Nine Star Burden

Chapter 853: Hello mio

Under the night,

The trio walked in a dense forest, but stopped together.

All three have perceptual astral skills, but unfortunately, they met the star crest creatures and the human soldiers who depended on them in the bushes of Damon Province.

Therefore, everyone went around this way and did not go deep into the Dameng steppe. Otherwise, Jiang Xiao's silver-quality sensory star technique might be replaced with a high-quality sensory star technique.

After all, the ghost tiger in the different ball, how can it be platinum? Even diamonds are possible!

The diamonds are diamonds. If the star quality of the star beads is lowered by one step, how can it be platinum quality?

In the dark night, in a dense forest, a pair of weird green demon eyes exudes a faint light, looking at everyone.

No doubt, Grimace Monk!

In the earth dimension, in the Central Plains area of ​​Huaxia, there is a different dimension space on the top of the ancient tower. Among them, the ghost-faced monks are well-known, "accompanied" the growth of batches of Star Warriors, and let Huaxia There was a saying "Central Plains out of battle".

Jiang Xiao pulled out the large stone blade behind him. The blade was slightly broken and looked vulnerable, but Jiang Xiao quickly wrapped the blade with star power to protect the weapon in his hand.

This is just a conventional weapon. When the battle between life and death is real, Jiang Xiao is likely to pull out the flower blade in the star map, that is the big killer that cuts iron like mud!

The blind woman struck a white robe with fluttering clothes.

She slightly tilted her head, there were lotuses under her feet, and two black ink flowers had bloomed on the soles ...

He Yun fell behind the two, frowning and looking at the creatures opposite.

And in this dark forest, a pair of green demon pupils suddenly opened, and the strange and deterrent eyes locked on the three, a battle, ready to go.

In the quiet forest, a hoarse word came suddenly, extremely eerie: "What ... man ..."

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Even the two teammates behind him were a bit confused.

Jiang Xiao said, "Is it Huaxia Brothers? Where are you? Why am I not ..."

Jiang Xiao's voice didn't fall. On the opposite side, the hoarse voice sounded again: "Hua Xia ... brother ... not here."

Between the words, a behemoth nearly three meters tall came out slowly.

In the rear, He Yun held up a bright ball in one hand, like a night pearl, slowly drifting past.

Jiang Xiao's pupil narrowed slightly.

In sight, the huge figure that came out was wearing a robe made of blades of grass and a bucket hat on his head. The brim was pressed so low that he could not see his eyes, but the dark face and the open mouth , Has clearly demonstrated the identity of the other party!

This turned out to be a grimace monk?

At this time, he was not in a combat form, and the coat appeared to be real, not astrological, so there were no other lines and colors floating on the coat, and it was temporarily impossible to tell which kind of monk he was.

Grimace monk even spoke! ?

Jiang Xiaoqiang said in a panic-stricken mood, and said cautiously, "How can you speak Chinese? Are there Chinese people teaching you?"

"Huaxia ..." The eerie voice came out again, as if thinking about something.

Jiang Xiao hurriedly asked, "Are there any Chinese compatriots here? Can I trouble you and introduce us?"

The grimace monk stepped forward slowly, a large black hand stretched out, erected a finger with pointed nails, and raised the top of the bucket hat, exposing its huge, golden, pupilless eyes .

Golden eyes, golden couple?

So, are you the leader of this group?

Jiang Xiao thought secretly. In non-combat mode, he could not use the color lines on his jacket to determine the identity of the opponent, but the color of his eyes did expose their "breeds."

Jiang Xiao continued: "Hello, take the liberty to ask if there is any Chinese compatriot here."

Jin Lu suddenly stood on one side, stretched out her black hands backwards, and swung to the sides, saying, "Give way, welcome guests!"

For a moment, the grass couples behind them receded to the sides.

That is, at this moment, a difficult problem is before everyone.

In? Still not going?

If only Jiang Xiao himself, then he would definitely go in and die if he died, it doesn't matter.

But He Yun and the blind girl are the bodies of Zhenger Bajing, but they are gone.

These grimace monks ...

Jiang Xiao continued: "In a daring question, is the Chinese person named He Chongyang? A cute little girl with a slate necklace on her neck?"

