Nine Star Burden

Chapter 852: Central Plains

Jiang Xiao didn't know what the pair of girlfriends said in their own world of evil. When they came out, they looked calm. Xia Yan was a little silent, but that's all.

After the joint training in the afternoon, Xia Yan returned to a normal state, a look of heartlessness, but at night, Xia Yan found Jiang Xiao, hoping to enter the training space for training, of course Jiang Xiao did not Reason to refuse.

Now it is only in mid-May, and the World Cup does not open until early July. At this time, Xia Yan is already at the peak of Xinghe. What if she accidentally breaks through the Xinghai?

At that time, if she can successfully absorb the sea soul face or the sea eater soul, it will be even better.

However, after having eaten the "sugar" in the Dragon Cave, and knowing the sweetness of the heart, Jiang Xiao prepared to fill Xia Yan's star trough to fill the star beads in the Dragon Cave.

No matter what is waiting for Jiang Xiao in the future, the stronger the comrades around him are, the greater their chances of survival and combat capability will undoubtedly be.

Jiang Xiao has very few friends, and even less can be called "fateful friendship." Along the way, Xia Yan is definitely the one who can let Jiang Xiao leave her behind.

Even when Jiang Xiaochu first entered the snowy field, Han Jiangxue had a will to support her. Whenever something unexpected happens to her, let Xia Yan take care of Jiang Xiao.

Of course, those are too long stories. Now, Jiang Xiao has gone out of his way and turned to take care of these two girls.

At this time, the first thing Jiang Xiao had to do was to get Erya, Xia Yan, into the vigil, so that he could later explore the Long Grottoes.

Erwei immediately said that he had no objections. Xia Yan's family did not say anything at all. Her father was a member who once explored the Dragon Cave. Later, due to the disappearance of his teammate Han family, he suffered a lot of psychological shock. Always rest at home.

Erwei agreed, but poor Qin Wangchuan.

Speaking of Qin Wangchuan

On this day, the third day of Jiang Xiao's return, the head coach Qin actually rushed to the hotel to train in the hotel, which made Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue feel honored.

"Oh, who is this?" Jiang Xiao opened the door of the room, and he gave a clear look. He tilted Xiaoyuan's head and looked up at Qin Wangchuan.


Qin Wangchuan pressed a slap on Jiang Xiao's shoulder. Jiang Xiaosheng, who was pinched by his powerful palm, was in pain. His face was filled with the joy of reunion, more surprises, or congratulations.

Qin Wangchuan, whose expressions and emotions were so complicated, caught Jiang Xiao by surprise.

It turns out that there are still many people in this world who are silently caring for you and caring for you.

This feeling

Qin Wangchuan forced the emotion in his heart, and said, "It's good to be back, just to be back!"

"Well, Qin Jiao wait a moment, let's go out and talk." Jiang Xiao's face smiled. "Go for the barbecue?"

Qin Wangchuan nodded repeatedly: "Go!"

Jiang Xiao turned his head and shouted to the house: "Gu, clothes, recently pork prices have risen, today we bleed Qin Jiaoto."

Said, Jiang Xiao's body flashed into the bedroom of Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan.

In the bathroom, Jiang Xiao adjusted the size of the gate of the world, and walked in. He found two people in the training space of the world in the gardener's skin.

The two girls, as star warriors, moved quickly and cleanly. After ten minutes, Han Jiangxue's wet long hair had not been blown dry, and Xia Yan also walked out of the bedroom with her unique blushing face after bathing.

Everyone walked out of the hotel and looked for a barbecue restaurant.

Pork ribs pork loin pork heart, the best is pork belly, it is beautiful

Jiang Xiao took Su Ziye, rolled pickled pork belly, smeared the sauce, stuffed it into his mouth, took a napkin, wiped his hands, and embraced Qin Wangchuan's shoulders.

Qin Wangchuan looked at his four soldiers, feeling emotional, and in his ear Jiang Xiao whispered softly.

Jiang Xiao whispered, "I have it, but you don't."

