Nine Star Burden

Chapter 854: 邺 古塔 · 双 Ranger

"You are young." The man's powerful voice came.

Jiang Xiao turned his head slightly and saw a slightly vicissitudes of face.

The man, probably in his thirties, was wearing a bucket hat and a straw jacket, with long dark hair, draped over his shoulders, and a thin stubble on his face.

His face was slightly vicissitudes, his eyes were quite sharp, and in his hands he held a very strange weapon.

Like two wide full-moon scimitars, the arc of the blade is very large. The two handles are pieced together to form an "s" shape, which is very strange.

Jiang Xiao said, "The position and rank follow the battle. We, the vigil, are like this. Why?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiao's slightly provocative words were recognized by the other party.

I saw the man, who looked like an ancient ranger, nodded his head, his sharp eyes looked at Sanwei and He Yun.

"Team, number, number." Jiang Xiao inquired back in the same words.

The man's voice was very powerful, and he said, "The Central Night Watch Corps, the Light Regiment, and the Eagle Team. The code is Yu You, whose name is Yuchen."

Jiang Xiao looked at the vicissitudes of the assassin, nodded secretly, worthy of the title of the peregrine falcon, these eyes are very sharp.

"Go in and talk." You Xun turned and walked towards the city gate. Jiang Xiao looked at the two behind him, and stepped forward, and finally, Jin Lu still grinned, smiled strangely, and stepped forward. Come.

The heavy door slowly opened to the sides, revealing a gap, and people rushed in.

Jiang Xiao said, "When did the brothers come here? How did they come?"

You Yan tightened his broad jacket, his words were short and powerful: "In August 2014, the Central Plains Province, the northern suburbs of Yuncheng, the top of the ancient tower."

Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly. This guy stumbled into the holy market in the space of the top of the ancient tower in 2014, and has appeared in the alien ball in 19 years?

And judging by the middle-level proficiency of the grimace monk and the magnificent city walls, you may have been here for a long time.

In other words, does it take much time for Peregrine Falcon to find an exit in the upper dimension?

Jiang Xiao asked curiously: "What does the top of the ancient tower look like? Is it the same as the top of the ancient tower?"

"The top of the ancient tower in the upper dimension, the terrain is no longer restricted to the tower. When I first entered, I was in the wilderness, and in the upper dimension, there were the terrain on the Central Plains." You Xi explained, Then directly shifted the topic.

Only heard Peregrine asked, "How did you come in?"

Jiang Xiao gave He Yun a great deal of respect and took the lead in introducing: "Senior He Yun, our Northern China Land Reclamation Army, the first batch of wastelanders, has been in the upper dimension for 20 years."

Peregrine Falcon stopped, looking surprised at the old man behind him.

When He Yun reported the team's information, You You had already noticed some situations, but when Jiang Xiaoming told him plainly, You You was also a little dazed.

Is this old man a pioneering generation?

Said, Jiang Xiao pointed at the blind girl who had been silent, with two dry tears on her face, and introduced: "This, my teammate, code-named Sanwei."

Hearing that Sanwei's (blind girl) 's footsteps were slightly frozen. The young man beside him was already the deputy head of the tail feathers group, so if he said that, he still recognized her name?

"As for me," Jiang Xiao said as he followed the tour, "Beijiang Province · Jiangbin City · Jiannan Village Snowfield Dimensional Space."

While talking, Jiang Xiao curiously looked inside the city while walking on the flat loess road, but he saw huge towers lined with trees.

The city is more prosperous than expected, and "wandering" ghost-faced monks can be seen on the streets.

Compared with the lively streets of human society, the communication voices of the grimace monks are very strange. The somber and hoarse voice is not like chatting, but more like a ghost crying.

Most of the houses here are wooden, and of course there is no lack of stone. Jiang Xiao even saw an smithy, where the fire was bright and conspicuous, but the shop had no signboard.

At this moment, there was a grimace monk holding a large ring knife, and with that dark finger, he bounced the blade lightly, as if he was a buyer, and was picking a weapon.

It is particularly weird that in this city, every household does not turn on the lights.