Jin Lu fixedly looked at Jiang Xiao, and the corner of his mouth opened slowly, and the more he grinned, it even reached the root of his ear.

A thrilling, horrifying grimace appeared in front of the trio!

With that mysterious smile, with a unique mystery, his voice was hoarse: "Please!"

Jiang Xiao thought about it and said, "You two are waiting outside, I'll go by myself."

He Yun laughed suddenly, and the blind girl frowned slightly.

Hmm ... No way, Jiang Xiao is used to being a "dad".

"Oh?" Grimace Jinlu had no pupils, but only a golden eye slightly enlarged, it looked at Jiang Xiao with a smile, seeming a bit surprised.

After Jiang Xiao said this, Grimace Jinlu paid more attention to Jiang Xiao's body and saw the huge stone blade he held in his hand: "Single sword to the party! Hehe ..."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

It seems that our Chinese compatriots have taught you a lot?

Can you speak such a high-level vocabulary?

It ’s the second man to go to the meeting with one hand!

The second grandfather is holding a blue dragon moon knife in his hand, which is a long pole.

What I have in my hand is the Tulongbao knife, the one that you can send when you click, can it be the same! ?

Of course, Jiang Xiao is just secretly speaking. If the monks use these four words to describe Jiang Xiao's situation and determination, there is nothing wrong with it.

Behind her, the blind girl stepped forward and gave birth to lotus step by step. From the ground under her boots, the dark ink flowers bloomed quietly, but they were like scum flowers, which were fleeting.

The dark ink flower quickly withered, turning into a little dark oil stain, immersed in the soil.

Although she was walking forward, she turned slightly, as if looking at the old man behind her.

unknown? Danger?

Nothing can stop her.

Everyone has any purpose for any action.

He Yun also moved forward without hesitation. His purpose was simple: to cultivate Jiang Xiao.

By chance, in the upper snowy field, He Yun saw a soldier with the heart of a fist and a fist, and saw the soldier who lived up to his dual military name.

What Jiang Xiao did for Hu Wei's Cang Lan couple, children Yuanyuan, and Zhang Songfu were regarded as a transcript and a certificate of approval, which made He Yun extremely satisfied.

He Yun hopes to play some residual heat. As a guide, he can let the young soldier know how much he knows in his lifetime and learn more about everything in this strange ball.

Now, since Jiang Xiao has decided to break into this Longtan tiger cave, He Yun will certainly follow.

The grimace monk's head, the golden monk, saw the trio still moving forward, and its curved dark face, the curved curvature of the smile was even more terrifying.

This picture is extremely frightening, and timid people still don't want to look subtle. Jiang Xiao is really worried. The grimace monk smiles and smiles, and laughs his own head in two ...

No grass companion came, only the golden couple approaching the side of the three-member squad. A group of people walked in this dense forest. With the help of perceptual star-like technology, Jiang Xiao clearly felt the dangers in the dense forest. Here, fear There are hundreds of grimace monks ambushing and garrisoning.

Ten minutes later, everyone came before a magnificent city wall.

This gate is simply the gate of ancient Chinese city. Above the huge gate, there are three big characters engraved on it: the ancient tower.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiao's head was stunned ...

The name of this city is too Chinese-characteristic. I do n’t know if the word “Ancient Pagoda” comes from the Earth ’s name for “Top of the Ancient Pagoda”, or because there are ancient towers here, I wrote these two word.

But no matter what the word "guta" is, the word "邺" has made Jiang Xiao's head pop up with words like "the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties".

There are indeed humans here, and they must be Chinese!

A Chinese with a profound cultural heritage, or on the earth dimension, he was born here and grew up here. This land is his other hometown on a different planet.

"Force! Fan number! Number!" A loud voice suddenly burst from the high wall, pure Chinese, pure tone.

Just this sentence, the excitement and grandeur in that tone, let everyone fall into a golden iron horse ...

The blind girl frowned slightly and did not speak.

He Yun looked at the dark figure on the city wall and slowly said: "Open up wasteland and open sky, team number 42, soldier number 001. He Yun."

Don't use the latter two sentences, which are as small as the number 42 and the soldier number 001. Just say the two words in front of you. Are you afraid that you are already on the wall?

