did you find a problem?"

Jiang Xiao: "What?"

Di Lian: "The Star Warrior pursues a powerful star beast. Generally, its cubs are toughened to conquer, so the absorption probability is particularly low.

But on the premise that the Star Beast has some wisdom, if the concept of the Star Beast cub and the Star Warrior agree, can the probability of absorbing it become a Star Pet can be increased? "

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao nodded thoughtfully, not sure whether the teacher in front of him was telling him or asking him questions.

Dillian's cloudy eyes seemed to glow, saying: "This is a very good research topic."

Jiang Xiao didn't know what to say, so he had to hold a 哏: 嚯 ~

Dilian frowned suddenly and said, "But the requirement for the high intelligence of the star beast is to exclude most of the star beasts. Moreover, the star beast cubs are rare and highly intelligent stars. There are fewer beast pups, and this experiment is not easy. "

Jiang Xiao: "You can say it."

Dillian said: "Let's go and see."

Jiang Xiaolian shook his head again and again: "I don't want to go for the time being, it's easy to explode when I see it."

Di Lian nodded quite a bit: "Then wait for Han Jiangxue to develop a deep emotion with it, you can see it again. No matter how proud the star pet is, it will also consider the feelings of the master."

Jiang Xiao subconsciously wanted to say "how fresh", but he tolerated and tolerated, but still did not reveal his attributes of support.

Looking at Di Lian's distant figure, Jiang Xiao shook his head. It seems that the creatures in the Dragon Cave are not suitable for Jiang Xiao.

This race is too arrogant and has always been lonely. It should not be willing to let the small candlelight depend on it.

Among the dragon caves, there is only one type that can be grouped in groups, and that is Jinglong.

So, to be precise, only Jinglong will allow companions beside him, and allow black and white candlelights to rely on them.

But will Jiang Xiao choose a crystal dragon to become his star favorite?

Obviously not, Jiang Xiao already has Han Jiangxue, what else does Jinglong do?

Isn't Han Jiangxue easy to use?


You know, the black-and-white candlelight's reliance on star technology is not used casually. It has a probability of failure, which will cause the star pet to die.

When he first relied on a bear, the bear was still a cub. His head was full of food, drink, and sleep. With a dull look, his dependence was so easy.

After that, both the sea eater and the Buzz Whale actively requested to follow Jiang Xiao, and also cooperated with the small candle fire to rely on star skills.

Sea Soul Eater was once platinum-quality, and Buzz Whales were directly diamond-quality. If they had any resistance, the consequences would be unthinkable.

Jiang Xiao thought, while turning to look at the lake, leaping for a run, a leap.


Splashes of water, fried fish!

Ooh, blow up a buzzing whale?

Jiang Xiao did not use the domain tears. In that case, he would lose the feeling of playing with water. In the domain of domain tears, Jiang Xiao would only get a sense of weightlessness in outer space.

"Om ..."

"Hee hee." Jiang Xiao poked his head out of the lake, or our buzzing whale is good, so spicy, so docile, but not arrogant at all.

Before thinking, Jiang Xiao was slap into the water by the humming whale.

"Grumbling ..." Jiang Xiao turned round and round in the lake, dizzy, and a string of air bubbles came out of his mouth.

This series of bubbles made Jiang Xiao more convinced of a truth: to find a companion who is similar to his own body when playing, otherwise he will really be bullied!

"Shh ~" I don't know when, an extremely tall figure came to the lake, she looked at the tumbling lake and whistled.

Because there is no sea eater, and whether the field of tears is opened, when Jiang Xiao is in the lake, his hearing and vision are blocked.

But the humming whale apparently noticed the arrival of the companion. It twisted its body, put its spine on the surface of the water, and a huge stream of water sprayed towards the second tail.

The two tails are a ruin of the shadow of the evil, the door of space is in front of her, but the area outside the shadow of the evil, still splashed on the ground, and still wet her trouser legs.

Jiang Xiao finally popped his head out of the water, looked around, and found Erwei standing on the shore of the lake. He waved at her: "Come and play together."

Erwei beckoned to Jiang Xiao and said, "Gather."

"Ao." Jiang Xiao responded slightly disappointed, a flicker, standing beside Erwei.

He scratched his wet little round inch and said, "Are there any new missions? Once the gate of this dragon cave is closed, the team members are broken?"

Erwei looked at Jiang Xiao with a frown. He shook his head and shook his head with drops of water. He splashed Erwei's body, and she did not dodge. She just wiped the water droplets on her face and said, "The northwest vigil is coming."

