Nine Star Burden

Chapter 856: "No"

This night, everyone lived in the courtyard of the "Sledgehammer".

The bald man didn't lie. He really hid several bottles of fine wine, but Jiang Xiao always felt weird when he drank it. It is said that this is a kind of food called Caoguo, which is sweet and bitter.

Jiang Xiao really hasn't drank this kind of "sweet and bitter" wine. He drank it into his mouth at first, with a slight sweet taste, which made people fragrant. After tasting the taste, the wine in his mouth became a little bit Bitter, it is really hard to describe what it feels like.

Perhaps this is the taste of love.

The brothers Yingying respected the bald-headed man as "the forerunner", but the bald-headed man called himself "the sledgehammer", and everyone called him that.

The sledgehammer has more than forty years this year. The authentic Central Plains people were unexpected, and the sledgehammer turned out to be a member of the Broken Mountain Army, but when asked his name, the sledgehammer did not disclose it, including How did he get into the different ball? The sledgehammer just drank and didn't want to lift it.

The crowd did not ask much. During the process of drinking and chatting, under the repeated requests of the golden couple, the sledgehammer took over the broken stone blade that Jiang Xiao was carrying behind, looked around, and patted his chest to indicate that he would He made a huge blade for Jiang Xiao overnight.

And Jiang Xiao was also polite, saying "I am a double-knife genre", but letting the sledgehammer slightly stunned, and then he laughed heartily, indicating that there was no problem, even after drinking, Jiang Xiao was invited to visit his forging skills.

Jiang Xiao also really opened his eyes. The sledge hammer's fire system, water system, and wind system star technology are seamlessly connected, holding the hammer in one hand, banging and dangling, watching Jiang Xiao's eyes startled.

Really everyone.

This guy is also "exporting chapters". Jiang Xiao not only took a ironing class, but also made up his own language.

The forging technique of the sledgehammer is far more sophisticated than Jiang Xiao imagined, and it can be called pure fire.

In the early hours of the morning, Jiang Xiao took two giant blades and walked back to his room happily. Without the support of astrology, these two knives do not know when they will be completed.

The Jiang Xiao trio was arranged in the east side house. The left and right two were bedrooms. The front hall was a small hall. Jiang Xiao and He Yun lived in the left bedroom, and the blind woman lived in the right bedroom.

When Jiang Xiao returned to his room, He Yun had fallen asleep. He carefully placed the giant blade on his bed, and stroked the blade with his fingers, secretly sighing in his heart.

It looks sharp! When I cut the iron just now, it was called a crisp and clear!

Unfortunately, Jiang Xiao has no long hair, and the sledgehammer is a bald head. Otherwise, you should really blow your hair and try this giant blade.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao was looking at his new equipment in the house. Under the sense of star skills, he felt a person standing at the door.

Jiang Xiao put down his blade, walked forward, and pushed open the door, but he saw the blind woman standing silently at the door, and said nothing.

This night, you hit white robes and fluttered long hair, scaring people here.

The blind woman turned slowly, walked through the small hall, and walked towards the courtyard.

Jiang Xiao scratched his head, hesitated for a moment, or followed.

The blind girl stood in the middle of the courtyard and looked up at the bright and bright moon in the sky. She looked like an independent and immortal immortal.

"Well," Jiang Xiao groaned a bit. Today when he came to this ancient tower city, many people saw and heard a lot of news. Since the conversation between the two people was interrupted at the city wall, they have not spoken.

"How did he die." Her voice was very soft and light.

Although her tone is still very plain, her behavior has expressed her heart.

It can be seen that she does not care nothing, and is not a transcendent blind and deaf person.

Jiang Xiao was silent on this issue.

He wasn't sure if he would tell her how she died, it would hit her more deeply.

Jiang Xiao thought and thought, and chose to answer this question in another way, and he said, "There is an organization on the earth called the Star, and there is a person who is trying to join the Star, and treats it as a vote. Name, assassination. "

The blind woman's mouth chewed the word lightly: "Huaxing."

Jiang Xiao nodded: "Well, Huaxing."

Immediately, Jiang Xiao began to comfort him: "If you can make you feel better, I want to tell you that Sofik is dead. And he died very miserably. The method of killing Sofik in the end is cruel."

The blind woman said lightly, "Like her style."

Jiang Xiaodao: "Official members of the Star Organization who gave Sofik an assessment mission were killed by me. If I can bring you some comfort, I want to say that my method is more cruel than Erwei."

Hearing that the head of the blind girl who looked up at the sky dropped slowly and turned to "look" towards Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao grinned, and the smile turned out to be a bit chic: "I don't lie."

The blind girl silently "looked" at Jiang Xiao. After ten seconds, she nodded gently: "Xu Li is my superior and my comrade in arms. To me, he is more like a brother. Jiang Xiao, I owe you once. "

"You are really a team." Jiang Xiao shook his head with a smile and said, "Once, Erwei always said this to me. But there is nothing to owe, I am also a member of the tail feathers team. . "

The blind girl was silent for a long time, and said, "You said, Erwei always takes you to that barbecue shop."

Jiang Xiao: "Yes."

Blind Girl: "It doesn't look like her style."

Jiang Xiao: ""

Blind girl: "She's not the kind who understands me."

Jiang Xiaoding looked at the blind girl and said, "The truth is here, some people are just cold, smelly and **** the surface, maybe her heart is soft."

On hearing that, the blind woman was silent.

The two stood quietly in the courtyard, time passed by minute by minute.