Qin Wangchuan :? ? ?

Qin Wangchuan stood in a certain position, and of course knew the mission of the Dragon Cave.

Jiang Xiao quietly said, "First-class full moon feats, envy?"

Qin Wangchuan has long been mentally prepared. Regardless of whether Jiang Xiao can come back alive, with Jiang Xiao's personality and style, he will certainly do his best to achieve certain results.

And now, Jiang Xiao is sitting beside him alive, eating barbecued meat with a big mouth, so Jiang Xiao can't get too much honor.

However, when Jiang Xiao said such words himself, the impact on Qin Wangchuan was unimaginable.

As a soldier, Qin Wangchuan knew what the first vigil meant.

Qin Wangchuan, who was drinking fruit juice, dropped the juice aside and turned his head to the outside and shouted, "Boss, menu."

Jiang Xiao looked curiously at Qin Wangchuan, but saw that he ordered two bottles of liquor.

Jiang Xiao: ""

Liquor came up, Jiang Xiao looked at Qin Wangchuan with a vigilant face, but found that Qin Jiao's head was quickly filled with a glass, and he leaned out, shouting: "Happy!"

This kind of behavior frightened Jiang Xiao, and he really became a big mess?

Maybe Qin Wangchuan was honored with you, or maybe he stood at the angle of the Hans and his family and watched Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue become so talented and rejoicing.

That night, Qin Wangchuan was driven away by his soldiers. At this meal, he was drunk and drunk, and no one persuaded him.

Standing in front of the barbecue restaurant, the group of four watched the car go away.

Ye Feng caressed Jiang Xiao's cheek, and his body also shook a bit. He felt that Qin Wangchuan was happy from the bottom of his heart, and he accompanied Qin Wangchuan to drink a few drinks.

Han Jiangxue gently supported Jiang Xiao's shoulder, and couldn't help sighing: "Hey"

Jiang Xiaoyi blinked Bai Mang in his hand, rubbing his stomach, and with a hint of drunkenness in his words: "Many people are thinking about us."

"Well." Han Jiangxue changed his posture, holding Jiang Xiao's arm, holding his body, and walking forward, "Let's take a walk and wake up."

Jiang Xiao suddenly said, "You are so fragrant."

Han Jiangxue looked reddish and said, "You have drunk too much."

Jiang Xiao crooked his head, sniffed Han Jiangxue's shirt, and said, "It's really fragrant. It smells like pork belly."

Han Jiangxue :? ? ?

Beside, Xia Yan and Gu Shi'an looked very wonderful

At the same time, in the upper dimension.

A three-man squad was walking in the mountains.

They walked through the mountains, across the grasslands, across the mountains and rivers, and finally stood on the ground in the Central Plains region.

Jiang Xiao, carrying a stone-broken giant blade, walked in the forefront and stood at the top of the cliff. He stepped on the giant stone in front and looked down: "She won't go around Yan Zhao, like us, And came to the land of the Central Plains. "

Behind him came the old voice of Senior He Yun: "We have traveled to the northern three provinces and also to the grasslands in the east of Damon. As long as we can go, we have explored, but those restricted areas, we are Can't go. "

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "Because of the existence of the desperate family, the land of Yanzhao is a restricted area. But you have also said that this area of ​​the Central Plains and Jinmen, because of the existence of shadow-type creatures, is also a restricted area."

He Yun turned his head quite helplessly, glanced at the blind girl, and said, "Compared to the Yanzhao earth, the Central Plains is still relatively safe. You two have to come. What can I do?"

The blind woman spoke quite rare: "I can't stay in an area forever. I chose to team with you to help each other, but I can't spend the rest of my life as you think."

He Yun sighed and said, "I am an old bone, how can I be afraid of life or death, but you are still young, and I hope you give yourself more time to prepare. Now it is too time to change direction, we can continue to south, or to Westbound. "

The blind woman said lightly, "The areas that you didn't let me go, such as the bushes in Damon Province, impressed me."