It's just the night now, but there is no light in almost every house except the smithy.

There were no lights on the street, but they were a little bit lighted.

The little rays of light from the ghostly monks' ghostly eyes make this dark and gloomy city more like a ghost town

"It's really too old-fashioned, weird old-fashioned style." Jiang Xiao sighed in his mouth, and secretly sighed in his mouth. The grimace monks wearing pockets and cloaks were like ancient rangers, so mysterious .

Jiang Xiao's footsteps stopped for a moment, looking at the picture that hit his mind

What is experience?

What is a story?

Man's head, don't just look at the sky.

Travel thousands of miles, or read thousands of volumes.

As soon as Jiang Xiao stopped, everyone stopped. In front of him, four tall monks with large faces came over, and their steps were uniform. Obviously they were not hanging around, they were more like patrolling.

Their "uniforms" are exactly the same. They are all wearing bucket hats and wearing robes, different from the ghost-faced monks hanging out on the streets. On their straw woven robes, silver thin lines are constantly falling, from top to bottom, Beautiful.

Because the brim of their hat is pressed down, they can't distinguish the species from the color of the eyes, but judging from the thin line color on the clothes, this should be four silver couples.

"Listening to the meaning of this golden lover, do you seem to have a little trouble here?" Jiang Xiao watched the golden lover step forward to negotiate with the four silver lover, and took the opportunity to ask.

You You nodded and said, "Go and see my teammates first."

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao looked at You Ye, and said, "Is anyone else here by mistake?"

You Yan said: "There are three Huaxia troops here, one of my teammates and one of the first comers. He came earlier than the two of us. This city was built by him."

"Go." Not far away, the husky voice of Jin Lu floated over.

The crowd continued, and the grimace monks wandering the streets were also curiously watching these strange humans.

A few minutes later, the crowd had come to a tower before. There were three towers in the city, and this was one of them.

The area of ​​this high tower is enough to cover the area of ​​a small city. It is conceivable how magnificent this "Ugu tower" is.

You Yu stepped forward, and led everyone into the ancient tower maze.

In this dark and complicated maze, the peregrine falcons are like walking around their own back garden, and everyone is seeing the light under crutches!

Walking out of the maze, Jiang Xiao had to cover his eyes with one hand.

In the dim environment for a long time, let him suddenly face this dazzling light, of course, it will be very uncomfortable.

Through his fingers, Jiang Xiao saw a picture that looked familiar.

In the lower dimension, during the last World Cup preliminary round, Jiang Xiao, Hou Mingming, and Zhao Long ran into a different dimension on the top of the ancient tower for a long time.

At that time, Jiang Xiao also saw such a stone pillar inside the ancient tower.

This is a huge stone pillar with a diameter of ten meters. The whole body is shiny white. On the surface of this shiny white pillar, there are a large number of black light spots. It twists and twists upwards along a special track. Floating like a weird little black snake.

You Xi raised her hand, holding the "s" shaped machete, and pointed to the thick, shiny white stone pillar in the distance. She said, "That stone pillar is an ordinary stone pillar.

Imbued with this light, its surface is covered with a layer of bright white, including black light spots floating upwards. We don't know where it came from. You can understand that this is a gift from nature to living things. "

Said, You Yan turned to Jiang Xiao and said, "No one knows where this brilliant white energy came from. The stone pillar was built on it, and the ancient tower was built on it.

On the ground in the Central Plains, such a white-spotted black spot of energy appears occasionally, and the grimace monks will gather there to establish their own habitat, and there is also the so-called ancient tower.

How the ghost-faced monks learned to build this maze-like ancient tower, and why there is relevant knowledge in their minds, including where their powerful martial arts came from, I do n’t know, but this maze is used to defend the enemy.

Before my teammates came here in the future, there were no cities, no other buildings, only three ancient towers built on the pillars of light.

If you have already traveled to the Central Plains, you may see some beams of light just turned on, or a lonely ancient tower.

Grimace monks like this white energy. It's not seen how good it is, but they naturally like it.