Jiang Xiao looked up and looked at the bright moon in the night sky. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

The faint voice of the blind girl came again: "four tails"

"Oh." Jiang Xiao rubbed his small round inch, and said, "He has been expelled from the military. For so many years, he has come out, and has his own family and life. Let's turn it, Sanwei.

The blind girl pursed her lips and lowered her head.

The former Tail Feather team really flees and flees.

Four people have actually gone out of four paths, and each person's destiny is so different.

"You said, you are a bait, your body is on the earth, right?" The blind girl lowered her head and whispered softly.

Jiang Xiao: "Yes."

Blind girl: "Don't mention me to him."

Jiang Xiao: "Relax, Sanwei, I won't."

Blind Girl: "Why still recognize my code name, I have failed everyone."

Jiang Xiao pursed his lips and slowly said, "There are many products under pressure. Some people accept it, and some people will be good-looking children of their lives. They live under the eyes of others who examine and demand.

There are always some people who cannot be suppressed, and one day they will be loyal to themselves. "

In the white robe, the blind girl's delicate hands clenched into fists, her voice trembling: "I violated the discipline and left the team without permission."

Jiang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's not what he said at the end. He said that he didn't understand your inner dynamics better. He said that you have finally pursued your own life."

The blind woman covered her eyes with one hand, and also covered the long-stained cloth strip.

Jiang Xiaodao: "When I first saw you, I found that you are very similar to a girl. Later, I learned that you are not really indifferent, you just closed yourself up.

Think about it, if you really don't care about others, how can you come out of such a path from small to large.

Xu Li said that you shouldn't have been admitted to the military academy, but the college entrance examination has been altered without permission.

He said, you should n’t have joined the Night Watch in your freshman year, you should n’t have joined the Light Regiment, and you should n’t have joined the Tail Feathers team, but after repeated requests from your parents, you agreed to the army ’s call, joined the army, accepted Everything is arranged.

He said, you are a very thoughtful person, but in the first half of your life, you have lived in conflict.

He also said that you are a soldier who is qualified to the extreme, silent and forbidden, but this good girl, one day at the age of 24, the mood finally collapsed.

He said, you are going to see the mountain you have never seen before, and cross the sea you have never seen. "

This time, the dark tears didn't stay along the cloth strips, but overflowed from the palms covering her eyes tightly. She squatted down and was crying.

"He always said that, now it's your turn." Jiang Xiao leaned slightly, pressing her hand on her shoulder, and asked softly, "Do these mountains, these seas look good?"

The blind woman crouched on the ground, covering her eyes with one hand, and the dark black tears flowed from her fingers, and she nodded continuously.

"Enough. Enough." Jiang Xiao patted the blind girl's shoulder gently. "That's enough."

About Xiaowei, Jiang Xiao heard two versions, one from Yiwei and one from Erwei.

Obviously, Jiang Xiao hopes to be the first version.

At the same time, in Beijiang · Fencheng · military base, inside the ruins of the evil shadow in Erwei.

Jiang Xiao slowly got up from the ground and looked at the two tails who were sweating on the treadmill not far away.

Jiang Xiao stepped over, came to the treadmill, picked up a bottle of mineral water on the ground, and handed it up.

Erwei took the mineral water and said, "Why don't you sleep? Do you have to practice?"

Jiang Xiao held the support frame in front of the treadmill with one hand and said, "I found a person in the different ball."

"Um." Erwei did not drink water, but unscrewed the bottle cap and poured water on her head. Her pace gradually slowed down. "Ask him for his identity information. What is his wish? What can we do for him. "

For this, Erwei is very assured of Jiang Xiao, he has done better than her, and has been insisting.

Jiang Xiaodao: "I always thought she was an indifferent girl, and now I know that she just closed herself. It turns out that her emotions are rich and her heart is soft and terrible."

The two tails frowned slightly, looking down at Jiang Xiao.

It can be seen that his mood is not very good, the footsteps of Erwei stopped slowly, stepped off the treadmill, and temporarily stopped training.

She bent over and picked up a bottle of mineral water, drank a few mouthfuls, wiped her mouth, and looked down at Jiang Xiao, signalling that she was listening carefully.

Jiang Xiaodao: "I found the three tails."

Erwei's expression was startled, and he looked at Jiang Xiao for a while, but for a time, he was unable to speak.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Yu Qiuci."

"She, she's okay with her," Erwei said intermittently. In the end, she didn't say a complete sentence, and the look of astonishment had returned to normal.

She recovered her expressionless face, threw away the mineral water, and stepped on the treadmill again.

Jiang Xiao looked at the soldier with abnormal emotions in front of him. For a time, he couldn't judge what kind of ups and downs she had experienced in these short ten seconds.

Jiang Xiao asked tentatively, "Is there anything you want to ask, or is it something you want to say to her?"

Erwei's voice was low, hoarse, and extremely short: "No."

Beside the treadmill in Woying Space, Jiang Xiao looked up and looked at Erwei silently;

In front of the courtyard of the ancient tower city, Jiang Xiao pressed one hand on the shoulder of the blind girl and gently held it;

In the tree shrub jungle of WoWing World, on top of the giant tree, Jiang Xiao was holding a sea soul lamp. The delicate tree house in front of him had already been pieced together, but the tangled branches were slowly stopping;

In the room of the Royal Hotel, Jiang Xiao was lying on the bed, listening to Gu Shi'an's snoring, he turned over and looked at the white wall.

The four Jiang Xiaos, at the same time, sighed deeply.

You obviously want to ask "Is she OK?" Why did it end up with the word "No"

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