Hearing that, Jiang Xiao couldn't help smashing his lips and said, "Unfortunately, people have their own will, and those soldiers choose to stay there to live, otherwise it would be good to bring two teammates to our team."

On hearing that, the blind girl smiled slightly and said, "You also brought a few soldiers. Would you like them to accompany you to take risks? Aren't they sent by you to Xanadu?"

After months of team formation and the feelings of life and death cultivated in countless battles, the blind girl gradually "thaws". Although her words are still very few, she has already spoken with Jiang Xiao.

"It's safer there," Jiang Xiao said.

The blind girl stepped forward, stood side by side with Jiang Xiao, looked down, and said, "Have you ever asked them for their opinions? Ask them what they want in their hearts, and ask them if they would like to walk with you to explore this strange world. "

Hearing that, Jiang Xiao was silent.

Blind girl: "You never asked."

Jiang Xiao: "Yes."

Blind girl: "So you and him are a kind of person."

Jiang Xiao: "Who?"

The blind girl turned her head slightly and motioned to He Yun behind her.

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean?"

Blind Girl: "In the name of this good for you, decide for others to decide for others' lives."

Jiang Xiao laughed abruptly, and said, "So in the end, I still live the look I hate?"

The blind girl pursed her lips and did not respond.

"I said, stinky girl, stinky boy, I'm standing behind you, just burying me like this?" He Yun was anxious, and immediately exposed the local accent.

The blind girl said lightly: "Treading the land of the Central Plains, if there is still no figure of her, would you follow the thought of Senior He, going south or west?"

Jiang Xiao: "Huh?"

Blind Girl: "It seems that the land of Yan Zhao is probably where she went."

Jiang Xiao's mouth slightly raised, and said, "Sister blind, I'm a bait, I don't care, so I'm not afraid of death. After so long, I can understand, you really are not afraid of death."

"The bait, a bait that can change the star map, change the profession, and even turn the stars into a military." The blind girl sighed softly, "What kind of character is your body."

In He Yun's mouth and previous encounters, Jiang Xiao used the nine-star map as an auxiliary gesture to show people. At that time, Jiang Xiao was bitten by a big fish in the sea.

But this time, Jiang Xiao came here on the side of a star-shaped star map, and there was no medical aid system in his star skills. In the past few months, countless battles have made the blind girl very clear about the geometry of this bait Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "There is nothing mysterious. The ontology is exactly the same as mine. It's just a little bit skinier and a better mood. After all, on the planet, civilization is still there, the system is still there, and the hometown is still there."

The blind girl turned around, and the white cloth covered her eyes, but Jiang Xiao seemed to feel her gaze.

The blind woman slowly said, "I will accompany you on the Central Plains. Are you willing to accompany me on Yanzhao?"

"Eh! Eh! What are you talking about?" He Yun hurriedly said, "Why the topic suddenly changed to this."

These two dead babies are really uneasy.

Jiang Xiao nodded slowly, but said, "Look here first."

Said, Jiang Xiao turned his head.

He was carrying a huge stone blade, stepped on the huge stone in front of his eyes, elbowed on his knees, and looked down.

The blind girl also turned her head, and under the night wind, her clothes fluttered.

Screen zoom

Below this mountain, in the dense woods, a city stands proudly.

In the stone city, majestic towers rise one after another, standing quietly under the night sky.

Jiang Xiao looked at this magnificent picture and sighed deeply.

Is this what the top of the ancient tower looks like?

Recommend books for two friends:

1. "The Great Rescue of the Movie World": Life and death are pessimistic. If you are not satisfied, do it. If you are not satisfied with which movie, I will help you change it. Remember the five-star praise.

2. "Era of the Great Seas of Navigation": After the end of the broken era, the era of the Great Seas of Navigation begins, descending on the billions of fragments of the world of the heavens, opening up territories, establishing nests, plundering resources and ancient traditions, and stepping into the sky step by step. On, recast fairyland.

Something happened temporarily in the morning, and I got home earlier than expected, and it was updated normally at 20:00. (The above text is free)

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