Similarly, other creatures in the Central Plains also like this energy, so the ghost-faced monks chose to use the method of building a tower to enclose and hide the beam of light, and chose to use a maze to resist foreign enemies. "

Jiang Xiao nodded secretly, absorbing the relevant knowledge of these alien spheres, and asked, "Grimace monks are afraid of diamond ranks? Then, aren't they walking across the central plains? Do you want to build a tower to hide this energy column? "

Peregrine shook his head: "In the lower dimension, the gold ranks of the gold and clothing couples, and the silver ranks of the grass and silver couples.

In the upper dimension, the gold lover and the gold lover are platinum, while the grass lover and silver lover are gold.

In the different ball, all the grimace monks are in platinum. "

Jiang Xiao nodded. The so-called projections are not weakened one by one. Each heterodimensional space, because the creatures are different, the projected creatures have their own special circumstances.

Take the snowfield as an example. The lower white ghost is brass, and the upper white ghost directly hits the golden band. In the alien ball, most white ghosts are still in the golden band, but there are some platinum bands, but that is too much. Rare and extremely difficult to find.

Otherwise, at this time, Jiang Xiao's green brilliance and patience with star skills cannot be just gold.

Peregrine continued: "All creatures are eager for this energy. Grimace monks are united, intelligent, and always able to occupy their territory, but we are special here."

Jiang Xiao: "What?"

You Xi: "Without accident, our place is my hometown on the earth-Wucheng. This is located in the south of Yan Zhao and the north of Central Plains. We are almost on the border of the two provinces."

Jiang Xiao: "So?"

You You looked at Jiang Xiao solemnly, and said, "You keep asking me, what's the trouble here. In fact, the trouble here is very big. In our north, in Yanzhao Province, there are a group of dead souls."

Jiang Xiao stunned slightly: "Dead soul?"

Peregrine Falcon: "Deadline creatures."

Jiang Xiao :! !! !!

In the lower dimension, the desperate family is all in the platinum ranks. After the upper layer and the different balls, how strong they will be! ?

Peregrine Falcon: "Desperate people are diamonds. They should not have come out of Destroyer Caves. Each creature has its own characteristics and has its own range of activities.

Such characteristics will restrain them from plundering the beam of light resources in the Central Plains.

But a month ago, the ghost-faced monks in the city accidentally smashed a corner of the tower when they were competing, and they were exposed to a little light, and were seen by the desperate people on the other side of the mountain. "

At the rear, He Yun finally spoke, "Why is this crisis, why not choose to ask for help, but to drive us away?"

While speaking, He Yun turned his head to look deep into the maze, and seemed to find something.

A male voice also came from the depths of the gloomy promenade: "You are worried that you choose to help us because of our existence and because we are the Huaxia Army, and stay here."

Jiang Xiao was happy. He took two steps back, tilted his head and asked, "Why are we getting in again now?"

Deep in the promenade, accompanied by a golden couple, a mysterious man stepped forward and finally showed his figure.

The man is also a ranger outfit with a dungaree and a half-moon scimitar: "Perhaps your name is too scary. The deputy head of the light and tail feather group, he thinks you can really help.

It seems that the golden couple informed the man of all the information.

Jiang Xiao: ""

It's over, something happened.

My deputy head is the deputy head of the body. I am really awesome, but I must be here!

Let's use a classic reply that I chatted ten years ago: Not me!

Am I just a bait!

"Senior, forgive us for not knowing Taishan." The man put on his eaves hat and exposed a Chinese character face, as well as a pair of majestic Danfeng eyes.

He stretched out his right hand and said, "The Central Chinese Night Watch, the Light Regiment, and the Hawk Team. The code name is Hunting Falcon and the name is Li Haoge."

He Yun nodded slightly, stretched out the old palm, and shook hands with Li Haoge.

He Yun looked at the two "rangers" and felt a sharp breath coming from his face. He could not help nodding his head secretly, and said slowly, "The afterlife is awesome."

Jiang Xiao sighed. Since they chose to stay here and die with the grimace monks, I am afraid there are many stories in it

Continue for four thousand words, keep working hard!

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