Open up wasteland and open up the sky!

Jiang Xiao couldn't help secretly whispering, what a special fairy number!

Kaitian ...

Every time I heard this, Jiang Xiao felt scalp.

Especially under the old voice of Senior He Yun, this name represents too many stories.

No sound came from above the wall.

Jiang Xiao's face was a little awkward. Has the brother above not heard of He Yun's senior team number?

After all, this team is the first group of people ...

Jiang Xiao turned his head to glance at the golden lover, and found that it lowered the brim, and the majestic body was wrapped in jacket, standing still, as if it were a sculpture.

Jiang Xiao frowned, and raised his head and shouted, "Brother, such pure Chinese is already a secret sign. Don't tell me that you have been hurt by your compatriots."

Above the city wall, finally came a voice: "Leave the ancient tower."

Jiang Xiao grinned and said, "It was so easy to find our compatriots. We just want to meet with you and talk about it. We are not malicious. In this different ball, the same kind is rare."

"Oh," Lou said with a disdainful laughter, "Leave here."

Jin Lu suddenly raised her head, and her voice was hoarse: "If ... they are, your companions, you can ... guard together, 邺 古塔."

Jiang Xiao froze and looked up and asked, "Friend, have you run into any trouble? Some of our strengths are okay."

"go away."

Jiang Xiao reported directly to his door: "The vigil, the light. The tail feather group, deputy head, code-named nine tail. Have you heard of Kaitian, have you heard of tail feather?

Oh, by the way, you may have been here for a long time. At that time, we also called the tail feathers. "

In a word, Jiang Xiao noticed that the blind woman beside her shivered!

Jiang Xiao :! !! !!

If Jiang Xiao didn't perceive the quasi-star technique, I'm afraid that under this dark night, she would really ignore her strangeness.

Above the city wall, a black shadow jumped down.

This unknowable thing!

"Kaitian" don't you recognize, but "tail feather"? I really don't know what to say to you.

But at this time, Jiang Xiao had no time to talk, he fixedly looked at the blind girl beside him, and said, "He Lao."

He Yun: "Huh?"

Jiang Xiao turned his head slowly, looked at He Yun, and asked, "Is this girl Yu?"

He Yun froze slightly, without speaking, his expression had explained everything.

Jiang Xiao breathed a deep sigh of relief, turned his head, and looked at the figure of the blind girl.

In the distance, the figure falling down on the city wall came back to the trio slowly.

Jiang Xiao, however, just stared at the blind girl and said, "I'm nine tails. Before me, there are four tail feathers.

The first died, the second became the commander, the third jumped into the holy market, and the fourth was expelled from the army.

Fleeing, fate, fate. "

The blind woman was silent, and stood there quietly, without any reaction.

Jiang Xiao whispered: "The first tail feather that died in the war told me that the third tail feather was not a deserter. She just understood what she wanted, and she finally got the courage to truly live. "

The blind girl finally moved, she lowered her head slowly,

In the white robe, the palm clenched into a fist.

Jiang Xiao stepped in front of the blind woman and stretched out her right hand: "Know, tail feather team Nine Tail."

The blind girl's slim hand protruded out of the white robe and gently held Jiang Xiao's palm: "Yu Qiuci."

The next moment, Jiang Xiao's body was dragged violently, and the blind girl's lips caught in Jiang Xiao's ear: "Who kills the tail."

Jiang Xiao whispered: "The man who killed him is dead. I caught the murderer and gave it to Erwei. She executed it by herself. As for the murderer's organization, eleven people are still there."

The blind girl bit her lip, and for a while, there was no sound.

Jiang Xiao was silent for a long time, and said softly, "Erwei always took me to that barbecue shop. She likes to eat grilled cod there. Uncle Yu and Aunt Yu have tough bones."

Jiang Xiao felt only that his palms were tightly held, and the bones of his hands made a crisp sound. He resisted the pain and did not make any more noise.

In front of the blind girl's blind white cloth, two lines of tears slowly flowed out,

The tears were not clear, but a pitch black, like the material of the dark ink flower, staining her white and tender face.

Jiang Xiao sighed softly: Hello, Sanwei.


Four thousand words, for monthly ticket support.

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