Jiang Xiao froze, "Ah?"

Erwei Road: "The independent army stationed in Long Grottoes, in conjunction with the Northwest Night Watch, will hold a commendation meeting for our team."

Jiang Xiao :! !! !!

Looking at Jiang Xiao's surprise look, Erwei's stiff facial lines also softened. The military medal is an honor to a Xingwu soldier, and it is even more affirmative!

Erwei continued: "The person who came is Chief Feng Yi."

"Feng Yi ..." Jiang Xiaokou murmured the familiar name, this is a close friend beside the No. 1 character of the Northwest Night Watch.

Erwei suddenly reached out her hand and held Jiang Xiao's small round inch. Her complexion was extremely serious, and she said, "Don't do anything extraordinary."

Jiang Xiao froze, looking at the extremely serious look of Erwei, he nodded gently.


After returning to the base, Jiang Xiao followed the order, immediately bathed and changed clothes, and changed into a dark vigil uniform.

What surprised Jiang Xiao was that this time, the base was allotted the vigil uniform.

This is also the first time Jiang Xiao wears a uniform, and he can feel that the ceremony of awarding honors is formal.

He stood in front of the mirror, carefully tidying his dress, and the leather shoes fit well. He tightened his laces, stood up, walked back and forth two steps, and placed the epaulets on his shoulders in front of the mirror.

The uniform is strange to Jiang Xiao, as is the epaulette. At this time, Jiang Xiao was "carrying" shoulders with a black vigil epaulette allotted with two golden thin bars and a star.

This is really the major Major Jiang ...

Not surprisingly, an extra star will soon be on his epaulettes.

Jiang Xiao was the one who had stood on the podium of the Xingwu World Cup, but at this time, Jiang Xiao, the more he dressed, the more nervous he felt.

Fortunately, Zhong Ling escorted him.

The bell rang, Jiang Xiao's excited heart suddenly cooled down, and it was still cold ...

After being calm, Jiang Xiao finally noticed the figure standing behind the door.

Han Jiangxue pushed open the door, and Jiang Xiao's eyes were bright in a clean dress. For a time, her long skirt fluttering like an immortal image was even compared.

She looked at Jiang Xiao silently and said quietly, "They will be proud of you."

Jiang Xiao nodded and corrected: "We."

Han Jiangxue looked at Jiang Xiao and was silent for a while, then nodded and smiled, "Let's go."

In the base,

In front of a conference hall, the tail feathers lined up neatly and stood at the door.

At this moment, Jiang Xiao also felt special about the ceremony.

And Jiang Xiao can never imagine it. This should be a moment of excitement for him. After the door opened in front of him, his mood was extremely heavy.

The large multifunctional conference hall in the base is afraid that it can accommodate more than a thousand people, but most of the seats are empty.

The seats are empty, but they are not empty either.

There are no people on the seat, but there are neatly stacked uniforms, and on top of those different types of uniforms, one medal after another is hanged.

When Jiang Xiao followed the team to the stage, the picture became clearer.

There are only a few hundred soldiers sitting in their seats, and there are stacked military uniforms on the front, back, left, and right seats.

There are deserted military uniforms, black vigilant military uniforms, and dark green military uniforms.

In a squad that should have 8 to 10 members, there are a lot of people sitting in their seats.

The ceremony was completed in a solemn atmosphere.

Formal, not formal.

In the concise opening remarks, it was introduced that this was the "collective first-class full moon feat", and the huge conference hall was always quiet and terrible.

There was no anyone talking, and the needle was heard in the lobby.

Feng Yi, holding the vigil medal, came to Jiang Xiao's face, carefully dressed for Jiang Xiao, and patted his arm gently, without too much words.

"Get the Vigil and Full Moon Medal, and reward skill points 30,000!"

Looking at the information in the star chart, Jiang Xiao was no longer in a mood to ignore it.

After everyone wore the medal, Feng Yi quietly stepped back and stepped aside.

Special tasks, special teams, special rituals.

Jiang Xiao's eyes glanced at the Chinese soldiers sitting under the stage, looking at the pieces of military uniforms stacked on the seat ...

The empty conference hall is not empty.

Every shirt is a hero of the dead.

Jiang Xiao seemed to see one by one, sitting on it with solemn expression.

The imposing momentum was accompanied by the surviving comrades beside him, watching the people on the stage silently.

"Tail feather group!" Erwei said suddenly, everyone in the team held their heads upright and stood straight.



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